• Published 12th Feb 2013
  • 24,153 Views, 3,417 Comments

My Little Marriage : Mary is a Mare - MerlosTheMad

Stan has been married to his wife, Mary, for nearly fifteen years. They're happy and live a very normal, almost picturesque life. Sometimes... life has a funny way of pulling a one eighty when you least expect it.

  • ...

Chapter 16 : Day by Day

October 29th 2023, Sunday

Morris Family Basement

Mary spoke in a careful voice, mincing her words before saying them aloud. "Things are... peaceful, for the most part. There is of course the same household drama that there used to be. Which oddly enough... I'm very thankful for on the inside, I think. I don't tell anyone that though you understand, encouraging Stan or Anna is a veritable death wish in terms of distractions or obnoxiousness." She let out a strained, tinkling laugh at that and trailed off.

The sound of someone going 'mmhmm' on the other end of the phone line bid Mary to continue, so she did. A tight smile creased her muzzle while she paused, choosing her words. "At least, it is with Anna. That only used to be the case with Stan..."

"I see... And what do you mean, exactly?" The person she spoke to asked, almost too eagerly.

Mary looked to the side of the phone for a moment, then answered. "Stan seems to grow more and more dour with each passing day. He enters these bouts of quiescent dwelling. I don't know what he's thinking, but he won't tell me. Annoyingly enough it always stays a secret. He acts like he's doing no such thing but I..." Her hooves rub together as she speaks, growing more anxious by the minute.

"I don't know for sure. Whatever it is taking up my husband's thoughts isn't clear... I've been coming up with my own ideas, but that only gets me so far in talking to him." Unfortunately for Mary, she hadn't been able able to produce all that many of them, either. "There... are other changes too, of course, that's just the tip of this iceberg. Fighting to maintain normalcy as best I can has been an uphill battle."

The scribbling of notepaper and the clicking of computer keys came through the phone, but no immediate answer.

Mary shifted uncomfortably on the couch continuously, unable to feel as though she were really in private right now. She knew that the feeling there were eyes watching her, merely came from talking to someone new and nothing else. All the same, her skin prickled from the unease as a nervous sweat began to build. It could also be that the new outfit she wore was too hot though—Stan had the heat turned up for the cold evening.

"I see... and Mary, I don't want to press the issue I have with this, but you seem very stable and settled based from our previous talk. So I'll ask one more time, are you certain you wouldn't rather have these talks in person? I know you said that your desire for privacy was unrelated to these problems you're facing, but the impersonal nature of this could effect both you and your family's coming to grips with things. Now, I don't promise a sure-fire feel good mantra that will fix your problem, only to listen and help you work through things." The counseling psychologist finally stopped pitching what was her second attempt to meet in person...that day.

Mary had nearly chewed the pencil she had in her mouth into two pieces. Oh yes doc, you're right, how could I have been so silly? I'll just go hop in my car, bring the family, and knock on your office door with my hoof in no time! She sighed and flopped onto her back on the couch.

It had been just shy of a month since... the event. Mary didn't like remembering that day, even this much later it remained one of the most terrifying days in her life.

"Mary? Are you still there?" The psychologist prompted her with what Mary suspected was a faux worried tone.

"Yes, I'm here." Mary flipped around and laid back on her stomach facing the phone. It was by far one of her least favorite positions, but hate it or not she inevitably ended up using it again and again.

"Alright, I take it that was a no then?"

A slight blush crept up Mary's face; she realized she might have been a bit too loud sighing...

"Uhm, yes, I'm sorry about that, doc. I didn't mean to sound rude. I just don't want to repeat things is all." I'd simply much rather use the limited amount of time I have to talk to you on myself, rather than you backtracking. Mary frowned at the phone and let the thought go unspoken, true though it might be. Paying for a psychologist was expensive, after all.

"Well alright, let's continue," the voice said merrily.

Yes, let's! Mary rolled her eyes and thought acidly.

"To surmise and interpret what you've shared about Mr. Morris, it seems as though something is troubling him very deeply as well. Is it safe to assume it's the same issue that you cannot speak of? Or are you trying to hint to me subtly that you suspect something more? Perhaps something of a marital persuasio-?"

