• Published 2nd Mar 2013
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Transformers: Equestria's Darkest Hour - JDPrime22

Direct sequel to Transformers: Fall of Equestria. A new war is raging on between the Autobots and Decepticons on the peaceful land of the ponies. The Legend of the Transformers will fall in Equestria's darkest hour.

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All Kings Rise and Fall


“Soundwave superior. Autobots inferior.”


INTEL: Soundwave is known for being unquestionably loyal to Megatron. Commanding an armada of Mini-Con Deployers, Soundwave can infiltrate and acquire enemy Intel. Soundwave is often not trusted by other Decepticons out of fear he might also spy on them and report back to Megatron.


Everypony shook the snow off their backs as they crossed the shield. Slightly quivering from both the cold and the piercing howls they had heard while in the blizzard. That was over now and they were back to the Crystal Empire.

Twilight Sparkle smiled when the warmth of the sun shined on her slightly drenched coat. While trotting forward with her friends, Twilight smile grew even wider when she spotted the castle. The Crystal Empire couldn’t look anymore gorgeous than it already did. Well….with the Crystal Heart still active it looked even better.

Two giant red crystals stood in their way which leads to a path to the glorious empire. The sunshine made the Crystal Castle glow with such vigor and grace that Rarity’s eyes shimmered with delight. The clear skies and bright sun made everypony feel great…even though they knew that something terrible was soon to happen.

Several loud footsteps caught each of their attention as the six mares turned around to see Optimus Prime and his team transform and walk forward. The glares of each pony spread as Twilight trotted forward and pointed a hoof at the Autobot leader.

“What the hay was that all about, Optimus?!” Twilight yelled as the entire Autobot army turned their heads towards the shouting unicorn. She continued with her rage boiling, “It if hadn’t been for Jazz and Silverbolt we could’ve died back there in that train,” Her eyes quickly softened but her frown was still present, “What happened, Optimus?”

Optimus Prime nervously kicked at the grass and admitted, “Well…we were doing as we were instructed by Celestia and drove by the train the entire time. What happened was Soundwave. He used his airwave attacks to cut off our engines thus rendering us from performing our duties to protect you,” He pointed his large finger at the two Autobots and said, “Jazz and Silverbolt were the first ones to come to. Luckily they got to all of you before…” Optimus stopped himself there. His optics grew wide that Twilight could've seen the clear fear present in those twin blue eyes of his.

Twilight’s anger cooled down as she looked at all the pleading looks the Autobots gave. It was an honest mistake. And…she couldn’t stay mad at them.

Her smile grew back just as she did when she had first arrived to the Crystal Empire. She said, “Okay…apology accepted.”

Each Autobot sighed with relief, except for a few of them who simply nodded and took a look at their surroundings. Fluttershy giggled. They acted like little kids entering a new type of playground when they first step foot in the Crystal Empire.

Optimus Prime watched as a butterfly landed on his shoulder with its wings shaking slightly. It was indeed peaceful here…hopefully forever.

As the Autobots took a keen liking to the red crystals, Twilight’s ears perked up as a male voice came from behind her.


Twilight looked back and actually galloped at the stallion.

“Shiny!” Twilight screamed and jumped into Shining Armor’s hooves. Shining spun his little sister around before sharing another hug on the soft grass.

Shining Armor broke the hug and said, “I’m glad you all made it in time,” He got up from the grass and made his way down the path, “Now quickly, we have to get to the Crystal Castle. Cadance is there holding up the shield so King Sombra’s shadow can stay out.”

“Wait, King Sombra is already attacking?!” Twilight practically screamed as she and her friends caught up to the Captain of the Royal Guard.

Shining nodded and explained, “Ever since Sombra was resurrected, he retreated into the Arctic with Queen Chrysalis by his side. Since then, he has been getting stronger and just now began trying to infect the Empire and the crystal ponies.”

“How dare he?!” Rarity screamed while stomping her hoof on the ground.

