• Published 17th Jan 2012
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My Little Powerpuff: Teamwork Is Magic - PrinceofBrony

When a battle sends the Powerpuffs and Mojo to Equestria, what will happen?

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Chapter 1

My Little Powerpuff: Teamwork is Magic
Written By: Self-Proclaimed KingofDDR

Summary: After causing a malfunction in Mojo Jojo’s new Machine (paid for by Princess Morbucks) during battle, the Powerpuff Girls find themselves in Equestria. But while they make friends, the Simian Genius plots to use the land’s magic in a bid to finally be victorious over them. With the help of their new friends, they must stop Mojo Jojo before it’s too late!

The city of Townsville! This bustling community is always the center of some of the most exciting, grueling, nail-biting and heart stopping action known to man! Why, every day the fate of the town hangs in the balance between the forces of good and evil. And yet its fine citizens can rest easy, knowing that Townsville has the greatest champions of good watching over it night and day. Those champions are Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup; the one and only Powerpuff Girls!

And as our story begins, we see our favorite heroes spending a peaceful day at Pokey Oaks Kindergarten.

“Okay, class!” Ms. Keane, the Teacher, said. “Today is a free day! Just think of it as a reward for all of your hard work lately. So feel free to have fun doing anything you want! “

“YAY!” The kids cheered.

“Alright! I’m gonna practice my fighting techniques!” Buttercup said in excitement. She performed a showing of rapid fire fists. “I’m just one good punch away from a breakthrough, I know it!”

“I’m gonna come up with new tactics to take out our Arch-Enemies with!” Blossom said, pulling out a notebook and a pen. “Hopefully, I can do something that’ll minimize the damage that Townsville takes whenever we fight.”

“And I’m gonna practice my drawing!” Bubbles giggled, pulling out paper, pencils and crayons.

Her sisters stared at her.

“Bubbles…how is that gonna benefit Townsville? My tactics will help to save it a lot of money and Buttercup’s techniques will help us take down monsters and Arch-Enemies quicker.” Blossom said.

“Yeah! How are stupid drawings gonna do anything?” Buttercup scoffed.

Bubbles pouted her lower lip at them.

“For your information, practicing my drawing will cause me to get better at it, which will cause them to become prettier, which will make them more appealing, which will make them have a higher chance of getting noticed by a rich guy who collects art, which will get me mega cash, which I can use to pay for any damages done to Townsville! That’s how they’ll benefit everyone,” Bubbles declared, sticking out her tongue at her sisters.

“Okay, Okay. Sheesh, no need to go all Mojo on us,” Buttercup replied, rolling her eyes.

Unknown to them, this free time was what one of their classmates were waiting for. Princess Morbucks (one of the girls’ many arch-foes) snickered evilly to herself as she gave a subtle glare towards them. “Enjoy your little play time, Powerpukes. This time, after all is said and done, I’ll be the only Powerpuff around town.”

Resisting the urge to break out into evil giggling, Princess raised her hand to get Ms. Keane’s attention. “Ms. Keane, I don’t really feel all that well…I think I…” She threw in a few whopping coughs for good measure. “I think I need to go home…”

“Oh, of course, Princess,” Ms. Keane said, looking sorry for the girl. “Since it’s free day, you may feel ‘free’ to go home early. Should I call your dad to pick you up?”

“That’s okay (cough cough)…I can call my personal butler to retrieve me,” Princess replied, walking out of the classroom.

“…Do you guys think that Princess has been acting…weird lately?” Blossom said.

“You’re right. She hasn’t tried to bribe anyone to destroy us for nearly a month,” Buttercup said.

“That’s a new record!” Bubbles declared.

Outside, Princess brought out her very expensive Cell Phone and pushed one of her speed dials.

“Hey, Chives! I need you to pick me up and take me to Mojo Jojo’s six seconds ago! And make it snappy, Butler Boy!” She shouted.

Exactly one second later, a very impressive stretch limo appeared before the spoiled Princess. The window at the driver’s seat rolled down, and a regal sounding voice said, “You called, Madam?”

“What took ya so long?” Princess sneered throwing open the passenger seat and hopping into it. “To Mojo’s, and be quick about it!”

“Yes, Madam,” Chives said, driving off at high speed.

“Mwahahahahahahahahaha! My greatest creation is finally complete! At last, with this super weapon, the Powerpuff Girls will finally taste the bitter, cold and not so very tasty taste of defeat!” Mojo Jojo (Main Arch-Enemy of the girls) gloated, deep within the bowls of his volcano based observatory.