"No! I mean, yes, but no!" Mary facehoofed and scowled at the thing after for the pain it caused. "I know what you're getting at, there is absolutely zero chance of Stan having an affair or anything of the sort. That's not at all what I'm concerned about. I don't know what's really bothering... him, but it probably is that thing I can't talk about..." Mary let out another tired breath and settled onto staring at the floor.

The rest of the phone call progressed much as it had since Mary had begun seeking the help in the first place. She had reached out seeking answers, or a more educated view point.

Mary was no more at ease as the phone call ended than she was when it had begun, which was the entire purpose of her having them. Her confidence in these so called 'professionals' was dwindling though, along with the budget she'd set aside with Stan for it. In her mind, he was a knight in shining armor for doing so much for her, but his darkening mood still hung around them like a shroud.

The only time it wasn't there was when Mary confronted him about it, in which case he would do his best to act as if nothing were wrong. The problem she had, and as a result used a lot of her time on the phone for, was that she couldn't figure out why he was acting that way. She had ideas, there was the obvious possibility he was worrying over her, or their kids, maybe even finances or simply that crazy theory about the strange marks they had all gotten mysteriously.


Mary had the flickering, fearful suspicion though, that it had everything to do with the way she looked now, and the changes it had brought into their lives. It probably didn't mean much, which made her fear silly she realized, but she still wanted to help, if that were the case.

Truthfully, everything had changed, everything, really. Her family no longer tried to fit in around town, they didn't go out anymore, in fact, they hadn't even so much as gone out to eat. Not that it's our fault, as if that could ever happen given the circumstances...

Mary snorted a burst of laughter at the thought of herself in formal attire as she was. A nice night out with her family was certainly not a possibility. "That would certainly be something to give Faith and those buzzards to talk about..." Her hooves thudded as she hopped a short distance off of the basement couch, she paused a moment at the pool table and groused inwardly at the sight of pizza boxes left on top of it. How did I miss that? The mare rolled her eyes and vowed to get Stan down here to clean up his mess, then clopped her hooves loudly on the hardwood stairs as she climbed them.

A lot had happened in the last almost thirty days. It was October twenty-ninth, the school year progressed normally enough. It was still too early to tell really, but Bobby was obviously paying even less mind to things than last year. Stan had also ended up replacing the windows in the car for new ones that were tinted, expensive though it had been. Mary considered it her early anniversary gift, it was nice being able to get around still. Not that she had anywhere to go really, except her mom's home.

They had gotten closer, since the big change. Mary would stay over some nights and would talk for hours with her husband's parents. They had always been polite and well mannered with each other before, but now they were definitely what she would call close friends, on top of family.

Stan though...he'd distanced himself a little.

The days that Stan would randomly, spontaneously romance Mary seemed to be well in the past, which was alright and probably for the best. I knew a day would come when we would be to old for that, anyway. She thought placidly. The basement door creaked shut behind herself as she trotted through the house to the kitchen. At least he still makes earnest attempts to act the part, if not follow through. The idea of that happening brought a cold sweat to her skin. Point in fact, neither she nor he had even spoken about it. It made perfectly perfect sense to her that he felt the same way.

So, Stan brooded on, the silence he would enter every day seemingly going on to grow, more and more. He would break it long enough to cheer Mary up, though, so all was not terrible on his front. It simply begged the question in Mary's mind, what is he thinking about?

Mary frowned slightly as she stood up and reached for the cupboards—she couldn't reach the top shelf without a chair, which had led to some reorganizing. Her hooves pulled out the box of popcorn and pulled a bag out.

Anna, had been even more joyous and hyper since the... ponification—at least, that's what Herbert called it—which was a very good thing in Mary's mind. She was more than happy to see at least one of her children doing great in school, making friends and having a great time no matter how dark things seemed to get from time to time. Her other offspring, Bobby...he had became dreadfully unattached ever since she had changed. Ever since that day he had found out, he barely spoke, to anyone.

The dim yellow light from the microwave popping the movie snack glowed over Mary's coat and mane, giving it a mystical appearance in the dark evening.

Mary watched the bag spin slowly in the kitchen appliance absently. Here I am, something that shouldn't exist, probably the only example of something besides a human that acts...well, human, sitting in the dark and making popcorn. A ding told her the salty treat was finished. And all the while, I could care less about that. I just want to keep my family. Once again she hopped up, placing her front hooves to rest on the counter top and opened the microwave.

