• Published 13th Feb 2013
  • 5,997 Views, 84 Comments

Friendship is Magic; Damnation is Alchemy - AnonymousCardCaptor

A crossover between My Little Pony-Friendship is Magic and Fullmetal Alchemist

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Chapter 14: Confrontation at Central pt 2

Friendship is Magic; Damnation is Alchemy
By Anonymous Card Captor

My Little Pony-Friendship is Magic is created by Lauren Faust and owned by Hasbro Studios. Fullmetal Alchemist is created by Hiromu Arakawa. All other characters are the creation of the author. All thoughts or anything read by a character is in italics. Communication by phone or speaker will be in bold italics.

Chapter 14: Confrontation at Central part 2

Riza and Sinclair hastened from shadow to shadow in the underground labyrinth beneath Central Command with Riza taking lead. When Riza was sure the close was clear, she would point to the next shadow to make their next mad dash. On Sinclair’s hooves were two pairs of booties with cushioned soles, that muffled the signature clomping of hooves on a stone floor. When they made it to the next shadow, Riza twisted her wrist while holding her pistol.

“I don’t like the feel of this new gun,” she said.

“It’s your old gun. I only transmuted the alloys into a nonferrous metal of my design.”

“Well, at least it doesn’t explode when I fire off a round.”

“Look,” Sinclair said with a crossed expression, “if I didn’t transmute your sidearm, it would have flown out of your hands just like with those soldiers we ran into. Now, let’s go before they get loose.”

Riza cupped Sinclair’s mouth while pointing to a side passage branching off the one leading to Central Command. “Shhhh! I think we’re being followed.” Riza cautiously skulked to the passageway and paused for a moment. “Keep watch for more soldiers while I’ll check,” she said to Sinclair. She disappeared in the darkened hallway.

After what seemed like an eternity, Sinclair inched towards the hallway. “Riza,” he said in a hushed tone. As Sinclair inched forward, Riza strolled out of the shadows causally with her gun swinging from her arm with each stride. “Did you see anyone?”

Riza shook her head. “Who was I suppose to see?”

“You saw someone following us. Remember?”

“Oh right. No I didn't anyone.”

The two stood there for a moment staring at each other before Sinclair pointed to the other end of the passage. “Well?”

“Well what?” Riza asked.

“Aren’t you leading the way to Central? I’ve never been here before, remember.”

“Oh silly me.” Riza looked to the side nervously. “Well, I hate to bring it up now, but the way out of here seem to slipped my mind.”

“Mustang said you memorized the layout of this place.”

“Well, Mustang was wrong. I forgot.” Riza snapped.

Sinclair glanced around and pointed to a poster on the wall. “We’re in luck. They’re a map over there.”

“Where?” Riza, oblivious to what she was holding, swung the pistol around with nary a care of where it was aimed while looking for the map.

Sinclair jumped to the side. “Be careful where you point that thing!”

“What thing?”

Sinclair stepped to the side again. “Your sidearm.”

“‘My sidearm’?!? What are you talking ab...” Suddenly, the gun went off in Riza’s hand. The bullet ricocheted next to Sinclair’s left rear hoof. Startled, Riza dropped her gun where it went off again. This time the bullet bounced off the wall a few times before losing its momentum and stopping.

“Keep that thing pointed away from me!” Sinclair yelled to Riza who was picking her sidearm off the ground.

Riza extended her arm all the way up and held the gun over her head. “How’s that?”

“You don’t have to be obnoxious about it.”


“Just keep it pointing up.”

“Right.” Riza lowered the gun till it was just above her head. Riza and Sinclair continued their tract through the underground passage.



PFC Enfield followed, as best he could, the cries echoing through the underground labyrinth. He was investigating a gunshot when he heard the voices in distress. It was difficult to pinpoint the exact position of the sound given the acoustics of the labyrinth.


Out of the cries of help in this frustratingly long search, that was the loudest yet. Enfield felt certain they were close by. As he turned the corner, he felt a slight tug on his rifle. It was then Enfield found the missing MPs. Their head and arms were bound in what looked like the old wooden stocks of the distant past that bound perpetrators of minor offenses in the town square for public humiliation, but rather than wood, they were made of stone and all of them were on the edge of these strange-looking holes. Enfield hastened to the aid of the MPs.

“Leave your rifle behind!” One of the captives cried out to the approaching soldiers, but it was too late. Enfield’s bolt action rifle flew out of his hand and into a pile of rifles covering the surface of a metal bar.

“My gun!” Enfield hurried to the bar, placed his feet on it while holding on to his rifle, and pulled. The rifle would not budge.

“Forget about that damn rifle!” One of the MPs cried out.

“Oh I’m sorry,” Enfield apologized. “Just let me find something to break those stocks...”

“Never mind that!” Another MP retorted He was considerably older than the others and sported a brownish red mustache. On his shoulders were the rank insignia for a sergeant. “Riza Hawkeye is here. And she has some sort horse chimera that performs alchemy.”

“Did you say a chimera was performing alchemy?!?”

“Just relay the message to the fuehrer, private.”

“I'll report this to the head of security right aw....”

“There's no time for that, idiot! Tell the operator about the security breach. She'll give you a direct line to the fuehrer.

“Yes, sir,” Enfield saluted. He zigzagged through the passageway to the nearest phone. Central Command lined the walls with telephone wiring. It didn't take long for the private to following the telephone wiring to a wall phone.

