• Published 7th Mar 2013
  • 2,021 Views, 26 Comments

Second Person With Ponies - TheGuardianOfBooks

Second Person haters beware because guess who you get to have a fun day with... everybody!

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Once Upon An Awkward Party

Once Upon An Awkward Party

Ponyville was brand new to you. You've only moved there just a few months ago, and you barely have any friends. Just a girl named Roseluck, whom you visit every day at her flower shop. Oh, and who could forget Pinkie Pie?!

You have always had a crush on everybody's favorite girl since you first saw her. She welcomed you to the suburb warmly, and with great enthusiasm; with a song. Who could forget someone like that? No matter how many times you tried, you just didn't have the guts to ask her out. Everytime you got the chance, your mouth would send out a jumbled mess of words. You always blush when you see her prancing around town humming and singing. Then one day, the extraordinary happens, something that you weren't prepared for; Pinkamena Diane Pie, asked you out. At least, that's the way you saw it.

"So, I'm having a super duper fun party later! Wanna come?" you remember her saying. You also remember how ridiculously dumb you looked when you responded to her.

"R-r-really?!” You stuttered nervously, falsely coughing to cover it up, “I mean, um, sure. I-I'm not doing anything l-later anyways."

As you quickly make your way to Sugar Cube Corner, you’re hoping that tonight you'll be able to at least ask Pinkie Pie on a date for next Sunday. You could feel the hairs on your back standing on end from nervousness. From what you’ve heard from over the past few days, this party was going to be intense. There were some rumors that you heard about how Rainbow Dash was so drunk at the last party that she threw up over Star Chaser while dancing.

"Hope that doesn't happen to me!", you tell yourself, "I don't want to throw up on Pinkie Pie! No drinks for me!"

There were multicolored neon lights bursting from the windows, and you could see variously shaped shadows through the window, all drinking from red cups. With very little drinking going on in Ponyville, you barely drink yourself. But, when there was you knew where everypony got it from.

"Must be Berry Punch." You muse, while you stepped up the stairs of the sugar-filled bakery. You softly knock your hand on the door. You're not sure why you did it so quietly, as the music inside is blaring. A couple of people passed you and just walked in, so you narrow your eyes and triumphantly do the same. There were mostly girls dancing with each other, though there were a few boys too. You scan the area for anyone familiar. Your palms are hot a sweaty, and your ears hurt from the booming sounds. Unfortunately there's no sign of Pinkie Pie. The table with cupcakes and punch are placed across the room.

Well, I am hungry you thought to yourself, so you began making your way toward the table. You noticed that you would have to make it across the dance floor first. There were a few faces that you knew on the dance floor; Carrot Top, Vinyl Scratch, Rainbow Way, and Colgate. As you meander your way through the crowd, you get pushed into a winged young lady with blonde hair. After falling on your behind, your eyes gazed up at the girl you bumped into. She was a cutie, even with the extremely lazy eye. You never met this girl before and you couldn't stop staring at her eyes, even though you knew it was rude.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I can be clumsy at times..." the girl held her hand out to you, helping you up.

"No, it's okay. It was my fault anyways. First intense party." you sigh as you brush yourself off.

"Heh, Don't worry I've been to worse parties! I was at the one when Rainbow Dash... ya'know..." she smiles kindly at you. "My name's Derpy! Yours is?"

You opened your mouth to answer but, suddenly the music stopped and a low bass began to roar from the speakers. It was dubstep, sometimes you love it sometimes you hate it. But, apparently Derpy loved it because her mouth gaped open and she gasped in excitement.

"Omigosh! I looovvveee this song!" Derpy squealed, she ran back to her turquoise haired companion and started to shuffle and spin. You awkwardly continue your way toward the food filled table, getting bombarded with ankles and elbows every step of the way. Everyone who hit you said sorry, but it still hurt anyways.

"Darn it, where's Pinkie? Can't find her anywhere in this crazy house..." you growl as you, finally, make to the cupcakes. You gasp in fright, as you suddenly felt two soft, warm hands on your shoulders. You spin around in alarm, and see the best thing of the night so far; curly pink hair, blue eyes, pink shirt with a sleeve down revealing her gray tang top underneath.

Pinkie Pie! Phew! You calm down yourself.

"You finally came! I thought you wouldn't show up!" Pinkie giggled showing her pearly white teeth, "Come on! I want you to meet some people! They're really fun!"