The popcorn bag ripped open between Mary's hooves, then poured out into a big bowl. The mare laid her thoughts to rest for the night, deciding instead to focus on what was important. There will be plenty of time to worry later... She thought confidently.

Mary carried the plastic container by its very edge in her mouth towards the family room. It was easy now that she had gotten used to her body. A few days ago she had concluded that all men were part pony, judging from how much more she liked salted snacks now, just like they seemed to.

The flashing of blue and red in the room welcomed Mary, along with the cheer of her ten year old daughter. Anna's birthday had been last week, that had been an interesting day.

"Popcorn! Popcornpopcornpopcornpopcornnnn!" Anna cheered the words in rapid succession in a way Mary was sure no other person could. The girl began to bounce on the couch, her eyes lighting up in the television's glow at the sight of the surprise. "You're the best Mom!"

Mary smiled at the sight before her, which included Anna's antics and a comatose husband. Stan was quite obviously dozing in his recliner, or he would have already asked her about how bad the phone call had gone. He worried about her to a fault.

Anna reached out for the bowl as Mary made her way onto the upstairs couch and sat to watch the old film with her daughter. It was a cute movie called 'Wreck It Ralph' that was about a video game arcade or something...

"Awwww," Anna cried out as Mary leaned away with the popcorn still locked protectively in her jaws.

Mary grinned over the brim of the bowl. "Nooo, mine!" she replied jokingly, only to gasp a second later in surprise alongside her daughter.

"Waita go, Mom..." The popcorn had spilled over Mary's front and across the couch, nearby Stan snorted awake from the sudden increase in noise.

Well, I never said I was completely used to this body... Mary grimaced down at the wasted snack she'd made for herself and her family, which had spilled everywhere. The bowl tumbled and continued to roll across the floor.

Mary was quite unsure of what exactly she was going to do.

Bobby lay on his bed staring tiredly up at the ceiling as he usually did. There wasn't much for him to distract himself with at home, so this is what usually filled his time. Sadly enough, anyway, he replied coldly to himself. He had tried to go out that night with a girl and some friends to see a movie, but his Mom, Mary had gotten in the way of that.

I thought that plan would've worked perfectly, too. Earlier, Bobby had tried to convince her by asking if she could drive him there. Sure enough, he'd watched her face light up at the suggestion of getting out of the house...only for her to shoot him down anyway, preaching 'not until we see better behavior' this or 'if your grades were better' that.

The boy rolled over and stared flatly at the wall. Whatever, I'm a self-made man now, it's just a matter of time before I can get out of the house. It was no surprise that his popularity at school had sky rocketed, practically everyone was his friend now, or at least eating out of his hand. He knew none of them were really his friends, but that didn't matter.

The cell phone resting on the table beside his bed began to ring.

Bobby reached over in a flash of movement and picked it up, saw that it was Cory, then answered it. "Hey."

"Duuude, you missed a great time." His friend's voice was mixed with that of several others in the back ground.

Bobby grunted and stood up, irritation at being stuck at home and out of sight building. "Yeah, tell me something I don't know, Twig." The nickname wasn't a very nice one, but it worked in a pinch for when Cory was trying to get on his nerves, which is what he must be doing if he only called to brag.

"Hoho, ouch, alright, guess you don't wanna hear the good news I got then." Cory's voice was partially drowned out by about six other voices screaming into the cellphone beside him. They cried various versions of 'I love you' and 'you rock!' He could clearly hear Cory slap them away and move further from the group afterwards.

"...What good news?" Bobby asked hesitantly.

"What? Oh, aw man, you won't believe this, but Jace's brother Mark is in from Germany, you know what that means?" Cory's voice was elated from the excitement instilled by his own words.

Bobby's perpetually grim expression lit up with a wicked grin. He knew exactly what that meant.

The two young men spoke in tandem. "College party."

"Damn straight. It's in two nights man, don't miss it!" Cory responded, pleased as hell with himself. Behind him, other voices cheered loudly at the mention of the party.

Bobby frowned again, a thought coming to him. "Dude, why would they let us hang out there though? I mean, Jace wouldn't be left out, but what about us?" He could practically hear Cory shaking his head on the other side of the phone.

