• Published 5th Mar 2013
  • 1,946 Views, 116 Comments

Spitfires Mission: Babysitting at HQ - cantil

When Spitfire invites Rainbow Dash to the Wonderbolts HQ, what is supposed to be paying a crash bill, turns into much more wild events of this Friday night.

  • ...

WonderMares vs the Misfits

"Um, Chilly." Lightning Streak started. "I think we are lost."

"First off, I don't want you calling me Chilly. Second, NO DIP! There's like 5 other ways to go!" Wave Chill stressed. "I knew using the air ducts was a bad idea!"

"Hey! It wasn't all my idea!" Lightning Streak defended.

"Oh yes! That's right! IT WAS YOUR IDIOT BROTHERS IDEA TOO!" Wave Chill yelled.

"Fine. Fine. I admit. It was a bad id-." Lightning Streak was cut off by the sound of a large fan turning on.

The two ponies, stray to the situation, started to feel a strong current of wind pulling them backwards.

"CHILLY! WHAT'S HAPPENING?" Lightning Streak asked in a scream.

"I DON'T KNOW, STREAKY!" Wave Chill mocked.

The pull got stronger and stronger until they hurled backwards slamming into a different duct, leading to a different path.

"AAAHHHHH!!! OW! AHHHHH! OW!" Lightning Streak and Wave Chill yelled as they went from hurling through paths, to slamming into sides. Over, and over again.

"NOW IF I'M CORRECT, WE ARE BEING PULLED TOWARDS A FAN BLADE! WE NEED TO GET OUT OF- OWW- THIS PA-AHHHHHH!" Wave Chill tried to finish but they were both too busy screaming in fear and pain.



Outside Spitfire's Room

"Those idiots." Spitfire stated.

"What were they even going to try to do?" Rainbow curiously asked.

"Who knows, but they scream like little girls." Spitfire chuckled, earning a giggle from Rainbow.

"Yea. How in Equestria can Soarin and Rapidfire sleep through this?" Rainbow wondered.

"Who knows. But we better go save them before they turn into bloody swiss cheese." Spitfire suggested causing Rainbow to gag at the thought of somepony being sliced up.

Rainbow and Spitfire decided to leave Soarin and Rapidfire be to let them sleep while they saved the two misfits in the air ducts. As they were trotting up the stairs they heard a loud bang and a scream.

"Hehehe..." Rainbow couldn't help but giggle a little.

Spitfire then chuckled when she actually thought about them slamming in the side of the air ducts.

"I wonder if that hurts?" Spitfire sarcastically said as a failed attempt to make a joke.

Two Minutes Later

"Okay, so this is how it's all going to work. We will put this end of the fishing pole in the vent opening and then when they zoom by, they will hopefully grab on." Spitfire explained, while putting the one end of the fishing pole through the vent.

"Where did you get that fr-?" Rainbow was cut off.

"I have no idea." Spitfire replied with a chuckle.

"They should be coming up about any moment now! Stay alert!" Rainbow yelled.

Spitfire nodded her head in agreement as she heard their screaming getting louder. Louder. Louder.


Once they grabbed the line Spitfire went hurling forward along with them. Rainbow galloped as fast as she could to catch up and grab Spitfire before she was being sliced along with the other two.

"BLADE! BLADE! HELP!" Lightning Streak screamed as his tail was trimmed down to half it's length. "MY TAIL!"

"Hey Gals. NOW'S NOT THE TIME FOR A TEA PARTY! PULL US UP!" Wave Chill yelled.

"Calm down Chilly!" Lightning Streak mocked.

Wave Chill shot Lightning Streak a death glare before saying, "Oh Streaky. SHUT IT BEFORE I SHAVE THE REST OF WHAT'S LEFT OF YOUR TAIL OFF!" Wave Chill threatened.

"Okay Okay. Chill it Chilly. OMG CHILLY'S GOTTA CHILL!" Lightning mocked.

Wave Chill then momentarily let go of the rope, ending with Lightning Streak screaming and getting more of his tail trimmed off.

Lightning then looked at Wave Chill. "Streaky, I told you I would." Wave Chill smiled.

They were then yanked up out of the vent, each receiving a smack to the flank with a wooden spoon.

"OW!" Wave Chill and Lightning Streak both screamed.

"What was that for?" Wave Chill asked.

"For being two idiots." Spitfire smartly answered.

"Where did you even get the spoon?" Lightning Streak asked.

"It was in the lounge." Rainbow gladly replied.

"Where are Soarin and Rapidfire?" Wave Chill asked.

"They are still in bed, surprisingly sleeping, even after you were both body slamming the air ducts." Spitfire mocked.

"Did Rapidfire get his way with you?" Lightning asked, receiving a wooden spoon to the flank when Rainbow realized what he meant.

"Did you get your way with Wave Chill in the air ducts. It really sounded like it. Im surprised the ducts didn't collapse ye-." Rainbow was cut off by a loud creak followed by a bang. "I spoke to soon, didn't I?" Rainbow flatly stated causing the three ponies to laugh out loud on the floor.

"We should go make sure the air duct didn't collapse on Soarin and Rapidfire!" Rainbow suggested.

"No. No! I'm sure they're fine. We would have heard a scream if it did!" Lightning squeaked out.

"Oh Yea! Like the screams that you two made in the air ducts!" Rainbow remarked.

".....YES!" Lightning Streak and Wave Chill both answered causing Rainbow to also start laughing.

"The WonderMares......" Spitfire and Rainbow started.

"Saved the Misfits!" Lightning Streak and Wave Chill ended.

Author's Note:

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Check out my other story: The Mix-Up!

I have to admit, I'm not really sure how I feel about the way this chapter turned out.