• Published 7th Jan 2013
  • 4,365 Views, 162 Comments

Our Little Pony - Stratocaster

A shocking revelation of Fluttershy's foalhood

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Pony Pediatric

Chapter 6: Pony Pediatric

Haley lifted a whistling tea pot from the stove and poured herself a steaming cup. But as she sat down at the kitchen table with a nice big muffin, something seemed missing in the quiet of the house. She spoke to Luke as he entered.

"Luke, have you seen Fluttershy?" she asked.

"I haven't seen her." Luke replied. "She's not up yet?"

"No, she usually is at this hour. Maybe she's still in her room."

Haley got up and walked down the hall to Fluttershy's bedroom. She saw that door was opened a crack and slowly began to push it. But she hesistated at the sound of quiet uneasy moaning coming from inside. Haly opened the door and peeked inside to see Fluttershy still in her bed. The little wore a pained expression as she held the covers up to her chin; her yellow cheeks had turned a pale shade of green. Haley walked in, concerned.

"Fluttershy? What's wrong?" she asked.

Fluttershy moaned again. "I don't feel good."

Haley sat down on the edge of the bed and laid a hand on her daughter's forehead; she immediately pulled it back. "Oh baby, you're burning up. You must have a fever."

Without a response, Fluttershy then blew a cute sneeze before coughing a bit.

Haley frowned. "Ooh, sounds like more than a fever."

Fluttershy sniffled and replied. "Mommy, can I stay in bed for a little longer?" she squeaked with another cough.

"You can stay in bed for as long as you need, sweetie. I just made some tea, so I'll pour you a cup; that always makes me feel better." She then kissed her filly's burning forehead.

"Thanks, Mommy." Fluttershy gave a half smile before her mother exited.

As Haley reentered the kitchen, Luke inspected the muffin she had left on the table with a look of intrigue. But before he could take a nibble, he noticed her walking in and replaced the treat back on the table, pretending to act natural. He addressed her nonchalantly.

"Something wrong?" he asked.

"I think Fluttershy has the flu." Haley sighed. "Poor thing is pale as a ghost. I'll just give her some tea."

"Tea? Haley, she's going to need more than that if it's the flu. Do we have any medicine for it?"

"Luke, don't worry about it, my tea always helps."

Their conversation was interrupted by more high pitched coughing from down the hall, followed by another long moan.

Haley thought for a moment. "Maybe we'll keep some Nyquil out just in case."

For the next few days, Fluttershy remained bedridden and was kept from school. Luke and Haley tended to her every need as she lay in her room sneezing and coughing. But despite the amount of medicine and other remedies they had given her, Fluttershy's symptoms did not show any signs of dissapearing. It was certainly a surprise for the parents. She had never gotten sick before, and did have much need for a visit to the doctor. But at this point, that was exactly what their little filly needed. After about a week of sickness, Luke and Haley left her to stay at home and rest, while they went to the local hospital to talk to the pediatrician. They met with Dr. Horton in his check-up room.

"Listen Doctor," said Luke. "Our little girl has been sick for days, and she doesn't seem to be getting better."

"We were wondering if we could schedule an appointment with you to get any information." Haley added.

"Well, I'd happy to take a look at your daughter," replied Horton. "But it's probably just the common flu. It can take a couple weeks to recover."

"Well, the thing is, Doctor," said Haley. "We're not sure how the flu could affect her in particular."

"What do you mean?"

Luke sighed, putting aside his discomfort in answering. "You see, she's a pony. Her name is Fluttershy."

Horton looked between the two. "...your daughter's a pony?" he repeated.

"Yes, we adopted her." Haley answered.

"So, what makes you think I can help?" asked Horton discerningly.

"Well, we heard you're one of the best childrens' doctors around." Haley told him.

"Yeah, childrens' doctor; not a foals' doctor. As in, patients aren't foals."

"Are you saying you won't treat her?" asked Luke.

"Look, I can't just treat something that isn't human. I know nothing about pony anatomy. If you want any help, go see a veterinarian."

"Doctor, I am a vet," retorted Haley. "And I don't know any more about pony anatomy than you do. But at least you have experience with kids."

"Yeah, but I still say you should treat her." Horton snarked. "After all, you treat animals for a living."

Luke glared. "Hey, our daughter is not an animal. She is no different from any of the kids you treat. You can't just turn us away like this."

"I don't know what to tell you, pal," shrugged Horton. "I'm a doctor, not a horse whisperer."

That's when Haley became steamed. "How dare you! Our little girl is sick and bedridden, and you have the nerve to call her a horse! I can't believe you would refuse a patient just becuase their not human."

"You're not making your point any better, Mrs. Shy." Horton sulked. "If you'll excuse me, I have real kids to treat."

With an agrivated grumble, Haley stormed out ot the room without another word. Luke followed her, but then stopped at the doorway and looked back at the doctor.