"Dude, I asked Mark already if we could band for the party, he was totally cool with it after I played one of our music files for him." Bobby grinned again at their luck. "You've gotten us VIP tickets brother, hell, he's even paying us if we do a good job."

"Was there ever any doubt?" Bobby grinned over the appropriately confident words, they felt right to him. "Well alright, that sounds great, thanks for brightening my mood man."

Cory answered him smugly. "Hey no problem, what are friends for, right? Just make sure you don't miss it brother! Talk to you tomorrow with details, I gotta go!" The sounds of his friends getting rowdy in the background was unmistakable as the cellphone call ended.

Bobby's proud grin melted into a tired, irritated frown. Sure, his friends could probably get away with going to the thing no problem, but he was the youngest out of the group, even if he looked like the oldest. Just what are my chances of getting away to show up at this thing? He knew the answer wasn't even between slim and none, it was somewhere on the fringes near 'Hell no' and 'Hell no, go to your room'.

The cellphone clunked onto his side table while at the same time Bobby deftly kicked the guitar he'd borrowed up into his hands. The stand it had rested on spun a little from the motion. He'd talked Cory into letting him borrow it to practice after all, which hadn't been hard, it was just a piece of junk, when all was said and done.

The memory made his face twist angrily as he recalled his parents essentially laughing at him after he politely asked if they'd get him one of his own. It's not like I asked for something top of the line, just one that wasn't twenty years old. You'd think they'd at least negotiate a little after I said I would pay more attention to those embarrassments the school system calls teachers. Instead of that, they'd brazenly and selfishly demanded that his grades show some improvement, first. He had agreed, he didn't have a choice, but he knew he didn't have time for that crap, not anymore.

Bobby's thoughts stuck on Mary now that he'd mulled over getting stuck with the ancient instrument he now held. It had been one thing that he'd gotten away with ditching the 'pet', as he'd told his friends he had succeeded in doing. It was another that they'd ask him nonstop if Mary could 'hook them up'. The situation made his teeth grind, the whole thing was like a double pronged attack on his patience.

First, there was them talking shit about his family, which he didn't care about...really, it was just irritating. Second though, he couldn't shake this stupid nagging feeling he kept getting every time he thought about her. It was like a bad taste in his mouth that he couldn't get rid of.

Bobby absently stared at the Fender guitar—which was older than he was—while his mind ran over how he'd get Mary to let him go. It only took a minute before he came to a solid conclusion. Yeah it's not gonna happen. He sighed as his hands ran through the motions of several chords while he barely paid attention. So I guess the real question is, do I have someone drive out here to get me or do I skateboard the entire damn way over to Jace's house? Oh he was still going, this just meant he would sneak out and not say anything. So, it wasn't that far, not really, he would probably end up skateboarding.

The guitar swung over Bobby's big shoulders and landed smoothly back on its cradle. The teenager moved towards and sat down at his desk, he'd hardly ever used it until he started playing music. Now, he spent a lot of time learning the ins and outs of the art. If I'm going to be playing for a crowd, even a drunk one, I'll have something ready for them.

For the rest of the night he worked tirelessly trying out ideas, hoping his drive for success at what he wanted to do would inspire him.

...It didn't—after a couple hours and nothing to show for it on paper, Bobby ended up falling asleep at his desk, restless.

October 30th 2023, Monday

4:00 PM

The instructor's mouth hit the floor as Annalise easily ran up the concrete wall barefoot, then back flipped back onto the practice mat. She landed lightly on her toes and fell down smoothly into the form she had practiced all day, showing off her skill and balance as she did so.

The other students that were still there applauded quietly and spoke amongst themselves.

"That was amazing Anna," Ms. Kenly clapped her hands along with everyone else while Anna grinned boldly and bowed to her peers. "I can honestly say that I'm very impressed, but don't let it go to your head. Still, we're all glad you joined our little dojo family and are sticking around."

The other students had begun to chatter at Anna, drowning out the teacher. "Thanks Ms. Ken! AH! Guys thanks, uh, really it was nothing!" Anna thanked her sensei all the same, doing her best to smile everywhere at once as others made their way onto the mat, crowding her. She had joined the dojo just a few weeks ago, but she was already a yellow belt and well on her way to the next tier. Not to mention popular as a result...

