• Member Since 25th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen June 3rd



"Within these pages I will detail the accounts of the many interesting mysteries that have befallen Trottingham's only consulting detective, Deduction, and myself."

A pony homage to the Sherlock Holmes stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Pre-reading by Night Moonstone.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 21 )

I'll be reading this once I get a chance, but allow me to direct you here. Sherlock Group


A quick question: Can you see the chapter itself? For some reason, it tells me that the total word count is 0 even though I published the chapter.

Yes, I can. The site is still being weird. The chapter says 2,973 but the 'words total' is 0.
Edit: It caught up.

Comment posted by paxtofettel deleted Feb 18th, 2013

Good start. Can't wait for more.
Two problems.

Fear not for I will not give you my entire life story which, needless to say, is nothing of import.

I think you mean 'importance'

A half-finished cigarette hanged from his lips

I think it's 'hung', but I could be wrong.

I've never read Doyle's books. I've only seen Sherlock TV shows and movies. Was he that polite and amicable in the books? The movies gave me the impression that he's kind of cold, distant and a bit of an ass.

Your style is great, it reads very similar to the original works. The problem I have is that Deduction doesn't seem to act very much like Sherlock. He is not really a jerk, so much as he doesn't care for social constraints. He also didn't analyze Stethescope, detailing the other ponies past with no input except what he observes.

I'll wait to see where this goes.


Technically not. In middle modern English 'Import' also had the same meaning as importance.
As for hung, it's vulgar slang. In modern times it's appropriate in speech but in text, it's grammatically incorrect and hanged is used in it's place.


Don't worry, I plan to flesh out Deduction in the coming chapters. This was merely an introductory chapter.

Thank you very much for telling me that.

Great start. I always did love Sherlock Holmes.

Can't wait to see where you take this.


Alright, the game is afoot! Or ahoof... or something. I'm pretty sure there's a pun for that.

Either way, glad to see another mystery around! Happy to know I'm not the only one who still writes and reads them. Looking forward to more~ :raritywink:

Well that was a nice little start. It's sad to see that it looks like you've stopped writing though. Should you ever continue, you'll certainly have one committed reader.


Nah, I haven't given up on it, but working on requests as well as pre-reading other stories does take up a lot of my time.

Well that's grand to hear! I can understand having a lot on your plate. I'll look forward to when you get the time to return to it then!

In all due honesty, I am at a point where my confidence in writing is rather low xD

I can't imagine why. This seems awesome! I'm a big fan of Sherlock Holmes.


Weeeeell you know how it is: many others are more talented than you, your own stuff ain't up to par and you're also buried under life and work xD


Doesn't help that I kinda dropped out of watching MLP and the fandom as a whole

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