"You know," he said to him. "She's more human than you are." He then left to catch up with Haley.

The next day, Haley sat with Fluttershy in her bedroom with medicine, tissues, and a puke bucket close at hand. She had been reading books to her to help lift her spirits during this sickly funk, and paid no worry about catching the flu as Fluttershy cuddled next to her. When Haley finished another story, Fluttershy spoke.

"Mommy, I'm going to get better, right?" she asked with a gentle cough.

"I'm sure you are, Fluttershy," answered Haley, wiping her little nose with a tissue. "You know, your father used to get sick a lot, when he was a kid."


"Yes, he would miss a lot of school because of it. He was a very sickly boy."

"Is that why you married him? Because you're a doctor?"

Haley chuckled at the adorable question. "Well, I'm not a people doctor, remember? I'm a veterinarian." She then sighed thinking back to the incident the day before. "I just wish I knew enough to help you, sweetheart."

"It's okay, Mommy. I still trust you." Fluttershy smiled.

Haley returned her smile and petted her mane. Then, she looked at the clock over to side. The night had been settling in. "It's getting pretty late. Why don't you get some rest?"

"Okay. Thanks for reading, Mommy."

She kissed her daughter on the cheek then left the bedroom. Haley then returned beside her husband on their own bed.

"Remember when you were like that?" she asked him, referring to Fluttershy's incapacity.

"Oh don't remind me," said Luke. "It wasn't just the flu when I was a kid. Bronchitis, larengitis, salmonela, strep throat,"

"Well, if you could survive through all that, I'm sure she can. She's pretty strong."

Luke put his arm over her shoulders and kissed her on the head. "So are you."

For the next few hours, Haley cuddles with her husband in their bed, knowing their daughter was safe and sound in her own room. After a while, she got up and walked down to the bathroom to freshen up. But as she brushed her teeth, she heard the clipclop of little hoofsteps coming towards her. She looked down at the open doorway at her filly.

"Fluttershy?" she asked, wiping her mouth. "What is it, sweetie? What are you doing up?"

"Mommy, I think I'm going to...to..."

"Oh honey, it's alright." Haley put aside her brush and stepped out of the bathroom to give Fluttershy some privacy. "Take as long as you need."

Fluttershy's head began to sway as she stepped dizzily into the bathroom, making for the toilet to upchuck. But halfway in, she moaned painfully and started to sway her entire body.

"Fluttershy?" concerned Haley.

Then, to her shock, the poor filly lost her balance and fell to the floor on her side. Haley gasped and hurried over.

"Oh my gosh, Fluttershy baby, are you alright?!" she knelt down and held her little head up.

Fluttershy's eyes were now closed and the rest of her face had gone ghostly pale. The only sign of life from her was the slow heaving of her chest. She had fainted and her mother could not wake her. Haley scooped her up in her arms and carried her out of the bathroom; her worst fears were seeming to come true, as this was no ordinary flu.

"Luke! Luke, start the car! Hurry!"


In just a few short minutes, they were in the car speeding down the road into town. Haley sat in the passenger seat, grasping her unconcious daughter bundled up in a blanket, while Luke drove at an alert pace.

"Come on, move it!" he yelled at the traffic.

"It's okay, Fluttershy," whispered Haley, pressing her face close to her filly. "You're going to be alright."

At long last, they arrived at the hospital; but there seemed to be little light glowing from inside, as it was after midnight. Without a moment to lose, Luke illegally stopped the car outside the front entrance, where the ambulances park, and he rushed into the hospital with Haley holding their daughter tightly. They ran up to the front desk, where an orderly was seated.

"Excuse me," said Luke, with quickened breath. "We need help immediately. Our daughter just fainted."

"Oh of course," the woman answered. "The emergency room is just down the hall to the left. But I'm afraid there are not many doctors left on call tonight."

"That's alright, thank you." Luke started off again with Haley next to him.

The two hurried down the ER past the many patient rooms. But not a single nurse was seen in the long complex of hallways; even most of the ceiling lights had already been turned off for the night. As they ran down the many twisting and turning corridors, it seemed that there was barely any signs of life. But then, as they turned a corner, they saw the slightest bit of hope just down the hall. Luke and Haley found Dr. Horton standing up ahead and quickened their pace towards him. The doctor saw them both coming.

"Dr. Horton, please," said Haley worriedly. "We know there's not much you can do, but our daughter is very sick, and we need help now!"

"You actually brought her here?" asked Horton discerningly. "Look, I told you people, I don't treat ponies. There's nothing I can do."

"Please!" pleaded Luke. "This is an innocent life we're talking about!"

"Sorry, but I'm a human doctor, and that's final!"

"What is going on here?"

