• Published 17th Dec 2012
  • 967 Views, 12 Comments

What We Had - Biker_Dash

Berry Punch remembers the love that she shared with Mayor Mare.

  • ...

What We Had

Berry Punch walked slowly through town. Ponyville was busy this afternoon with ponies selling and buying, or doing whatever it is they had to do. Not that it mattered to her what they did. She had her own business to do. A part of her hated doing this, but she couldn't not do it.

Though the market square is crowded, Roseluck's store is easy enough to find. She comes here on the same day every year, and it has not moved from it's location in the past fifteen years. She makes sure that she has the bits ready as she opens the door.

"Hey Berry, I have your flowers all ready for you," Roseluck tells her. Berry pays for them, saying her thanks. On any other day, she would be more willing to stop and talk for a while, but today is different. Roseluck understands, of course, and Berry heads back out the door. With the bouquet safely in her saddlebags, she starts her trek out of town. It's a beautiful day for a walk too. The air is just crisp enough so even though a pony may have a ways to walk, they wont feel too warm, but not so cold as to make those who have to be standing outside all day feel chilled. The sky has that beautiful shade of blue that shows promise of the warmer weather ahead, with just a few clouds for decoration. Actually, the weather was just like this ten years ago this very day. She remembers that day fondly.

* * * * *

The Cider Mill was not very busy, being a Monday, and having just opened an hour previously. Stepping in the door, Berry sees a few tables with ponies already sitting down drinking cider, or in the case of one fashionista sitting with a friend, a glass of wine. She walks over to that table and grabs a seat as she's greeted by the two mares who have gotten a head start on her. "Hey Cheerilee, Rarity. How's it goin today?" she asks, motioning for the barmare to get her a glass of cider. The three have known each other all their lives, having went to school together right here in Ponyville as fillies. You could say that the three of them were the previous generation of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, with how they did everything together.

"Don't ask, Berry. Lets just say that the CMC has struck again. I'm surprised the Town Hall is still standing," tells Cheerilee after taking a drink. As the town's teacher, she is the one who has to deal with the three of them together on a daily basis, every Monday through Friday. "I have to admit, 'Cutie Mark Crusaders Revolutionaries' was not something I was prepared for, and I'm normally prepared for anything those fillies come up with."

"I personally think its cute, how they still call themselves by that name when they have their cutie marks now," remarks Rarity. Too bad that the cuteness seemed to end there normally. Those three seem to cause more trouble than Discord ever did. "Still, those three seem to get into more and more trouble nowadays. When we were fillies, we never caused that kind of trouble."

This caused her friends to snicker with amusement. Berry deadpans, "Speak for yourself Rarity. I seem to remember your plan to T.P. the Library after you got us kicked out..."

"I did NOT get us kicked out. It was you two if I remember correctly who was arguing with me." Rarity interrupts smiling as she sips her Merlot.

Cheerilee sees Ponyville's mayor walk in with a tired look on her face. The teacher feels a bit guilty for that tired look. She could have picked another place to do a field trip. The Canterlot Royal Dungeons came to mind.

Berry Punch notices as well, and waves Mayor Mare over. "Get over here and get yourself a drink! You look like you need one," she tells the older mare as she takes her seat. "Barmaid! Get this beautiful mare a maretini! Wheateater gin, stirred, and two olives... FRESH olives!" she yells towards the bar. "Oh, two more glasses of cider and a glass of Merlot as well!" The barmaid sticks her tongue out at the loud mare as the bartender prepares the drinks. They put up with her antics though because she happens to be a heck of a bartender. They just hope that she doesn't end up getting too hammered tonight, as she is known to do on her nights off. In a moment, the drinks arrive, and the unicorn server sets their drinks on the table as Berry drops a small pile of bits on the tray, covering all the drinks so far, as well as a decent sized tip. She can afford it. She makes enough from the wines which she sells from her own small vineyard. The only reason she bartends is for the experience. She wants to own her own bar someday, and she needs to know the ropes if she is going to do so.

"So, I see you survived another day, Mayor. The meeting with Filthy Rich get cancelled?" she asks. Mayor Mare normally enjoys her job, but there are a few things that can make her question why she ever ran for the office she holds. Ponies such as Filthy Rich, who usually feel that just because they happen to be brimming over with bits, they are more important than anypony else, are particularly annoying. Mr. Rich spent a good two hours voicing every complaint he could think of to the mayor and the city council today. And this was after he was instructed to keep things brief.

