• Published 20th Nov 2012
  • 18,745 Views, 1,132 Comments

Her Own Pony - Jorofrarie

All of Pinkie's clones are gone. All but one.

  • ...

Day One: Sounds

Hello again. Sorry for the long update time. If you haven't checked my blog yet, it has the... details...
Anyway, here we are. Keep in mind that this HASN'T BEEN EDITED YET! So it still might change.
Also, I bet you guys thought that I was going to do a New Year's/Christmas themed chapter. Well nope.avi. Mebeh later.

The glittering gems on the chandelier were giving her a headache.

Not to say that that was strange. For all she knew the chandelier was designed to give ponies headaches. She didn’t quite see the point, sure, but it could happen. Regardless, she had a headache. And for some reason it was being caused by the light fixture, which was a bit unusual.

The chandelier itself was a marvelous piece of engineering, but it still couldn’t compare to the room that it was situated in. A large room at that, the main dining hall of Fancy’s mansion - one of a few - that was littered with paintings and glass displays. She drew her eyes away from the chandelier and focused instead on the food in front of her. Her headache got worse.

Maybe it was the number of spoons she could see, and cutlery in general. With that in mind she looked away from that and drew her gaze to the gentlecolt at the far end if the marathon-length table. He was sitting right at the end, and apparently wasn’t getting a headache from the spoons. How he managed to tell each one apart she would never know, but the key thing here was that he could. Breakfast wasn’t meant to be that complicated, not that she would know anyway.

She was bored. She needed something to do. One thing in particular that he had been gnawing on her mind, that he had said a few minutes before as they sat down.

“Three days?” she called out to the stallion.

“Mmmhmm.” he said, without taking his eyes away from the food in front of him.

“No way to get in earlier?”

Fancy Pants sighed and looked up at her. “Pinkie Pie my dear, I don’t think that you understand just how difficult it can be to get an audience with the Princess, and she is actually very busy at the moment, fixing finances for repairs in a rural town...” He trailed off and eyed her momentarily, gauging her reaction. “Say, you wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?”

She shook her head rapidly, eyes darting, hair darting, bits of cereal in her mouth darting. “Nhhmmhm, dhhnnn nhhh ahhhnnghhhthnnng.”


She hastily swallowed. “Wouldn’t know anything. Nope.”

Fancy eyed her for a moment before shaking his head. “Well,” he said, “I won’t pry, it is not the sort of thing that a gentleman does, under any circumstance, and a lady always deserves her privacy.” He struck a pose in his chair, dramatically stamping a hoof on the gleaming table in between them, bowls clattering noisily. Polished Mantle sent a sharp glance his way and Fancy Pants wilted slightly. He took a moment to gather himself before continuing. “Now Pinkie,” he paused for thought, “you mustn't get down about these things. I’m sure that these three days will pass in absolutely no time at all, and you’ll actually be wanting them back. I’ve heard that the personal audiences can be quite... intimidating for someone who isn’t familiar with them.” He chuckled quietly.

“But what am I going to do?” she said. “Three days could be too long!”

Fancy Pants took off his monocle and cleaned it, the piece of eyewear enveloped in a soft golden glow. “Errmmm, too long for what? Am I missing something important here that I should know?”

She hastily backtracked. “No, nothing. I just... really want to see her soon. Guess I’m just that impatient, hehe...” She knew that it was a flimsy excuse, it was only going to be a matter of time before Fancy found out. He would quickly grab her and take her away to them, and then she’d disa-

“Quite alright my friend, these things happen. Maybe you should practice this patience that you apparently lack, hmmm?”

Fancy Pants gently pushed his chair back from the table and stood up, the chair making a loud screeching noise. She winced. Fancy didn’t even seem to realise. “Now, finish up quickly. You asked me what there is to do in Canterlot...” His right hoof shot into the air. “And I’ve suddenly had a brilliant idea!”

She could faintly hear Polished behind her grumbling, “oh dear, here we go again...”

“I will show you around, let you experience the sights, the smells!” he said.