“Operator!” Enfield spoke into the receiver. “There's been a breach in security in the sub-levels beneath Central Command. Please patch me in with the fuehrer.”

Enfield took a deep breath as he waited for, what seemed like an eternity, for the operator to patch him into the fuehrer's office.

“Hello,” Wind Racer's voice crackled through the transmitter.

“This is Private First Class Enfield, sir.”

“A little informal don't think, private first class?”

“I apologize for going outside the chain of command but we have a security breach.”

“That sounds serious,” Wind Racer said in a calm voice.

“Two intruders broke into the sub-levels and attacked and subdued the MPs: Riza Hawkeye and...”

“...a horse chimera.”

Private Enfield's eyes widened. “You already know, sir.”

“Yes, they're already been taken care of. You need not worry, private. Carry on with your duties.”

“Yes sir.”

Wind Racer hung up the receiver and took a deep breath. “I didn't tip anyone off like you ordered.” He then pointed to the liquor cabinet. “Would you like some brandy? Scotch or wine?”

“That won't be necessary, Impostor.” On the other side of the room were Sinclair and Riza, who pointed a pistol at Wind Racer.

“Well,” Wind Racer exhaled, “I could use one myself.”

“Riza shoot him if he moves,” Sinclair ordered. Wind Racer, who was reaching a hand out to the liquor cabinet, stopped and backed off.

“So...where have you been all this time?”

“Xing to study alkahestry.”

“Is it nice over there?”

“I'm not here for a walk down memory lane.”

“Are you sure you don't want to tell me how you got away from Mustang. I'd love to know how you pulled that off.”

“We don't have time to chitchat.”

“You haven't killed me yet, so you want something from me.”

“The Philosopher's Stone-where is it?”

“I don't know what you're talking about.”

“It doesn't take much an alchemist to figure out that you had an ace up your sleeve when you invaded Aurego.”

“Is that what Mustang told you? He lied to you so you'd do his dirty work for him.”

“Well that's a shame. I was going to switch us back to our original bodies but since you don't have it, there's no point keeping you alive.”

“You wouldn't.”

“I only have so many body parts to make the equivalent exchange for a human transmutation. I won't risk another rebound. And do I have to remind you the last time you underestimated me. If it wasn't for Mustang intervening, I would have killed you. So don't doubt my resolve.”

Wind Racer forced a smirk on his face. “Do you really think Mustang will let you be fuehrer? He'll throw you away like yesterday's garbage”

“You have ten seconds to hand over the Stone or else Riza'll pull a bullet between your eyes?”

For a brief moment, Wind Racer's eyes widen and his mouth hung down before he regained his composure. “Team up with me and I'll drag Prince Claudo to Amestris and you can be royalty as well as a close ally to Amestris. In fact, we can use your alchemy to keep switching bodies forever and no one has to be the wiser.”


“You win! You win!” Wind Racer extended the palms of his hands in a defensive posture. “But before I hand it over, I have to ask what will become of me? Will you let me go back to Equestria after you give me back my wings?”

Dammit! Why do you have to bring that up? Sinclair glanced at the spot in the wall where the Elric brothers placed a hidden microphone. Their whole conversation was being relayed to Parliament where the Impostor was keeping their loyal generals. It was Plan B. If he couldn't get his body back from Wind Racer, then at the very least, the Impostor would be exposed for the murderer that he was. But now they would also know about the existence of the pony race. Unless he could discredit him.

“I thought being in human form all these years would have ended that delusion but you're just as crazy as when we first met.”

Wind Racer gritted his teeth and clutched his fist. “You arrogant bastard! Equestria is real and I'm not a chimera.”

“No, but you will be. Now had over the stone and you'll serve a life sentence. I'll even pick up my research where I left off and separate you from that horse and bird you were fused with once I perfect the technique.”

Wind Racer, still fuming, pointed to his coat pocket. “It's in here.”

“I'll get the Stone. Just keep a bead on the Impostor.”

As Sinclair trotted around the table, Wind Racer noticed that Riza wasn't up to full form. Her hands shook. She wasn't properly holding the pistol to brace against recoil, not that it mattered that much since her finger was off the trigger.

Suddenly, Wind Racer, in fluid motion, snatched a handful of folders off the desk at Riza. Both Riza and Sinclair watched Wind Racer do an about-face behind the flurry of documents.

“Shoot him, Riza! He's getting away!”

“But I...”

“What are you waiting for!” As Sinclair was pleading with Riza, Wind Racer transmuted the wall into a stairway from his second story office to the ground below.

“Nevermind.” Sinclair galloped down the stairs after him. Riza then followed behind. As they both chased after Wind Racer, April Ferguson peered inside from a crack in the door and then crept inside.

“That horse chimera is my Douglas?!?” April Ferguson said in a confused tone. “Then whatever was inside my Douglas' body was the one that issued the order to have me killed. I knew Douglas would never betray me,” she beamed with joy.


“You arrogant bastard! Equestria is real and I'm not a chimera.”

“No, but you will be. Now had over the stone and you'll serve a life sentence. I'll even pick up my research where I left off and separate you from that horse and bird you were fused with once I perfect the technique.”

“It's in here.”

“I'll get the Stone. Just keep a bead on the Impostor.”