Shining Armor chuckled and said, “That’s what I said.” His laughter died down and a stern expression was left, “Now, when I get to the Crystal Castle, I want you and the Autobots to set up a defensive perimeter around the castle so that nothing can get in. We can’t have any distractions while Cadance and I are holding up the shield. Once I’m inside, Twilight, your job that Princess Celestia told me about is to influence the crystal ponies to rebuild the Crystal Heart so we can kill Sombra. I couldn’t raise their spirits…”

Twilight looked over to see her older brother’s head lowering to the ground in defeat. Twilight knew how much Shining Armor hated losing…especially when the fate of Equestria was at stake.

“It’s okay, Shiny,” Twilight told him while giving him a supporting smile, “my friends and I will get the crystal ponies to rebuild the heart. You don’t have to worry.”

The stallion smiled while his focus was dead center on the bright castle. His trot turned into a full gallop while the mares struggled to keep up to him. Shining turned his head back and shouted, “Get the Autobots to follow you! I need to get to Cadance! She can’t hold the shield for much longer!”

Stopping in the path, the six Elements suddenly looked up and realized what he meant. The bright blue skies began fizzing out into a dark brown. Cadence was growing weaker…and Sombra was growing stronger.


The glorious lights. The miraculous crystal buildings lining the diamond paved streets. In the center of this magnificent and tremendous empire was the towering Crystal Castle that shined in the bright sun. Each mare’s eyes were astonished to see the Crystal Empire yet again…but Rarity was more than astonished.

Rarity sped back and forth with her eyes dazzling. Her breathing was becoming faster as she saw the castle not too far away.

“OH isn’t it just fabulous?!” Rarity squealed with her hooves close to her mouth, containing her screams of excitement. The other ponies groaned and just kept moving. Ignoring their blight, Rarity continued to move around. Her eyes stopped gleaming when she noticed two crystal ponies trudging past them with droopy manes and dull coats.

“They already lost all hope.” Fluttershy sniffled and blinked back what appeared to be tears.

Twilight turned back at Optimus Prime and his Autobot army. The Autobots didn’t seem so surprised to see this empire; they probably still thought their home world was better than this place. Twilight didn’t want to accept that fact. She had seen Cybertron with her own eyes…it was awful.

“Then we’ll just have to prove to them how powerful they really are.” Twilight said with a hint of sternness escaping her trembles. Sure she was scared, but helping these ponies was something she and her friends had to do.

They were getting closer to the Crystal Castle. The bright lights shining off the castle reached the towering Autobots as did the shouts from the crystal ponies. Twilight and her friends cringed in fear as the hatred came back.

“Get outta here!”

“Didn’t you do enough damage the first time?!”

“Stupid Autobots!”

“Go home already!”

“We hate you!!!”

Hatred. Terrible…horrible hatred filled the streets of this glorious empire. The equines did nothing this time…not even they could stop the crystal ponies from delivering their wraths on the Autobots. Even Twilight was surprised to see them like this. Fear had taken over the inhabitants of the Crystal Empire…she never thought that hatred still could.

“Ignore them, Autobots,” Optimus muttered while keeping his focus on the castle, “it will be over soon.”

“I hope to sweet Primus above you’re right.” Blaster groaned as the crystal ponies started shouting hurtful words to him.

While the shouting continued, the six Elements tried their greatest strengths to ignore the crystal ponies yelling at their Autobot friends. They hated it when the Autobots were picked on just like this. It hurt each of them inside…but they kept silent knowing they couldn’t stop them.

It wasn’t long before they arrived to the Crystal Castle, the sun being blocked out by the shadow the castle gave out. Twilight and her friends turned around, fully knowing that Shining Armor was already inside helping out Cadence hold the shield together.

She knew her job.

“Everypony, listen!” Twilight shouted while taking a step forward right in front of the castle. Her friends stood right by her side ready to help out when the time was needed.

Optimus and his team got behind them. The Autobot leader pointed past them and said, “Autobots, recon.” They all did as they were told and made a defensive perimeter around the castle, almost completely circling it. Bumblebee and Ironhide stood right on Optimus’ sides while the last of the Primes stood right behind Twilight.

The crystal ponies stood in a large crowd in front of the castle, several of them chatting while others yelled in anger and frustration. Turning her head back towards Optimus Prime, the last of the Primes nodded towards her.