Thanks to the money that Princess Morbucks had funded him (not to mention some very powerful objects that he had managed to steal underneath the Powerpuff Girls’ non-noses), the simian genius had finally been able to finish work on his master machine. It took on the appearance of a slim yet muscular and long whiskered dragon. The metallic monstrosity was 15 feet tall, painted with sleek red and black colors, and outfitted with powerful weapons.

Razor-sharp blades for claws and wings.

Hot red laser optics for eyes…that shot lasers.

Mini Nukes for teeth that exploded with devastating force whenever they chopped into something.

Space Rock tempered into a reinforced Titanium Steel that would prevent backlash from the nukes; not to mention withstand all but the most powerful of Powerpuff attacks.

And the crown jewel of the menacing machine, a fully working Time Jewel embedded within its forehead. It took all of Mojo’s scientific smarts to develop it, but it had been well worth the trouble. It was thanks to this triumph that Mojo was able to snatch the Space Rock while it was still in space, thanks to the jewel’s warping powers. With the jewel combined with his powerful mech, he would be sure to destroy those accursed girls once and for all!

“And once that has happened, I, Mojo Jojo, shall finally be the winner, the victor, the last one standing and the gloatiest of the gloat. And gloat I shall! For when the Powerpuff Girls are finally out of the way, there will be nothing, absolutely nothing, preventing me from taking over the City of Townsville! Mwahahahahahahahahaha!”

“I think you mean when we take over Townsville, ya big ape.”

Mojo ceased with his gloating when he heard Princess’ voice coming from the nearby window. Her butler, Chives, was using his rocket boots to float in front of it, giving his master a piggy back ride atop his broad, mechanical shoulders.

“I gotta say, Mojo, this butler that you made for me has worked well beyond expectations!” Princess snickered as she hopped off of Chives’ shoulders to stand before Mojo. She had switched into her black and yellow super suit during the ride over.

“But of course! My machines are always of the highest quality!” Mojo scoffed. “But I must thank you, Miss Morbucks. If it weren’t for your father’s fabulous wealth, I would have had to spend another year at best perfecting my ultimate Machine, the Drago Robo!”

“Yeah, yeah,” Princess yawned, waving Mojo off. “I don’t really care about the details, so long as it finally gets rid of those stinkin’ Powerpuffs. I assume that you have an extra cockpit for me in that thing. After all, since it was my daddy’s money that helped you finish it, I want a front row seat!”

“But of course, my dear. I shall be riding in the belly of the beast, so to speak, while you reside in the chest. All you have to do is watch, as my machine proves that your father’s money was very well spent indeed,” Mojo chuckled.

“I love it! Especially the part where I don’t have to lift a finger,” Princess snickered evilly. “So, what are we waiting for? The suspense is killing me!”

“Then we shall tarry no longer! The time has finally come to rid the world of those goody do gooder Powerpuff Girls! Into the machine!” Mojo declared, purple cape flowing behind him as he strode towards the main cockpit.

“Heeheehee…this is gonna be so much fun!” Princess giggled. “Hold the fort, Chives! Be ready to save me just in case this blows up in Mojo’s face, as usual.”

“Yes, Madam,” Chives said, bowing low as his master departed.

It wasn’t too long afterwards that the Powerpuff Hotline went off. All three girls heard it, but Blossom answered it since she was the closest one.

“Yes, Mayor? What is it this time?” Blossom said quickly.

“Oh, Blossom, it’s horrible! Simply horrible!” The Mayor cried over the phone. “I’ve completely filled my coin jar, and the banks are closed today! Now where am I going to put my spare change?-!”

“Mayor, I think that we have a slightly more important issue at hand here,” The Mayor’s secretary, Miss Sarah Bellum, said.

“Oh, yeah…Mojo Jojo is rampaging downtown yet again! He’s doing quite a bit of damage, so I guess you girls better come here quick!”

“Okay, Mayor! We’re on…” Blossom began, but she was cut off by the sounds of a scuffle coming from the other end. “Mayor? Mayor! Are you okay?”

“I think that you should be more worried for you and your sisters, Blossom,” Mojo’s voice sneered.

“Mojo! You leave the Mayor and Miss Bellum out of this!” Blossom growled, glaring at the receiver.

