• Published 6th Feb 2013
  • 2,776 Views, 40 Comments

The Cutters - Priceless911

During an era of war, Three Mercenaries with unknown pasts have rule over all battlefields of every nation... yet there was good reason they were so feared.

  • ...

Eden's Secret (Part 1)

The terrified Sheik galloped as fast as he could through his garden. He didn’t know what to do to protect himself. One minute he was enjoying the calm moonlit night with his most trusted guard, then the next he was standing next to a headless corpse. Being too far from his palace doors to make it to safety he decided he should try to hide further in the garden instead… but he already knew that he wasn’t going to survive this. The sheik made it to the very far corner of the garden then he turned around and gripped a medallion that hung around his neck. While holding onto the charm, he started to pray for safety, though he knew full and well that it wouldn’t come.

While praying the sheik anxiously looked around trying to spot his assassin. The dark shadows only increased the terror in his very soul, and then he heard a twig snap in the shadows to his side. Out of terror and fear, the Noble stallion broke the chain on his medallion and tossed it into the shadows. As the terrified stallion looked into the shadows where his medallion landed, he heard a voice that scared him even more, “Now that’s not very wise. What if the spirits of that medallion were the only thing protecting you? Not that that’s the case here.”
The Sheik replied, “What is it you want from me? why are you here?”
a different voice replied, “Saddle Arabia has many sheiks… and the others found out that you’re hoarding secret resources from them… so we’ve been hired to... educate you on the term, partnership. Meaning, you don’t hide precious resources from your fellow partners.”

The stallion lowered his head and replied, “I… I see. So… you are here to assassinate me then, right?”
a stallions voice replied, “It’s nothing personal… it’s just business. However we will give you a chance to say your final words.”
The sheik sighed, “There is nothing I can say to cleanse my conscience of my sin… I expected this day for many years. I only ask one thing of you.”
the first voice replied, “Name it.”
The sheik dropped to his knees, “That medallion… can you give it to my son. I was going to pass it down to him when he became the new sheik anyway.”

The Reaper stepped out of the shadows and replied, “As you wish… your final request will be fulfilled.”
The sheik smiled and lowered his head, “Praise be to your cause. I am truly blessed to fall to such noble souls.”
The Reaper shook her head, “No… we have no souls.”
With those words, Scy raised her scythe and ended the Sheik’s life in the most painless way she could. As the dead pony fell to his side, Traipse approached them with the medallion and spoke, “Here… you give this to his son. Me and Blade will meet you at the pub near the city wall when you’re done.”
The Reaper nodded her head as she took the medallion, “Be careful.”
Traipse smiled as he turned to leave the garden, “You too.”

Up on the tower balcony just outside the young prince’s room, Scy left the medallion on the stone railing and threw a small pebble threw the doorway to signal the prince as he sat reading a book. Hearing the sound the prince closed the book and trotted out onto the balcony, “Hel-hello? Is anypony out here?”
The Reaper watched from the shadows as the prince approached the balcony and picked up the medallion, then he looked into the garden and saw his father’s corpse lying below “GUARDS! GUARDS! FATHER! HE HAS BEEN KILLED!!! QUICKLY! SOUND THE ALARM!!!”
Hearing the prince’s cries made Scy feel slightly guilty about her actions. But as all mercenaries know, you only get paid, if you complete your mission. With that thought in mind, The Reaper snuck back out of the castle without detection and arrived at the pub near the city wall.

When she arrived, The Reaper trotted over to the table where Traipse and Blade were at and sat down. Both Traipse and Blade were discussing their next job, “Zebrica is no place for mercenaries of our profession. Plus I heard that their conflicts are at a stalemate, so what would be the point.”
Blade replied to Traipse, “I'm only saying we should get involved in a job that will allow you to pull more weight, I mean what did you do tonight? Nothing that’s what. at least I took the head off the guar…”
Scy quickly covered Blade’s mouth, “Now isn’t the time to discuss the job… the city in now alert so it would be best to avoid talking about it.”
Traipse sighed, “Look I know I was of no help tonight… but it’s not my fault, I'm not meant for stealth kills and I can’t fly. It’s just one of the values of being an earth pony.”