“It is time, Twilight,” Optimus said, “It is time to tell them the truth.”

Nodding back, Twilight faced the large crowd of ponies and cleared her throat.

‘Okay…here we go.’

Twilight pointed her hoof in the air and shouted, “Everypony out there! We have the cure to save your empire and allow peace to be reflected across Equestria!” Upon saying this, the crowd calmed down and focused their attentions on the unicorn.

She continued, “We have the Crystal Heart!”

A dull hoof was raised in the crowd. Twilight pointed forward and shouted, “Yes?”

The mare stood up and shouted back, her voice without any signs of hope, “I saw the heart destroyed with my own eyes!” The rest of the crowd nodded in agreement.

Twilight smiled and pointed to one of her friends while shouting, “My friend here has the remains of the Crystal Heart! We’ll tell you how you can help to repair it!” She leaned her head in closer to the farm mare and whispered, “Applejack take off your hat.”

“Huh? O-oh yeah!” Applejack remembered and brought up her hoof.

Twilight’s smile changed to a look of despair when a large missile collided against the Crystal Castle. The only sounds that were heard was the screaming of the crystal ponies as they scattered away in fear.


Smashing the doors open, Shining Armor galloped into the crystal throne room with his withering wife sitting on the throne. Her head was low with several bags under her eyes, the blue glow from her horn was barely lit as she slowly opened and closed her eyes.

They sprang to life when her husband arrived to the scene.

“Shining Armor!” Cadance shouted but immediately gripped her head in pain. The stallion trotted forward and rested his hooves on her body.

“Don’t waste your energy, dear,” Shining told her while gently kissing her on the forehead, “I’m here now.” Shining knew that Cadance couldn’t take much more. And due to the fact that she was pregnant only withered her strengths even more.

Princess Cadance forced another smile before it disappeared. The sound of an explosion had hit the castle with a violent shake. Shining Armor frowned and got closer to his wife.

“Shall I do it now?” Shining asked. Cadance couldn’t do as much as nod her head.

Closing his eyes, Shining Armor’s horn glowed bright red before he shot a powerful beam upwards into the sky. The beam connected with the rest of the shield multiplying the strengths of the only defense the Crystal Empire had left.

Both husband and wife stayed that way…praying for a miracle.


“Take cover!” Optimus shouted as pieces of crystal debris landed on the ground. The Autobots shielded their heads as the debris landed on them. The screaming and scattering of several ponies caught each Autobot’s attention.

Optimus watched as the crystal ponies retreated into their homes or deeper into the empire itself. Their only safe havens would be nothing compared to what Optimus saw heading for them.

The six equines braced for cover. When the missile had collided, the ponies screamed and held each other tight. Completely unknowing what was truly happening.

But Twilight knew what was happening.

Her eyes grew wide as they could and her breathing sped up, the utter terror she felt was similar to the time when they had first met the Autobots…and the Decepticons.

What she saw made her fear for her own life.


Upon hearing his name, Optimus looked up and froze in place. His anger slowly boiling inside of him as his fist clenched tightly. He knew it was only a matter of time before he and his army showed their faces.

“Megatron.” Optimus Prime growled.

All that remained in the streets leading up to the Crystal Empire was the six Elements of Harmony, Optimus Prime and the Autobots, and….

A giant grey foot smashed itself down on the crystal streets, the ground shattering with several cracks appearing under the mighty foot of the Decepticon leader. The pony’s eyes slowly drifted upwards where they saw all the sharp, jagged pieces of armor on this terrifying Decepticon. Passing the symbol and getting a full glance on his face, the ponies backed away behind Optimus Prime when those red eyes glared at them.

While the six mares shivered in fear behind Optimus, the Autobot leader narrowed his optics as more than just Megatron arrived. Behind him was Soundwave and Onslaught. But that wasn’t all. The entire Decepticon army stood behind them; the three Insecticons, the Stunticons, the Combaticons, Barricade, Ramjet, Thrust, Dirge, Thundercracker, and Skywarp.

It seemed to get worse.