“You are in no position to be making demands, brat! Besides, I am a simian who enjoys having as much advantages as possible,” Mojo taunted. “Now then, come and rescue these helpless fools if you dare!” And with an evil laugh, Mojo hung up the phone.

“Shoot…Bubbles, Buttercup, let’s roll!”

“Right/Roger!” Bubbles and Buttercup said respectively. The three wasted no more words as they zipped out of the door as fast as they could, barely hearing a ‘Good Luck, Girls!’ from Ms. Keane.

“It’s Mojo Jojo! And he’s destroying the town yet again!” One random pedestrian shouted in terror, as many of Townsville’s citizens began panicking and running away from the Drago Robo.

“Yes, YES! Run in fear, you pathetic people! But don’t run too far, for I want you all to witness the destruction of the Powerpuff Girls with your own eyes!” Mojo laughed evilly. His Drago Robo demolished a nearby building with its laser eyes.

“Don’t destroy too much of the town, Ape Boy! Money doesn’t grow on trees for this sort of thing, only for fun things!” Princess heckled.

“My Robo Constructers can repair this town after our showdown with the girls, so shush!” Mojo growled, keeping a close eye out for the girls.

“Not so fast, Mojo Jojo!”

Mojo gained a sinister smirk on his face. “Speak of the devils…”

The girls came to a complete halt in front of the Drago Robo, trying and failing to hide a bit of awe.

“Humph. Looks like Mojo isn’t playing around this time,” Buttercup said, cracking her fist.

“Look! Princess is with him!” Bubbles said, pointing her out.

“What are you doing with Mojo this time, Princess?” Blossom demanded.

“Duh! I’m just enjoying a front row seat for your demise!” Princess snickered.

“And just what makes you think that this time will be any different than all the others? We’ll defeat you like we always have!” Blossom declared.

“I think not. This time, I have all of the advantages! Such as your precious Mayor and Secretary, Mwahahahahahahahahaha!” Mojo cackled, as the wings of the Robot unfurled to reveal Mayor and Miss. Bellum taped to each side, both of them unconscious.

“Mayor! Miss Bellum!” The girls gasped. They glared at Mojo and Princess. “Let them go, Mojo!”

“Why don’t you try to make me?” Mojo retorted, before firing his robot’s eye lasers at the Powerpuffs.

They quickly dodged them, and then began to charge at Mojo. “Careful, girls! We have to focus our attacks on Mojo! The sooner we can disable his cockpit, the sooner we can save the Mayor and Miss Bellum!”

“Got it!” Buttercup said, streaming ahead of the girls. “Have a knuckle sandwich, ya big ape!”

Mojo simply raised an eyebrow. The very second Buttercup was about to shatter the dome around his cockpit, the simian simply pushed a button. The entire robot vanished in the blink of an eye, leaving Buttercup to sail harmlessly through the air.

“What the…?” Buttercup muttered.

“Buttercup, look out!” Bubbles cried.

The tomboy whirled around in time and saw the Drago Robo’s maw open wide, ready to take a chomp out of her. Bubbles barely managed to tackle her out of the way, but the resulting explosion from the nukes blasted both of them through several buildings.

“Bubbles, Buttercup!” Blossom shouted. She glared at Mojo. “Alright then, Banana Breath! Let’s see…”

As she was talking, she was rubbing her arms against her cotton dress at high speeds, gathering an obscene amount of static electricity in them.

“…if you can handle some lightning!” She finished, launching a lightning stream at Mojo.

“I’d rather see if the prestigious Mayor can handle it better,” Mojo chuckled, aiming the wing with the Mayor attached towards the path of the lightning.

Blossom’s eyes widened as, with a good amount of effort, she redirected the attack to the sky instead to avoid hurting the Mayor.

“Heh, that’s what I thought,” Mojo said darkly, before he vanished again.

Before Blossom could react, she felt a stinging pain on her back as Mojo slashed her with the robot’s claws and launched her away a good distance. Mojo followed it up by aiming his robot’s tail at the Powerpuff, the tip of said tail quickly turning into a mini satellite that fired a powerful sonic wave. The wave hit Blossom head on, smashing her through buildings with its impact.

“Heeheehee! This is awesome!” Princess cheered with evil glee.

“I’m glad that you’re enjoying yourself, Miss Morbucks. The real fun has yet to come!” Mojo said.

Meanwhile, Professor Utonium was watching his girls’ battle on the news channel. His concern grew every time Mojo avoided the girls’ attacks and attacked them back. They were holding in there, but even they wouldn’t be able to last much longer.