"Uh oh..." you gasp out under your breath, rubbing your wet neck nervously. There are millions of thoughts flying through your head. What if it's her family? What if it's her group of boyfriends?! Or girlfriends?! Surely no good can come out of thi-

Your thoughts were interrupted as Pinkie Pie's tight grasp on your hand starts to drag you across the building, pulling you through crowds of laughter and movement. You still aren't sure what kind of party this is yet. But, you do see a little girl, about 10 years of age. She had big green eyes with swirly pink and purple hair. You also believe that you saw a flash of purple and red hair too. You aren't positive though, as Pinkie is pulling you too fast to get a decent look. Sugar Cube Corner was a lot bigger on the inside then on the outside. You guess houses are just strange like that, but this place was huge! Pinkie has been pulling you to the back of the homestead for almost 10 minutes! Where was she even taking you? There wasn't some kind of dungeon in the back of the adobe, right? At last, she came to a halt in front of a small group of girls. There were five on them sitting in a half circle, you knew one of them Rainbow Dash. The other four you have seen on the news before and around town, but you never heard there names or ever had the chance to chat. You suppose that there very busy, last time you heard about the sextet was how they defeated King Sombra in the Crystal Empire. They seemed nice though...

The one girl with navy blue hair with pink and purple highlights and wearing a school uniform-like shirt and sweater vest smiled kindly towards you.

"You must be the person that Pinkie has been telling us about. You’re new in town, correct?" she looked at Pinkie Pie with her purple almond shaped eyes. You stared at her, trying to think of a reasonable response.

"Yep, that's me; moved into town a few months ago. It's strange though, it feels like I lived here ever since I was a little kid! Time sure does fly..." you replied, trying to make some small talk. You haven't made many friends since you've been here in Ponyville. Just Pinkie Pie and Roseluck, the latter one you visit daily; and apparently Derpy now. Now was you're chance to make some and you weren't going to let it slip away. A blonde pony-tailed lady with a brown hat, freckled face and overalls stood up and pointed to the chick with the bright highlights.

"This here’s Twilight. She can be a bit awkward at times but don't blame her, brainiacs are just like that ah suppose." she had a really thick country accent. She moved her finger toward the rest of the group.

"That there’s Fluttershy, she's really shy. This hotshot is Rainbow Dash, or RD for short. Then there’s Rarity the diva, and a’course, me! Ahm Applejack! Pleasure to meet yah." she grabbed your hand and shook it very hard. She had pretty strong arms. Based on her name you assumed that she must pick apples or something. Only a farm girl could have such muscular arms around this area!

"Oh and you must've met Pinkie Pie, she's always welcomin’ people whenever they come intah town!" Applejack is still shaking your hand. But, after a few minutes she lets go of your sore hand. Your mind started to trail off into memories. You definitely remember that occasion, the first time you saw Pinkie Pie. You had felt so special, seeing a really adorable girl welcoming you into town with a whole song, and even a confetti cannon. It was the first time you had a crush on anybody. Even if that person was a girl with bouncy, curly pink hair and a sugar coated voice. You snapped back into reality and realized that you left the in a partly awkward silence. You noticed that Rarity, who was saying something about cloth and some girl named Sweetie Belle, had also stopped and stared at you.

"Are you alright, darling? Is there something on your mind?" Rarity acknowledged. She had some sort of Canterlot-ish aura. It wasn't like she looked like a snob or anything, she just looked so proper with her fancy high heels, black dress and blue eye shadow.

"Oh, um... sorry I just zoned out for a second." you reply. Rarity blinked momentarily, and then continued to drone on about fashion lines and new dresses. It was all incredibly boring. You could see Pinkie Pie, who was sitting across from you, eyeing you and smiling. She had her hand in a fist, resting her cheek on it, with her elbow balanced on her raised knee.

She must be bored too... you ponder.

Then, her smiling mouth opened, "Hey? Is anybody thirsty? I'm gonna go get a cupcake and a drink!" she said with a giggle.

Crap. I knew this was coming at some point... what do I do? You feel sweat dripping down your face. You didn't want to get drunk or anything like that, how could you ask Pinkie out without being sober?

"I'll take something! I'm parched!" Rainbow Dash smirked and gave Pinkie a thumbs-up.

"Why not? I'm thirsty too." Twilight, who was sitting next to you with crossed legs, sent Pinkie a nod of approval.

