• Published 20th Jan 2013
  • 48,075 Views, 2,471 Comments

The Irony of Applejack - Mister Friendly

Applejack has never told a lie. Merely... omitted some details about herself...

  • ...

Epilogue: A Brighter Tomorrow

Epilogue: A Brighter Tomorrow

Mornings in Canterlot always seemed to start so abruptly. The moment Princess Celestia raised the sun, the entire city seemed to come to life as abruptly as a race starting.

The nightly revelers went to bed, and the breadwinners set out on another busy day, all taking place like clockwork.

Even in the castle, activity seemed to pick up threefold just within the first few minutes of the sun cresting the horizon. Guards switched posts, maids bustled about getting the castle ready for the flood of aristocrats that came for the day court.

Princess Luna had long since departed the castle to rest. Princess Celestia was in the process of going over her itinerary for the day. And in one of the many towers peering out over the land of Equestria, another – slightly less known – princess gazed out towards the coming day.

Princess Cadance sat by the opened window, her expression deeply troubled. She paid no attention to the very chilly morning air blowing in her face, or paid the wind any mind at all as it stole around her bedchamber, intent on snatching away every bit of warmth it could.

Cadance stayed wrapped up in her somber thoughts – the same ones she’d been warring with for days now. And like all those times before, she was rolling a small object around in her hooves absentmindedly, all the while biting her lip…

The sound of a door opening behind her barely even disturbed her. However, the sound of a voice gave her enough cause to tear herself away from her troubled thoughts.

“Cadance? Is everything alright?” asked Shining Armor.

He was already dressed in his completely repaired armored uniform, ready to face the day. And yet, his wife was still undressed, her gilded attire lying cluttered around the foot of their bed as if messed with, but ultimately set aside.

Shining Armor had never seen the pink alicorn so upset before. Usually she was the one getting him up in the morning, not the other way around.

Of course, he had his suspicions as to what had brought around this change in his wife. He’d been willing to keep quiet, but…

“Is this about Twiley’s friend?” he asked.

He knew that had to be it. Ever since she’d discovered that Applejack was a changeling – and a queen, just like the one that’d imprisoned her – Cadance had been getting more and more distant, day by day. Of everypony he knew, she was the one taking the revelation the hardest, and that only served to upset Shining even more.

“You shouldn’t worry about Applejack, honey,” Shining ventured, taking a few steps closer. “The Elements of Harmony recognized her, after all. I’m sure, whatever her intentions are in being here…”

“It’s not that…,” Cadance said quietly. Her voice was difficult to dissect, something that concerned Shining. Was it just his imagination, or was there an unsteady quaver to her words?

“I… I should’ve known,” Cadance went on with some difficulty. “After all this time, why didn’t I think to… I should’ve at least considered it.”

“Cadance, what are you talking about?” Shining asked, approaching his wife from behind. “Nopony could’ve known Applejack was a changeling the entire time. Not even Twilight picked up on that, and she saw through that changeling queen at the wedding no problem.”

“That’s not it,” Cadance said, shaking her head.

“Then what is?” Shining asked. He finally reached his fretful wife, and wasted no time in putting his arms around her.

Cadance let out a shaky breath and leaned back into him, some of her tension fading away at his reassuring touch.

“Cadance, talk to me,” he muttered in her ear. “What’s wrong? You know you can tell me.”

“I know, Shiney… I know…,” Cadance breathed, inclining her head to nuzzle the underside of her husband’s chin.

“Then what’s bothering you,” Shining asked, neatly avoiding her horn.

For a moment, Cadance stayed quiet, her hooves still fiddling with the object between them nervously.

She was silent for nearly a minute, her eyes turned back towards the rising sun. And then…

“She… she had a daughter,” the alicorn breathed in a voice so low it was barely audible even to Shining. “She had a daughter all this time… and I never knew.”

Shining looked at his wife’s face in confusion, but she paid him no mind.

“Who are you talking about?” he asked.

Cadance sighed, glancing down at her hooves. “Somepony I used to know… a long time ago,” she said.

