• Member Since 25th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago



Octavia was invited to the annual Music Festival held in Marelantis, the capital city of the Sea Ponies. However, an accident happened causing her to gain some additional limbs...

How will Marelantis accommodate this special guest?

Many thanks to a friend who helped out in proof-reading it.

Picture from Slugbox on Deviantart.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 39 )

I...I...I don't

Just.. WHAT?!

Yea, Tracking


Let me be the first to point out how Octaviapus makes so much sense when she's in Marelantis. I'm not blind, I can see that's a pun about Atlantis. A clever one too. I expected something like Applantis.


A large number of tense errors has made me rate this lower than it probably deserves.
The idea behind this story makes up for that.

are sea-pony's more hippocampus or sea-horse, I think I've seen the art that inspiered this fic, but I'd like confermation.

ether way, I'm more intrested in Octavia's tranfermation, I like storys about personel adaptations to uneek changes

@Lars: If its Applantis, won't Applejack be there as well? :applejackunsure:

@tony1685: Fixed the tenses as much I can find. Thanks!


They are actually sea-horses.

If I want to include hippocampus, they would be alicorns transformed.

I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going...


There won't be any hentai or sexual stuff for this story. If you want those, please look for them under the 'mature' section. Thank you. :trollestia:

Wanderer D

:pinkiecrazy::pinkiehappy: well, the intro looks promising... so, I'll be waiting for more! :twilightsmile:

Hey, she'd be perfect aboard the Flying Dutchmare, now! Maybe she can replace Pony Jones, what with the tentacles and all? :pinkiecrazy:

Wanderer D

Tenses... it happens a lot on this chapter, I would go back and edit...

“Glad that it help.” Octavia chuckled as she finished her breakfast, “I suggest you should get something to eat Bon,” She pointed a hoof to the untouched lavender sandwich in front of Bon Bon, “Sea sickness usually happened when you are hungry, or you are too full from a meal.”

Fixed the tenses. Thanks for the heads up.

Nice update time, this chapter had more in it then the last but it still left me wainting the next chapter

I just happened to have an innovative streak and got the new chapter typed out. The third one will take a while since I need to read up on octopus anatomy. :applecry:

Let me be the first to mention this, since you mentioned octopus anatomy:
Octavia is a pony-sized octopus. That puts her very close to the largest species of octopus.* Octopus' tentacles are extremely strong, and being that size only makes them more so, since the tentacle is almost entirely made of muscle. Octavia could very well rip a pony's legs off, especially considering the only way an octopus' sucker is going to come off is if the octopus wants to let go. You can't pry it off without it taking your skin with it, and they don't slide around either.

*Do not confuse the largest octopus, which is roughly the size of a pony/human, with the largest squid, which is the size of your average whale. Octopi and squid are completely different.


I had been comparing sizes as well. Yes for Octavia, she still retains her pony size, and sea-ponies are practically half of her's.

Also, thanks for the extra materials. I'll work with what I had gathered and probably get the new chapter done by the weekend... I hope... :twilightsmile:

Alright, now, I absolutely must help you find info relating to octopi - I've dug up some stuff that relates to the fanfic a bit more than just, say, copying the entire page, would. Forgive me if you didn't want this much help, I have no idea what you already know about octopi (I refuse to call them octopuses. OCTOPI!)
WARNING: Copypaste below. Wall of text below. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!
All my comments are in bold.
Octopuses have three hearts. Two branchial hearts pump blood through each of the two gills, while the third pumps blood through the body. Octopus blood contains the copper-rich protein hemocyanin for transporting oxygen. Although less efficient under normal conditions than the iron-rich hemoglobin of vertebrates, in cold conditions with low oxygen pressure, hemocyanin oxygen transportation is more efficient than hemoglobin oxygen transportation. The hemocyanin is dissolved in the plasma instead of being carried within red blood cells and gives the blood a bluish color.
Basically, this means...
1. Octavia has three hearts - or she would. However, pony hearts are more than powerful enough to handle the body and lungs/gills perfectly fine without needing more than one.
2. Before I continue, Octavia doesn't have nor need a mantle - she doesn't have a giant, fleshy blob which holds her organs and hangs behind her head! She's perfectly fine with the parts of her that are still pony in the picture for this fanfic - that even lets her keep her lungs (an octopus' gills work more like lungs than a fish or shark's gills anyways).
3. Basically, this section here used a LOT of words to say a very simple thing. Octopi have blue blood, and their blue blood works better in cold places that don't have a lot of oxygen - like the top of a mountain, or the bottom of the ocean.. Ponies have red blood, which works better in warmer places with lots of oxygen - in other words, anywhere EXCEPT the top of a mountain or on the bottom of the ocean.
The Giant Pacific Octopus, Enteroctopus dofleini, is often cited as the largest octopus species. Adults usually weigh around 15 kg (33 lb), with an arm span of up to 4.3 m (14 ft). The largest specimen of this species to be scientifically documented was an animal with a live mass of 71 kg (156.5 lb).
Octavis would most certainly weigh at least 100 pounds - she still has her pony half - but the arms are a bit trickier. I'd say roughly a 24 foot arm span should be right, so one tentacle would be a little less than half that, at, for the sake of having a nice number, 11 foot long tentacles. PLEASE remember that a tentacle is almost never at its full, stretched-out length. Octavia would be straining herself to reach that far. Also, "arm span" refers to the distance between the tips of opposite tentacles, if they are fully stretched.
Octopuses are also quite strong for their size. Octopuses kept as pets have been known to open the covers of their aquariums and survive for a time in the air in order to get to a nearby feeder tank and gorge themselves on the fish there. Large octopuses have also been known to catch and kill some species of sharks.
I already said that octopi are strong, but a large octopus - like Octavia - catching and killing a shark.. that really drives home the point. Something I suppose you could work into the plot is Octavia being distrusted in Marelantis because of this, especially since, as you said, Octavia is more or less twice the size of the seaponies.
Right, I'm done now. Enjoy! (Or not, if you didn't need my help and/or already had this info.)