"No, unfortunately. But, where he IS a taxpayer, he felt he had a duty to air everything that he saw as wrong with how this town is run." Taking a sip from her drink, she relaxes a bit and continues, "Personally, I would have liked to have taken his list and shoved it liver deep in his plothole, but that would not be setting a good example... sadly." She is glad to have made it through the meeting, and was even more glad to have had nothing else scheduled after, allowing her to get here and have a few drinks with friends.

"I know what you need Mayor," Berry Punch tells her with a Grin. "You need a trip to the Spa. Let Aloe and Lotus work their magic on you and you'll feel all that stress just melt away. We should do one together Mayor. My treat!"

"That is a very good idea! Fluttershy and I do a visit there together every week," the purple maned fashionista mentions. If there is anything better than a trip to the spa, Rarity has yet to find it. Not only do you come away feeling one hundred percent better, they would make sure you looked your best as well.

"I don't know. I have reports I have to work on..."

Drinking her glass of cider down, she looks the tan earthpony in the eyes. "Drink up and come on. As I said, my treat."

A couple hours later, the two of them are relaxing in a hot tub together. Between the sauna, bath, massage, beauty treatments, and every other service offered, they were feeling like they have just taken a first class trip into Heaven. All this time, they chatted about whatever came to their minds, from work, to events in their lives, to relationships. The Spa was the perfect place for somepony to unwind, and that is what they did.

"It's sad that all the good ones always seem taken," said the tan mare as they pondered various stallions. the last relationship she had been in had been only a week long, and it had failed miserably. Not because the stallion was a bad pony, or her, for that matter. Just that relationships between co-workers just seemed to never work for her, and now that Time Turner was with Ditzy, well, that ship has sailed, so they say. Before that, she had been engaged, but she came home one day to find him and another mare doing the horizontal tango on the couch. As much as she wished to have a special somepony in her life, it did not look to be in her future.

Berry Punch was in the same situation of not having anypony in her life. Most who wanted to be with her just saw her as a potential one-night-stand. Those few who wanted more, well, they set warning alarms off inside of her head. There was one pony though she has yet to ask. One pony who might be the right one for her. And this pony was single even. Granted, that mare was fifteen years older, but that did not bother her in the least. Age did not matter, as long as both felt the same towards one another. She didn't know how the mare she wished to ask felt towards her. The question is, would she be willing to be with a mare? Berry hopes so.

Moving closer so shes right next to her, the lilac hued mare asks softly, "Have you... ever considered going out with a mare?"

Mayor Mare had never been in a relationship with a mare before. In spite of her traditional upbringing, she had never thought it a sin or anything for to mares, or stallions, to love one another, but she had never found herself attracted to a mare herself. Would she be happy in a relationship as a fillyfooler? Was her friend asking her out? Was she interested in her? "I've never really thought about it before. Maybe if the right mare were to ask me, I think I might," she replies just as softly.

Steeling herself, Berry punch gently places a hoof under Mayor's chin, turning her head towards her. Leaning in, she tenderly kisses her lips. "Would you be my marefriend?"

"Yes, I would," Mayor says as she kisses her marefriend back.

* * * * *

After a while, Berry punch finds herself on the outskirts of town. She is walking through the park. Numerous ponies are out enjoying the day, relaxing in the fresh air. Under a good sized oak tree, she sees Sweetie Belle and Pipsqueak cuddled together just having finished their picnic lunch. They're expecting their first foal soon. Another three months. They look very much in love, and it causes a twinge of sadness within her heart. She misses that kind of shared love. There are other couples here in the park as well. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash have been together for years now, and so has Cheerilee and Big Macintosh.

She continues on through the park. This park has special meaning to her. Two very important events in her life happened here. She thinks back eight years to a day similar to this.

* * * * *

Berry Punch stepped out of the store with a small package in one of her saddlebags. She had been uncertain about whether or not the time was right, but she decided that today was the day. She was in love with Mayor Mare, and that made it right.

The relationship had grown steadily between the two of them. Yes, there had been a couple of rough patches, but they had stuck to it and worked things out, and that strengthened their love for one another. Through sickness and in health even. When Berry had gotten sick with pneumonia over the winter, her marefriend was right there by her side nursing her through it all. Berry did the same when Mayor broke her leg, and had to stay in a wheelchair for a month. Maybe they shouldn't have tried climbing that rock face, but it looked fun at the time.