Blade nodded her head, “My apologies… it’s just been a long night. So Boss did you pass on that trinket?”
The Reaper nodded her head, “Yes, he got it… and don’t call me boss. I'm not the only pony who founded The Cutters.”
Blade smiled, “Yea, but you’re the only one who matters.”
Scy giggled at Traipse’s reaction, “We are all equals here. Nopony is any better than the next, besides it doesn’t matter who is better at what. we accept jobs together, we complete jobs together, and we share the profits equally. So let’s just relax and wait to meet our contact.”

As the three continued to talk about their next job, a pony entered the room and approached them, “The infamous Cutters, am I right? I was sent here by my master; your current contractor.”
Blade replied, “And does he know the status of our task?”
the shady pony tossed a bag full of gems on the table as he replied, “I believe he does and I think this should cover the cost… however my master has one more task for you, that is… if you accept.”
Traipse picked up the bag and looked at the gems as he replied, “Hmm… that will depend on the task now wouldn’t it?”
The pony replied, “Of course, we need you to track down my master’s most dangerous assassin. He went missing a week ago.”

The Reaper was curious, “So… this assassin, if he were still around, would he had been sent on our most recent job?”
the pony replied, “Yes, he would… is that a problem?”
Blade shook her head, “Not at all, more profit for us… so how much are you willing to pay for this assassin?”
The pony replied, “Two hundred thousand.”
Blade was surprised at the offer; however, Traipse was skeptic, “Why so much for only one pony?”
The shady pony smiled, “This one pony is more than he seems my friend… much more.”
Blade looked at The Reaper and spoke, “Sounds acceptable to me… how about you boss?”

The Reaper nodded her head, “First off, don’t call me boss. Second, this offer seems excessively generous for only one pony. Why is your master offering so much?”
The pony replied, “Because we know where he is… and it won’t be an easy task. My master feels that a generous offer will better persuade you for this particular task.”
Traipse shook his head, “Alright… where is he?”
The pony lowered his head, “Far to the east, past the charred lands and across the frozen peaks. Just on the other side of the Hooviet Union. He lies imprisoned in the depths of the land guarded by the hound of the demons.”
The three mercenaries looked at each other and shook their heads, first The Reaper spoke, “The hound of demons…”
Next Blade, “Past the Hooviet Union…”
Traipse shook his head, looked at the ground, and finished, “Tartarus… You want us, to break into the depth of the underworld and break out an assassin who has been imprisoned in Tartarus?”

The pony smiled, “Sort of…yes… is that a problem?”
Blade was concerned as she replied, “Um… yes it is… Nopony has ever crossed into Tartarus and escaped with their lives. It’s impossible.”
The Reaper nodded her head, “To attempt something so dangerous would be suicide… even for us.”
Traipse started to stand up, “I think we are done here, even I have my limit.”
The stallion shook his head, “Hold your horses my friend… he is in Tartarus… However, he is only in the bordering territory. But if we don’t hurry, he will be banished pass the gate. At this time, he is being held in a prison just outside. If you want to save him, you have to free him when they attempt to move him into Tartarus. That is the only chance you will have, not only will the resistance be simple… but you won’t even have to deal with the demon hound.”
Traipse sat back down, “Why is he so important?”
the stallion replied, “Have you ever heard of Eden?”

The three ponies looked at each other as Traipse replied, “Yes… it’s a myth. A silly superstition for ponies who want to explain where alicorns came from.”
The stallion replied, “Eden is no myth my friend. This assassin is being imprisoned because he is one of very few who have actually seen the city with his own eyes.”
The Reaper asked, “So who is sending him to Tartarus for seeing the city?”
“The Hooviet Union, he sold them a sacred book that he found in the city, a few years ago. But when he went back to try and find more, the Equestrian royal guards caught him and turned him in, for crimes against existence.”
Blade was curious, “Crimes against existence? What in the world is that supposed to mean?”
The stallion leaned in closer to the center of the table as he replied, “Eden has a dark secret… nopony knows why… but The Griffin Kingdoms, the minotaur, the Hooviet Union, and Equestria all have tried to keep its location quiet so that nopony can finds out this secret.”