She looked around nervously. “Actually, I don’t think th-”

“Nonsense my dear, you will have a ball. The city of Canterlot is the greatest in the whole of Equestria, beaten by no other. Even the bustling metropolis of Manehattan cannot compare!”

“No, really, I think th-”

“No jump to it my pink compatriot, we have so much time and so little to see!” he shouted. A moment later he paused. “Wait,” he said, “scratch that, reverse it.” He quickly scooped up a bowl from the table in front of him and carried it off. “I’ll take care of breakfast now, why don’t you help her... freshen up Polished?”

Polished Mantle shook his head.”Freshen up Fancy?”

The tuxedo adorned moustache enthusiast didn’t even stop. “Oh I don’t know Polished, just help her is what I’m trying to say. We are in Canterlot after all. When in Roam and all that...” With that he was out of sight, walking through another of the multitude of doorways in the large dining room. Polished shook his head and chuckled softly.

“Well Madam,” he said, “it appears that you are going to be spending some time on the town.” The butler started walking away from the table. “Why don’t you head off to your room, get ready for the day. I’ll just clean up here. Celestia knows that Fancy Pants will never manage it by himself, regardless of what he thinks.”

Just before she left the dining hall her host’s voice drifted through the corridors. “Hop to it Pinkie Pie, Canterlot is in its finest in the early hours of the morning, and you’d never want to miss the market opening. We’ll leave in about ten minutes, sound good?”


Fancy Pants was watching her reaction as she marvelled at the sights in front of her. “Beautiful, isn’t it?”

“It really is though...”

“Indeed. I find it relaxing to visit the areas of this amazing city on a regular basis, check up on the changes and all that, it helps to keep me up to date. You’d be surprised at how much this city can change, and how quickly it can do it. I once went on a business trip, came back to find that a whole section of the city had been swapped with another...” He put a hoof to his chin. “I never did think that some of those ponies in the Academy had their heads screwed on, and I still don’t. Some of their experiments are slightly... strange. Sure as anything put the ponies that lived in the places that got switched in a loop mind you.”

A smile lit up his face. “But it’s all in good fun in the end, as long as nopony gets hurt. And I have no problems with them doing what they do best. Wouldn’t have the cutie marks if they weren’t, right? Haha!”

Finishing his short speech, Fancy put a gentle hoof on her shoulder to guide her along. The buildings were rising on either side of them, usually two stories, not as high nor as clustered as the market. Here you could at least see where you were going. That was probably due to the early morning, but that didn’t matter too much, Fancy had assured her that this area of the city was never bustling as such, more filled, like the difference between cool and boiling water. The markets were crowded and constantly moving, these areas were more... drifting along, fitting smoothly.

Their hooves made faint clop sounds on the cobblestone beneath, the early morning sun illuminating the streets into a sheen of colours. It had rained the night before, and the puddles on the ground that remained reflected spectrums onto the walls, covering the buildings in ever so faint paintings. Not that it made much of a difference, the walls were already colourful as they were, and the reflections only pronounced that more so.

Faint sounds drifted through the streets, mingling quietly with each other in the early morning. The buildings blocked most of the sound, but she could still hear some.

Fancy stopped for a moment. “Hold up my dear,” he said, “be still. Just let it flow over you for an instant...” He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling visibly. She followed his example and just let the gentle sounds wash over her, letting them carry her away. She almost felt like drifting off herself, the peace of the situation lulling her into a trance.

“I always like to do this when I come to this places,” Fancy said. “They have a rich culture you know. Ponies from everywhere come here to live, and they bring their lives with them. You can’t take that for granted, ever. Why, I even found a band of Gypsies once. Mind you, they only stayed for a few days, nomads and all that, but they had the whole place in an uproar.”

He grimaced slightly, but it was lighthearted. “Come to think of it, the commotion wasn’t always for the right reasons.” He smoothed down his tux with a hoof. “I never have seen a pony that could steal a monocle from a pony’s face without them noticing. It’s a bit of a gift I guess.” He grimaced, and she thought she could hear him quietly mumble, “And it didn’t have to be my monocle.”