“I just don’t understand! How is Mojo able to vanish like that so many times? If I could just figure it out, I could help my girls defeat him!” Utonium said. “Come on, Utonium! The lives of your girls are at stake! Focus!”

The Professor kept a close eye on Mojo’s creation this time around, seeing if he could find any signs of where his dodging ability came from. Just as the girls were about to hit Mojo, Utonium’s eyes widened as he saw a very brief spark of light coming from the Drago Robo’s forehead before it vanished completely.

“Hmmm…whatever is in that forehead, it must be allowing Mojo to warp! I have to inform the girls!”

Just as he was about to head for his car, he suddenly stopped. Then he gained a sly smile on his face as he looked towards the door to his lab…

“Ugh…nothing is working!” Buttercup groaned.

Try as they might, the Powerpuff Girls were nearly helpless against Mojo’s ultimate machine. Not only could it warp behind them with ease and dodge their attacks, but they also had to hold back so they wouldn’t hurt Mayor and Miss Bellum. With all of the injuries they had sustained throughout the battle, it was only a matter of time before Mojo…

“No! We can’t give up!” Blossom declared, slowly getting to her feet from the wrecked building around her. Her sisters followed suit. They were all trembling from the pain, but still had looks of determination on their faces.

“I admire your fortitude, my dear girls, but you must simply face facts. This is one battle that you won’t win.” Mojo said evilly. The eyes of his robo began to glow, gathering heat within them to fire one last laser beam. Try as they might, the girls could not will their bodies to move…they had no choice but to close their eyes and try to endure the attack.

But just before Mojo could finish them off, another laser came from out of nowhere and crashed into the Drago Robo’s forehead, shattering the Time Jewel. The sudden attack shocked Mojo so much that his attack faded away, saving the girls in the process. He turned wide eyes up to a smirking Professor Utonium, who was donned in his Power Prof Battle Suit. The laser arm cannon on said suit was smoking, proving that he was the one who had just destroyed the Time Jewel.

“Professor!” The Powerpuff Girls shouted, happy to see their father and creator.

“Looks like I arrived just in time, girls,” Utonium smiled, before glaring at a stuttering Mojo. “I figured that Mojo’s robot wouldn’t be able to gather enough energy to make use of whatever was at the base of his forehead if he was in the middle of another attack. Add to the fact that he didn’t see me coming, and he wasn’t able to warp away in time before I could attack that thing.”

“You…you…you FOOL! Do you have any idea what you have just done?-!” Mojo screeched, looking terrified. “That was a Time Jewel that you just destroyed, the only one of its kind! It took me a good two years to finally perfect it! Who knows what’ll happen now that you’ve…”

Mojo was cut off from his tirade when rumbling began to happen all around the city, knocking the girls to the ground. “W…what’s happening…?-!” Blossom shouted.

Before anyone could respond, a black hole the size of Mojo’s Robo formed in the middle of the battlefield where the fragments of the Jewel had landed. It began to suck in all of the debris from the battle, and grew stronger with each passing second.

“What the heck?-!” Princess shouted, as she felt herself be sucked against the dome of her cockpit. To make matters worse, the Drago Robo was being sucked towards the black hole as well, despite Mojo’s best efforts to jet away from it. A few seconds later, Mojo and Princess shouted in terror as they were heading for the hole at high speed.

“Mayor, Miss. Bellum!” The Powerpuff Girls shouted, rushing forwards to make sure the machine didn’t get sucked into the back hole with them still attached to its wings.

“Girls!” Utonium shouted, rushing forward as well. The girls each grabbed a wing and the head respectively, while Utonium grabbed the tail. All four of them tried to pull the machine away , but it was no use. Screaming, all of them were sucked into the hole. Luckily, the combined inner power of the Powerpuff girls was enough to make it vanish before it could suck in anything else. But the damage had been done…Mojo, Princess, the Powerpuff Girls, Mayor, Bellum and Utonium were gone.

And that’s the first chapter of the first ever Powerpuff Girls/My Little Pony FiM (Friendship is Magic) crossover. To be honest, I’m surprised that no one had done this before…especially considering some of the other crossovers that have happened with FiM.

Anyway, next chapter will feature the Ponies meeting the Powerpuff Girls and their friends and father…but what happened to Mojo and Princess? You’ll find out. Catch you Next Continue!