The three of them looked to the side at the source of the new voice. There walking toward the couple was another doctor; a doctor who walked on four hooves. Luke and Haley's eyes lit up as they saw a female pony doctor approach them. She was a turqoise unicorn, with an indigo mane tied in a formal ponytail, and a pair of silvery eyes. Her cutie mark featured a pharmacist's beaker. The couple faced the mare as Haley spoke.

"Uh, excuse me, do you work here?" she asked.

The mare looked at the white jacket she was wearing with the stethyscope around her neck. "Um, that would be accurate. My name is Dr. Remedy, chief of medicine. Is there is a problem?"

Luke spoke. "Doctor, our daughter has the flu, and she just fell unconcious an hour ago. Can you please help her?"

"The flu? May I see her?" asked Remedy.

Haley carefully lowered the bundled up Fluttershy, showing her yellow face to the mare doctor. Remedy gained a look of surprise.

"My gosh," she said. "Why don't you two come with me? I'll take care of her right away."

"Oh thank you!" replied Haley and followed her with Luke.

After about a half later, Luke and Haley stood outside a patient room looking through the glass and holding each other's hand. Inside, Fluttershy lay on the bed connected to a heart monitor, with Remedy standing beside her and concentrating on her work. Her horn glowed a light blue aura as she scanned it over the fainted filly. The unicorn had been working her magic for a while now, and Luke and Haley's concern grew as they watched her. Finally, she ceased her magic and stepped outside the room, closing the door behind her.

"It's a good thing you folks came here when you did." Remedy said to them. "I'm afraid your daughter has something far worse than the common flu."

"What do you mean?" asked Haley.

"She has something called Winged Hay Fever. It's a virus that only affects pegasi of all ages. Although, it's an Equestrian disease, it can make its way much farther and is very difficult to detect. Unfortunately, it can't be cured by any conventional medicine; only unicorn magic can stop the virus."

"Oh my gosh." Haley gasped to herself, suddenly feeling silly.

"Is she going to be alright, Doctor?" asked Luke.

"She's stable for now," answered Remedy. "But she's going to need all night to fully recover. I put a healing spell on her that should take some time to clear her body of the virus completely."

"Dr. Remedy, thank you so much." Haley said. "We are so lucky we found you."

"It's no problem at all. But tell me, why didn't you come to any doctor sooner?"

"Well, we told Dr. Horton about Fluttershy's flu." Luke explained. "But he refused to treat her."

"Is that so?" Remedy shook her head. "I don't know how that guy became a pediatrician. I'll talk to him when I can. In the mean time, we'll wait for your daughter's recovery." She then walked off down the hall.

"Thanks, Doc." Luke said after her.

He and Haley then turned back to the window and watched their little daughter in her comatose state. They held each other and hoped for the best.


The next morning, Luke and Haley sat in front of Dr. Remedy at her desk in her office. They both now had bright smiles on their faces, as they sat next to their fully healed young filly. Haley hugged Fluttershy ever so tightly, giving her kisses all over.

"Oh, I'm so happy you're okay, sweetheart!" she told her.

"Dr. Remedy, thank you so much for all you've done." Luke told the mare. "We don't know what would've happened if it weren't for you."

"It's my pleasure, Mr. Shy," said Remedy. "It's actually quite refreshing to see another pony around here; especially an adorable little filly like your daughter. I think it's amazing that you two are raising her."

"What do you say?" whispered Haley to her daughter.

"Thank you, Dr. Remedy!" said Fluttershy. "I feel so much better."

"You're very welcome, Fluttershy." Remedy smiled and gave her a lollipop.

Then, as relief continued to fill the room, the stubborn Dr. Horton stepped in the doorway. "Uh, you wanted to see me, Doctor?"

"Ah yes," replied Remedy soberly. "I wanted to tell you something. Dr. Horton, you're fired."

"What?!" exclaimed Horton. "How can you fire me?!"

"Refusing to treat a patient is not something I will allow in my hospital." Remedy scolded him. "Especially a young child. That is just a disgrace to the Hipocratic Oath."

"But I don't treat ponies! I'm not a horse whisperer for god's sake!"

"Well unfortunately for you, ponies...are not...horses. You may clear out your office and leave immediately, before you endanger another one of my kind. Good day, Doctor."

With that, Horton scoffed and stormed out down the hall from the office. Fluttershy giggled at his disdain.

"Well, that just about does it." Remedy continued. "Now if Fluttershy ever gets sick again, you have my number. And I'll be happy to do a biannual check-up on her. "

"Thanks again, Doctor." Haley smiled. "We'll see you soon."

"Bye, Dr. Remedy!" added Fluttershy.

The family soon walked down the corridor of the hospital with Fluttershy happily trotting beside her parents.

"Daddy," she said with lollipop in mouth. "What's a horse whisperer?"

"Uh, tell you later, Fluttershy." Luke said.