A tiny black creature appeared behind Megatron’s feet. Optimus frowned in hatred how this unholy alliance was ushered. He simply couldn’t believe that Megatron, the hated leader of the unforgiving Decepticons would actually make a partnership with one of the species of this planet’s race.

It wasn’t like him.

Twilight peeked from behind Optimus’ leg as did the rest of her friends. There she saw Queen Chrysalis herself smiling with glee, her eyes narrowed and full of ambition. She stood right by Megatron’s side as the leader of the Decepticons looked around.

Megatron chuckled in enjoyment.

“This is what you call an army?” Megatron asked Optimus specifically, pointing to the other Autobots slowly stepping forward. “My victory in this seemingly useless empire will prove to be a great spawning ground for my newest Decepticons!”

“Not while we’re here, Megatron!” Optimus shouted back, his fury about to break.

Megatron slowly walked forward with Chrysalis right behind him. His waved his hand in the air and said, “Don’t you dare confuse this world with your own, Optimus Prime!” When Optimus’ optics narrowed in hatred, Megatron continued, “But perhaps you already have, Prime. Your hope for this planet is as worthless as the planet itself. When my plan is good and ready, nothing will be able to stop us from total conquest of the pitiful ponies!”

Optimus could hear the whimpering from behind him. Megatron cared not for the life-forms of this world…but Prime did. He pointed a threatening finger at Megatron and shouted, “How can you be so sparkless, Megatron?! These ponies have done nothing to harm you and yet you still find a way to prove them unfit for life!”

“That’s the glory of it, Optimus,” Megatron smiled with his optics shimmering bright green for a split second, “YOU still haven’t figured it out, Prime! These creatures ARE unfit for life and don’t deserve to live! Once they are extinguished, the Decepticons will rise above and take this planet’s energy source! With that, we can reboot Cybertron, Optimus! Your home…OUR home can be saved….if you just join us.”

Optimus was surprised to see Megatron hold out his hand with the promise of a partnership.

“Embrace the Decepticon ways, Optimus. Join us…or be destroyed.”

The last of the Primes blinked. He looked back and saw his fellow Autobots looking at him, obviously wanting an answer. He brought his attention downwards to see the six ponies quivering. Twilight was looking at him…with teary eyes all lost in the obscurity of fear. When he looked into their pleading eyes…Optimus knew he could never abandon this planet’s race.

Facing Megatron again, Optimus scowled and shouted, “NO! It is not the only way! This is our home, Megatron! We will defend the ponies with our lives!!!”

The Autobots yelled in agreement and stood ready to fight for the equines. Megatron sighed and put his hand down, his optics glowing bright green.

“If that….is how it must be.”

He looked down at Chrysalis and asked, “Shall we?”

The Queen of the Changelings smiled and hissed, “I like the way you think, Megatron.” She flapped her wings and hovered in place. With a straight hoof pointed forward, Chrysalis screamed as loud as her lungs could take it.


Almost as instantly as she shouted that, the sky was filled with black dots that became bigger as they charged forward. The Autobots didn’t have a chance to act as the tiny bugs attacked them. Firing random shots, the Autobots did nothing as the Changelings bit at them and clawed at their faces.

Megatron laughed in amusement as the Changelings soared passed him and his Decepticons and straight into the hearts of the Autobots with speed and brute force. Chrysalis enjoyed the scene too. Her children were proving most effective.

Twilight and the others backed away from Prime’s legs and took off directly under the Crystal Castle. They were surrounded in mere seconds as the bug-eyed creatures glared at them with hunger in their eyes.

“Oh horseapples…” Applejack muttered. The Changelings began moving in on them.

They did what they do best.

Before they knew it, the six mares watched as several Changelings surrounded them and then suddenly morphed into them in a bright green flame. Their clones smiled deviously as they all zeroed in.