She had a little time to spare before Mayor has her lunch break, so she heads to Sugarcube Corner to wait. The coffee there is good, and the Cakes have installed a jukebox, so she can listen to some good music. Hopefully, they didn't fill it with too much filly-bopper music. Some of these new bands nowadays are just so bucking horrible. And all the young fillies go "SQUEEEEE" over them. If you ask her, it's disgusting how such garbage can become so popular. She cringes whenever she has to hear the Jonhorse Brothers barf out another song. Or that pegasus filly, Miley Cirrus. That thought causes a full body shiver of revulsion.

Fortunately, when she sees the selection, she finds some good rock in there. She spies several songs by The Griffons, Iron Mareden, Princess, and Equestria. AAHHH!!! Here's a song she has not heard in too long. She puts her bits in, makes her choices, and sits down to her coffee as the the song Zebrica plays through the speakers. Today's horseapple screeching just cannot compare to the classics, she thinks to herself.

In through the door walks the one pony that makes her day seem so much brighter. Mayor Mare Sits herself down at the same table as Pinkie bounces over bringing her a cup of coffee and a plate of muffins. How she bounces like that, and does not spill a drop, neither can figure out. The accepted answer; it's Pinkie. With coffee and muffins in front of them, they enjoy their lunch together talking about their plans for the upcoming weekend. Their two year anniversary together is coming up this weekend, and they should do something special.

"I hear that there's a couple good performances in Canterlot this weekend. The Canterlot Royal Symphony is performing, and the next day, ZZ Trot will be in town!" Berry exclaims. She knows Mayor loves classical performances, and she also loves classic rock, so this sounds like the perfect idea for the two of them.

The tan mare passes an envelope across to her marefriend. "I know. Take a look inside."

Berry opens the envelope and pulls out the contents. She finds four tickets. Two front row for the Symphony, and two front row for the ZZ Trot concert. "WOW! How in Tartarros did you manage to score these! I could have gotten tickets, but to get ones this good... Who did you have to kill?" she jokingly asks. She leans across the table for a kiss, which she receives passionately. "You're amazing," she tells her. "I love you so very much, Mayor."

Sadly, they cannot stay on the lunch date forever. Both have things which they must do, but they agree to meet by the gazebo come this evening. Berry feels a bit nervous inside with what she is planning, but there is no way she will stop herself now. This evening, she'll ask her, she decides as she heads back to her vineyard to check on her crop of grapes.

That evening, Mayor Mare had been waiting at the gazebo only a few minutes when Berry Punch comes trotting through the park. She guesses that something is up, and she wonders what it could be. Maybe Berry has a special dinner planned for the two of them tonight? Whatever it was, she was sure that it would be special. She loved that lilac colored mare with all of her heart, and she felt within her heart that she was loved just as much back. She was lost in these thoughts when her marefriend came up behind her nuzzling her neck.

"Miss me, Beautiful?" she asks Mayor Mare as they sit together to watch the setting sun. It was a beautiful and peaceful moment together, and Berry Punch decided that the time was perfect. Reaching into her saddlebags, she finds the red, silk covered box which she had picked up earlier. She then places it at the forehooves of the mare next to her.

Mayor Mare feels a sudden sense of excitement inside of her. Is this what I think it is, she asks herself. Slowly opening the box, she sees that it contains a single golden bracelet with a small diamond inset into it. It is an engagement bracelet. She looks back up into Berry's eyes with a look of surprise.

"Will you marry me?" asks Berry.

Of all the surprises that her marefriend could have had planned, this was one that Mayor had not expected, but was the one that she most wished for. With her heart fit to burst from the joy she feels inside, she tackles Berry in her embrace passionately kissing her lips. "YES! Yes, I'll marry you Berry! I love you so very much," she tells her inbetween kisses.

* * * * *

Once Twilight Sparkle found out about the engagement the next day, she thought immediately of offering to ask Princess Celestia if she would be willing to officiate the ceremony. When Celestia gladly accepted the offered role, the plans were made, and it was decided that Saturday morning would be perfect, where as that was their two year anniversary.