I really wish they all wouldn't be so nice just because I'm good at something. It's kinda...uhm, shallow? Yeah, shallow. She sighed and began chatting with another despite her apprehension at being the center of attention off of a stage, being polite. Anna had a thought seeking escape from the small crowd. It's getting late, where's Dad?

As if on cue, Anna heard a buzzing from her gi and other equipment. She managed to wriggle politely past the other kids and teenagers towards the mat's edge and picked up her phone.

At the same time, Ms. Ken grabbed her attention as well. "Anna, your father's here!" She looked down, and sure enough she had a message from her dad's cell phone. Oddly though, it wasn't the usual, flawless grammar that he always used. Instead, it was a mishmash of vowels and random capitalized letters.

They very roughly said, "Hi Anna! I'm waiting in the car outside." What it actually said was, "hi ana1 in witing on te car utsid".

Anna cringed back from the atrocious sight. Yeesh, even Bobby can spell better than that, what's wrong with Dad? Her eyes widened and she shrugged her shoulders with a sigh. The phone found its way back into her gym bag—which was almost as big as her—as she made her way to the front door, waving goodbye as she left.

Once outside, she stopped and stared at the her Mom's car, parked by itself at the far end of the parking lot against another building's side. She knew it was her Mom in the car though and not Dad, because Dad wouldn't use the car anymore, not since the truck had decided to not be old and Mom needed the car in case of an emergency...

Anna blinked in confusion and looked around to make sure the truck wasn't around, then shrugged and approached the car. She looked at the license plate, yeah, it's definitely my Mom's... Just for good measure, the car beeped twice at her. She wasn't sure if she should be smiling or frowning, Mom's only supposed to drive to work, I hope Dad didn't fall down the stairs again or something... The back door opened first so she could put away the gym bag, then she carefully opened the front door and closed it just as quickly.

"Hey Sweetie!" Mary greeted Anna warmly as she hopped into her car. Her daughter was wearing an impressively dumbfounded expression as she climbed into the car, then strapped in without looking away from her once.

"Uh, hey Mom, why are you here? Where's Dad?" Anna settled into the seat and strapped in, but didn't look away from her mysteriously appearing parent. She briefly looked down at what Mom wore though, a white blouse with crisscrossing straps in order to hold it up despite her different build. Oooh, that's a new one, Grandma's getting creative! She giggled as two hooves briefly pulled her into a hug from across the center of the car.

"Well gee, I'm happy to see you too." Mary laughed bitterly and smiled at her daughter. "Dad's running late at work, so I came and got you!" She put on a winning grin and gestured proudly at herself with one hoof, but faltered when Anna raised an eyebrow at her.

There was a long pause in the car until Anna acted on the irresistible opportunity before her. "Mooom, you know you're not supposed to be out unsupervised." She grinned mischievously and poked Mary's shoulder, giggling afterwards and spoiling her joke.

Mary's face and smile thinned under the snickering ridicule of her daughter. She let out a tired sigh and popped the car into drive with both hooves.

Anna, seeing this, put on a faux frowning face and pressed on. "Aaaaww, don't be sad Mommy! I was just kidding," she stuck her tongue out smirking and leaned in front of Mary so she got a good view of her antics. "I mean it though...a little... What if someone else found out about you!? Then I'd have to gear up with Grandpa and beat up the Men In Black to rescue you!"

The fortifications on Mary's face crumbled as she giggled a little at the thought, she is right though, Mary. "I guess I could have called Grandma—" she began.

Anna jumped in and interrupted. "Should have, Mom! Should have!" She half leaned across the car, eyes wide in order to drive home her point.

"Anna sit down, don't distract the driver." Mary batted a hoof over at Anna in order to get her to behave. Her daughter had been a lot braver as far as behavior since her change. She imagined it was entirely due to her being a technicolor pony these days. Then again, I imagine I would take my parents a whole heckuva lot less seriously if they turned into ponies, too. A thoughtful smirk appeared at the idea, despite herself.

Beside Mary, her daughter's arms crossed as she pouted in the passenger seat. "Oh, so you get to make up rules and stuff but I still gotta listen to them, huh?"

Once again, Mary found herself surprised at how well Anna managed to switch between acting like your typical, ten year old, to a more sensibly minded person, then back seamlessly. I wonder if it's something we're feeding her... She thought questioningly.