That''s quite abit of info from you. Thanks!

Regardless whether I had the info or not, its also good to see some helpful tips right here so I don't have to keep switching windows for info.

SEA-MUFFINZ! and now back to our featured presentation.

new chapter, whoo- who :heart:
I found a few bits confusing, you lost me a little between Octavia waking-up and lerning how to walk/swim. But I'm am no whare nearly as confused as Octavia must be.

I can't wait to see the reactions she get's in town(thou, I could probaly wait a chapter or two for her to get into town if there intresting anaf):twilightsmile:. Pony's tend to be panicy in unuseral events, and a unexpeted apperenc of the first ever Octo-pony is bound to make a stir.

P.S. good resertch, I din't know octopuss tasted stuff with there tentculs.


Well, Octavia was not aware she was literally in the water, thus I wrote it that way.

Its to give the sense of confusion. :pinkiehappy:

Huzzah, after five days, an update!
*clap* ....... *clap* ........ *clap*
Also short chapter is short, but it's also hilarious. :pinkiecrazy: Rebounding Octaviapus for the win!

Its gonna be tougher for me to update now as I got military obligations to attend to... :pinkiesick:


Now to read it. (And track it so I don't have problems again.

3...2....1...Bon Bon's gonna be shocked to hear that.
I predicted this for a while - Lyra was orignally a seapony, wasn't she? I CALLED IT!

Nice to see ya updated at long last. And yes, I still have this tracked. XD

Cool! I like the idea of semi-automatic limbs, doing the will of their owner but not necessarily with the specific limb in mind. Muscle memory at its finest.

bah i bet lyra is twins with sea mint and decided to go land bourne since she saw bon bon by the water one day.

kinda like a pony version of my little mermaid lol.

keep writing.

Finally finished!

Posting this up early for my followers to read. I will still need to fix the grammars and stuff. So expect some changes.

I noticed the random % that replaced a few E's, but beyond that, there aren't that many errors (at least none that are bad enough for me to notice them).

I see this update, and I'm in a good mood for the rest of the day.
That's how awesome and original your idea is. I LOVE IT.

...I'm suddenly a bit suspicious about Sea Mint there. Twilight, is that you?


Nah, she's just an OC I created for that part of the story.

Anyways, it was Octavia who was voicing out the checklist jokingly without an actual list. :twilightsmile:

And for the % that replaced the Es, I believe its the conversion error of the site itself. I'll go fix it up.

Ok! I cleaned up the chapter.

Unfortunately, my proof-reader was busy in his exams, thus leading me to do my own clean ups... :fluttercry:

833325 Nope, no H stuff here. Never judge the story just by its picture. Thanks.

:moustache: Hey Twilight, Pinkie wants me to help at sugarcubecorner
:twilightblush: I need you to send a letter to Celestia
:moustache: C'mon Twilight........


You mean her ending up with her tentacles in a knot? Already happened.


ponystorylyh ... I will be blunt. Your grammer is deserving of time in prison for the magnitude of its heresy. Seriously. Get. An. Editor.

Biggest issue aside, the main idea behind the story is awesome, and the side story is just full of fun. Its more or less obvious, (to me at least), just who Lyra's father is. Though what would be really fun to see is if Vinyl found her way down there. Oh ho ho ho, (damnit mind get your uncultured ass back here!).

More. MORE. MOAR!!!

843186 I'll try to get one... apologies since English is not my main language. :applecry:


Ah, that would explain it then.

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