"OHMYGOODNESS!!!" exclaimed Rarity. "I need to hurry and get the dresses made. We need to get measurements quickly Berry," she says as her magic has tape measures all over Berry's body while a quill takes down notes. "I just hope that I have all the materials I need for the dresses. I still have to get measurements for Cheerilee as well. And the girls!" Doing figures in her head while going through her materials she has in stock, she breaths a short sigh of relief. "Yes, I should have all I need for what you want for dresses. Twilight, could you have Mayor Mare come by during lunch so I can get her measurements, and have the girls come over after school lets out? And Cheerilee this evening? Thank you Twilight," she says as she starts pulling rolls of cloth out of her supply room as well as threads, sequins, and other items, not even giving Twilight a chance to reply. Once Rarity got started on a project, nothing could stop her.

As the week went on, she got her measurements, and those who were to be in the wedding party had their turns as living mannequins, but progress went quickly, and by Friday afternoon, the dresses were completed. Cheerilee was to be the Bridesmare, and Rarity was the Mare-of-Honor. The Crusaders would be the flower fillies. That afternoon, Princess Celestia showed up for a practice run, so that everypony knew just what they were to do during the ceremony. Her arrival caused much panic in Twilight, and that caused Berry and Mayor to giggle almost continuously until she finally calmed down. When this was completed, and everypony knew their roles in the wedding, everyone went home to rest. Tomorrow was a big day.

Saturday morning was crisp and clear. It was the perfect day for a wedding. The Ponyville Weather Team made certain of that. Not long after the sun was risen, a regal, white alicorn landed in the park, meeting up with the wedding party, which had gathered by the pond.

All of their friends were gathered as well. They all wanted to see the happy couple finally tie the knot, knowing that this day was the best thing to happen to either mare. It was a day to celebrate, and where as Princess Celestia would be the one marrying them, this would be a wedding to remember.

Celestia took her place at the front. As Vinyl Scratch started the traditional music to mark the beginning of the wedding, three fillies slowly walked down a red carpet, spreading flowers before them along their path. Following them was Rarity and Cheerilee, and then the couple themselves. They all looked beautiful in their dresses, with Mayor Mare and Berry Punch looking positively radiant. In a couple moments, they stood before The Princess.

"My little ponies," she began, "we gather here today to bear witness to the union of two of your fellow ponies. This wedding is a union of love and commitment. A union of trust and understanding. This is a union of two hearts which desire nothing more than to become one. These two ponies, Berry Punch and Mayor Mare, stand before us with the desire to be one, for now and forever.

"Marriage is an ancient rite, symbolized by the bracelets which they shall share with one another. These bracelets the never-ending circle which love is. As one loves the other, so is that love returned equally always. Also, it is a circle that is unbroken, which shall represent how their own love for one another shall forever be unbroken. Through good times and bad, through sickness and health, they shall always remain as one love and one heart.

"Would the Bridesmare and the Mare-of-Honor present to me the bracelets?" she formally asks. Rarity and Cheerilee step forth holding out two silken white pillows, with matching bracelets on each, presenting them to The Princess. She holds the pillows in front of her with her magic as the two mares retake their places alongside the two whom are about to finally be wed.

Celestia continues with the ceremony, "The couple have chosen to share their own vows, which have come from their hearts. Berry Punch, would you say your vows to Mayor Mare?"

Berry Punch is feeling nervous as she stands before the mare she loves with all of her heart and soul. The nervousness is not out of questioning whether or not she is doing the right thing, but because she loves her so very much. But after she opens her heart to the words she wishes to say, they come out naturally. "Mayor Mare, I have known you for years. In that time, you have always been a wonderful friend with a caring heart. As time went on, I got to know you better, as did my heart. When I finally listened to my heart, it told me that I was very much in love with you. Mayor, you are the pony who makes my days be filled with joy and happiness. You are the pony that lifts my spirit, and fills my heart with feelings I have never felt before. You are the one with whom I wish to share my life with, now and forever. Mayor Mare, I promise that my heart shall always be true to you, and that I shall be with you at your side always."

With that, Celestia turns to Mayor Mare. "Mayor Mare, would you say your vows to Berry Punch?"

