• Published 9th Mar 2013
  • 5,093 Views, 327 Comments

Vengeance of Dawn - Scipio Smith

Princess Twilight Sparkle comes under attack by a foe seeking revenge for something Twilight does not even remember. It seems that finding your destiny can steal others' away.

  • ...

The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side

Chapter 4

The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side

Breaking Dawn ran.

"Stop, thief!" the angry shout of the guard behind her served only to spur Dawn on. Did anypony actually stop when they yelled like that?

Dawn vaulted over an impeccably trimmed hedgerow, the magic supporting the scone above her head wobbling a little as her hooves slammed into the grass. She looked back. Sunlight gleamed off the armour of the unicorn guards as they tore after her.

"All this for a scone?" Breaking Dawn gasped. She broke for the rose garden to the left. If she could get through there, cut through the ornamental ponds and then make it to the gazebo she had climbed down getting it. Then she'd be over the wall and─

"Gotcha!" a pegasus guard descended on her from on high, wrapping his hooves around her and lifting her up into the air in spite of all her thrashing and struggling. "You won't get away with this, street rat!"

"Hey, gimme a break why don't you? it was just something to eat!" Dawn said. "Let me go!"

The guard opened his mouth, but was interrupted by a high speed grey blur slamming into his face. Dawn fell to the ground, picking herself up in time to see Razor Wind jam the guard's helmet over his eyes and flutter backwards.

The grey pegasus grinned, "You're getting slow, sunshine."

"Says the girl who only showed up at the last minute."

"Just in the nick of time, Little Dawn," Razor scooped up the scone off the ground. "I know dirt adds to the flavour, but couldn't you get one with jam on?"

Dawn stared at her, but was spared having to say anything by a burst of magic from one of the pursuing unicorns.

"Let's get out of here," Razor and Dawn both fled, Dawn afoot and Razor on the wing. "The palace kitchen? Really?"

"I didn't plan this, I just wanted to see inside. But the smells from there..."

They trampled through the rosebeds, Breaking Dawn vaulting more hedges as Razor Wind flew over them. More guards joined the chase, coming in from ground and air in all directions. The ornamental ponds were denied them as pegasi dropped down in front of them to bar the way. They turned for the maze, but that was guarded too. There were just so many of them. Didn't they have better things to do?

"Are we lost?" Razor asked.

"No. Kind of. Yes."

They kept running, trying to stay one step ahead, until they ended up─

"The kitchen again! Aw, come on!" Dawn moaned.

Pegasi guards pounced, grabbing Razor Wind by the hooves and holding her up in the air while she struggled. Two earth ponies leapt on Dawn while other guards looked on.

"Get off, get off!" Dawn writhed upon the ground, reaching out to her friend. "Let go of her! Razor!"


"Razor Wind!" and in that moment her own voice seemed to fade to echo in Dawn's head, as the world dimmed and magic erupted from her.

The guards were hurled backwards like rag dolls by the power Breaking Dawn was putting forth. Razor Wind felt a hand batting her gently backwards, and all her cries to Dawn were in vain. For there was only the magic now, only the power, and she was nothing but a conduit for its unleashing. She─

"It's all right. You're safe now."

A mother's voice. A mother's hoof upon her shoulder. No, no Dawn knew that for a lie even as the magic faded from her horn and its influence receded from her mind. Her mother was not here, her mother was never there, she couldn't even remember what she sounded like.

And yet there was a hoof around her shoulders, there had been a voice, and there was a pony standing over her as Dawn opened her eyes, with a beatific smile that set her purple eyes a-glowing.

Princess Celestia was shimmering white. So white, whiter than the marble of the palace, more golden than her crown. She shone brighter than the sun, more radiant than a summer's day, more beautiful than the rarest flower or largest diamond. Rainbows would look dull by comparison with her shining mane. Dawn would drown in those eyes and be content with it.

Some of the guards recovered themselves, getting up off the ground amidst groans and growling, "Your Highness, this─"

"Stand off," Celestia snapped, and they dropped to their knees at once. Breaking Dawn gasped. Beautiful, kind, powerful too and loved by all. All the advantages a pony could possess combined in her, and she had defended Breaking Dawn.

Celestia looked down at her, "What is going on, young lady?"

Before this majesty Dawn could not lie, "I'm sorry Princess. I stole from your kitchen. I know it was wrong, but I was so hungry."

"I understand," Celestia said, and her embrace around Dawn's shoulder seemed tighter than before. "So long as you are sorry, then that is enough. I know that hard times make us do things we do not like, we do not wish to do. But forgiveness will always be given to those who seek it. Or so I hope. What is your name, young lady?"

"B-breaking Dawn," Dawn stammered.