Cadance sighed again, heavier this time. “It’s okay, Shiney… I’ll be fine. I just feel like such an idiot for not even considering… I’ll think of something to make it up to her.”

Shining Armor blinked, totally lost at this point. But he didn’t say anything. Odds were Cadance would open up in time. She always did, once she was up to it.

“Well, I guess we should get going, shouldn’t we?” Cadance asked, turning a small smile on her husband. “I’ve kept you from your duties long enough, Captain.”

There was that faintly teasing note in her voice again, and it was all Shining needed to bring a smile to his face. “As you say, milady,” he said back stoically, soliciting a quiet giggle from Cadance.

Finally, Shining let his wife go, and she in turn stood up. But just before she turned to leave, she gingerly levitated a small, black object back into its display case by the window, right where the sun could shine off the set of rubies atop its spindly obsidian frame; the same place it’d been for nearly two decades…


“Applejack… Applejack…!”

The apple farmer grumbled, sticking her head further under her pillow and away from that unwanted noise. She’d missed enough sleep lately as it was; she was not too thrilled about losing any more.

But that voice just wasn’t going away. It kept wheedling at her, getting louder and louder and more and more insistent as the one speaking drew ever closer despite her best efforts to ignore it.

Even for her, however, trying to ignore a door banging open and a pony bursting into the room was proving very irksome.

“Come on, AJ! Wake up, wake up!” called the frustratingly familiar voice of Rainbow Dash. “You have to get up right now!”

Rather abruptly, Applejack sat up slightly in bed, if only to level a deathly glare at her ‘friend’. “Sugarcube…,” she said in a tone of bittersweet ice, “what in the wide, wide world of Equestria would be so gosh dang important ta warrant wakin’ me up before the crack ‘o dawn?”

Needless to say, she was not in a very good mood that morning.

“Ah told ya ta wait,” came Big Macintosh’s voice from the hall, sounding nervous. He had wisely decided to stay out of direct line of sight with his surrogate sister.

“What’s Rainbow doin’ here…,” grumbled Apple Bloom from Applejack’s other side, only now rousing since her pillow had moved.

“My question exactly,” Applejack grumbled back sourly.

“Look, I’m sorry for just barging in here, but this is important!” Rainbow said exasperated – and more importantly, rather loudly. “Applejack, you have to come with me right now!”

Applejack once more glared at the cyan pegasus. “Give me one good reason why Ah should,” she stated pointedly.

“I told you; it’s important!” Rainbow whined. “Would Twilight send me if it wasn’t?”

Despite her bad mood, Rainbow’s words gave Applejack enough cause to hesitate. “Alright, what in the wide world of Equestria would Twilight want with wakin’ me up at the crack ‘o dawn?”

“Technically,” Rainbow deadpanned, “it’s almost midday.”

“Rainbow,” growled Applejack warningly through clenched teeth. “What. Does Twi’. Want.”

“Look, I could tell you, AJ,” Rainbow said, an odd note in her voice, “but I really, really doubt you’d believe me if you didn’t see it for yourself.”

Once more, that got Applejack’s attention just enough for a little curiosity to work past her irritation.

Finally, with a groan, Applejack pulled herself from her bed, stumbling onto her three good legs. “Alright, Ah’m comin’,” she grumbled.

“Oh, and you’ll need this,” Rainbow suddenly added, and before Applejack rightly knew what was happening, she found her Stetson being crammed on her head, which lasted all of half a second before the crown’s disguise crumbled away to nothing.

“My crown?” Applejack asked, now very confused. “Why would Ah need my crown?”

“Trust me, AJ,” Rainbow said seriously, “Just wait until you see this.”


Applejack was all-but pushed out her house by her agitated friend, who was moving pretty darn fast for a wing-clipped pegasus.

The aftermath of last night’s party still littered the house and yard, and yet the state of her property hardly seemed to be on the minds of anypony but her.

What surprised Applejack, however, was the fact that there wasn’t just one pony that’d come to get her – there were five.