“I hope this is proof enough, generals.” Mustang said to three middle-aged men in uniform lined up standing around a conference table. On one side were Jean Havoc and Vato Falman and the other were Kain Fuery and Heymens Breda. Standing besides Mustang was Dr. Marcoh and Dr. Knox.

“Horse chimeras, souls swapped between bodies,” said the general with black and grey hairs peppering his scalp, “I thought we were done with these freakshows after the homunculi incident.”

“I'm afraid not,” General Hemtt.

“It does sound like Fuehrer Sinclair's voice,” said General Stryker, a portly man with a bushy red mustache and cru cut, “and the autopsy reports look genuine.”

“Or it's someone impersonating the fuehrer's voice.” General Paladin, a black man with no hair on his head but made up for it with a full beard neatly trimmed styled in the mythical regal sea captains of old, was the voice of skepticism. “I'd have to witness this chimera performing alchemy without a transmutation circle before I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.”

“Oh don't be stubborn, Chad,” General Hemtt retorted. We've talked to Fuehrer Sinclair over the phone enough times to tell the difference.”

“With your hearing, Thaddeus?”

“Shhhh!” General Stryker hissed. “I can't heard what's on the other end of the line over you two bickering like a married couple.”

“Shoot him Riza! He's getting away!”

“But I...”

“What are you waiting for!”

“It sounds like things didn't go as planned,” said General Strkyer.

Mustang started to bolt for the door and come to Sinclair's aid when he remembered that he still had three of Wind Racer's generals in his custody. He looked over his shoulders at the generals. “Would you like to come with me and see the real Lodestone for yourself?”


Wind Racer was halfway across the courtyard when Wind Racer galloped by and stopped in his path.

“Have you forgotten this body can outrun any human?”

Wind Racer holds out the Stone. “Out of my way if you know what's good for you.” Wind Racer then strikes the ground. The dirt was transmuted into a set of iron rings with copper wiring wrapped around it that was held in place by metal bars mounted to a turret partially fused into the ground. “I read all of your old alchemy notes.” Wind Racer then plucked a metal pin off his coat and transmuted it into a shell with his Stone and loaded into the coilgun.

While Wind Racer was talking, Sinclair clamped his hooves together and transmuted a set of iron rings with copper wiring wrapped around it. Suddenly, windows shattered and Central shook from the hypersonic shockwave from the projectile fired from Wind Racer's coilgun. But the former pony's shock, the projectile was stopped in mid-air by Sinclair's array of powerful electromagnets and was stuck on the last iron ring.

“Back at ya',” said Sinclair. Sinclair switched off the electromagnets for a brief moment and punted the projectile straight up in the air. Just as it cross the space between the rings, Sinclair performed another transmutation energizing the electromagnets again. The projectile flew back at Wind Racer. The shockwave from the impact sent Wind Racer and the pieces of scrap metal that used to be a coilgun flying radially outward from the smothering crater made by the shell..

The battle between the two alchemists did not go unnoticed to the ponies, both on the ground and in the clouds.


Rainbow Dash fell out of her cloud bed by a sound that shook her down to her very bowels. “What the hay's going on?” She panicked.

Fluttershy, who was quivering behind a cloud, peeked out. “It sounds like thunder but there's no storm clouds.”

“That was an explosion and it's coming from Central Command,” Sky Ripper, who was manning the telescope, said.

“You don't think it's your son and Douglas Sinclair.”

“I know it's them cause I see them. We don't have any time to waste.” Sky Ripper then hovered over the cloud. “Well, what are two waiting for? Help me get this thing to ground level. We need cover.”


“Sounds like ol' Douglas Sinclair done found Wind Racer,” Applejack whispered. She, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Twilight Sparkle were a few blocks away still hitched to Yoki's cart.

“Oh good. The Fuehrer is taking care of that alchemist for you,” said Yoki.

“No, not good. We have to get to them first. There's only one thing we can do and that's force our way inside Central.”

“Are you insane?” Yoki hissed. “You'll be shot dead before you make it to the top.”

Twilight looked up at the cloud where their pegasi friends reside descending from the sky. “Our odds are better than you think, Yoki, but it'll still be risky and you've done enough for us already. We can take it from...HEY!” Twilight didn't get a chance to finish talking before Yoki bolted in the opposite direction.

“So much for our human guide.” Rarity huffed.

“More like a big scaredy cat guide,” Pinkie Pie replied.

“Nevermind Yoki,” said Twilight. “We have to be at Central by the time our cloud cover makes it.”


Wind Racer picked himself off the ground and shook the cobwebs out of his head. He then felt something warm and wet on his tunic. He looked at his hand and saw blood covering it. Jagged pieces of shrapnel from what was left of the coilgun was embedded in his chest.

“You're in no condition to fight. Surrender now.”

“And you call yourself an alchemist.” Wind Racer chuckled. “You should know better.” Folks of red lightning enveloped him. The shrapnel turned red and then liquid and diffused though the wound before it closed. “Iron is good for the body, especially when it's transmuted into blood. Oh, will you look at that!” Wind Racer pointed to the MPs piling out of Central Headquarters. “What will do about them?”

Sinclair tapped his hooves and transmuted the ground into a two-story tall earthen wall that enveloped the courtyard and isolated him and Wind Racer from the rest of Central.