"If it's cider, then sure!" Applejack chuckled.

You were surprised to hear Fluttershy even make a sound. It was no wonder that the word 'shy' was in her name.

"Okay..." your almost heard her whispered, Fluttershy's friends must be used to it because Pinkie Pie heard her.

Rarity shook her head no, since she already had a drink in her hand anyway. Then, they came to you. Say no thanks, say no thanks... you keep reminding yourself.

"Sure, why the heck not?" you reply to everyone's kind stares.

"Oki doki loki! I'll go get them!" Pinkie Pie stood up from her chair and skipped away.

The music has calmed down a bit and people are probably just sitting around and making small talk. Except for that one couple over there, there making out over there. You wince at the sight, and hope that they'll go upstairs instead of taking their shirts off in front of 10 year olds...

You now sat there alone with five other girls that you barely knew. Your eyes scanned the room trying to find something interesting to talk about. There was nothing. You looked down at your watch. 8:00 pm. Only 2 more hours for you to ask out Pinkie Pie!

"So, guys, you wanna hear about this awesome loop I did?" Rainbow Dash busted in on your worries.

"Uh, what's so special about ah loop?" Applejack questioned.

"Well, it was a loop..." Rainbow Dash continued.

"And???" you asked.

"It was pretty fast I guess?" Rainbow shrugged.

What she said sounded vaguely familiar but, you couldn't quite put your finger on it. You let the strange feeling pass and try to start a conversation.

"Sooo, what do you all do for a living?" you ask the girls.

Rainbow Dash's face lit up quickly and her lips cracked into a sly grin.

"I'm an awesome flyer! I’m gonna be Captain of the Wonderbolts!" Rainbow Dash opened up her wings. It startled you because you didn't suspect to see cyan colored wings to come out of a tan person's back. It freaked you out a little. Rainbow Dash then closed them and looked to the side, "Oh and I kick clouds..."

"Ah live down dah road at Sweet Apple Acres. Best Apples in Equestria! Ya'll should come over sometime." Applejack chuckled.

"..." Fluttershy squeaked.

"Um, what?" you couldn't hear her muffled, almost silent voice.

"Sorry, she can be shy around new people." Twilight cut in.

‘You mean all the time...’ You though to yourself.

"She works with animals, it's her special talent! I work in the local library, and I'm Princess Celestia's personal student." Twilight continued. You see Rarity stand up.

"I'll be right back dears; I need to go use the ladies room." Rarity declared. She stepped away casually and Pinkie Pie made her way back to the little half circle of chairs.

"Hey? Where's Rarity going?" Pinkie Pie worryingly looked toward the retreating girl, "Pound and Pumpkin Cake's birthday party isn't that boring is it?"

"Of course not Pinkie! We're having a great time getting to know your friend!" Twilight reassured her.

"I've been to a better Pinkie Party but, for a censored one, It’s pretty cool." Rainbow Dash added.

You let loose a great sigh of relief. Pinkie Pie was handed out drinks that looked like ice tea, except for Applejack she did get some 'apple cider' or at least that's what most people call beer in Ponyville.

No drunk ponies tonight! you happily think as Pinkie handed you the red plastic cup which is filled with ice tea. Well except for Applejack, but at least not me!

You take a sip of the cool liquid and sit the cup down on the floor next to the chair. You gulp really hard and say,

"Hey Pinkie? Wanna sit here, maybe?"

Pinkie Pie smiled and walked towards you. "Sure!" She grinned brightly. She plopped down next to you and took a drink from her cup.

"It's too bad you missed Pound and Pumpkin's birthday song! The cake was reealllyyy good!" she puts her hand on your shoulder, and you let it stay there, reveling in the feelings it brought.

Now's my chance, it's now or never right? It took all of this time. Why would I let this chance slip? She might even say yes!

Your lips feel dry and your skin feels like the Saddle Arabian Desert. Then finally… Finally… You ask.

"H-Hey Pinkie?" you stuttered.

"Yeah?" she blinked.

"Would you… maybe… want to go to the movies with me? I mean you don't have to..."

She was silent. You could see her brain processing what you just said. It was almost like magic, Pinkie grabbed her arms around your waist and looked up at you with wide eyes.

"Sure. Why the buck not?"

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading so much! This is my very first time writing in second person but it was really fun! And that's all that really matters right?
Special Thanks to Bytestorm for proofreading and editing!