• Published 1st Nov 2012
  • 34,002 Views, 988 Comments

Dear...Princess Celestia? - Distorted Flare

Thrust into a universe that is not his own Dusk Shine will find that being stuck in a diffrent world is the least of his problems as he clashes with previously banished Queen Chrysalis princess Luna growing attraction and his angry female counterpart

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Is this just fantasy?

There are very few instances in my life where I have been shocked into complete silence, but yet here I am staring speechless at a perfect representation of Solaris as a mare. Her coat was very similar to his, albeit the lack of the faint red tint. Her mane waved in the same ethereal wind, but the colors were far brighter and were composed of lighter hues. The cutie mark though...was exactly the same. A simple, regal sun adorned her flank. My mind nearly exploded as I attempted to comprehend what was going on. Maybe I am still dreaming.


Nope. I’m very much awake now. She is staring at me like I have three heads. Well, I did just slap myself.

Okay Dusk, time to push out mass panic as an option and put the thinking cap on. Why is Solaris a mare? Was he transformed? Is it a joke? Alternate universe? Sexual confusion? Maybe he just wants to be a girl for a day. I’m cool with that. Every stallion has thought about it. Yeah...that’s it. I should give him privacy.

“Hey umm...sorry, but I don’t really want any part of this. So...” I started to slowly back out of the room as he (she?) watched me intently, “...I’ll be back, you know, when you aren’t a mare anymore.” Almost there, just a little further...“Umm...see you later, BYE!” Once I was in the doorway, I tried to bolt for anywhere that isn't here.

I was almost free of the awkward situation before I was stopped by my tail. I kept trying to move forward, my hooves sliding uselessly across the smooth tiled floor. After a few moments I stopped, realizing how pointless my attempt was. My tail was encased in an aura of light yellow magic that was keeping me from my salvation. The aura began to envelop my whole body before picking me up and floating me over to it’s source. I was brought eye to eye with the female Solaris as she studied me.

“Hey, I would love to join you in um... whatever it is you’re doing, but I think I really should go and take care of... Spines! Yes, I need to take care of Spines. So if you could let me go, that would be great” I gave the biggest grin I could possibly give, trying to wiggle my way out of her magical grip. Her words came as a surprise to me, as she has been quiet since I walked in.

“What is your name?”

“Please Solaris, I don’t want to roleplay, just let me go.” I tried flailing my legs again, which only served to tire myself out.

“What is your name?” The force behind her tone was enough to stop a train dead in its tracks. I looked into her eyes only to look away in fear. They were orbs of fire and they were pointed at me. Deciding to not anger her any further, I complied.

“Dusk Shine.”

“Okay Dusk Shine, what are you doing here?”

“Ummm...can you put me down?” I didn’t enjoy being levitated, it wasn’t too dissimilar to being mare-handled, and in this case, wasn’t too far off.

“Oh, sorry my little pony.” She slowly lowered me down to floor, putting me back on my own hooves before releasing her magic, her stance never changing. “But you must talk to me or I will hold you up in the air until you answer my questions anyways. How did you get in here? Are you lost? And why did you call me ‘Solaris’? What are you talking about?”

Ok. This takes joking and sexual confusion out of the equation. Solaris would not take a joke this far. Especially after yesterday. That left the possibility of alternative universes. But why and how was I here? I’m going to have to cooperate until I can figure that out. First I need to know for sure if is indeed the mare equivalent of Solaris. So I needed to do a little investigative questioning.

“Your cutie mark, what does it mean?” Her face contorted into confusion at my question. I knew that she might get mad at my circumventing her own question, but I needed to figure this out. She looked at me like I had just asked her what the big glowing ball in the sky was. If she was a female Prince Solaris then it would be odd for a pony to not know who she was, so this was expected. So far the theory of another universe is seeming to prove itself. She took a moment before speaking.

“It represents my special talent of raising and lowering the sun each and every day, as well as watching over the land as its co-ruler.” She seemed to only answer out of her own curiosity.

Okay. So this proves that this is indeed Prince Solaris’ counterpart. Maybe she will recognize me, but what traits does this universe hold? Do I even exist in it? Doesn’t seem like it. She doesn’t seem to know me. Am I even in the same time period? Perhaps it’s a universe full of alicorns. No, I would need further observation before I could come to any conclusions. Lost in my own thoughts, I failed to notice that she was talking to me.

“Oh I’m sorry what was that?” I asked, only catching glimpses of what she was saying. She gave an annoyed snort before repeating herself.

“Please answer my earlier questions, Dusk Shine. I would not like to bring the guards into this.”