“No, outside interference from your flunkies,” Sinclair sneered. “It's just you and me.”

Wind Racer was at a crossroad. The match could go either way. He wasn't guaranteed a victory. He could destroy the makeshift wall with his Stone but that would leave him wide open for an attack.

“Your move, Impostor,” said Sinclair.

Suddenly, a thick fog blanketed Central. Sinclair could barely see Wind Racer even though he was standing just a few feet away. Wind Racer turned tail and ran through the fog. Sinclair, using his pony hearing, followed Wind Racer's footsteps.


The MPs followed the sound of a transmutation while keeping one hand on the wall. A faint red hue glowed further along the wall. The MPs stopped when they came across silhouette of a man walking towards them.

“Halt!” One of them called out as they aimed their bolt-action rifles at the figure.

“It's just me,” said Wind Racer. He emerged from the fog covered in dust, uniform ripped.

“You look like you've been hell, sir,” said another MP.

“Yes but we're going to give our intruder even more hell. There's an opening in the earthen wall. We'll flush him out. Set the courtyard on fire if we ha...” Wind Racer sidestepped the rifles flying in his direction. “Dammit! He followed me!” Folks of blue lightning danced beneath their feet and the ground beneath them bulged up. Wind Racer was once again separated from his soldiers. “They're useless,” he spat before running to the entrance to Central Command.


Twilight and the other earth-bound ponies were waiting near the entrance to Central Command when the pegasi members of their team glided in and landed beside them.

“Glad you remembered the rendezvous point,” said Sky Ripper.

“It's going to be pretty hard to find one pony in all of that really thick and cottony-looking fog,” said Pinkie Pie.

“It's also harder for the humans to see us too,” said Sky Ripper. “Come on, let's go.”


Wind Racer performed a balancing act between running down the stone ramp leading to the street below and not losing his footing and falling the rest of the way down. He took careful steps as fast as his sense of equilibrium permitted until he stepped on level ground.

“I made it!” Wind Racer yelled euphorically. “I made it!”


“My generals was coming to the rescue! And now that bastard Sinclair will get what's coming to him!”

“Well ain't that sumthum. I thought yer were Sinclair.”

No! It can't be her. Not here! Not in the human realm!

Trotting down the street was Applejack along with the rest of the Bearers of the Elements and Sky Ripper.

“Applejack...Fluttershy...Rainbow Dash...Dad?!?” Wind Racer said in disbelief.

“Tat's him alright. I always knew you were lower than a snake's belly but I reckon there's sumthings even lower than dat.”

“He lied to me,” Wind Racer laughed manically. “He said he was in Xing but he was in Equestria the whole time. That devious little bastard.”

“Yer the one to talk 'bout being devious,” Applejack retorted.

“Is it true?” Fluttershy pleaded. “Are you really Wind Racer and did you do all of those terrible things?”

Wind Racer pointed at Fluttershy and screamed. “Who in Tartarus are you to judge me you stupid bimbo?”

“Callin' mah friend a bimbo?!? I'll give yer the hoofin' yer been achin' fer.” Applejack was about to trample Wind Racer if not for Sky Ripper stepping between her and Wind Racer.

“Son, cut this foalishness out and come back to Equestria with us. The princess may be able to restore you to pony form.”

“So I can one of Celestia's flunkies?!? Like Tartarus I will!” Wind Racer touched the pavement with the Stone and transmuting it into a giant arm towering over the buildings. It slammed its palm right into the ponies and would have crushed them if not for Twilight Sparkle's forcefield. “Your unicorn friend is pretty tough,” Wind Racer mocked.

“You haven't seen tough yet, Fart Racer,” said Rainbow Dash, who was racing back and forth from one gap between the giant fingers to the other trying find a way out.

“But...ugh...your father,” Twilight grunted.

“He picked Celestia over me. You love your goddess so much? You can die for her.” Sky Ripper held a hoof to his chest clutching his breaking heart. Wind Racer created another stone arm that laid its palm on top of the first giant hand doubling the force. But rather than crushing the Bearers, both hands were being forced upward. “No! It's not possible. No unicorn is that strong!”

“Wanna...bet,” Twilight strained. Her horn glowed hot white. It was then the Philosopher's Stone began to crack.

“I'm Celestia's equal! I won't be bested by a mere uni...AHHHHHH!!!” A bolt of fire clawed at Wind Racer's hand charring it like a piece of burnt meat. Between the strain of going against Twilight Sparkle's magic and the damage from the flame, Philosopher Stone crumbled to dust. The pair of hands tumbled to the ground in pieces.

Wind Racer was on his knees nursing his burned hand. Hovering over him was Roy Mustang, Edward Elric, Izumi and Sig Curtis, Jean Havoc, Heymans Breda, Kain Fuery, Dr. Marcoh, and his three former generals, Hemtt, Stryker, and Paladin.

“I'll ask you again-is this evidence enough for you.”

“It most certainly is.”

“You set me up. You and that bastard Elric.”

“I'm returning the favor after you set me up.”

“Looks like we came too late.” Sinclair and Riza made their way Mustang's side.

“Not at all, Lodestone. By the way, just how many more horse chimeras are there?” Mustang pointing to the Bearers of the Elements and Sky Ripper.

Sinclair's head slumped under the weight of a heavy heart. “Why did they have to be here?”

“I take it you knew about this?” Mustang pointed to the ponies.