"Anna, I'm not disobeying anything, besides I'm perfectly safe in the car!" Mary didn't feel the need to add that she hadn't disobeyed anything, not really, sure Stan would take issue with it but he didn't make the rules of the house. Her smirk at the conversation became a grin as her car past the last light out of Belsdale and out towards the rural part of Idaho, where they lived.

Anna's resolve broke and she giggled aloud after a moment with her Mom.

The sound of a police siren behind them on the country road broke them both out of their revelry.

"Oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God!" Mary felt the blood pumping in her ears, which were plastered to her head in between flicking up in a frightened manner. "What do we do!? What do I do!?" Her eyes were widened to their utmost as her mind raced for some way out of the position she'd found herself. Why did she pull me over!? Was I speeding!? No, I wasn't speeding! So why, is my tail light out!? Oh god, oh God, oh God!

Mary realized after another minute that panicking wouldn't help, she thought of just what was going to happen instead. Okay, they might not even be giving me a ticket, grr, but that's not the problem! No matter what, they're going to at least check my license and registration...and that means they're going to seeee meeee. She buried herself in her hooves on the steering wheel, briefly grinding her face against them in desperate denial of the situation. Okay, get a grip Mary...solution, think of a solution. Any minute now the trooper would get out of the car after running her license plate and make their approach, at which point she knew she was done for.

Anna was completely silent behind her, looking intently over the back of the car seat at the patrol car.

"Anna get down, don't look. Oooh, what am I going to do!? We can't run...we...of all the things that could have happened, this is the, worst, possible, thing!" Mary gritted her teeth and shut off the car, letting out a depressed sigh after her dramatic outburst.

"You mean...what are we going to do, Mom." Anna laid a hand on Mary's hoof and drew her mom's eyes from the car keys. "Come on think, we have options here, like, why can't we run?"

Mary blinked disbelieving at how calm her daughter was being. "W-what? It's illegal Anna! We-" The thought clicked in her head. Actually, I guess we could! Mary began to consider getting out of the car and making a break for it across the open field. "I could carry you, then the car could just get reported as stolen!" Both mother and daughter began to smile jubilantly over the break through.

"Alright! My other wish totally came true!" Anna grinned so hard her eyes shut as she thanked Santa for getting the pony-ride of a life time.

Mary deadpanned back at her daughter, then sighed and undid her seat belt. "I'm not even going to respond to that, come on Anna we don't have mu-"

The sound of a knock at her tinted window drew Mary's eyes behind herself. Oh no! Why is he here already!? Did he not run our license plate!?

Beside her, Anna started breathing heavily and tugging on Mary's sleeve. "Mom, come on let's go, let's go Mom I don't want them to take you! Come on!"

"Sshhh, it's okay baby calm down it'll be al...right?" Mary heard an unmistakable voice outside the car. It wasn't Stan, if only I should be so lucky she thought cheekily. It was far worse, possibly even more so than a policeman that she didn't know.

A muffled, obnoxious voice came through the car's window. "Hey Mary, Mary! Open up chica I ain't seen you in ages!" The sound of a giant, meaty fist tap tapping on her car window made her shrink in the car seat. All logical thought escaped her mind as her previous fears of discovery were replaced with annoyed apprehension at having to be around the infamous Dan.

Mary blinked as another thought came to her. Oh this is perfect actually, I could just sock him in the face, then leave and I doubt I would get in any trouble at all. This thought didn't come about because Stan was Dan's boss, Dan was simply that annoying in the small, rural town. He was rude, crass, short tempered, slovenly, violent and worst off all, loud.

"Come on Mary, I haven't seen you in months, I just wanna say hi! Also, your tail-light's out." His fist stopped its assault on her car window, Anna had likewise calmed down and looked worriedly from the window to Mary continuously.

"Oh, well if that's all Dan then, hi! I really gotta go though so, if...it's alright I'll just do that and be out of your hair then!" Mary let out a nervous laugh, her hooves bent up in front of her as the chuckle made her eye twitch slightly. Just leave damn you, leave! Nervous and frightened didn't even begin to describe her right now. "Lord, if you're listening, I will never, ever sneak candy from Anna's stocking or Halloween bag ever again if you let me go..."


Mary blinked, then bit her lip as she realized she'd said that aloud. "Not now dear, Mommy's talking." Her daughter rolled her eyes and sat back.