“Everypony,” Applejack said in surprise, turning to each of her five friends in turn out of real confusion now. “What’re ya… no wait, what’s goin’ on?”

Twilight and Rarity exchanged apprehensive looks. “You… are going to want to see this for yourself,” Twilight said nervously, her horn twinkling to life. “Hang on.”

How exactly Applejack was supposed to ‘hang on’ while being teleported was anypony’s guess. Besides, it happened so fast that she didn’t even have time to react to being fired through time and space in the flash of violet magic.

When next the world snapped back into being around her, Applejack found herself just at the bottom of a hill. A very busy hill, in fact.

All around her, Applejack could hear activity; ponies talking in low, quick voices, some darting this way and that.

“Come on, Applejack,” Rainbow called, already a few feet ahead, as impatient as ever. “Hurry up!”

“Hold yer horses, Ah’m comin’,” Applejack snapped, just as she started limping her way up the gently sloping hill.

But as she made her way up, she made it snippets of conversation on all sides of her; conversations that were only adding to the mystery for her.

“Oh man, did you see…?”

“Where did they come from…?”

“You don’t think they’ll…”

“What’re they here for…?”

The more Applejack looked around her, the more she found regular ponies looking this way and that nervously. Every one of them was on edge, and yet it wasn’t pure panic that was getting to them.

“I wonder, are they like…?”

“Maybe they’re…”


Applejack glanced to her side, towards Twilight, who only nodded towards the top of the hill.

There, to Applejack’s surprise, stood a group of black shapes with their backs to the ponies milling about on the hill behind them. Already Rainbow Dash was standing in their midst, her good wing flared anxiously as she gazed out at something.

“Roseluck,” Applejack called, and was rewarded by the sight of a drone turning her head quickly. “What’s goin’ on? Why’s everpony so worked up?”

The drone exchanged a look with one of her peers, then motions for Applejack to come closer. “Good, I’m glad you’re here,” she said, sounding a little relieved. “I told Ms. Sparkle to hurry, but…”

Roseluck turned away then, her eyes seemingly unable to avert themselves from some spectacle just on the other side of the hill. “I… never thought there’d be this many so soon…”

Applejack cocked an eyebrow curiously, just as she climbed the last few feet to stand atop the hill’s gently rolling summit.

And there, just on the other side, were changelings. Lots, and lots… and lots of changelings.

Applejack could see their procession like a trail of ants that wound down a long dirt path from near the foot the hill she was standing on all the way out until sheer distance claimed them. The entire road was absolutely choked with changelings of all ages and sizes, some pulling carts laden with strange, exotic knickknacks. Some buzzed low over the ground to spare their tired hooves from further abuse on the road.

There must’ve been hundreds of them, all travel worn and exhausted, every single one of them slowly trekking their way from the south…

“The Hive must have listening posts here in Equestria,” Roseluck theorized. “Word must’ve spread to the Wilds some time ago.”

“But who are they?” Twilight asked, eyes roving over the seemingly never-ending ribbon of migrating changelings.

As Applejack looked out over them, she noticed several making their way up the hill towards them. They must’ve spotted the group standing at its top, and now the entire flow of changelings was coming straight towards them, small groups at a time.

“They’re… the queenless,” she breathed, her heart thudding with the realization.

“And they’re all here because of you, Applejack,” Roseluck added, drawing the apple farmer’s gaze. “You’ve started something, you know. Something big.”

Her expression became more careful as she scrutinized the young queen’s movements. “So… what will you do?”

Applejack blinked at the drone, her expression blank. Then, she cracked a rueful grin. “Me? Not much. But it ain’t all up ta me, is it?”

Roseluck blinked, taken aback.

Applejack’s smile grew, becoming slightly toothy. “So let me ask ya, Roseluck; what’re y’all gonna do?”

Roseluck blinked, taking a second to respond. And then, her smile grew. “I… am going to go do what a pony would do,” she declared.

“Me, too!” chimed in Bumblebee from the group.

“Count us in,” Twilight put in, stepping up beside her friend.