“I guess the Impostor wasn't the only test subject.” Sinclair said to keep up the facade.

“Sinclair is right, sir,” said Riza. “It only makes sense that there were other victims of the experiments.”

“Then what was all that talk about Equestria? That fake Lodestone mentioned something about being sent back to Equestria.”

“Maybe it's the name of the lab.”

“Or I can have them detained until I get answers.”

“You can't be serous,” said Sinclair.

“Sir, be reasonable,” Riza pleaded.

“Wait,” said Dr. Marcoh. “The Fuehrer's up to something.” All heads turned to Wind Racer who was covertly etching something on the pavement with his own blood. “It's a transmutation circle!” A flash of light blinded everyone who had their eyes on Wind Racer.

“What da hay was that?” Applejack asked as she rubbed her eyes.

“He must have transmuted part of the road into magnesium,” Mustang replied.

The bright flashes faded and Sinclair could make out his surroundings. Wind Racer was running in a straight path and was still within line of sight.

“He's getting away!” Mustang said still rubbing his eyes. “Hawkeye, can you hit him from here?”

Riza, upon being asked, started rubbing her eyes. “Sorry, can't sir. I was blinded by the blast too.”

Sinclair rubbed his eyes and then took a deep breath. The emotional pain of his seeing the mare that spurred his love was put aside. Sinclair steeled his resolve and focused on stopping the Impostor once and for all. “Leave it to me, sir” said Sinclair. “That fool wandered right into my territory.” Sinclair clamped his hooves together and transmuted part of the road into a coilgun. “Long range attacks are my speciality.”

“Can you hit him from here.”

“Don't need to. Even if I miss the shrapnel'll kill him.”

“You can't! He's my son.” Sky Ripper was restrained by Jean and Edward.

“He's also too dangerous to live.” Sinclair transmuted a round and fed into the breech of the coilgun. He looked through his scope and set the crosshairs at Wind Racer's face in the hopes that fragmented pieces of the road will find its way inside Wind Racer. Just before he had a chance to fire a shot, the view turned yellow.

“Please, don't do this. You mustn't.” Fluttershy hovered in front of the barrel.

“No,” Sinclair shook his head. “You still love him after all he's done?”

“Get out of the line of fire, you idiot.” Mustang grabbed Fluttershy and pulled her away. “Now make the shot.” But Sinclair didn't respond. He sat on his haunches gazing at Fluttershy. A tear ran down his face. “What the hell are you waiting for?” The fuehrer's limousine stopped in front of Wind Racer. “He's getting away, I don't know enough about magnetism alchemy to use it.”

“I know you don't want to hurt anypony,” Fluttershy pleaded.

“Don't listen to her. We have to stop the fuehrer before he escapes.” Shots rang out in the same direction as the fuehrer.

“Wind Racer!” Sky Ripper pushed Jean and Edward to the side and flew in the direction of the shots. Everyone but Sinclair and Fluttershy followed Sky Ripper. Sinclair stayed behind still broken from Fluttershy throwing herself in the line of fire for the Impostor while Fluttershy hovered just overhead.

Wind Racer was scrawled on the ground holding the bullet wounds gushing blood. Standing over him was Sky Ripper and April who was holding an semi-automatic pistol with an open chamber. Edward snatched the gun out of April's hand just to be sure.

“Father...” Wind Racer gasped, “you were wrong about me. I'm not a nobody. I'm Celestia's equal. I have my own kingdom and I'll live forever just like her. I just need a little rest.”

“Son don't close your eyes!” Sky Ripper took Wind Racer's hand in his hoof. “Stay awake. We'll fix you, I swear to Celestia. Just stay with us.” But it was a promise Sky Ripper couldn't keep. Wind Racer took his last breath and died. In that exact moment, Sinclair's cutie mark changed from clouds with wings and speedlines to a horseshoe magnet.

“Why would you kill your lover, Red Lightning?” Mustang asked April.

“That's not Douglas,” April said in a monotone voice while staring into space. “I overheard them talking. He stoled Douglas' body. I told him to give it back, but he wouldn't. He lunged at me, so I shot him.”

“Fullmetal, do you mind escorting Red Lightning to a holding cell?”

Edward shook his head. “Not at all.

“We probably should go as well,” said General Paladin. “Someone has to tell the troops you're no longer enemies of the state.” The three generals piled into their steam-powered limo and headed for Central Command.

“Hey teach!” Edward said to Izumi. “Wanna tag along?”

“Sure why not?” Izumi grumbled. “We're done here anyway.”

Edward took April by the arm leading her to the stockades. As they passed by Sinclair and Fluttershy. April stopped in her tracked and tried pulling away from Edward.

“Douglas!” April cried out as she tried pulling away from Edward . “I know it's really you in there. Don't worry I make you human again. I swear.”

“Who are you?” Asked a bewildered Sinclair.

“You don't recognize me? It's April. We're engaged...well unofficially.”

“I don't know you.”

“You mean that really was him all along.” April collapsed on the ground crying.


“Rainbow Dash,” Twilight asked, “could you and Fluttershy get the carriage. Sky Ripper needs some time...alone.”

“We'll get right on it Twi.” Rainbow Dash flew over to Fluttershy.

Mustang stepped in front of Twilight “Now just wait one damn minute! Your little friend may have flown off without an explanation but you won't.”