"Come on Mary, you know I'm on camera right now. It's not like I can just let you go, I need to at least check your license and registration to make sure it's up to date. That's just procedure." Dan rested his hands up on his patrol belt and frowned down at the darkly tinted car windows. The glare of the sun made it impossible to see through them, even this up close. I always hated tinted windows on a stopped car. He thought absently.

Mary had to restrain herself from banging her head on the steering wheel. Great! He's going to see me, and I can't run away now! Great, just great! Even if she ran, Dan now knew that she'd been in the car, so claiming it had been stolen now wasn't a very good bet. Her jowls chomped down on the leather of the steering wheel angrily. "Anna, pass 'eh 'dah 'icense 'nd 'egistra'ion, 'lease."

Anna frowned at her Mom, half opening her mouth to speak, but didn't and opened the glove box.

Mary took the documents in one hoof from her daughter and frowned down at them, then tried her last gambit.

The car window rolled down, but only a crack, she crouched and slid the license out, resting on top of the car's registration.

There was a pause from outside of the vehicle, and Dan didn't answer or take the papers immediately as Mary had hoped that he would. "Mary, come on girl, you gotta roll the window down."

Mary cursed and swore at herself inwardly. For- God- Is first name basis not enough for this jerk!? She exhaled and almost just rolled the window down in her fury, ready to go 'boo!' "Look, Dan I'd love to, but I'm a mess right now, I don't even have any make up on, please?" It was true, she didn't have make up on. I haven't worn make up in almost a month now. She thought smugly, hoping that he bought it and just let her be.

"Mary, look, your husband wouldn't want me to cut corners for anyone else I know, he wouldn't want me to do favors for folks he knows either. That means for you too, not just my own friends. Not that you aren't my friend or anything, you're just my boss' wife and all so I can't exactly invite you over to watch the game, you know?" Dan let out a rumbling laugh and shook the car from where he was leaning on it.

The documents pushed back into the vehicle, causing Mary to eep and scurry her hooves about trying to catch them.

"Pleeeease Dan! Don't make me do this..." Mary pleaded with her best girly voice, then gasped at that exact moment. After she had ended her final beg for mercy, the car door had opened.

"Hey lookit that, your car door was unlooooo-" Dan trailed off after laying eyes on the sight before him. He stood in the doorway with his Aviators reflecting gleaming sunlight down on the pony, which sat in the driver's seat of Mary Morris' car. It was clutching what looked to be Mary's drivers license and vehicle registration to its chest, looking up at him with fear-filled, huge eyes. He felt his mouth drop open at the very sight in disbelief. Costume? The eyes blinked, holy shit, not a costume. Its mouth was likewise hanging open as he knew his was.

Dan reached a hand out slowly and poked the creature's forehead with one finger. It felt like a thin coat of fur that was certainly real enough. The bewildering creature still didn't move though, he was certain he'd gone crazy somehow. Its hair was a pale blue with a tan, almost cream yellow stripe, while its body was a washed out orange. These were both what Dan knew were impossible colors in the wild, for what looked to be some kind of miniature horse.


A miniature horse with impossibly big, misshapen alien eyes, thick, tube-like legs and a human-like expression of fear.


Both of the adults didn't move an inch for almost a minute.


Mary felt a finger poke her side, and almost jumped.

"Mom, let's just go, I think you broke him." Anna's voice was barely more than a whisper, but Mary heard it easily.

The mare nodded in a daze as she closed the door slowly. The sunlight that had peeked into the car was completely cut off once it finally, blessedly shut. Mary just sat there for a second, then numbly shifted the car into drive.

Author's Note:

Whelp, Dan from Mrpocket's Duality is back for another short cameo. It's fun writing fanfiction, because you can do whatever the heck you want like let your friend's characters in a little cute appearances like this when you need random characters. :pinkiehappy:

So hey, whoa lookit that, the whole family isn't a pony herd. (yet? who knows!) I also time jumped, it's a full month almost later from PD1 (Ponification Day 1).

The story is chugging along quite nicely, don't you guys think? ^^ Look forward for another update sometime this week!

Also, every state trooper's face in this situation.

-EDIT! The wonderful efforts in the picture you see above are by none other than
Balthasar999!!!! I can't thank this fellow enough, I've never been so touched in my life. MY FIRST FAN ART! XD