Mayor has waited for this for too long. This is the day that her heart and soul joins with the one she loved deeply. "Berry Punch, from the moment we met, we have been the best of friends. You have always been there for me, through my good times and bad. You have become my sun and moon, Berry. You have become my whole world, and I desire nothing more than to have you in my life for all times. I wish to be there for you as you have always been for me, by your side through our lives together. I love you so very much, and I'm never going to give you up, or let you down. I place my heart in your hooves, for you to hold throughout eternity.

Levitating the bracelets once again, Celestia continues with the ceremony. "These bracelets, which I present before you, represent the undying love between the two of you. Like the unbroken circle they are, let your love remain just as unbroken. Turning to the lilac hued mare, she says, "Berry Punch, please take the bracelet and repeat these words: I take you, Mayor Mare, in the bond of matrimony, to have and to hold, from this day forth, through sickness and in health, together for always and forever."

Berry repeats these words as she looks her bride-to-be in her eyes and places the bracelet upon her foreleg.

Turning to Mayor Mare, The Princess then asks her to repeat the same words as she gives her the bracelet. Mayor repeats the words to her love as she places the bracelet on her foreleg, sealing their relationship in the bond of marriage. And with this, the two of them share their first kiss tenderly as a married couple.

With the end of the wedding ceremony, the gathered ponies started their celebration of the newly wed couple. Celestia informed them of the limo carriage that would take them to Canterlot, and of the reservations for the two of them in the V.I.P. suite at the Grand Equestrian Hotel in Canterlot. This was her gift to them. This day was the happiest moment in both of their lives, and they positively glowed in the love and wonderment of the day.

* * * * *

Berry didn't notice the sole tear which ran down her face as she remembers that day. It had been the happiest moment of her life with Mayor, and she wished she could just go back and live that moment over and over. But the only way she could was through her memories.

She continues her trek, now walking along a short path up a hill on the edge of town. She was almost there, and the sadness she had been feeling all day just built a little stronger. As she passes through the wrought iron gates into a field filled with alabaster stones, she thinks back on that one day, five years ago.

* * * * *

Once again, it had been a beautiful day. Then again, any and every day she gets to spend with Mayor is a beautiful day, Berry thinks to herself. Today was their third wedding anniversary, and they had spent the day together in the park. Things have gone quite well for the two of them. Once again, Mayor had been elected to stay as the town's mayor, and Berry had recently become the manager of the Cider Mill. Though their lives were busy, they lived their lives busy together.

They had even talked about the possibility of adopting a foal together. A little filly or colt to make them a true family. This was something both had been wanting to do for a year now, and tomorrow, they would fill out the application forms to get their names in the system as prospective parents. They also considered becoming foster parents. There were numerous young fillies and colts who were without family, and being able to give them a home and family would be a wonderful gift.

Granted, it was not always peaches and cream in their lives. As couples do in healthy relationships, they sometimes have their disagreements. No matter how badly they disagreed on something, they always worked it out. The one time they did not, they spent the next three days feeling miserable. The lesson learned was to never go to bed angry with one another.

A couple times, Mayor had fallen ill. On one such occasion, it looked as if she may not recover, and that was the scariest moment in Berry Punch's life. She refused to leave her Love's bedside the entire time she was in the hospital, and stayed home with her after she was released until she recovered. Had anypony tried to stop her from taking care of her wife, they would have probably ended up running in fear of their lives.

The doctors told the pair that they should consider eating less pasta dishes and more salads. Too much pasta was not good for the heart they said, but good food was something they both found they loved, and they did love pasta dishes.

They had just left a quaint little bistro that served a fine meal, and the evening promised to be fun. Vinyl Scratch was setting up her equipment in the park as Pinkie Pie ran all over decorating everything for a big party she had decided she wanted to do. Though she said she just wanted to throw a party because she loved parties, they suspected it was her way of giving them an anniversary present. Octavia and Lyra had did an impromptu duet together on cello and harp during their dinner, though it was suspected by Mayor that the musical performance in the resturaunt had been planned. They didn't mind one bit. They thought it all to be good fun, and promised themselves that they would have to send out thank you cards to everyone involved.

"So, shall we head back home for a bit, Berry, before the party," Mayor asks coyly. She had been feeling a bit frisky during dinner, and had the urge to get her lover into bed for the past half hour. She leans in to playfully nip at Berry's neck, only to miss as she moves away.

"hehehee... If you want me, you better come get me. Catch me, and you can do whatever you desire, Sexy," she tells Mayor seductively. Of course, she does plan on getting caught, but this just makes it fun. She gallops off, looking back, giving the mare a playful wink.