“Always,” stated Rainbow, taking her place on Applejack’s right and flashing her a smile. Applejack grinned back, her heart soaring.

“Alright, everypony. Let’s go greet the newest Equestrians!”

And together – ponies and changelings – they all descended from the hill towards the first group to meet them halfway.

Of course, when the first wave of changelings saw the approaching group, they ground to a halt. And when they noticed who – or rather, what – was leading the charge, they immediately hit the ground.

It still took Applejack a few long seconds to realize why each and every one of the drones before her seemed to have unanimously lost control of the muscles in the front half of their bodies, and when she realized that they were all bowing before her, she couldn’t help but fidget uncomfortably.

“Ugh… that ain’t right,” she grumbled in discontent, squirming uncomfortably.

She stepped up towards the first drone currently prostrating on the ground before her, who tensed nervously upon seeing her hooves approach. But when he witnessed the changeling queen herself extend a hoof towards him, he couldn’t help but look at it at a loss.

Then, nervously, he chanced a glance up at the queen… and found her smiling coaxingly back at him. A queen – smiling!

“C’mon, enough of that,” Applejack chuckled. “Up you get.”

The drone paused, confused and nervous all at the same time. Dare he chance it? But, if the rumors were true…

Still beyond nervous, he reached out a hoof towards the imposing limb of the queen before him. And to his utter astonishment, she took him by the hoof, and pulled him upright.

On all sides of her, drones were being helped upright by not only drones, but even a few brave ponies.

Applejack looked around at the growing mass of featureless blue eyes before her. Already there were scores of them, and with each passing moment, that number multiplied at an alarming rate. When drones couldn't see over their fellows, they took to the air to get a look at the young changeling queen.

And yet, Applejack only felt a little jitter of nerves. Having so many eyes turn towards her from so many angles wasn't her most favorite sensation in the world, but in that moment, it also wasn't the worst, either.

“Ah’m only gonna say this once, so listen up,” she said, raising her voice for as many drones as possible to hear. “Ah ain’t yer queen. Ah ain’t here ta tell ya how ta live yer lives. The only one who can tell y’all how ta do that is yerselves. From here on out, we are all equals! Every drone, every pony, everyone!”

Several of the drones looked at each other, nervous and anxious. And yet, there was a glint in their eyes; a hope. Dare they call it as such? Hope?

“This is where everythin’ changes,” Applejack stated. “We either go back ta how things were and hope things get better… or we make things better fer ourselves. It ain’t just up ta me, or up ta you, or you, or any one o’ you. It’s up ta all of us, changelin’s and ponies! Y’all want that brighter tomorrow? Well then… let’s get ta work.”
An electric charge ran through the ever-growing crowd. The buzz of words ran down the line, drone to drone, mare to stallion. In its wake was energetic excitement that thrummed with the sound of insect wings and wondrous voices.

And as Applejack looked around, she noticed it start to happen.

Here and there, a changeling stepped forward cautiously towards a pony. And then, nervously, they would flash a small smile and extend a hoof.

Ponies eyed the changelings curiously, but after only a short delay, the changelings’ smiles were met in kind, as were their extended hooves.

“You know what this means, right?” Roseluck said in Applejack’s ear.

When the young queen turned to look at her, she found Roseluck smiling warmly at her. “Everything is going to change for us. Everything…”

Applejack blinked at her, then she turned back to observe the swelling mass again. And then, a few moments later, she snorted.

“Well… wouldn’t that be ironic.”




Author's Note:

And that's all she wrote, ladies and gentlemen. I ended up cutting out one last bit which will make a good opening to the sequel, so... yeah.

This has been, and probably will always be, one of my most favorite things to work on, due in absolutely no small part to all you fans out there. Seriously; I want to thank all of you for sticking with this fic to the end and enjoying it along with me.
So, thanks for all the support from day one to the very end. Even you new folks who just picked this up; if you got a kick out of this, then that makes all the blood sweat and tears so very worth it.
So, consider this fic dedicated to all of you; it wouldn't have made it this far without your enthusiasm and support.