With a screech, the army charged or flew forward at the six equines. Twilight shot several beams of energy at the double gangers while the rest of her friends took action. Rarity bucked wildly and slapped a few of the clones across their faces as she moved in on a group of Pinkie Pies. Applejack bucked a clone of Fluttershy square in the jaw as the Changeling laid on the ground in pain. Fluttershy cowered in fear with her hooves over her eyes while Rainbow Dash stood by her side and fended off any Changeling trying to harm the timid Pegasus. Pinkie Pie sped around a group of Twilights and Applejacks while firing her party cannon at them, causing the Changelings to be blinded by the glitter.

This massive battle lasted longer than expected, for when Twilight lifted up her head she almost gasped in terror when she saw Queen Chrysalis herself walk up the stairs into the Crystal Castle.

Realization hit her like a bite to the back…right when a Changeling bit her in the back.

Crying loudly, Twilight landed on the ground while the black creature dug deeper into her skin. Drawing blood, the Changeling was about to finish her off before a blue blur rammed him in the face. Twilight looked up to see Rainbow Dash standing above her while screaming, “Don’t you touch my friends, you freaks!”

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight managed to yell. The Pegasus turned around and helped up her hurting friend just in time for Twilight to yell, “Chrysalis…she’s going after my brother!!!”

Rainbow’s eyes grew wide.

“Oh buck me in the flank.”


While trotting peacefully inside, Queen Chrysalis found the invasion way too easy. The Decepticons had truly proven to be helpful to the Changeling cause, and since they have gotten this far, she couldn’t wait for the final part of plan to take hold.

With her were two of her best guards: Ripjaw and Slasher. They trotted up the long stairway and stood at the entrance of two massive crystal doors.

Chrysalis turned towards Ripjaw and ordered, “Ripjaw, open the door.”

“As you command, my Queen.” Ripjaw bowed and bucked the door open full force. The three of them stepped inside to reveal the stallion and alicorn hugging passionately while both of their horns glowed.

“Well…isn’t this a precious sight?” Chrysalis chuckled as she and her guards entered the throne room. Taking quick notice, Shining Armor dropped from the throne with his horn still glowing. Chrysalis could see the anger growing in his eyes from where she was standing.

“Stay back!” Shining threatened with his teeth grinding. He had enough trouble trying to hold the shield open, he didn’t want to deal with his “wife” right now.

The Queen sneered and pointed her hoof forward, “You should’ve been my husband. We could’ve made beautiful children,” After saying this, Shining stuck his tongue out in total disgust of the idea of laying with a bug. She continued while eyeing the alicorn’s swollen stomach, “But I see you’ve already succeeded in doing just that. You chose to sleep with a little whore than with the Queen of the soon to be ruler of Equestria!”

“Don’t you talk about me wife!!!” Shining Armor screamed and charged forward with his horn drawn downwards. Chrysalis’ guards took quick action and smashed their own bodies against the unicorn. Unfazed, Shining bucked them away and went straight for the Queen, his fury unleashed.

Taking action, Queen Chrysalis’ horn glowed green as she shot a single blast from her jagged horn at the stallion. Shining Armor flew backwards and hit the hard crystal wall with a hard shattering thud.

“Shining Armor!” Princess Cadance screamed in terror from the throne as she watched her dearest husband slowly sink to the ground. Her fears were only intensified as the Queen slowly approached her.

Princess Cadance gulped in fear. Chrysalis smiled at her.

“I think I will take my rightful place as ruler now,” Chrysalis chuckled while looking down at her swollen belly, “But since you are unable to fight me for it…I will just take it by force.”

Princess Cadance didn’t have a chance to defend herself when Queen Chrysalis shot a bolt of green energy at her horn. Cadance’s eyes glowed green and her horn fizzled out of power. Her body was limp as Chrysalis smacked her unconscious body on the floor next to the throne.

“Yeeeeesssss….it has begun…” Chrysalis hissed as she approached the window and looked outside. The blue skies flickered until the last remnants of energy protecting it were gone…

A dark shadow the size of the entire Arctic North chased across the snowy grounds headed for the weak source of love and happiness. After several miles of chasing, the shadow released a piercing howl into the sky that signaled his arrival.

The shadow surrounded the helpless Crystal Empire while a horrific face appeared out of the mist. A smile spread across its fang-filled mouth. Its dark red eyes stared at the empire before it.