Celestia knelt down, eye to eye with the young filly, "I have rarely met a unicorn as powerful as you are, Breaking Dawn. Would you like to come to my school, to learn from me as my personal student, and with my help fulfil your destiny?"


"Yes. You have great things in store you, and I will help you get there, if you let me."

"You mean you'll help me to be as powerful as you are, so that everypony will have to stop disrespecting me and start treating me like I'm somepony?"

"I will guide you every step of the way," Princess Celestia promised.

I, I really am safe now. Is this what having a mom feels like?

Tears began to run down Dawn's face, "Thank you, Princess. Thank you so much."

Celestia leaned forward, nuzzling Breaking Dawn's neck with her nose, a pleasant hum arising from her lips. Dawn buried her face in the Princess' soft, oh so soft mane, letting it dry her tears as towel and pillow both.

I'll make you proud and happy Princess. Prouder than you've ever been.


Twilight Sparkle examined herself in the mirror, "Wow, you've really outdone yourself Rarity! Thank you!"

Rarity primped her hair with one hoof, "An artiste thrives upon compliments darling, they are nectar and ambrosia to a creative soul. Keep them coming."

The day had arrived. Fancypants had returned to Canterlot that day from Baltimare, bringing with him the zebra delegations from Quaggai and Grevyia. The visiting zebras had been sequestered in the guest wing of the Royal Palace, and the reception to welcome them to Equestria was tonight. Everypony who was anypony was going to be there, and speculation as to what these visitors from the reclusive southern lands would be like, and would do, had spread across Canterlot like a fever. So Twilight and friends were gathered in the palace dressing room, getting into the new gowns that Rarity had created for them.

Twilight's gown was midnight blue and sewn with tiny gems stitched into that glimmered in the candlelight, such that Twilight's entire dress seemed to be made of sparkles, or else to have been coated in diamond dust prior to her putting it on. The bustle was lavender, also the only part not to be sparkling, and the skirt was trimmed with pink the exact same shade as the badger's streak in her mane. Rarity had lined the neck with seed pearls, and Twilight's princess crown nestled atop her head, the Element of Magic proud upon it.

"It kind of sucks that Applejack can't be here," Rainbow Dash said, her eyes downcast. Applejack had written to them and said that unfortunately the zap apples had started sprouting, so there was no way she could leave Sweet Apple Acres just at the moment. She apologised, and hoped they had a good time without her.

"I know," Rarity sighed, getting up off the sofa. "And I had such plans for a magnificent gown as well. And it would have been so nice for us to have all been together again tonight. We've always attended these fancy functions together as a family, after all, and if we've always had fun at them I think that's been the cause."

"Even if the only fun we had was chilling out at Pony Joe's after we wrecked the actual party," Rainbow Dash sniggered.

"Yes, well I'm sure we'll have much better luck tonight," Rarity declared. "Or at least we certainly would if Applejack were here."

Pinkie nodded, "I'm sure she's having a lot of fun wherever she is. Back home. Without us. All alone." Pinkie Pie burst into floods of tears at the thought of Applejack's solitary exile.

"Pinkie Pie!" Rarity snapped. "Stop that at once, I won't have you ruining your gown by getting it all wet."

Twilight levitated over a handkerchief to dry Pinkie's tears, "We all miss Applejack, Pinkie Pie. Don't worry, as soon as we all get back to Ponyville we'll round up Applejack, go out someplace special together and paint the town, just the seven of us."

"Ooh, that'll be fun," Pinkie beamed.

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in," Twilight called.

Spike entered, having accessorised his usual top hat and tails with a silver topped cane and a white scarf that hung around his neck but was not wrapped around anything, identifying its purpose as looking debonair rather than keeping him warm. He performed a brief soft-shoe shuffle across the lavender carpet, ending in his flourishing his hat and cane, "Pretty neat huh?"

Rainbow chuckled, "Spike, is that what you've been practicing alone in your room these last couple of weeks?"

"Well not just that," Spike replied defensively. "I can do lots more: I can foxtrot and tango and even do a bit of the quickstep besides the solo dances."

"So that's what the music at all hours has been about," Twilight said. "You weren't just listening to it, you were learning to dance."

"Yuh-huh," Spike nodded. "So, what do you think Rarity?"

"Very impressive Spike," Rarity said with a small smile. "But can you do it backwards wearing high heels?"

Spike looked very downcast, "I don't really─"

"Just kidding, Spikey-wikey," Rarity said. "You looked positively dashing."

A luminescent blush lit up Spike's face, "Um, anyway, the captain said that your carriage and escort are ready whenever you are."

"Escort, again?" Twilight face-hoofed. "They're not going to all march down to the palace with us are they?"