He stopped when he realised that she was eyeing him a bit strangely. He coughed. “Never mind that, just mumbling to myself, nothing of matter.” Fancy Pants threw a hoof out dramatically, as if unveiling has pièce de résistance. “May I introduce you,” he paused for effect, “to the Musicians District!”

Without waiting for her response, he started walking again. “We’re going to have an exciting time here, and I guarantee that in no time at all the three days will be over, and you’ll be sad to see them go. I’ve been here many a time, and I never cease to be amazed by the diversity, and I bet that you will have just as much fun as me.”

She followed him, not that she had much choice in the matter anyway. He was her one ticket to see the Princess, or both of them, and she had to stick by him if she wanted that opportunity.

Wait a sec, can you stick to a pony? Hmmmm, I’ll have to try that... She discreetly tried to swivel her head around to examine the surroundings.

No glue around...



They were sitting. Not much more to it than that, just sitting on a bench. The sun had truly risen, illuminating the streets fully, and more ponies were out on the streets. Fancy was right when he said that this place never got too crowded. Even when the day was already started, she could still walk in a clear spot. Apparently, according to Fancy Pants, everypony was much more laid back in the Musician’s District. There was no rush to get anywhere, and if someone wanted to find somewhere noisy and full of shops, “Then they can just go to the Market! There’s no need for that kind of bustle here, of all places!”

She smiled, for what seemed like the first time in a while. It was a true smile, not something fake, and she couldn’t remember the last time that she’d had a natural smile, just a simple happiness of being... happy.

That smile faltered for a moment. Have I ever been like this? I don’t think that anypony has shown me around like this before, or been kind while they did it...

“Are you alright Pinkie?”

She shook the thoughts out of her head, leaving them for later. “Oh, yeah, just enjoying the music is all.” She turned her head back to the streets in front of her. They were seated near some buskers, all of them looking happy just to sit and play, even if the ponies walking by didn’t enjoy. But that wasn’t the case. All of the performers seemed to be appreciated, and the cases were slowly being filled up with bits by the anonymous passers-by, each one of which would have a huge smile on their face as the music filled the streets.

Fancy leaned over. “That’s one of the reasons that I love this place.” He let out a satisfied breath. “It’s not like some other places, all of the ponies here actually appreciate efforts, and they show that. They’re generous. Not like some ponies...” The image of Pungent Aroma filled her head for a moment at Fancy’s words. He continued. “But even if the buskers didn’t get donations,” he said, “they’d still be perfectly happy just to play. This is what they love, and the ponies accept that.

“I guess what I’m trying to say,” he sighed, looking for the right words, “is that I think all ponies should be accepted, no matter who they are, or what they do. This place just... seems like it has that mindset.”

He chuckled for a moment, and she thought that she could see him blush. “Oh, excuse me Miss Pie, I’m sorry if I got caught up there, I tend to be a bit... introspective at times. Just block me out if I rattle on.”

She shook her head slowly. “It doesn’t matter...” She tried to form words in her head, but his words were flying around in it. “I... thought that it was nice...”

Fancy laughed. “It’s always nice to find somepony that likes my thoughts.” He beckoned and sidled off the bench. “Come, I actually want to introduce you to somepony.”

Fancy started walking, leading her away. But she did notice that at every busker he walked by he would always leave a donation, and a smile, and a kind word of encouragement.

And all of the performers had a huge smile on their faces as he passed along.


“And here we are. Just wait a moment, I’ll see if she’s home. She can be a bit shy at times. You wouldn’t be able to tell normally, but...” Fancy caught himself. “Just wait, you’ll see in a moment.”

He walked towards the building that they had stopped at the door, knocking on it gently. It was a plain wooden door, nothing fancy, near the end of one of the many streets. The sounds of the street performers were faded here, and there were few ponies on the streets.

Fancy waited. “The two of you will get along like a building on fire,” he said, “she’s nice to strangers, but she’s still very shy, so don’t... you know... go crazy?” They waited. Fancy broke the silence again. “I’ve known her for a long time you know. Since the both of us were practically foals. You get to know a pony well after knowing them for that long,” he said. The sound of hoofsteps grew louder from behind the door. “Oh, here she comes now.”