“Sir,” Riza interjected, “I doubt anything Wind Racer said could be taken at face value and Twilight wouldn't know anything.”

“I'll decide that for myself, Lieutenant.”

“Well I'm not giving one, Mr...”

“Roy Mustang-the Flame Alchemist.”

“HEY! You're not a mustang. You're human.” Pinkie Pie blurted out.

“What the hell are you blabbering about?”

“Why you call yourself a mustang even though you're a human.”

“That's just my last name,” Mustang snapped.

“But your last name is a fib.”

“I'm not wasting my time on this argument. And you're being detained until I get those answers.”

“Wanna bet, RoyMustang,” said Twilight defiantly. “My friends and I are leaving and we're talking Douglas Sinclair with us.”

“Did you just threaten to abduct a citizen of this country in front of me?” Mustang, who sported a scowl that made every Bearer of the Elements there back off except Twilight, tugged on his ignition glove. “Are you that stupid?”

“I don't want to hurt you.” Twilight's horn radiated magical energy in preparation for the coming assault.

“Neither do I.”

“Mustang, wait!” The sight of Mustang and Twilight preparing to fight snapped Sinclair momentarily out of his sorrow. He galloped as fast as his four feet could take him and came to a stop between Twilight and Mustang. “You don't need to do this.” Sinclair clamped his hooves together. The ground formed a pair of arms that grabbed Mustang and held his arms apart. Sinclair tapped his hooves again, but this time transmuting part of the the ground into a magnet disarming Mustang's soldiers.

“What the hell!” Mustang, in vain, struggled against the stone arms. “Lodestone!”

“ I'm going with them of my own free will.”

“Have you lost your mind? There's no telling where they'll take you.”

“I already know where I'm going because I've been there before. And yes, I was lying to you about being in Xing all this time.”

“I'm not letting you go, Lodestone.” Mustang make another futile attempt to pull free.

“Roy, this is the first time we have contact with a non-human species that wasn't created by alchemy. I won't let you blow our first impression by incinerating them. I got a chance to serve my nation like I always wanted,” Sinclair said with a bittersweet smile. “Please let me serve my country one last time.” Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash pulled up with the carriage. “Everypony, load up.” The earth-bound ponies, one by one, climbed into the carriage except for Twilight who was keeping an eye on Mustang and Sky Ripper who took his place leading the team of pegasi. “It was good working with you like the old days in Ishval.”


Sinclair ignored Mustang and he and Twilight climbed into the carriage before it flew off.


Mustang dusted off the remaining bits of asphalt from Sinclair's transmuted arms as he stepped out of the car followed by Riza, Havoc, Fuery, Falman, and Breda. Several cadets stopped and stared, unsure of the sudden change in Mustang's status from traitor to loyal officer. Mustang barged into his and Wind Racer's old office.

“Sir,” Riza asked, “what are you planning? You're not going after them, are you?”

Mustang scowled at Riza. “That's a really dumb question, Lieutenant. Of course I'm going after them.”

“But sir,” said Fuery, “how are you going to rescue Fuehrer Sin...Mr. Sinclair, sir? We can't exactly fly, sir.”

“That wagon of theirs isn't some flying machine. It's pulled by flesh and blood beings, which means they'll tire out and land. Then we can rescue Lodestone then. I just need to get in contact with either of the generals and ask them to issue the orders to track them.”

“Good idea, sir,” said Riza. She leaned on the desk and ran her hand across the top. When her fingers brushed against the phone, sparks flew from it. Riza jumped back.

Mustang snatched up the phone and put the receiver against his ear. “Operator. Operator! Operator!” He yelled into the transmitter. Mustang then stepped out of the office and tried the secretary's phone but it was just as dead as the one in the office. “Dammit! Of all the times the phone line to blow out,” Mustang said as he stepped back into the Fuehrer's office.

“Looks like we can't help Sinclair, sir,” Riza said causally.

“Your attitude is really pissing me off, Lieutenant,” Mustang snapped.

“The phone's dead. How can we get in touch with the generals when they already left to talk things over with General Kiowa?”

“Riza, how could you be so callous when one of your own fellow officers has been abducted by those creatures? I would never leave you or anyone here in that situation and I expect the same from you. We'll drive to the nearest town with a working phone. We'll track them down ourselves if we have to.”

Suddenly, the office door flew open. “Sir, I'm sorry I was out of action but I got knocked unconscious in the catacombs,” said an all too familiar female voice. “The MPs said we were no longer wanted so I can assume the plan went through without me.”

Mustang and the others were in shock upon seeing who it was that barged in. It was Riza.

The Riza who just showed up also shocked to see a woman that looked identical to her standing with Mustang. Riza immediately pulled out her side arm and fired at her doppelganger. The bullets bounced off an aura made only visible when struck.

Mustang then snapped his fingers sending bolts of fire at the fake Riza but they were also stopped in their tracks and dispersed like waves against rocky shores.

“Looks like my cover's been blown,” the fake Riza said, but with a completely different voice.

It was a few seconds for Mustang to remember where he heard it before.

“Miss Celestia,” Mustang sneered.

“Oh you remember me. I feel flattered.” Celestia smiling with Riza's face sent a chill down the spines everyone's spine except Mustang who was still fuming with rage. “I suppose it's futile to keep up this facade any longer.” The drapes glowed with the white hue of unicorn magic. They were pulled down at the same time. The door was shut and locked by the same magic. Celestia glowed incandescent and was molded into her alicorn form.