"Yup, and they're all going to wait for you to come back as well," Spike said.

"Ugh, is everypony ready?" Twilight asked, and found that her friends were all prepared. "Okay, let's go."

They all stepped out, looking radiant in Rarity's latest creations: Rarity herself wore a gown of shimmering samite, so closely matching the colour of her coat that it seemed as if she wore a second skin, with only golden trim around the bottom of the skirt and at the neck to emphasise it was a gown of surpassing beauty. Rainbow Dash's sky blue bodice was adorned with silver braid and buttons, and her black hat had a rainbow-coloured feather in it. Pinkie Pie's gown was yellow with blue trim, like the colours of her cutie mark, and Fluttershy was clad in a turquoise which matched her eyes. In line abreast they descended the grand staircase into the palace hallway, where a pair of liveried servants bowed at the doorway, and Spike opened the great doors of the palace for them.

"Attention!" Captain Lancer called, and the hooves of the Twilight Guard thudded onto the cobblestones in perfect unison. "You look lovely, Highness."

"Thanks," Twilight said. "Did you really need to assemble the whole company?"

"This is only half the company ma'am, the rest are staying behind to guard the palace," Captain Lancer said solidly.

"Right," Twilight cleared her throat and tried again. "Is it necessary to assemble half the company."

"Yes ma'am." Lancer replied, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Twilight frowned, "I don't suppose I could order you to─"

"No ma'am."

"Aren't I your princess?" Twilight asked in a tone rather piqued.

"Certainly are ma'am."

"Don't you have to do what I say?"

"Depends on what you say ma'am. If you tell me to charge to my death so you can get away from your enemies then I'll do it double quick. If you tell me to run away so you can face your enemies personally like, then I don't have to take a bit of notice. Now if you'll beg pardon ma'am, time is a wasting and I thought you wanted to arrive promptly?"

Twilight rolled her eyes, "Okay, okay. Let's go girls, come on Spike."

They all piled into the Royal Carriage, the use of which Twilight only conceded to because walking across town would be very bad for their long, flowing gowns as they scraped on the pavement. They heard, but did not see, the carriage being harnessed to a pair of guardsponies.

"Right then," Captain Lancer called. "Company, at the trot, forward!"

"Make way, make way, for Princess Twilight Sparkle," the banner-mares called in their lyrical, sing-song voices. "The Princess Twilight cometh, make way, make way."

"Ugh," Twilight moaned, face-planting again.

"I don't know what you're so bothered by, Twilight darling," Rarity said, shuffling a little in the carriage to adjust the folds of her dress. "Why, I should be absolutely thrilled to spend my whole life in such luxury."

"Because it keeps me apart from other ponies," Twilight said. "They're a wall between me and the world and I don't want that. I spent my whole childhood separated from the rest of the world by a wall of books, and it wasn't until I arrived in Ponyville that that wall came down and I appreciated how much the world had to offer: friendship, adventure, the five of you." Twilight smiled, "I don't want another wall to go up now, I'm sick of them."

"Don't worry Twilight, it'll have to be a pretty big wall to keep us out," Rainbow Dash said.

"And all walls have doors in them somewhere," Rarity added. "After all it isn't as though you abandoned books as soon as you made friends."

"I'll say not," Rainbow laughed.

Twilight shook her head, but said nothing. What could she say, after all? You don't know what it's like to be me! Nopony can understand how hard my life is, wah! That would have been the worst kind of self-centred, self-pitying nonsense. The truth was, as long as they were still her friends, she could put up with any circumstance.

"So, you guys got any plans for the party?" she asked instead.

"Wonderbolts," Rainbow Dash said instantly.

"What a surprise," Rarity said.

"I'm hoping to get the inside track from Spitfire on whose going to make it to the reserve list from everypony who completed the academy course," Rainbow Dash ignored Rarity. "I still don't get why Princess Celestia didn't want them to perform at the party. She wouldn't even let me do a Sonic Rainboom!"

"Zebras don't appreciate flying the way we do," Twilight explained again. "There are no zebra pegasi, and its something that none of their wealth or status can obtain for them. I wouldn't like to say that they're jealous, but that's the impression I got from my reading. Despite their advancements in technology they've never even tried to develop flying capability, it's almost as though they want to ignore the sky completely."

"That's dumb, flying is the coolest thing ever," Rainbow Dash declared.

"Speak for yourself darling, I remember it being distinctly uncomfortable," Rarity murmured.

"Are you talking about the time you burned your own wings off and nearly fell to your death?" Pinkie asked. "Or the time that our balloon get wrecked by a tornado outside Wonderbolt Academy and we all nearly fell to our deaths? Or maybe you meant the time that you and I got─"

"Yes, Pinkie dear, any or all will do, thank you," Rarity cleared her throat loudly.