“Ummm...” Do I tell the truth? Maybe if I pretend I am confused castle servant, then I could get out of this mess. I could go back to sleep and then wake up and everything would be back to normal. No that wouldn’t work. Pony feathers, I’m just going to go for broke. So what if I might end up in a dungeonforeverandneverseemyfriendsagain. That won’t happen. Calm. Don’t lie Dusk, it will only make things worse.

I gave a loud sigh as I prepared for the awkward situation I was about to create. My stomach was feeling heavy and I was starting to sweat. The full weight of the situation starting to press on me. I could start to feel my collective calm start to slip.

“I...I don’t know,” I let it out with one quick breath. I sat down on my haunches to collect myself before continuing. “I just don’t know what is going on. I woke up this morning and I came to talk to my mentor and instead I get you. You are my mentor, but as a mare. I don’t know why you are a mare, I don’t know how, and I don’t know what to do! Are my friends all mares too!? Are there two of me?! Oh no...is there another Bubble Berry!?!?”

My mind did a backflip trying to comprehend this thought. I could feel the synapses in my brain struggle for coherent thought. The possibility of more than one Bubble Berry... It-it shouldn’t even exist. If it’s true then...how is the universe even still intact? That must prove that it isn’t true.


I jumped when a gilded hoof touched my shoulder. Looking at the hooves owner did little to actually calm me down. She might be compassionate and trying to help, but this was still all wrong! It wasn’t until she spoke, that I was able to calm down.

“Tell me Dusk Shine, what does your cutie mark represent?”

Why is she curious about my cutie mark? Does this mean that maybe she recognizes me? Was the other me a pegasus? An earth pony? Prince? Wait...if there is another me... Don’t want to think about it. Nope. Let’s just go with the flow, play it by ear.

“Uhhh, sure...” I made the motion with my hoof showing that I didn’t quite know her name.

“Princess Celestia, but for now, just call me Celestia.”

“Alright, Pri - err - Celestia.”

I told her the story of how I got my cutie mark. If there is indeed another me, then this should help give me some answers. Instinctively reenacting what happened as I went along. I could see the intense thought in her eyes. Those violet eyes, intent on watching me as I continued my story. Nearing the end of the story, I started to get an old, warm and fuzzy feeling inside. I always loved recounting this story. I just seem to get lost in it...

“Yes, yes, yes, yes ,yes, yes-”


“-yes, yes yes-”


“-yes, yes-”

“Dusk Shine!”

I stopped in mid-air before landing on my hooves. I chuckled nervously and blushed.


“Please follow me. There is much we have to discuss.”

Celestia began to walk out of her chambers and I followed. I have to remember that since this is essentially Solaris, she will most likely be just as wise. I would not be surprised to find that she has already deduced that something was wrong, and that I was the reason behind it. I followed her out of the room and into the hall leading to the main corridor. We walked in silence, giving me time to study everything I saw.

The first thing I noticed was that all of the guards we passed were stallions. This was very unusual. Most of them were still pegasi and unicorns, and their coats either a dark grey or dull white, but they were much larger than the female guards I was used to seeing in the castle. The castle itself wasn’t drastically different. The main difference being the colors of the banners were more representative to the mare in front of me, rather than the mix of reds that I would normally see.

We entered the main hall where most nobles and castle staff passed through. Everypony that saw us bowed down and gave their regards. It was so odd seeing so many mares in one place. In the equestria I know, the stallion to mare ratio was about 4:1. From my observations, it seemed that this Equestria was the exact opposite of mine. On a few occasions, I spotted familiar faces that I recognized from my time studying here. But when they should have been stallions, they were mares and vice versa. I was fairly certain that I was now in a completely different world, and I was coming to find one simple pattern emerge. Anypony that is male in my world, is female in this one.

Since the castle’s layout was similar to what I was used to. I was able to discern that we were heading for the private dinning hall as we passed the royal kitchen. It was always like Solaris to talk over food, so I guess Celestia wouldn’t be much different. The smell of food made it’s way into my nostrils and my stomach once again reminded me that I still haven’t eaten breakfast. I was glad Celestia had decided it was time to eat, because I was famished.

As we made our way towards the massive oak doors to the dining hall, the guards blocking the way bowed and moved aside, never losing their stoic figure. Walking in, I was greeted to a familiar sight. The private dining hall was much smaller than the main one. It had only enough room for the Princes and a couple other guests of honor. The walls were draped with elegant banners displaying the shared symbols of Prince Artemis and Prince Solaris. Different in this case, but they meant the same. Princess Celestia took a seat at the head of the table and pointed a hoof to the one across from her.

