• Member Since 8th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Friday

Mr. Grimm

Greetings! I come from the farthest reaches of the Internets to share my mediocrity with you all!


The Everfree's local Cockatrice is searching for job opportunities in Ponyville. Are there any? Yes. Is it likely he will be hired? Definitely not. Will that stop him from trying? No.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 27 )

I love you.

HAHA that was fantastic.

This was just brilliant

This belongs in Unique Stories. I don't think there's ever been a Cockatrice-centric story before, has there?

Question: Would Renwick be amiable to leaning C#?


Damn, I was just about to post this. I wonder how long it will take to get featured?

Wow nice story!:pinkiehappy:

Go Renwick!:yay:

Karna #10 · Jan 5th, 2013 · · 1 ·


Also, Twilight, you jerk, you were trying to send him away to be a freaking test subject.

this is fic? This fic is awesome!

Well this was a thoroughly enjoyable bit of whimsy, light and fluffy like a puff pastry for the mind.

Just one thing though... how'd you come up with the name Renwick?


It's the name of a small village in Cumbria Britain, that according to legend, was attacked by a Cockatrice. In 1733, the village decided to repair a ruined church, and just as they began work, the creature flew out of the ruins and attacked the town, but was slain by a quick-thinking villager.


Ah. I may be a Brit, but I'm woefully ignorant of my country's mythology.

Wow. That was a magnificent load of silliness :pinkiehappy:

D'aww the ending was so heartwarming. :pinkiesad2:
I must say I'm on the same boat as 1905041 and 1905062. There is no way not to love this story.

Hehe! Funny little story. I like the ending in particular, along with the subtle indication that the "job" Renwick was offered might not have been all that pleasant. :rainbowlaugh:

Twilight being the only one in town willing to hire the cockatrice that turned her to stone?

This was so. Funny.


Dude. The poor bird can hardly speak pony, as far as we know has never even seen high technology, and you're expecting him to understand programming code?

Author, I require a sequel where Renwick's petrification is used for medical purposes. Something injured, and moving it could make it worse? Have Renwick petrify it so it isn't harmed when you move it. Then when it's in a position to be operated on, have him reverse the effect. You'd want to sedate the creature/pony before you petrify them, though, or they might freak out.

I know how you feel, Renwick. Not about the abusive mother, but about the desperate need to find a job. I've been graduated for 3 years now & still can't find work.

This was awesome! Nice humor and really adorable. :pinkiehappy:

This was Awesome! Keep up the Great work!

The pain of job seeking when you're unqualified, but are willing to learn. You'd think language would give him a leg up over Owlowiscious in a library, but owls definitely fit the image more.

Well this was certainly an interesting story here and this poor creature name Renwick a cockatrice trying to find a job but apparently it is tough to get because due to his reputation around ponies he can't until he ran into Twilight which she almost screamed until he talked and she was pretty excited to hear a creature who can talk like that but unfortunately there's nothing for him to work at the library she kind of offered him to go to Canterlot but unfortunately he knows the city is not the most open to other creatures at least not in this season so he just left and just went back to the everfree forest thinking about the disappointment of his mother but then he realized something why in the world will he get a job then it hit him that his mother doesn't want to be there so to help with that situation he will live on his own kind of Bittersweet but a pretty good story random as well keep up the good work

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