The Reaper thought for a second and replied, “So this assassin… he discovered its secret?”
The shady pony replied, “That is what my master wants to find out. The assassin has been there a number of times but he refused to tell anypony where it is. And now that he will be imprisoned in Tartarus, we fear he will never tell us.”
Traipse sat back and replied, “The mission seems fair… but it’s not my choice… Scy?”
The Reaper thought to herself, “A very dangerous mission… but a very curious one as well. Blade?”
Blade smiled, “I like it… this should definitely prove to be an interesting journey, Let’s go for it boss.”
The Reaper replied, “Don’t call me boss. Anyway, it looks like your mission is accepted… but with one change.”
The stallion replied, “Change?”
“If we fail to retrieve your stallion in time or if he dies… you will pay us half if we are able to attain the information he has.”
The shady stallion smiled, “My dear… you have a deal.”

The Reaper put her hoof out and repeated herself, “If you seal the deal now… there will be consequences if you fail to pay… and not just your master… but you as well.”
The stallion gave Scy a hoof bump and replied, “Consider this deal… sealed. Thank you for our understanding my friend. We will meet at my master’s castle when the job is finished.”
The stallion stood up and spoke as he left the table, “The assassin goes by the name Mirage. He is an unusual stallion but he knows what he is doing. May your journey be safe my friends.”
Later that night… the three mercenaries escaped from the city. There wasn’t a single pony in the entire city who suspected them as the sheik’s assassins.

The three traveled long and far towards their destination. With each passing step, Blade and Scy felt no real concern about their mission, however Traipse did. He didn’t want to bring it up, but something about an assassin who traveled to the city of Eden, then returned multiple times seemed suspicious. But for the same assassin to be captured and banished into Tartarus… that was unheard of. Then there was the matter of the Book. He remembered that tome from Eden that he destroyed three years ago… but was it the same book? And did it have anything to do with this secret? Nevertheless, in the interest of keeping his partner’s hopes high, he decided to ignore his concern for now.

One week had passed before the three ponies finally reached their destination. They stood at the summit of a great mountain overlooking the prison that the assassin was being kept, the road to his final punishment and the Gate to the very depths of Tartarus, that was miles away but still large enough to see from where they were. Just outside the gate sat the mighty Cerberus, a demon hound born with three heads, and the temper of a cranky dragon. Blade felt the wind and spoke, “The Prison doors just opened. There is a swift draft coming straight through the walls that usually would be blocked and there is a stench in the air, maybe by minotaur… or changelings.”
The Reaper smiled, “Yea… that and we can see a convoy of minotaur leaving through the gate from here.”
Blade looked down at the prison and saw that there was a small convoy leaving the gate. Then she looked at The Reaper and sighed, “Sure boss… take all the fun out of it.”
“I told you to stop calling me bos…”

Traipse pointed at the convoy, as they continued on their path. At the center of the large group of minotaur, there was a Unicorn being lead with four chains connected to his neck cuff, and a strange looking halter around his horn. Blade spoke, “I think it’s safe to say that that’s our stallion… kinda cute if you ask me…”
Traipse replied, “We didn’t…?
The Reaper smiled at Traipse’s comment before asking, “So what’s that on his head?”
Blade replied, “I’ve seen something like that before… I think it’s an anti-magic halter. The Hooviets use it to prevent unicorns from using magic.”
The Reaper spoke next, “So what’s our plane of approach? Will we improvise?”
Traipse shook his head, “Hmmm, how about I play road block?”
Blade nodded, “Well ok… but you better not take too long.”
Traipse smiled, “Alright then let’s go meet our new friend.”