So, I hope to see you guys around. So, until then, peace!

Comments ( 357 )

Bravo, an amazing fanfiction. Definitly my favorite changeling one, even higher then Solitary Locust, and that is pretty good... still, not as good as this. AJ's a changelig now according to my headcanon!

It's over... That was epic... It really was.

But, I'm sad it's done. Still. All thing must end sometime. You, sir, are awesome.


~Skeeter The Lurker

what a crazy tale.....with the ending and the end of the last chapter I have one single question......Are you planning a sequel?:ajsmug:



It had to end... because otherwise how can you start the (already mentioned in the author's notes) sequel?

This has to be the best written "X is a changeling" fic on the site to date.

So... Cadance was the remains of the evil changeling queen?
or... Cadance was the evil changeling queens daughter?
Former friend?
Pen pal?
Mare who bought an old crown from her yard sale?
I got the Chysalis checking in part... but Cadance raises questions...

God dang it, I knew I missed something...

Edit: Fixed

Well, given the way I've built up the changelings (aka, them being a completely unknown race to ponies) I felt I had to address how exactly Cadance even knew what a changeling was and what they were capable of. I could argue that Chrysalis told her while gloating over her success, but...

I guess we'll just have to wait for the sequel to know exactly what that whole scene meant :pinkiehappy:

dude... tree words and one pic for you



cant wait for a sequel!!!


What is there to say? It's been one helluva ride, that's for sure!

And, is it true? A sequel in the works? We'll finally find out what became of Chrysalis? Who these other queens are and what they have planned for Queen President Hivespeaker Applejack? What Cadence's mysterious connection to Freedom is? Whether Vigil finally learns to play the flute?

It's... Done..?

Oh my god, that was...
That was...
Kinda awesome.

I'm glad I was released from the hospital today to enjoy your ending of this part. The scene between AJ and AB almost sent me back. :fluttercry:

I know it'll take a while, but it'll be worth it.

Man, this fic, for real. Mega boss. :coolphoto:

Cannot wait for the sequel, it's gonna rock!

Brilliant Story! Glad to hear that there might be a sequel... first Alt-Universe fic I started to read, and have never regretted it! Kudos!

Congratulations sir the epicosity of this story is of rainboom proportions. If you weren't going to write a sequel...Well I would have begged you for one anyway! Can't wait for it to come out! Especially curious about that stuff Vigil mentioned about Applejack... YAY:yay:

was going to ask if you planned a sequel, but I didn't have to, can't wait!!!!:pinkiehappy::heart:

2814468 Confirmation of a sequel?
Here is a semi relevant example of my feelings at this time.

...but what about that Fluttershy-as-a-changeling plot bunny you were tossing about?

... Mustaches regardless :moustache:

theirs going to be a sequel:rainbowhuh:?
...I love you so much right now!!!:heart::pinkiesmile:

Gotta say, I'm kinda bummed that I won't be seeing this in my inbox anymore.
But that just means that you have to hurry up with the sequel. Now chop to it!

I'm guessing she was actually friends with the good changeling queen (I want to say Carnation, but my memory's a little hazy).

When Changeling fics are well done they are some of the best in the fandom. This one is well done. Bravo Sir.

Commencing Standard celebration:

Great Story!, loved every part of it, good job!

So is Ponyville more changeling than pony now or what.

Ponyville's going to need more money for housing and infrastructure for it's new residents. Celestia better release some funds pronto.

Bravo good Sir. it's always a melancholic joy when a story of this caliber comes to a close.

Now I'm excited for the sequel:yay:

Cadence? A Changeling? WHAT A TWEEST

I look forward to the sequel. I can't wait to see where you take this.

A great end to a a great story. Bravo good sir.

Well, considering what the 'guard' told him, I seriously doubt we'll be seeing him later.
the 'guard', on the other hand...

Hot diggity damn.:rainbowhuh:

*Troll Question Of The Day*
What is small and cute yet scary and disgusting?