"Flying is okay if you enjoy it, I guess, but the guess has a lot of wonderful things to offer as well. If you don't have wings, you're not really missing out," Fluttershy murmured.

"May we talk about something else please?" Rarity asked. "Fluttershy dear, are you looking forward to tonight."

"Oh, yes, I'm hoping that if we make a good impression on the zebras then they'll invite us to visit their home in exchange when the talks are over," Fluttershy beamed. "I've found out so much about all the different kinds of animals they have in Quaggai I'd just love to meet them all: hippos and elephants and rhinos and leopards and lions oh my."

"Why would you want to meet lions when there are manticores in the Everfree forest?" Rainbow Dash asked. "They have scorpion tails, and they're bigger, much cooler. No I'm not gonna say it," she added as Pinkie blinked her eyelids expectantly, leaning in to catch the words.

"Every animal has their own fascinating story to tell Dash," Fluttershy remonstrated gently. "I'd just like to know what their lives are like."

The carriage slowed to a halt, "Princess Twilight, we've arrived."

The door opened, and the captain bowed as one by one the group exited the carriage: Spike first, followed by Pinkie Pie then Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash after, Rarity following and Twilight last.

The true Royal Palace was lit up like a Hearths Warming Tree, every window blazed with light, fireworks erupting on the lawn beside the moat. Ponies in fancy dresses and elaborate suits crossed over the bridge in swollen columns, thronging the reception area beyond.

Twilight glanced at Captain Lancer out of the side of her eye, "You're not going to follow me inside are you?"

"No ma'am, we shall wait here for you return."

"Aren't you going to get bored?"

"I brought a crossword puzzle, ma'am," Lancer said, in the same straight face he always wore so Twilight couldn't tell if he was joking or not, although she thought he was.

Twilight and her friends progressed inside, the crowds making way for them at the prompting of the Palace Guard, and passed through the crowded atrium and into the grand ballroom. The need to keep a large open space for the dance floor free meant that some of the party had already spilled out into the garden, as well as carrying on in the hallway below, but the skies had been kept clear for the occasion and the night air was cool, so nopony was losing out by going outside.

"Everypony sure is curious about the zebras, aren't they?" Fluttershy said.

"Well duh, friends from abroad are some of the coolest friends you can make!" Pinkie said.

Rainbow Dash scanned the crowd anxiously, "Hey, do any of you guys see the─"

"Officer on deck, ten-hut!"

Rainbow Dash snapped to at the sound of the command, at the same time that Fluttershy gave a startled 'meep' sound and hid behind one of the ornamental bonzai trees.

Spitfire gave a quiet chuckle as she moved to stand in front of Rainbow Dash, Soarin' at her side, "Nice moves, kid. Glad to know you've not lost your edge."

"Never, ma'am!"

Soarin' covered his mouth with one hoof so that nopony heard him giggling too loud. Spitfire just chuckled some more, "You're not in uniform now kid, and I'm not on duty. I was just messing with you." She rubbed her hoof in Rainbow's mane, which amused Twilight to see it greatly considering how often she had seen Rainbow Dash do the exact same thing to Scootaloo. Every teacher is somepony's student.

"Come on," Spitfire said. "You wanna get something to eat? Soarin' here's about to starve to death."

"Funny captain, real funny," Soarin' said. "So Rainbow Dash, how you been? I haven't seen you since Princess Cadance's wedding..." the three of them walked off together in the direction of the nearest buffet table, immersed in conversation.

Twilight's other friends soon dispersed in different directions as well: Rarity to go and talk to some pony noble she knew from her last stay in Canterlot, Pinkie Pie to grab a slice of a truly epic looking cheesecake, and Fluttershy to take a turn around the garden. Twilight herself soon spotted Shining Armour and Cadence, down from the Crystal Empire to represent its interests with the zebras, standing by the great golden alicorn statue that dominated the ballroom, sipping out of silver goblets. She trotted briskly over to them.

"Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake,
Tap your hooves and do a little shake!"

Twilight and Cadance laughed, not caring who heard them or who looked at them funny. They were princesses and old friends both and if that did not give them the right to behave like eccentrics once in a while then what would? Besides, Princess Celestia used her royal perogative to behave strangely right up to the hilt, so Twilight would use it too once in a while. She hugged Cadance, the warm embrace of her old foalsitter's hooves melting away her nerves at the night, before nuzzling noses with her BBBFF.

"So, how's the princess thing working out Twily?" Shining Armour asked.