“So, this is what you really look like?” Mustang growled.

“It is.” Jean cringed at Celestia's confession. His face cringed in disgust.

“And I take it you stayed behind to keep us from following?”

Celestia nodded. “They don't know I followed them from Equestria. They're my students and normally I don't interfere but the cruelty of humans is something my students never had to face. My kind once walked among yours but you coveted our lands and waged war upon us. You even desecrated the corpses of our dead. I was there when it happened over a thousand years ago. So I kept tabs on them.”

“Then why did you abducted Lodestone if you distrust humans so much?”

“And let him reveal all of secrets I kept hidden for over a millennia? I don't think so.”

“Lodestone was willing to lie to keep those secrets of yours, even to his own allies. You have nothing fear.”

“And what about 'Lodestone'? My darkest dungeons are a kindness compared to what you humans would have to offer. Are you planning on hitching him to a wagon so he can blend in with the equines that labor for you? Or hiding somewhere secluded away from other humans who would hurt him?” Celestia circled around Mustang as she questioned him.

“What makes you think Lodestone couldn't live among humans?”

“We ponies tried that already and paid for our naivete. You humans are on another level of evil then what they're used to.

“Oh so we on whole other level of evil huh?” Mustang said a tone hinting at rage simmering beneath the surface. “Then explain that phony Sinclair!”

“Uh...he was corrupted by being in a human body for too long.”

“Well that's strange. The original owner didn't stage a coup or turned humans into Philosopher's Stones. That was one of yours.”

“And it was you humans that first created that evil.”

“But if your kind was so incorruptible, that fake Sinclair would have never used it.

“Well, I was with the real Sinclair and he wanted it as well and tried to take it from sub...ject.”

“Your subject, Celestia. Someone from your species killed for power. You're running out of excuses.”

Celestia closed her eyes and sighed. “You're right. My people aren't as innocent as I'd like to believe. Truth was right. I am foolishly prideful.”

Mustang's eyes widened. “You know Truth.”

“I take it you met him.” Mustang answered Celestia with a nod. “Then I should tell you the primary reason why I never acted against my subject or undo the soul swap. There is one being I answer to. One being who I never dare disobey. It was he who switched Douglas Sinclair and Wind Racer's bodies to teach them humility and it appears only Douglas Sinclair learned his.”

“Will you let Lodestone go?”

“I'm bound by Truth's will.”

“Then will you at least treat him well.”

“Douglas Sinclair went against my decrees. He'll have to stay a few months in the dungeons but I'll make sure he's not mistreated during his incarceration. That's all I can offer. If there are more humans like you, then maybe some day we can reveal ourselves and he can return to Amestris. But until then, I still have those secrets to keep. But before I go, I just have one question.” Celestia pointed to Jean Havoc who still had that disgusted look on his face. “What's wrong with him?”

“He had a thing for your human form.”

“And you are?” Celestia asked Havoc.

“Je...je..jean. Jean Ha...Hav...Havoc.”

Celestia nuzzled up to Jean who was cringing at her touch. “Oh Jean, don't tell me you don't find me desirable anymore.”

“I don't think this is permitted.” By now, Jean was sweating beads.

“But forbidden love is the best kind,” Celestia said in a sultry tone.

“Oh God! Why me!” Jean cried out.

“I'm just kidding,” Celestia laughed. “I know it was inappropriate, but I couldn't leave without lightening the mood a bit.”

“Inappropriate is an understatement. I take abductions of Amestrian citizens seriously.”

“Just who are you trying to fool. I saw a chuckle escaping from that sour face of yours.”

Mustang looked away and blushed. “I do admit it was comical but there's still the matter of the abduction.”

“I'm sorry but you'll just have to trust me. Besides, I have no reason to lie. If I had any evil intentions for Sinclair, I would have acted on them in Equestria.”

“I suppose you have a point, but I still don't approve.”

“I know, but I have my duties. I promise to deal justly with Sinclair.”


Four months later

“You're a lucky stallion,” Shining Armor grumbled. He escorted Sinclair through the dungeons. “Do you realize the manure storm you'd be in if I had my way. I mean, disobeying the princess after she gave you a second chance.” Shining Armor looked to the side at Sinclair. His mane was dirty and unkempt. He'd lost a bit of weight and was looking thin. But most striking was his eyes; sorrowful eyes unable to see through the murky fog of despair.

Shining Armor unlocked the dungeon entrance where Celestia was waiting.

“Oh Mr. Sinclair,” Celestia sighed, “you're still not eating, are you?”

Shining Armor bowed to the princess. “I apologize your majesty. We tried coxing him into taking better care of himself but he seems like he doesn't care anymore.”

“I see it was a mistake to put you in the dungeons. You've done a better job punishing yourself. Too well, in fact.”

“Because you're an escape risk, I have no choice but to keep you under supervision at all time. Eventually, if you behave yourself, you'll be permitted to travel and live anywhere within Equestria. And please, don't talk about your previous life or perform alchemy in front of anypony. I would hate to label you insane and have you institutionalized.”

“Gee thanks,” said Sinclair in a voice that was half sarcasm and half emotional broken.

