• Member Since 15th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Twilight floated a second fritter up to her mouth when she realized the first was gone. “What is in these things?” “Mostly love. Love ‘n about three sticks of butter.”


Every year, on Applejack's birthday, Applejack and Big Macintosh smash a barrel. It's a tradition they've had since Applejack was born. A tradition that started with their pa, and one they're proud to carry on.

Because some barrels need to be smashed, to be the best pony you can be.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 30 )

In before feature. :rainbowwild:
My notification camping paid off.:moustache:

Zomg, nobel incoming! I totally called it. Commence the laureation!

I love this story. I also love the idea that Applejack is actually named after the alcoholic beverage itself. Very symbolic. I also like that it's a story about the dead apple parents, that isn't about the fact that they're dead.

I'd like to say that I genuinely enjoy the idea. However, I feel as though you've left things unanswered, and I need... more.

First off, Mac talks a lot in this fic. This is fine, because I thought later on you were going to tell us something drastic happened, and that that is why Mac stopped talking all that much. Something drastic did happen, but we don't know how it affected Mac.

Secondly, everybody is very quick to accept Pa back into the family as being completely sober. No doubts whatsoever?

Ma and Pa died? Gee willickers!

I know you just sort of wrote this freely, with no pressure. So in truth, this review is pointless. And so, for what it is, I enjoyed it. Like I said, I like the idea. Where Applejack got her name from. From her drunk Pa turned sober. That's neat. The problems aforementioned are merely my opinion (plus, I realize you rely heavily on dialogue, and so Mac needs to talk some). I give you a thumbs up and a gold star.

- Church

That was pretty good. I haven't read something like this before, either. Great job. :twilightsmile:

This was a nice story. Not the best I've ever read, but it isn't trying to be. It is what it is, and that's pretty good.

Wow. That was touching. It was a nice sweet short story. I didn't notice any mistakes which means either you didn't make any or I was too engrossed to notice.

Weird. Usually I just skip these short stories... but I'm honestly happy that I read this one. The premise was very nice, and you gave my headcanon the reason for AJ's name. I've always liked AJ for her personality and friendliness, and this fit her so very well. :ajsmug:

And it's not usual for me to get emotional with stories like these. Maybe it's because I wish my own father would have kicked his own barrel years ago, but still hasn't. And probably never will. :ajsleepy:

1880175 On a day that a new life comes into the world, miracles can happen.

I like this idea of how Applejack got her name. :heart: Nice!

I'm having a hard time getting past the fact that Mac makes snow ponies because he doesn't have any friends to play with. That's so pathetically sad, I'm not sure whether I should laugh or cry.

1880719 As some would say, it's a miracle by itself.

So sad.... That was an awesome story. Very nice!

Turning one of the most life changing events into a family into a tradition... I like that, and I love this story.

That's a nice interpretation on how Applejack got her name (and all other symbols in this story). :ajsmug:

Now, this was a work of art! So many worry about this and that... but this is the words direct from your imagination, and by that, to me it represents writing in it's best form.

Sigh... such a waste of good applejack... not that this traditional method is used anymore.

What's now sold as applejack is just a blend of apple brandy and whiskey. But still delicious. :ajsmug:

This story isn't bad. Some of the prose could really use some work. You definitely did capture a lot of emotion in the scene where Mac sees AJ for the first time, though. I just wish there was more of that present when you described how Pa Apple screwed up his family.

Also, alcoholism is hard to kick. If you put in something like,

There were days, Mac could tell, where Pa would be tempted for a drink, for just a drop. When those days came, he would tell his Ma, and Ma would show Pa their daughter--the only Applejack he'd ever need.

It would be keeping a scope of some realism in the matter. It's easy to get those urges again, and if Pa was as big a drinker as implied here, he'd also be having some freaky withdrawal at first. It'd be pretty terrifying if Mac walked in while Pa was having a hallucination about getting stomped on by something, or snakes crawling on the floor, or something.

Either way, most of the time AJ's parents are talked about, they were always spoken of as if they were saints. I want to congratulate you on taking a different route with this element of AJ's character and history. Hooves up. /)

I just wanted to say something on the nature of alcoholism- it's different for different people. I know people in my family who could never kick it, and people who, after daily drinking, have just stopped drinking the way Pa did in the story (but with less barrel smashing.) The popular perception of it is certainly the one you mention, and it's popular because it is common, but believe it or not sometimes it is just a matter of deciding you're done.

Amazing... as usual

Wow. Just... wow.

I think you've just violently reshaped at least part of my Apple-family head canon. I mean, damn. You magnificent bastard.

Nice to see a take on Applejack's parents that aren't either total saints or abusive dicks. This was a good story.

A powerful story. Well done!

Good story, and I like the interpretation of Applejack's name. :ajsmug:

Also, this story has good enough grammar to be included in the Good Grammar Directory, a comprehensive list of gramatically-correct stories on Fimfiction. Congratulations.

That was great!! Well-written, short and sweet, and actually gives the Apple parents some personality... this is my new headcanon. :ajsmug:

This is nice...My current headcanon was that Pa apple was drunk who walked out on the family....

Depressing isn't it.

I liked this quite a bit. Which says a lot, because in all honesty I'm not one who regularly enjoys themes like alcohol being used in Equestria* without either a good reason or a good laugh behind it. This reason counts as exceptional in my book.

Like others, I at first thought the resolution for AJ's father was perhaps a tad too idealistic, but then I remember having a close family member myself who'd gotten fed up with his cigarette habit and just decided to stop, and that was that. Mind you, quitting is never a "poof-you're done" kind of thing, but the hard work that comes from quitting/withdrawal afterwards, I'm perfectly willing to believe simply happened offscreen. :twilightsmile:

So yeah, a novel, well-executed way of explaining the meaning behind AJ's name. Thumbs-up!

*Yes, her name's "Applejack," yes, that one cider episode... still not a fan. I just prefer my candy-coated colored ponies... well, "candy-coated," y'know? ^^;

Years late and only here because of Scribbler, but gosh dang this is such a lovely little fic. Thank you for writing this!

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