"Get back here, you!" exclaims Mayor as she gives chase. They spend the next five minutes or so running around the park, with Berry keeping herself just ahead of her wife. They come across some tables set up in front of the gazebo where the Cakes and the Apples are setting up snacks for the party. After a few seconds of trying to catch her by going around, only to have Berry keep to the opposite side, Mayor decides to go under, and the chase continues.

When Berry looks behind her, she sees that Mayor has stopped, panting for breath while holding a hoof to her forehead. Berry trots over to her feeling a bit concerned. "You ok? Do you need to sit down somewhere?" she asks. If Mayor gets sick because she was feeling playful, she would be cursing herself all night.

"I think I'll be ok," Mayor replied, looking a bit ill. She had a clammy, pale pallor to her face, and it looked as if her lips were turning a bit bluish. Berry was really concerned now. I just feel short of breath, and I have this headache that just hit all-of-a-sudden..." At that moment, a crushing, squeezing pain in her chest that shoots back up into her head. It quickly grows into the worst pain she has ever felt, and she feels like she cannot breath. She barely notices that her legs give out and she falls to the ground.

"MAYOR!!" Berry cries out, dropping down next to the stricken pony, cradling her in her forelegs as tears stream down her face. looking around in a panic, she screams for somepony to go get a doctor. Rainbow Dash is already taking off, flying towards the hospital at full throttle. Other ponies are rushing over to see what is wrong. Twilight kneels beside the two, and starts checking Mayor Mare over with her magic. Applejack starts having the other gathering ponies to back up and give some space. Her, Cheerilee, and Vinyl work together trying to keep everypony calm while Rarity watches for the ambulance.

The pain Mayor feels is fading as she feels herself slipping. All she can think of right now is how much she loves Berry Punch, and how she will be hurting now. She feels no fear now, but instead, a calm acceptance enters her head, knowing what is coming. She says a silent prayer of thanks to Celestia for the time which she had with Berry and the love that they had shared. As her vision fades, she looks her wife in the eyes, whispering, "I love you, Berry."

"I love you too," she cries softly as she watches the mare she loves with all her heart close her eyes one final time and slip away in her forelegs. She sits there, rocking softly as she cries out in anguish. She cannot accept that she is gone. All she can do is weep for the love that has been so suddenly ripped away from her heart.

* * * * *

The tears flow freely with memories still fresh after five years as she sits in front of an alabaster stone with a simple inscription upon it.

Mayor Mare
A loving wife
A dear friend

From her saddlebags, she retrieves the flowers. A bouquet of roses in many different shades. Deep red, bubbly pink, pure as snow white, sunshine yellow, glowing orange, and some that seem to have all these colors in them. A different color for each year they had been together. She places them down in front of the stone marking the final resting place of the mare she loved completely and totally.

Every year, on their anniversary, Berry comes here to talk to the one pony she was ever in love with. The five years they were together, either dating or as a married couple, were the very best years of her life. The past five years, on the other hoof, were the most painful ones she has ever had to endure. The house feels empty, as does her heart. But, maybe it is true that time heals all wounds, as they always say. Though she still hurts, she is slowly starting to get better. For a few years, she tried drowning her sorrows in wine, cider, and whiskey. She even considered taking her own life at one point. She missed her that much, wanting to be with the love of her life once again. Instead, she got help.

"Hey Mayor. How are things where you are? You would be surprised at all that has gone on this year," she says. "Would you believe that Cheerilee and Big Mac have finally set a date for their wedding? It was a surprise when they did get together in a way, but you should see the two of them. They love each other deeply, and he treats her like she is the best pony in all of Equestria. I think they will have a good marriage. They belong with one another. Both are caring, kind, and have wonderful hearts. I know they would want you at the wedding. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if she would have asked yu to perform the ceremony.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are still together. Hard to believe either one of them would settle down into a relationship, to be honest, but they are happy together. They now own Sugarcube Corner, having bought it together from the Cakes when they retired. Pinkie runs it, while Rainbow is still head of the local Weather Team. They tried promoting her several times, but she turned down the offers. I guess she will never leave the town she calls home. She even sold her cloud home when she moved in with Pinkie. They both still claim that they have no plans on tying the knot though. I bet they will though, someday. I saw Rainbow in the jewelry store. That would probably be classified as one pf Pinkie's 'doozies'," she says, chuckling softly to herself.