Twilight shrugged, "Nopony has risen up to tear me off my throne yet so I guess I'm doing okay."

Cadance laughed, "Yeah, those first few weeks are tough. If the Crystal Ponies hadn't been so obliging I don't think I ever would have made it. That and your help of course. Your big brother, on the other hoof, absolutely loves it."

"I do not!"

"Part of his job as prince is to command the Crystal Knights," Cadance continued. "And he reviews them nearly ever day. I swear he enjoys having them bow to him."

"That is not true!"

"When he first became an officer," Twilight said, "he put on his armour and walked all around Canterlot hoping somepony would salute him."

"Really?" Cadance asked as she looked at Shining Armour archly.

"I should just disappear when you two get together shouldn't I?" Shining Armour asked.

"We love you anyway," Cadance smiled.

At that moment Octavia and her band, who had been playing unobtrusive, soft music, began to play a dance, a tune Twilight recognised as a solemn waltz of old Unicornia.

Shining Armour held out his foreleg, "Shall we?"

Cadance entered gracefully into the hold, and the pair were the first to step out onto the dancefloor. Twilight herself remained behind, levitating over a goblet of punch for herself and sipping out of it. She would not dance, not tonight. Instead she merely watched as her brother and his wife were joined by two unicorn mares: one golden in an emerald dress literally sewn with emeralds and a pale white unicorn in blue. Twilight found herself watching those two, even as other couples entered onto the floor. They did not seem like Lyra and Bon-Bon back in Ponyville, they did not have the look of two ponies lost in each others eyes the way that Shining Armour and Cadance did, but they were clearly having a lot of fun nevertheless.

When the waltz ceased Cadance and Shining Armour stayed on the floor for the next dance, a quickstep, but the other couple, whose progress had carried them very near to Twilight, stopped to sit that one out. The white pony was breathing very heavily, and took what looked to be a sorely needed drink.

Meanwhile the golden unicorn, wearing a fox-face mask that showed only her bright green eyes, sought out Twilight. "You do not dance, Your Highness?" she purred in an accent Twilight could not place.

"You wouldn't ask that if you'd ever seen me dance," Twilight said. "There are times when it's okay to dance badly, provided that you don't mind looking silly; but this isn't an occasion where I want people to get the wrong impression of me."

"Of course, of course," the unicorn said. "Forgive me I have been very rude, my name is Countess Mercedes Zaccone. And you are the Princess Twilight Sparkle, no? I am honoured to make your acquaintance, Your Highness." the countess curtsied.

"Um, pleased to meet you," Twilight said. "Wait, did you buy your dress from my friend Rarity? I think she mentioned you."

"Indeed. I am so pleased to know I left an impression," Mercedes said. "But I intrude, I am sure you wish to be alone for a while, since you will be so very busy for so long tonight and for such a long time to come, with the zebras."

"Thank you for being so understanding," Twilight said, glad that she would not be forced to appear rude. "But if you are going to be staying in Canterlot for a while I'm sure we'll meet again."

"I am so glad you think so," Mercedes said, bowing. "We shall become so close you and I. I feel as though we have so much in common."

Trumpets rang out, long calls echoing through the palace, signalling the arrival of-

"Princess Celestia," Twilight said.

"Princess Celestia," the countess murmured.

The atmosphere in the ballroom hardened almost, formalised certainly, and ponies were scrambling to clear the dance floor even before Princess Celestia strode in. She glowed majestic, lighting up the room far more than all the chandeliers and candelabras in the palace, light gleaming off her golden crown and necklace. Everypony bowed at her passage, noses touching the spotless floor. Twilight bowed too, her eyes closing as she abased herself before her old teacher.

"Twilight," Twilight opened her eyes at the same time as she raised her head, sharing the briefest touch of noses with Celestia before the latter stood upon more upon her full height. "I'm so glad that I'll have somepony at my side tonight who is on my side. And who is this?"

Countess Mercedes was staring at Celestia with wide eyes, eyes that Twilight was amazed to see had tears in them. She stammered, "I...B...C-"

Twilight rescued her, "This is the Countess Mercedes Zaccone, a newcomer to Canterlot to visit old friends."

"Ah, I see," Celestia said brightly. "Welcome milady. I hope you have a wonderful stay in our fair city. I'm afraid I must take Twilight from you now. Come, Twilight, the ambassadors are about to arrive."