I must say I'm very glad to have checked this story when it first appeared in the updates list. It's been a fun read, and I would like to extend congratulations on growing such a fantastic and wonderful story. I hope your future endeavors go well, and I suppose a sequel would be well received, if you felt inclined to right one. Thanks again for a most excellent ride.

This story is in my Top 10 with out a doubt. Well written and an excellent story-line? And absolutely one of my Top 5 Changeling stories. Thank you for this amazing story! :heart:

2814527 I abso-flute-ly must know the answer to that last question. It's extremely important, and could change everything we know about life, the universe, everything, and 42.

I've read many a changeling fic at this point but this is by far the best I've ever read. The characterization, the growth and how each piece is so carefully crafted and begun is incredible. I truly hope you plan a sequel for this because to do otherwise would be a shame.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing this incredible story,

I've enjoyed this story immensely. Very well done!

More like Cadance knew AJ's mother and perhaps was the reason they managed to thrive as well as they did when Freedom was created. She was speechless during the meeting because she was simply floored by the fact she never knew the previous queen had a daughter, believing that the fateful battle was the end of the hive in totality, that the only queen that wanted coexistence was gone with no legacy. Red, I believe was the color of AJ's mother's crown.

Also... that Peach-colored pony. I believe she is one of the remaining Queens that would have opposed Chrysalis' rule, seeing as the replaced guard mentioned he was collecting vigil for a queen who is likely quite displeased.


“Hm… yes,” she hummed to herself, “This is going to be just… perfect.”

Seems to me her day was going to be perfect, You know, the kind of day she dreamed of when she was small...

This has been an awesome story to behold, without a doubt. The ending left quite a nice surprise. You did an amazing job with this and I hope to see that same quality in its sequel. Until then, congrats on this masterpiece~!

You make a good point, sir or madam. That is quite the coincidence.

When the young queen turned to look at her, she found Roseluck smiling warmly at her. “Everything is going to change for us. Everything…”

Applejack blinked at her, then she turned back to observe the swelling mass again. And then, a few moments later, she snorted.

“Well… wouldn’t that be ironic.”

Leave it to Applejack to botch the nineteen-chapter-long-in-waiting title drop by using the word "irony" wrong.

Bravo, sir. I do believe you merit a push of the "Track" button.

2814874 Doctor Eggman makes everything better. He constantly sounds like he's on the edge of an orgasm.

Why you little :facehoof: Making me follow you like that cause of a sequal. Oh who am I kidding! I would have followed anyway :pinkiehappy: This just makes it better!

I think this sums up what I feel about this fic. That was ridiculously awesome! I can't wait for the sequel.

I don't comment much, but you know I've followed this for a long time. It was a great story all in all. The whole "was the story hinting at an AppleDash ship" was never addressed and I was disappointed to see nothing of it mentioned either way, but this has easily been one of, if not the best story I have followed long term. Bravo. I still think you should do a panel on this at Sweet Apple Acres Con in two weeks......just saying...open invitation to ya.

As for rating, I give it :ajsmug::ajsmug::ajsmug::ajsmug: and :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

That's 4 out of 5 AJ's and 4 out of five Spikestache's. Aint too bad my friend. Ain't too bad....

It's over? NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Sequel? Good I won't panic.

Is Cadance a changeling too? Are ponies even real? :pinkiesmile:

Oh god, the end came so fast *sheds a tear*
Welp, I guess I'll just read it all again.

Okay so what I got was that Cadence was friends with Queen Carnation and didn't know that Carnation had a daughter. That's what I got from the part with Cadence. :unsuresweetie:

Wow... I mean just... wow. I'm almost sad its over... that was such a story... :raritystarry:

I take my hat off to you sir. :ajsmug:

That was one of the most awesome fics I have ever read!

I think it is us readers who need to thank you.
Your excellent storytelling, great characterization, gripping visuals, and the emotional connection you have created make this a fic worth reading.

So I say to you, bravo and keep on writing.

Goodie, a sequel! Can't wait for that! :pinkiehappy:

2815108 Spiders!

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