"Speaking of couples, Sweetie Belle and Pipsqueak ran off too Las Pegasus and got married! Rarity about had a fit when they did that. She wasn't angry that they got married. She was upset that they didn't hold it here. Her parents were a lot more understanding about it though, because they knew that Pipsqueak's family does not like Sweetie, and they would have caused one hell of a scene. They are doing well together though, and that is what matters. OH! She is about six months along too! They found out that the foal will be a colt. Rarity is overjoyed that she will be an auntie now."

The tone of her voice takes on a sadder note as she continues talking. "I have a confession to make. Last year, I almost decided to take my life. I was that bad off. I just could not handle the emptiness inside anymore. I miss you so very much, Mayor, and I just wanted to be with you once again. When I left here, I walked towards the dam. I had decided I would jump from there. While walking, Twilight saw me and followed. When I got to the dam, she approached me and asked if I was ok. When I told her I wanted to be alone, she told me that she could not do that. She could see how badly I hurt inside, and she knew what I planned to do. She is the pony that convinced me to get help.

"I'm doing better now. It has been a hard road this past year, but I have friends who have been there for me. They have helped me see that I need to remember the love that we did share together, and not stay fixated on the fact that you have passed on from this world. It still hurts Love, but I realize now that you would not wish for me to be dwelling on the emptiness and pain. You would wish for me to be happy. I will try to find that happiness again. I promise. I've even followed through with my plans I had for the bar. I am negotiating a price with the owner, and I think by the end of the month, I will be the new owner. I'm considering changing the name when I do buy the place. I think you would like it too.

"Speaking of Twilight Sparkle, she got re-elected as mayor this year. Filthy Rich was the one running against her, and she won by a landslide. The town is doing really well with her running it. Ponyville will even have a new school next year. Granted, some were arguing against it, saying that the town could not afford it, but she was able to secure funding for it from The Princesses, so even Filthy Rich stopped complaining about that one. She is doing really well, though she says she misses being the Librarian. I can't really blame her. I saw just how stressful your job was. Spike is the Librarian now, though he is still her number one assistant. Some things will never change, and in that case, it's a good thing too."

She suddenly feels a bit uncertain about how she wants to continue. Her and Mayor had always been honest and open with one another, and she deserved to know. "I was asked out the other day. She's a good friend, and she does care about me. I know you would want me to be happy, even if it means finally finding someone new. I just don't know what to do though. I think I might care for her as well, but a part of me feels like it would be a betrayal of the love you and I shared. I would never wish to do that to you, Mayor. What should I do?" she asks softly, uncertain if she will have an answer.

As she closes her eyes, a soft breeze gently blows across the cemetery, caressing her mane softly like a familiar touch. When she opens her eyes, a chickadee has landed on the stone in front of her. She looks in wonderment as the bird's little head appears to bob up and down a bit before taking flight once more. Berry Punch smiles, having received her answer.

"Thank you, Mayor. I'll tell Twilight my answer is yes."

Author's Note:

This story was done for a shipping challenge in the The Collab Cage

Comments ( 12 )

Good job on this. Normally, I would've liked to have looked over the entry for quality control, but the quality of this one was fine, so no biggie.
So, any idea which you want to do next?

1817601 The Big Mac x Cadance one you approved. Already have the rough outline worked out.
Animorphic (or however the word is) is ok?

And I will send you the link before publishing next time, so you can look it over first.

Much better. Plausibility, it adds so much to story, don`t you think?

Really good. I especially like the ending. :twilightsmile: I may actually take some inspiration from this. :rainbowwild:

1819394 1820152
Glad you enjoyed this

Outside of a few typos, very nice.

Well,I cried badly.:fluttershysad:

Finally got around to reading this one. Very moving and quite beautiful at the end. Could use some editing for little things, and I felt that Berry asking Mayor out was a little rushed. Other than that, great story. :twilightsmile:

3546913 That was something I have hopes of doing, having that one edited for broadcast...

I'm pleased that you enjoyed it.:twilightsmile:


Ahh, gotcha. :twilightsmile: Well, if you do need it edited down the line and can't find somebody, let me know. :twilightsmile:

3547681 Will do, and thank you.

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