Twilight followed Celestia to the centre of the room, as palace guards entered to clear a way through the crowds of guests for the ambassadors to arrive. Discord had been persuaded to take a holiday for the duration of the zebra visit, purely to prevent 'misunderstandings' and had gone off muttering something about somewhere called the delta quadrant, where there was apparently somepony 'even icier than Celestia' in Discord's words. Tonight was one of Princess Luna's nights in the dream world, so she could not be present for the historic first meeting either. So it was only Twilight stood at Celestia's right leg, representatives of Equestria in the face of its visitors. On careful thought, Twilight wondered if the absence of Luna might be in some part deliberate, so as not to frighten the zebras with too many alicorns all at once. That would explain why Cadance hadn't joined them also.

Everyone hushed, the whole room, maybe the whole palace, falling silent upon the arrival of these visitors from lands far off and little known.

After keeping everypony in suspense for such a long time Twilight began to suspect they were doing it on purpose, Sir Fancypants and his wife Fleur de Lys appeared in the ballroom.

"Your Highness, Ladies and Gentlecolts," Fancypants bowed, "I have the great honour to present, the representative plenipotentiary and ambassador extraordinary from the Principality of Quaggai: Princess Sophoniba."

Fancypants and his wife stood aside and a tall zebra, about of a height with Zecora or maybe a little taller, strode in. A male zebra, a little taller, followed just a step behind her, with two more zebras five steps behind. Princess Sophoniba strode forwards with head high as though she were not the object of every pony's undivided attentions, her hoofbeats on the marble floor echoing across the ballroom.

She stopped, five paces from Celestia, and nodded, "I see your face, Celestia of the pony folk;
You I see it still, I will not fear the yolk.
I bring you greetings from Aia, my sister royal,
A hope that friendship may spring out of toil."

Celestia nodded graciously, "That is my hope also, Princess Teuta. My water and my shade alike are yours, so long as you wish them." That was not the exact phrasing of the hospitality offering Twilight had found, but doubtless Princess Celestia did not wish to be seen to be merely parroting words she did not understand.

Sophoniba gestured to her companions,
"This here is Massinissa, husband dear,
To keep me safe he ventured with me here.
My aides are Micipsa and Safonbal,
Brought with me from our - smaller - royal hall."

The two aides bowed, "Honoured majesty." They would not rhyme. Twilight had discovered in her research that only the kin of clan chiefs or higher spoke in rhyme; which raised some interesting questions about Zecora come to think of it.

Sophoniba nodded to Celestia again, and then led her delegation in stepping to one side

Sir Fancypants voice again rang out, "And I also have the great distinction of naming the the representative plenipotentiary and ambassador extraordinary from the Most Ancient and August Empire of Grevyia, Lord Mathos of Aethiope."

The Imperial zebras of Grevyia were larger and more powerfully built than the plains zebras of Quaggia. So Twilight had read, and so Lord Mathos proved as he stomped his way into the hall with his train behind him. A yellow mask, decorated with crimson stripes, concealed his entire face, even his eyes could not be clearly made out from behind it. A yellow sash hung across his chest, and a red cloak hung behind him. His train was larger than Princess Sophoniba's, including a zebra with a pair of javelins slung across his back and a large, hulking southern buffalo with a scowl upon his face.

"Honoured Celestia," Lord Mathos said, and Twilight's teeth were set on edge at once by the way he addressed the princess with the term used between Grevyian equals, when by rights he should have addressed her as 'revered' befitting a lesser addressing his greater. "I have travelled far and endured much discomfort," he shot a dirty look at the Quaggai zebras, "In order to bring you the words of His Augustness Iarbas the Tenth, He Who Is Grevyia, the Watcher of the Sands, the Bringer of the Waters, Master of the Five Herds and the Twelve Cities, May He Live Forever; but when I arrive I am forced to wait behind these upstart barbarians of Quaggai! It is intolerable!"

"I do not see your face, Mathos, Lord of Aethiope,
And so of trusting you I've little hope," Sophoniba snarled.

"The Most Ancient Empire has not travelled so far to be insulted," Mathos said, ignoring Sophoniba completely.

Twilight wanted to cast a spell on him. Just as the highborn of Quaggai spoke in rhyme, so the High Blood of Grevyia spoke in verse amongst themselves, but when addressing the commonfolk some would use the same prose the commoners used. From what she had read doing so was considering patronising in the extreme. And he was speaking to Princess Celestia like that! Talk about intolerable!

Celestia must have guessed what Twilight was thinking, for she first shook her head at Twilight and then spoke, "For insults we have given we hold out sorrow,
'Twas never our intent to offence give,
We our ourselves a somewhat upstart land,
Being a youth of but a thousand years,
And being young are oft times ignorant
Of courtesies that elder nations know,
Yet just as doting grandparents forgive,
Grandchildren foolish actions and their noise,
We hope you too, Most Ancient Grevyia,
Will pardon the young follies of Equestria."