A few minutes later down on the road, the leading Minotaur saw Traipse standing on the path so he called, “CONVOY HALT! ARCHERS AT THE READY!!!”
Soldiers approached the front from the sides of the convoy and readied their bows, as the leader yelled to Traipse, “You are blocking a prison convoy on route to the gates of Tartarus! Step off the road and out of our way immediately! If you do not comply, we will kill you and remove you ourselves!!! This is your first, last, and only warning! STEP ASIDE!!!”
Traipse didn't respond, instead he just stood there and stared at the archers with no concerned expression on his face. The leading minotaur thought to himself for a few seconds then answered the silence, “Very well, ARCHERS FI…”

Before the minotaur could finish his sentence, three needles came from behind him and dug deep into the back of his neck with precise and lethal precision. As the leading minotaur fell to the ground, the archers who were well trained, knew exactly what to do in this situation. Each archer released their arrows and sent them flying towards Traipse, then they huddled in to a circle and started looking around to find the source of the projectiles. As they looked around, Traipse used his speed and agility to dodge each and every arrow flying towards him. After getting past the only wave of arrows flying towards him, Traipse continued charging towards the archers with his target and his actions already decided. In the skies, both Blade and The Reaper dropped from the clouds and crossed each other’s paths as they aimed for the other two officers in the entire convoy. When the archers spotted the two, they started taking aim, but before they could fire, Traipse had already closed the distance between them so he jumped into the air, landed on the lead archer’s shoulders, and broke his neck before they could react.

With the three skilled mercenaries attacking the clueless convoy at once, the entire convoy was in a state of confusion. Using this to his advantage, the chained assassin pulled his chain free from one of the minotaurs who was holding him, then he used the same chain to bash one of the others in the head, allowing two of the four chains to be released. With is mobility free from restraint, the unicorn wrapped the chain around one of the guards neck and strangled him while he pulled the keys to his neck cuff and halter off the guard’s belt. The assassin quickly unlocked the Anti-magic halter on his head. With his magical abilities free, the assassin used his magic to wrap the chains around the necks of the guards surrounding him, and then he tightened each chain until their necks broke under the tension. With The Reaper cutting down the officers, Traipse breaking necks and crushing skulls, the assassin disarming them and killing them with their own weapons, and Blade cutting down all who try to flee for their lives. The four ponies cleared out the convoy quickly, leaving behind no survivors, or prisoners.

The assassin looked over at the three mercenaries and smiled, “I don’t know who you are… but it’s an honor to be rescued by two gorgeous beauties like yourselves and your… friend.”
Traipse gave the assassin a dull look as The Reaper spoke, “Your name… is it Mirage?”
The charming stallion took Scy’s hoof and kissed it, “Yes it is, and may I have the name of the beautiful rose that I have the pleasure of calling my savior? And don’t try to deny it… that cloak can only put a shadow over a flower… it will never remove its beauty.”
The Reaper is never one to fall for flattery, but for some unknown reason she couldn’t help but blush as she replied, “Oh… my name is, um… I mean you can call me The Reaper… or Scy, if you want.”
Mirage smiled, “Scy? Well I'll call you my Scy of relief then, because if it wasn’t for you… I would be forever sealed in Tartarus right now.”
The Reaper continued blushing as Blade trotted up to her and nudged her shoulder as she whispered, “Oh he’s smooth… by the way boss… you’re blushing.”
Scy put the hood on her cloak up to cover her blushing face as Traipse spoke to Mirage, “Maybe we should get going now, you know… before reinforcements arrive and take you.”

The unicorn nodded his head and replied, “Of course, perhaps we should get to a safe location before continuing the introductions.”
With that said, the four ponies left the area and continued away from Tartarus until they were on the other side of the border into Hooviet Territory. As the four ponies stopped to rest Traipse asked the assassin, “So… your name is Mirage right? What is your basic skill as an assassin?”
The stallion replied, “Seems kinda rude…”
“You’re asking me what my skill is and you have yet to introduce yourself… really I may kill ponies for a living, but even I have more class then that.”
Blade started to snicker as Traipse sighed,, “My name is Traipse… we are the Cutters.”
“Traipse, The Crystal Mercenary? I’ve heard a lot about you.”
Traipse smiled, “Good things I hope.”
“No… not really, but I appreciate the help all the same.”

