• Member Since 21st Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen May 26th



A special princess faces a special problem in her yet young career, one that brings her to an even more special decision.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 8 )


Because Last worked too, didn't it? Actually, there is a hauntingly accurate overlap between the two's topics, if you think about it. I am just going to raise my pretentiousness by 4 and claim that was intentional.

Well. Sadly, I won't claim the trophy for first canon Princess Twilight fic. But basically, this boils down to this. I was disappointed by the ending, how buckety and illogical it was. It could be fine, I figured, if only the last ten minutes of the episode weren't there. Toying around with those two words incepted this fic. I literally oneshotted this from the title and scratch.

See it as a sadification of the ending of MLP, some sweetification out of that she seems to be leaving her friends behind, or whatever. I don't care. Honestly, I don't care for this fic altogether. It is a oneshot. A thought experiment. If you like it, gravy, if not, toss it and don't judge me by it.

Yes, I know that giving up her wings is a bit far fetched, but doing it anyway else would've taken effort, and I was not prepared to spend that on this. Besides, how do you briefly give such a decision weight?
It also serves nicely to make being a princess much, much less desirable. Showcasing the empty system they have to follow, how duty binds them essentially against their will, et cetera.

Define 'duty'. Define 'servant of many'. If she does not go to Pinkie in her hour of need, then she's already denied what being a Princess is supposed to be about.

Celestia always took time for her student and no pony, even the humblest little pegasus filly, was beneath Luna's notice when nightmares troubled them. So why shouldn't Twilight go to Pinkie's side? Far better for her to spend time with one who actually needed her rather then waste time listening to the petitions of those whose only real need is to have their self-images flattered by forcing a Princess to listen to their petty complaints, plots or schemes.

I don't think that Twilight is going to be 'giving up' anything, except giving up the bureaucracy's dreams of controlling her and giving up the civil service's idea of what a Princess should be in favour of being what a Princess really should be.

2134440 Hmm, perhaps you are right. Perhaps I should've written this that way. Honestly, yes I should. Dammit.
Oh well. The way I did write it shows that through simple pressure of obeying the rules or losing everything, the princess(es) may not be the supreme ruler at all. Also, what Celestia and Luna did was entirely to schedule. At night, Luna guides the pussies, and Celestia takes ten minutes an evening to read Twilight's letter, that's what they do. Twilight leaving the throne was not only not planned, but it directly went against what she should be doing, thus upsetting the duty spell.

I just had to do something with the title. I think we can agree to wipe those ten minutes (and maybe also Ten Minutes) from memory. I suppose we could also trust Hasbro to not have fucked it up intentionally for a 22 minute toy advert...

Nicely written, but I have to agree with BenRG that the "royal duties" described in this fic are unrealistically tight. Celestia's never taken a single day off in the thousand years that she's ruled? She was able to pop down to Ponyville at a moment's notice when Twilight's Want-It-Need-It spell went haywire, for example. And she took a brief completely unplanned vacation when Chrysalis stuck her in that coccoon.

Heck, Luna took a thousand year vacation and she's still got wings. And before that, the whole "depose Celestia and cause nighttime eternal" thing would probably have edged close to the line of violating her princessly duties as well. :)

The sentiment of the story is good, though. I'd say just remove the mention of her wings evaporating forever the moment she left her post and everything will be just fine.

2143073 There was some logic behind that... but it was shit.
Well, I'll see what I can do. The problem is, how do you give her decision true weight without making her seem reckless or falling into the "F:yay:k you, I do what I want" scheme of such fics?

Anyway, you and 2134440, I'll be editing this, there'll probably be some updated version up by the end of today. Which is in GMT+1. So by the time you read this, it probably is. Lazy Am- no, bad Doctor, no racism based on timezones!

I'm gonna update you once I have something. Keep an eye out for my blog.

2134440 2143073
There, I fixed it. Not that there'd be any practical reason to as the release rush is long past, but still.

I'm somewhat satisfied with this version. It loses ridiculousness (a bit) while still allowing my original ending. Yay, solutions which leave everyone unhappy!
It's amazing what a surgically precise strike can do.Remove some here, change some there, and you have somebody with a separated leg bone. Sorry. Personal insider joke.

Also, to further defend my earlier point, Celestia and Luna are born alicorns. Twilight is not. Thus, the whole "well they are still 'corns" argument is somewhat off.
That or they've simply lived with the rules so long (or perhaps even invented them) that they know perfectly how to get through them. When they were fucking around, that wasn't during business hours when they should've been doing something else. That simple.


Define "What the fuck am I reading".

2146330 fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/348/7/b/what_the_fuck_am_i_reading__by_aim__and__ignite-d5o13gb.png
I am now going to take personal offense in you not reading this before. And you still not having art for TDaA. Not that it was any kind of not shitty to make it be less loved with stock art, of course.

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