Twilight Sparkle smiled. Princess Celestia, having addressed Lord Mathos as an equal or inferior, had left him no way to respond in prose without acknowledging that he was indeed beneath her.

"Of insults passed and gone we'll speak no more," Lord Mathos growled.
"Yet take care no more offence comes before."

Princess Celestia knelt down to whisper in Twilight's ear, "I think it's going to be a long night."


"Are you sure that I can't come with you?" Razor Wind asked for the third time.

"Absolutely sure," Dawn replied as she pulled on the long emerald green opera socks for her front feet. "There are times I can have a servant with me, but this isn't one of them."

"I could sneak in," Razor suggested.

"You know how many guards there are going to be around the palace tonight?" Dawn asked, holding her face mostly still while Candy did her makeup.

"I could sneak in, I've done it before."

"And got caught."

Razor frowned, "I don't like you going in there with only Laurel to back you up. No offence Laurel."

"None taken darling, but believe me if we find ourselves in need of your help the situation will have become irredeemable anyway," Laurel remarked, putting the finishing touches to her own dress. She wore her mane in a twist on top of her head, secured by a hairband of the same blue as her gown.

"Now remember," Candy said. "Once you start the performance you can't let it down until the curtain falls. I mean until you're back here. Nothing breaks the audience out of their disbelief faster than seeing the actor peak through the part. And you're all done."

Dawn examined herself in the mirror, "Great job Candy. It's almost a pity I have to wear this mask, but better safe than sorry." She levitated her fox mask onto her face.

"Dawn," Cherry Blossom spoke up, her voice tremulous, "is this, is it really necessary? I mean, the princess hasn't done anything to you."

"This will make the thief suffer," Dawn replied. "And more importantly I'll never beat her while she has the support of all her friends and family. They are the props holding her up, we need to knock those props down."

"But they're innocent props," Cherry said. "The Princess is innocent."

"That's why I'm not doing anything permanent to her," Dawn said. "I promise Cherry, as soon as I've won I'll undo all the effects and she'll be back to normal." Assuming my victory comes slowly enough. The Tears of Nightmare Moon, a vial of which was concealed inside her bodice, didn't actually have an antidote that anyone was aware of, but Laurel was on the case and Dawn was sure that she would come up with something in time.

The door opened and Hardy came in, her dress swishing behind her, "Countess, your carriage awaits."

Dawn smiled, switching into the Mercedes' accent, "Then lead on Hardy, my dear friend."


Nopony challenged their presence as Dawn and Laurel made their way through the halls and into the ballroom.

"It's a good thing I've been here before or I doubt I could restrain myself from admiring the luxury," Dawn said.

"That would give the game away," Laurel hissed back.

The ballroom was crowded with glittering ponies, some of whom paused to offer polite greeting to the Countess Mercedes, guest of the infamous lawyer Hardy Bloom. Dawn acknowledged them politely, but briefly. She caught sight of the lavender usurper, standing across the ballroom talking to her brother and the crystal princess.

"I don't suppose you've given thought to how you're going to get it to her?" Laurel whispered into her ear.

"I know exactly how," Dawn replied. It was at that point that the waltz started up, and Dawn was filled with a sudden rush of impetuous feeling. She grinned. As Shining Armour and Cadance began to dance, Dawn stepped onto the dance floor and held out her hoof to Laurel, "Madame, if you would so honour me?"

Laurel's eyes widened in surprise, "Milady, what are you doing?"

"Why, asking you to dance, of course," Dawn said. "Come on, it will be the like the Last Ball, only better because I'm here." The Last Ball for graduates was, by august tradition, held in the palace rather than the school and Dawn had missed it on account of being expelled. From what she understood Laurel hadn't had much fun there either.

Laurel regarded Dawn's outstretched hoof hesitantly. Then she giggled, "Oh why not." She stepped into Dawn's hold.

A governess did not have much occasion to dance, and Laurel's form and movements were a little stiff. Breaking Dawn had always been good on her feet however, as quick to pickup a foxtrot as a ciderhouse reel, and she kept Laurel on her feet without seeming to embarrass her by the difference in quality between them. They glided over the dancefloor, the subject of some whispers but not too many, weaving in and out amongst the other partners.

"I waited so many years for somepony to hold me like this," Laurel whispered. "I never thought it would be you."

"Is it worth the wait?"

"Oh definitely," Laurel said. "You're an excellent dancer. You deserve a better partner."

"You're the best partner I could ask for," Dawn leaned in, her head touching Laurel's own. "You look beautiful tonight."

"I look average where I normally look plain," Laurel replied.

"No," Dawn said firmly. "You're beautiful. In my eyes at least."

Laurel laughed, "Keep this up Dawny and you'll turn me red."