The door opened, and a pony appeared. She was nothing that leaped out at the eye. A simple mare, grey coat, darker mane. It was the eyes that drew the attention. They were huge purple orbs, depthless and expressive beyond words. The mare opened her mouth to say something, but the sight of Fancy and his companion shut her mouth straight away.

“Pinkie Pie,” Fancy said, “may I introduce you to my friend, Octavia Philharmonica!”

She smiled at the grey pony. “Nice to see you!”

Octavia didn’t waste any time in pulling the both of them through the doorway and slamming the door behind them. The grey pony rounded on her, barely glancing at Fancy Pants. Her smile faded as Octavia examined her closely before leaping at her.

“Sister! It’s great to see you again!”

Fancy Pants raised an eyebrow.


“Octavia, why didn’t you tell me after all this time?” He didn’t sound accusatory, just curious. The trio was sitting in Octavia’s living room, a minimalistic, yet cozy affair. The pink pony was trying to sink into the couch. She would rather be anywhere else at the moment. She’d come to Canterlot to get away from this, to go the the princesses. Sure, this grey pony didn’t know what had happened, but it would only be a matter of time before she realised.

Fancy pants was keeping the conversation running. “So, if you’re related, then why haven’t I ever seen you together before? And you’re a Philharmonica as well? I’m intrigued.”

Octavia leaned forward in her seat. “Well,” she started, softly, as if it was a conspiracy. “The Pie’s have a bit of a name for themselves as you can probably imagine. So when I was small, when I first came here, I needed something else, something... higher class. For the Canterlot ponies, you know?

“And I rarely ever get to see my relatives. Most of them... well, I’m not really interested in. The rest? They usually live to far away to visit, sometimes at all. Pinkie here is somepony that i’ve seen a few times, but she never hangs around someplace for long, always on the move, you know?” Octavia nudged her arm, and she mumbled the affirmative.

Octavia continued. The conversation was rambling around, and she just tried to stay out of it as much as possible. Every question that was directed at her personal life she would shirk away from, or move it along to Fancy. The less that Octavia suspected something was wrong, the better.

That tactic seemed to be working well. The conversation moved along at a normal pace, and there were little accusatory glances. She thought that she might still get out of the situation yet.

Octavia turned to Fancy. “If you’ll excuse me for a moment, I’ll just make something for us to eat.” The host’s eyes shifted to her, entrenched in her chair. “Would you like to come too? I’ve got something that I’ve been meaning to give to you for a while.”

She nervously accepted. How would she decline without arousing more suspicion? And so she followed the grey mare out of the room. Octavia moved behind her as she walked through the doorway, closing the door. Her blood turned to ice the moment she heard the soft and decisive click of the lock being turned.

Octavia turned to her. “I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m going to finish this.” She glared at her. “What have you done to my sister changeling?” she growled.

The pink pony blanched. “You sister? What are you talking about? I don’t know what you mean?”

“Fine,” Octavia said, “if you won’t show yourself, I’ll just make you...” She reached behind her and drew out a drawer, pulling a small pointed object out. The object lit up a deep green, which shot out and surrounded her. The green glow shifted around for a few moments before simply returning to the device and disappearing. octavia looked surprised, but she quickly closed her mouth. Her eyes were still wide.

“I don’t get it? This is supposed to reveal you things!” She placed the device on a bench. “So, you’re not a changeling then,” she grunted, “but I’ll get you yet.” She put a hoof to her chin, before stamping it and smiling. “If you’re my sister,” she said evilly, “then when’s my birthday.”

She knew at that moment that she was sunk. “Umm,” she stammered, “Haypril?”

“Aha!” she shouted. “I knew it! You’re not her, you’re an imposter! No Pinkie I know would act like you just did before! And no Pinkie I know forgets a birthday. Ever.” She turned to the door. “You’re in trouble now. Imposters don’t get any love, not after the changeling invasion.”

Octavia made to open the door, but stopped when she felt a heavy weight attach around her rear hoof. She looked back at the pink pony that had leaped forward, and was now lying on the ground, grabbing her hoof. “No,” she said, “please, don’t. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to steal anyone. I mean, I didn’t steal anyone!” She felt a small moistness around her eyes. “Please don’t tell anypony! I can’t go, I just can’t!” Images of the other-hers vanishing flashed through her mind all at one. “I just can’t!”