Traipse was a little annoyed with Mirage’s comment but he kept it quite as Mirage continued, “So that would lead me to believe that the other beauty would be Blade wouldn’t it.”
Blade held out her hoof and smiled, “Charmed to meet you.”
The polite stallion replied, “As am I. though… I think there is one other who has completely captivated me… Miss Scy?”
The Reaper blushed as she replied, “Well aren’t you the charmer…”
Mirage replied, “Indeed I am… However, this is only a shell. I am much more than that.”
Seeing what was going on Traipse interrupted them, “we should go ahead and set up camp, it will be dark soon.”
Mirage nodded his head, “That’s a good idea Trips maybe you should go and gather the fire wood while Miss Scy and I can prepare the fire.”
Traipse was appalled, “My name is Traipse! and who are you to...”
“Tri… calm down! Let’s just get camp set up okay?”
Seeing the irritation in The Reaper’s eyes, Traipse replied, “Alright… I'll be back in a few minutes.”

While he was trotting away, Traipse heard The Reaper laugh behind him, so he stopped and turned his head to look. He could see Mirage and Scy still talking as he was flirting with her and she was actually falling for it. Feeling uncomfortable with what he was watching, Traipse looked back and saw Blade standing in front of him with a smirk on her face, “You’re Jealous… aren’t you?”
Traipse smiled, “Jealous! Of him? Don’t be ridiculous, I'm just a little concerned, I’ve never seen Scy like this before!”
Blade replied, “Of course you haven’t, she’s in love.”
“Love? Scy?”
Blade sighed, “She is a mare you know… and despite how you feel about it… she can fall in love.”
“I know that! What I mean is, how can she fall for a conceited, snobby, noble, pretty-colt like him? I just didn’t see him being her type.”

Blade nodded her head, “Well despite his differences he is a noble and I honestly didn’t see her liking that kind of stallion. But in the subject of stallions, he is quite charming.”
Traipse looked at the two again as he replied, “Differences? How do you mean?”
Blade replied, “He trots like a noble, but not like a unicorn.”
Traipse pauses for a second then replied, “You lost me.”
Blade explained, “Nobles trot all by appearance, Unicorn trot with their head held high showing off their horn, kind of pert if you ask me. Pegasi and alicorns, trot with their shoulders broadened to show their wings off, while Earth ponies just trot with their backs strait to show their strength. He however trots like a pegasus. Which is unusual when considering he has no wings. But then again, he could have been raised by pegasi. Either way you’ve got some competition.”

Traipse shook his head, “Competition? Please… Scy and I are friends. That’s all there is to it.”
Traipse trotted around Blade and mumbled to himself, “Competition my plot… that stallion couldn’t stand in my shadow without feeling faint…”
after he trotted past her, Traipse paused, “Um… Blade? What was I?...”
Blade sighed, “Firewood.”
“Right, Right firewood… I knew that?”
Traipse continued trotting away to gather the firewood while Blade smiled, “Is there a word that can describe how much denial he is in?”

Hours later the four ponies sat next to a campfire, As Mirage and Scy entertained each other with stories of past missions. Then Mirage spoke “I have to ask. Each one of you are known for having a most horrifying past… would it be a bother to learn of it?”
Traipse replied, “Yes… it would.”
“I beg your pardon?”
Blade spoke “You see, we don’t talk about our pasts… not even to each other.”
“Really? Why?”
Scy replied, “For protection…”
“Protection? From what?”

Traipse answered, “We know that there was a life before The Cutters, and we know that it's a life that drove us into becoming what we are today… Nevertheless, we don’t share it with each other, simply to keep each other safe. As far as we are concerned, we know enough about each other to have no need in knowing more. Scy and Blade both know I was once a guard in the Crystal Empire. We know that Blade was once a noble, and we know that Scy became a legend simply by the number of lives she has taken with her scythe. And as far as we care. That’s all we need to know.”
Mirage thought to himself, “But knowing ones past will only strengthen the bond between partners… isn’t that what you want?”

