• Member Since 27th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 18 hours ago

Pennington Inkwell

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On a night of storms, when the winds were whipping and the rain was pounding against his window, Pennington never expected to have anypony come knocking at his door. Never in his wildest dreams would he have imagined it to be a shivering, waterlogged blue-and-silver mare, in need of a roof over her head and a way of earning a few bits.

To Pennington, taking in Trixie as a tenant in his home seemed like nothing, but as the two of them worked with one another more and more, something seemed to grow between the two of them... Something blossomed in their hearts that neither of them had ever felt before.

Until the day Pennington's world came to a stop. Until the day his life seemed to shatter.

((A prequel to "Happy Adventuring, Twilight!" The inspiration for this came to mind on Hearts and Hooves Day. Personally, I always thought that Trixie had a lot more to her than was ever shown in her episodes, and this is an effort on my part to show a little bit of her story.))

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 39 )

Finally all my question will be answered :pinkiehappy:
Oh by the way how often will you update this story

Wow didn't see that coming love at first sight
Good job

Wow didn't see that coming love at first sight
Good job

trollollollolollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollolloll and black thunder you suck i9 had first post and it got deleted
:facehoof: :rainbowlaugh:



Let's keep the comments ON THE STORY about the story, please? if you have a joke to tell or a request, please express it on my Facebook page. :trixieshiftleft:


Pen what's your secret "investigation mode activate"
Bit on a serious note good job on the story and keep it up and I can't come up with another clique saying I running on re-run jokes....pun not intended

2258766 Okay, Ace, since I know you in real life, I'm allowed to call you out about this... :scootangel::scootangel:

I had to read that at least three times before I understood you. Fix your grammar. Nick is bad enough. :twilightoops:



The hate between AJ and Penny is palpable, I wonder if they will make up to each other one day; when Applejack finally realize that she was the one in the wrong.

2316671 It's going to take a lot to make those two reconcile... :ajsleepy: :applecry: :eeyup: But don't forget that we're seeing things from Trixie's point of view here, in which Pennington is the "good guy." :trixieshiftright: In "Happy Adventuring, Twilight!", I'm hoping to show more of Applejack's opinion. :trixieshiftleft: That will be in the next "official chapter." (My next update is actually going to be the result of our facebook poll, a bonus chapter shipping Penn and Chrysalis... :twilightoops: I'm just waiting until Gina finishes the illustration for it. :pinkiehappy:)

But, on the bright side, I do think that is would be possible... But difficult... to bring these two together on friendly terms. :twilightsheepish:

2317738 I think it would be possible but only with both Big Mac and Twilight's help because they are the one who is level-headed on both sides. :facehoof::eeyup:

I think he let out his condition too easily to Trixie; Twilight had to struggle to get it out of him. This seems bit too cheerful too.

2321149 Hmmm.... I shall look into this. Hindsight is 20/20, and I think I may need to take a look back at this chapter... But she did just save him. Twilight wound up badgering him until he had to tell her, but he felt like he owed Trixie. That was my opinion. The cheerful part was simply him trying to play off his terror. Maybe I need to go back and explain that better...

2321224 No problem, just doing my duty as loyal fan of this series :). Can't wait for Happy Adventuring to update.

i has question is this the sequel to something???

Good game Applejack!

You are the greatest friend ever you know that right:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

2491178 ... Okay, Ace, what do you want this time?

Haha just kidding. Thanks, bro! That was kind of out of the blue, but whatever.

Okay what I want a puppy .... Okay no but what i mean is all the references to nick and me is why i said your a good friend it small thing like that show you care :pinkiehappy:
Oh and the name is now warlock

Why do I get the sneaking suspicion that this is the calm before the storm... Judging how this book is a prequel to another great series and Trixie wasn't present in his shop then... :fluttershbad: Oh well, Guess I'll simply Squee now, hope to D'aww later, and secretly root for Trixie to win the future love triangle. :fluttershysad:

I know its cliché, so instead of having a mustache, have a Big Macintosh. :eeyup:

-A fan of yours,

Calm before the storm? You're absolutely right! For that, you get a moustache. (I have no problem with being clichéd.) :moustache::moustache::moustache:


FINALLY, somebody mentions that neither the sad tag NOR the canon for the main story have been filled! :twilightoops:

Basically, everything is going to come to a point in this next chapter, which should be the final one.. :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright::trixieshiftleft:

Hang on, it's gonna be a feelsy ride...


Not many people have paid attention to this story, but they're going to wish they had, eventually... :flutterrage: :pinkiehappy:

So thanks for paying attention and asking questions, Irid! I couldn't ask for more from my readers! :moustache::moustache:


Well, it's not really the end for Pennington, since this is a prequel. But yes, this was meant to be a really sad ending. And the other story doesn't actually involve Trixie, but another unicorn mare...


But anyway, yes. Meant to be sad from the start... The relationship was always doomed. Because authors are often sadists to their main characters. :raritydespair::rainbowhuh::rainbowwild:

Hope you enjoyed it!

2872175 well I did enjoy the story, its just the way you ended the previous chapter made it sound like he was going to ask Trixie to marry him

Hope Trixie changes herself if she ever meets Penny in your main story.

Well whats the point in growing up if you cant be childish sometimes

thats it youve got both a fav and a follower with this: my favorite quote of all time
also looks like we have a dr who fan as a main character


Wait, wait, wait... Lily Ixia? "Ixia" as in the one from your Tumblr who travelled and was married with Quill? Or is she Callalily Curl? This is confusing... :applejackconfused::rainbowhuh::unsuresweetie:


Not quite. Ixia is Lily's middle name. The pony who was married to Quill had Ixia as her FIRST name!

Penn only calls her by her middle name when he's talking about the old days when they were fresh out of school and traveling together.

I actually did this because I forgot Lily's last name while I was writing:twilightoops:, but I like the little headcanon.


3405607 Thanks! So she's Callalily Ixia Curl? That sure is fancy name. :duck:

She was always destined for Canterlot. :raritywink:

Penn has a middle name, too. Not so fancy, though. :ajsmug:


3410586 I was reading this story's comments when I saw your reply to my question, and you said that Penn has a middle name too, so I was wondering... What is his middle name? If you don't mind me asking, that is.

3812356 Heh, heh... Sorry, that's a secret for now.

A complete and utter secret I cannot tell you, unfortunately. We all know I'm the world's biggest tease. :derpytongue2:



3815367 Well, if you'll keep it a secret for now, then I will wait loyally until it is revealed! :pinkiehappy:

Pennginton reminds me so much of the Doctor XD

Trixie didn't actually bring the Ursa to town. That was those 2 mental giants, Snips & Snails.

Last time Trixie met AJ, she tied up AJ & stuck an apple in her mouth. This will not end well.

I remember reading this old Pogo cartoon strip
They had a character called Ma'mzelle Hepzibah (sort of a female Pepe Le Pew). She was always crushing on Pogo. They wanted Pogo to go on a trip & he refused. His friend Churchy Lefemme said "But EVERYONE is going! You and Miss Hepzibah will inhibit the swamp alone!" Pogo gets this "org" look on his face, then says "Oh, you mean we will INHABIT the swamp alone" Shows Churchy looking in a book labeled "dictionary". He says "No, I mean you will INHIBIT the swamp alone" Pogo said "Baz Faz" & went on the trip

So Pennington & Trixie will inhibit the house alone. :raritywink:

"Well, what's the point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes?"

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