Octavia’s expression faltered for a moment, before her mouth made a grim line. “Then what did you do to my sister?” she said quietly. “Tell me what you are.” The was no questioning, no room for maneuvering, no chance to escape.

She sighed.

And then she told her everything.


“So did you have fun today then?”

She started at the sound of his voice. The two of them had been walking in silence for a while now, approaching the mansion where she would be staying for the next two nights. Fancy had accepted the silence after she grunted answers back, but he sounded curious now.

“Yes,” she said, “I thought it was...” she paused, “nice.”

Fancy nodded. “Well that’s fantastic. I always love those places. You’re going to have lots of fun tomorrow then, I’ll be taking you to one of the other Districts, you’ll love them. I won’t tell you right now which ones, those are going to be a surprise...”

She watched him, eyeing him strangely. “Who are you looking at?” she said.

Fancy tore his eyes away from midair. “Nopony,” he said hurriedly, “nopony at all, myself I guess.” He cleared his head with a shake.

She started to drift off, her legs taking her where Fancy led her. She was distantly aware of walking into the mansion, seeing Polished Mantle again. Dinner passed quickly, and Fancy seemed to accept the silence. He only broke the silence to say, “I see that you’ve had a big day my dear, I’ll leave you to yourself. I expect that you’re tired now?”

She quickly agreed and excused herself, trying to find seclusion as quickly as she could. Any empty place would fit her perfectly. Polished gave her a curt nod as she passed him in the corridor, only briefly pausing to say, “Brighten up Madam, you’ll be chatting with the Princess in no time at all. You’ll see.” And then he was gone again, off into the massive mansion.

It was all too soon that she found herself back in her temporary room, sitting once again on the balcony in the moonlight. The sun had just recently set, and all that could be seen was the distant glow of it over the horizon as it passed beneath the lip of the world. Her mind was ablaze, and she couldn’t help but think of what Octavia had said to her.

The grey pony didn’t appear happy. “Hmm,” she grunted. “That seems rather far fetched.”

“I swear it’s true! I swear!” she said desperately.

Octavia sighed. “Far be it from me to judge somepony, but I don’t like to take things at face value...”

She held her breath as the grey pony thought things over. She knew what was coming next. First, Octavia would run, then tell everypony. Guards would appear, weapons in hoof. Celestia herself would pass judgement from their perspective.

And then those six would appear. The other-her would be there, glaring at her with those cruel eyes of hers. Of both of theirs.

And then she would be gone.

“I’ll tell you what,” Octavia said, bringing her out of her foresight. “I will refrain from telling everypony.”

“Oh thank you, than-”

“On one condition.”

She froze, but didn’t hesitate. “Anything, what is it?”

“You say that you will be seeing the Princess in two more days, correct?”

“Yes, yes. Two days until I see her. Fancy told me.”

Octavia’s eyes moved down. “Okay. Here’s the deal. I won’t tell anypony, but I’ll only keep the information under wraps for those two days. No more. No less. If you haven’t seen the Princess in that time you’re being exposed.”

“Oh thank you, I promise that you won’t re-”

“Shh. One more thing.”

She stalled, “...Yes?”

“If anything. And I mean anything. Happens to my Fancy Pants,” her eyes took on a sharp glint, “so help me, you will find out just how much it hurts to have a cello broken over your head.” She smiled. “And then I’ll turn you over to the guards.” She leaned over. “Between you and me, they still haven’t gotten over the Changeling Invasion, so there’s no love lost for imposters. They may not treat you as nicely as Fancy Pants...

“Just keep that in mind for the future...”

She shuddered. She knew that she’d gotten off lightly, oh so lightly. And other pony might have just done away with her, then and there, and according to Octavia, they would have. Not everypony was as accepting as her.

She shook her head, sighed, and got up. She knew that she had two more days to get through. She walked over to the bed and lay down.

If the next days were as problematic as the one she’d just had...

Sleep didn’t come easily that night, and when it did it came on a sea of restless visions.