“I didn't do it just for you. I did it for an old friend who's been by my side for over a century. I'll let you speak to him in private. Let's step out for a moment, Shining Armor.” As Celestia and Shining Armor was leaving, Sky Ripper came out of the room they were heading for.

“Hello Mr. Sinclair,” said Sky Ripper.

“Did you come here to give me a piece of your mind? Because you have to wait for the captain of the guard to get his?”

“That's not why I'm here. I'm here to beg you, please, continue pretending to be Wind Racer.”

The peculiarity of the request was enough to snap Sinclair out of his “Why would you of all ponies ask that?”

“It's for my wife. Wind Dancer-she's a weak mare. It would break her to know the truth. I can't let her know her son died in some foreign land. I can't let her suffer the way I had to.” Sky Ripper fell to his knees and wept bitterly. “I beg you. Please keep lying to her.”

“I don't know how long I could keep it up.”

“It's won't be as long as you think.” Sky Ripper picked himself up. “We both have more decades behind us than ahead. Just until she passes away in peace.”

“I don't think it's possible, not when I have to stay with you 24/7.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You're the one Celestia assigned to keep an eye on me, aren't you?”

Sky Ripper shook his head. “I offered, but Celestia said somepony else asked.”

“Did you say somepony asked to be my foalsitter?”

“Ummm...hello, Douglas...or is it Sinclair...or maybe I should say both.” Sinclair turned his attention to the voice; the voice that belonged to the mare that was the source of his greatest joy AND sorry,... “I...umm...wouldn't want to come off so informal...unless you want me too.”

Sky Ripper caught Celestia in the corner of his eye gesturing him. “I'll leave you two alone to talk things out.”

“Fl...fl...fluttershy,” Sinclair stuttered, “I thought I'd never see you again.” Sinclair partially extended a hoof to Fluttershy wanting to touch her but fearful of how she might react.

“I kinda was thinking the same, with Celestia locking you in the dungeon,” Fluttershy took Sinclair by the hoof and guided his hoof on her chest, “but she said if you don't try going back to the human world, you can stay with me.”

“But don't you still love Wind Racer?”

Fluttershy looked hurt. “Why would say that?”

“You jumped in the line of fire when I trying killing...”

Fluttershy grabbed Sinclair in her front hooves and pulled him in while hovering off the ground. “Don't you dare talk about killing ever again.” Fluttershy broke down in tears. “You're not like that! You're not that kind of pony! I'd die inside if I saw you murder anyone.”

“Why are you talking like I'm innocent?” Sinclair asked with a voice dripping with self-loathing. “Celestia must have told you about state alchemists. How we're just dogs of the military. They pointed to other humans and said 'they're threatening Amestris-kill them' and like the self-righteous fool that I am, I fell for it.”

Fluttershy stroked Sinclair's mane. “She did tell me. And it scares me sometimes. And sometimes, I wonder if I'm bad mare just for speaking to you. But then I remember the time we had together. I just couldn't imagine you taking life. And it does matter they had to lie to make you hurt other humans because you wouldn't have done it otherwise.” Fluttershy let Sinclair out of her embrace. His eyes were red. The fur on her chest was wet. “Douglas, please come home with me. I can't guarantee we can be a couple, but I would like to try. I would like to get to know the real you better,” Fluttershy said with a smile.


It had been a long day for Fluttershy and Sinclair. They caught the 11 am back to Ponyville, and, by the time they returned, the sky glowed with the warm colors of the setting sun. On the path to her cottage, Fluttershy stopped and flew over to a hill.

“So you don't know why your cutie mark changed?” Fluttershy asked.

“Not a clue,” Sinclair lied. He had a theory. Once Wind Racer died, any claim he had to the body went with him. And because cutie marks are a representation of the pony's talents, his was a magnet, but he kept that part to himself. It was much too soon to discuss such a morbid topic.

“I think it might have something to do with you know who dying,” said Fluttershy.

Or maybe it's not too soon, thought Sinclair. Their trip back the cottage took a detour when Fluttershy stretched out her wings and flew up. “Fluttershy, where are you going?”

“Sincl...Wind Racer, look at this.” Sinclair galloped up the hill and saw Fluttershy pointing to a flower with fiery red and yellow petals.

“I think I've seen this somewhere before.”

“That's real lucky of you. Phoenix flowers are very rare.”

It was when Sinclair caught sight of Fluttershy's cottage in the background did he remembered that this was the flower that he picked for Fluttershy just before their painful breakup when she still thought he was Wind Racer. He'd came to this very hill to see Fluttershy for one last time before escaping to Amestris. He dumped the flower on the hill after it had withered and died. But could this really be the same flower?

“Did you know that phoenix flowers can die and come back to life,” said Fluttershy. “That's why they're the symbols of death and rebirth.”


Well, I hope you like the “conclusion” of Friendship is Magic; Damnation is Alchemy. There will be an epilogue to wrap everything up, but I wanted to at least wrap up the main story. Originally chapters 13 and 14 were going to be one single chapter but 1). it was dragging on and 2). Sinclair and Riza breaking into the tunnels made by Father was a good transition point between chapter. Which is why I'm posting this chapter within a few days of posting the last one.

I would like to offer my sincerest apology for taking so long. A combination of writer's block, fandom burnout, and my own personal vices (videogames) dragged this story out longer than it should have. I hope I didn't turn too many of you off from my story.