“Please, Dusk Shine, take a seat so we may talk.”

I found my way to the cushion she was pointing to and sat down. Without hesitation, Celestia began her questioning. She didn’t even get a word out...

“WHAT ART THOU DOING?!” It was so loud that I couldn’t help but jump. The sound of breaking plates could be heard through the wall. Celestia already had a hoof smacked against her face in embarrassment.

“WE REFUSE.” I could almost feel the ponies on the other side of the wall cowering in fear. “THOU SHALT MAKE IT AGAIN!” For a moment, I thought the barrage of words would continue. With the renewed silence came the ability to think again.

The only other pony that knows the royal canterlot voice has to be...

My chance to think did not last long as a fairly angry alicorn bursted in through the door. The similarities were shocking. I could barely let a whisper out.



“Luna, your voice.” Celestia grumbled into her hoof that was still on her face, trying to hide her embarrassment. Art---Luna...cleared her throat and continued in a much quieter tone.

“We thought that thou talked to the kitchen staff about not using those dreaded hot peppers anymore dear sister. We still have a burning mouth from the last time.”

So this must be Prince Artemis as a mare. She looked like him, seemed to have the same personality, and the same sibling. I could feel my head start to get light. For a moment, I had to grab my head and stop the spinning. This was too weird. I don’t think I could ever get used to this. Seeing a friend, but as the different gender...it’s hard to explain. But...she was kinda cute.

Woah, woah, woah, woah. Hang on, what did I just think?! This is my friend. Sorta kinda. I can’t be thinking of hi-her like that.

“Luna please calm down. I had forgot that there would be any in today’s meal. I do not like you scaring my cooks half to death because of a slight oversight.” The look on Celestia’s face told me she was clearly agitated with her sister’s way of fixing things. Her glare made the dark blue princess blush in her own embarrassment.

“Hehe, we guess it was a little over the top.” She put her hoof up to her mouth giggling. I can feel my own cheeks burn and wasn’t sure why. Celestia just rolled her eyes and brought them back to me.

“Dear sister, I would like you to meet our new guest Dusk Shine. Dusk Shine, this is my sister Princess Luna.”

I got up and bowed, putting my elegance training to use. “It is an honor to meet you, your highness.”

“Likewise.” Bringing myself back up, I could see the look of bewilderment in her face. I couldn’t help but cough and rub the back of my neck under her gaze. My cheeks were getting warm again. Why do I keep doing this?

“I trust that you notice something odd about Dusk Shine, Luna. I wish to hear what you think it is.” It was weird to hear her talk to me as if I wasn’t in the room with them, but after my earlier episode, I could not blame her for being so upfront. I could feel Luna’s eyes burning through me as she calculated her response.

“He has an incredible likeness to your student, Twilight Sparkle.” So there was another me. And her name was Twilight Sparkle? odd. She looked to Celestia for a response, only receiving a nod in agreement. She directed her next question at me. “Art thou a relative?”

Sighing loudly, I looked to Celestia for what I should do. She caught on and gave me a nod of her head to tell the truth. Well here it goes...

“No, I am not a relative, though I may be closer to her than you think.” I stopped for a moment to shudder at the thought that there IS another me out there and was most likely a mare. I did not like awkward situations, despite the fact that I am usually the one to cause them. I do not even know if I want to see the other me. Would it cause a rift in time and space? That was something I was going to have to research. Shaking my head, I cleared my thoughts and continued, “I am, from what I could deduce, of another universe. I woke up here this morning not too long ago-” I continued to tell the story of this morning and the related theories that I have come up with. I made sure to describe the one that I believe is true, that this universe swaps the genders of those I know in my universe. She nodded as I went along, never interrupting me. It almost felt as if weight was lifted off of me as I said all the things that plagued my mind since this all started. When I finished, Princess Luna was the first to speak.

“Tell me sister, Dost thou believe this?” Her question sent a cold shiver down my spine. It would be bad if they thought I was an impostor or spy. Last place I wanted to end up was the dungeons...or the moon. To my relief, Celestia nodded.

“I do not believe Dusk Shine is lying to us. I would have seen past any illusion spells and resisted any kind of mind altering magic.” She looked at me and gave a small smile. “And he acts too much like my student to be faking it.”

Giving a sigh of relief, I let myself calm down. Current crisis averted.

“But dost thou think this a good idea to have him here? This may be a very bad idea.” Celestia only smiled.

Why was she so worried about me being here?

As if the world was answering my question, the door behind me opened as the royal guards declared the new guest.

“Introducing, Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

Oh no....