Traipse shook his head, “We share profit, supplies, Jobs, and decisions. Our bond as a team is and will always be stronger than any sword pointed in our direction. I don’t see any need in making it stronger.”
Mirage nodded his head, “Well I would disagree, but that’s your choice.”
Traipse changed the subject, “Tell me assassin…”
“I have a name… I think you’d be respectful enough to refer to me by that name… it’s alright though, I understand that a barbaric and uncivilized stallion only acts with what he knows.”
Traipse did everything he could to hold in his anger as he replied, “Alright then… Mirage… I wanted to ask you if the rumor is true. Do you really know how to get to…”
“Eden? Yes I’ve had the honor of stepping on those hollowed grounds…”

Traipse continued, “I heard it was just a myth… the last city of the alicorn. Simple ponytails told to keep little foals imaginations alive before bed.”
Mirage smiled, “As did I… till I stumbled across it a few years ago. It was breathtaking… I have never seen such a beautiful sight in my life… till today at least.”
Mirage smiled at Scy as Traipse tried to keep the subject going, “So you arrived at this city a few years ago… why, and how did you get captured?”
Mirages replied while looking into the fire, “I discovered something of great value… but when I went to retrieve it. I was captured by Equestrian Ponies.”
As a depressed look started to appear on the stallions face, The Reaper put her hoof on his shoulder, “What was it? what did you find that Equestria didn’t want you to take?”

Mirage smiled at the sympathy she was showing as he replied, “Treasure… Mountains of it… Imagine riches so great in value that all nations, the Hooviet Union, The Griffin Kingdoms and Equestria were so bent on keeping it safe that they would leave it in one place and never move it in hopes that no other nation would discover its location.”
The subject of treasure caught everyponies attention so Blade asked, “Was there really so much of it?”
Mirage replied, “Indeed there is, I haven’t seen it myself but why else would I be arrested immediately after opening its hiding place?”
Traipse became suspicious, “Wait a second… You haven’t even seen this treasure before with your own eyes?”

Mirage shook his head, “Not really, I read about a treasure hidden under the castle so when I returned there I immediately started digging for it. after about three days of digging, my pick broke through the ceiling of an old tomb, and as soon as the light shined in, a gold glow shined out. But before could look inside, an Equestrian pegasus tackled me and pinned me to the ground. That barbaric pony held me in place till other guards arrived, chained me up, and threw me in a cell. Then they claim I'm committing some kind of crime against existence.”
Traipse was still skeptic, “Equestrian Royal guards? Why would they be in Eden?”
The Reaper sighed, “Because they probably want control over the treasure too… haven’t you been listening?”

Traipse felt a little offended by Scy’s tone as Mirage continued, “You know… if we were to join forces, I'll wager we would have no problems taking the treasure from them by force. With Blade’s voracity, Traipses’… um… Presents, and the lovely Miss Scy leading the way, we will make short work of those weak guards and get away with the treasure rich as kings.”
Traipse thought to himself, “So… you want us to help you retrieve this treasure?”
Mirage nodded his head, “It would be a spectacular victory for the Cutters don’t you think?”
Scy nodded her head, “You know what? I think that would be a good journey for us.”
Blade added, “A mountain of treasure… I like the sound of that.”

Traipse knew that at this point it didn’t matter what his opinion was on the subject so he just replied, “Well it looks like we will be taking the offer from the highest bidder. So count me in too... I guess”
Scy looked at Traipse, “Guess? What do you mean you guess? This is an offer of a lifetime.. why are you so skeptic about it?”
Traipse replied, “Scy, this just seems too good to be true; I just don’t know if I trust it.”
Blade spoke up, “Look Tri, you should be happy about this, Just think of all that money.”
Scy continued, “Come on Tri… We’re a team, we will only do this if you will join us… please?”
As Traipse looked into The Reapers eyes, he could only sigh, “Alright… if we are together, then why not.”

The Reaper smiled as Mirage nodded his head, “Then it’s agreed then, when dawn approaches, we will set a course for Eden.”
Scy then blushed as she added, “And you know what, once it’s said and done… you should join the Cutters too. We can use a unicorn of your talents.”
Mirage looked at Traipse and smiled sinisterly, “Miss Scy… it would be an honor to fight by your side… from now on.”
Traipse didn’t like that idea at all, but what made it worse was for a split second, he could swear that the Unicorn’s brown eyes had turned green while he smiled.