"Thank you," Dawn said, touching the tip of Laurel's horn with her own. "I couldn't do this without you."

When the music stopped Dawn felt quite energised, but Laurel was nearly out of breath so while she got a drink she desperately needed Breaking Dawn sought out her enemy.

"You do not dance, Your Highness?" she purred.

"You wouldn't ask that if you'd ever seen me dance," her nemesis said. "There are times when it's okay to dance badly, provided that you don't mind looking silly; but this isn't an occasion where I want people to get the wrong impression of me."

"Of course, of course," Dawn replied, seeing through the self-deprecation at once. "Forgive me I have been very rude, my name is Countess Mercedes Zaccone. And you are the Princess Twilight Sparkle, no? I am honoured to make your acquaintance, Your Highness." the countess curtsied.

"Pleased to meet you," Twilight said in a smug, superior tone. "Wait, did you buy your dress from my friend Rarity? I think she mentioned you."

"Indeed. I am so pleased to know I left an impression," Dawn said. I'll make such an impression on you that you won't ever forget me. "But I intrude, I am sure you wish to be alone for a while, since you will be so very busy for so long tonight and for such a long time to come, with the zebras."

"Thank you for being so understanding," Twilight said, sounding even more patronising than before. "But if you are going to be staying in Canterlot for a while I'm sure we'll meet again."

"I am so glad you think so," Dawn's back protested out of pride as she forced herself to bow. "We shall become so close you and I. I feel as though we have so much in common." Because you stole it all from me!

Trumpets rang out, long calls echoing through the palace, signalling the arrival of-

"Princess Celestia," Twilight said.

"Princess Celestia," Dawn murmured. The moment she had both dreaded and longed for had arrived.

Princess Celestia glided into the ballroom as all the toadies and the flunkies rightfully made way for her. She was as beautiful, as radiant, as Dawn remembered. There was no need for her to raise the sun, all Celestia need do was walk in its absence to give them day, she shone so much. Her coat was brilliant as a million diamonds shining. Her mane shimmered like the sea, was softer than spring grass, was more beautiful than either. Her teacher, her princess, they were reunited after all this time. She was so close Dawn wanted to reach out and touch her, and all the while her beauty, her splendid radiance, that majesty that fell from Princess Celestia like gentle raindrops from the clouds reduced Breaking Dawn to tears.

Notice me, Dawn pleaded in her head. See through the mask, penetrate the disguise, see me for who I am. Show that you remember me, and then you can do as you like: you can banish me, you can lock me up, you can hold me in your hooves and say we'll never be apart again, anything so long as you don't ignore me. You can do anything, provided you show that the time we spent together meant as much to you as it did to me.

"Twilight," Of course it was her the princess greeted. "I'm so glad that I'll have somepony at my side tonight who is on my side. And who is this?"

Dawn found that, between wanting Princess Celestia to discover her and wanting to revenge herself on Twilight, her tongue was all tied up, "I...B...C-"

"This is the Countess Mercedes Zaccone, a newcomer to Canterlot to visit old friends," her robber spoke, and Dawn wanted to strangle her. How dare you speak for me! I knew the princess when you would have sold your tail for a glance from her!

"Ah, I see," Celestia said. "Welcome milady. I hope you have a wonderful stay in our fair city. I'm afraid I must take Twilight from you now. Come, Twilight, the ambassadors are about to arrive."

And then she was gone.

Laurel joined Dawn at her side, "For a moment there I thought you were going to blow it."

"For a moment I was," Dawn said. "Here, stand close to me so nopony can see. I'm doing it now." Levitating over a cup of punch, Dawn took the vial of poison from her bodice and, deftly and quick as she could, poured it in her drink.

As the second group of ambassadors were being shown in, Dawn began to back through the crowd, occasionally glancing behind her to make sure she was on course, until she felt something on the back of her dress, first a force, then liquid, and heard a cry of surprise.

"Oh I am so sorry," she said in her countess accent, turning around to see Princess Cadance, her cup on the floor and her drink both there and on Dawn's dress. "A thousand apologies for not looking where I was going. I was so distracted by meeting the princess, even for a moment, that I quite forgot─"

"It's all right, really," Cadance said, smiling. "Celestia has that effect on a lot of ponies."

"Oh but it is not all right, I have spilled your drink. Here you must take mine," Dawn held out her own cup. "I have not touched it I promise, it is quite all right."

"Are you sure? I could get another─"

"No no, I made the error, I will go," Dawn said. "Please, I insist. I will have no peace until you take it."

"Thank you, that is very kind of you," Cadance said, taking over the levitation of the cup.

"You were talking to Twilight earlier," Shining Armour said. "Do you two known each other?"

"Not yet know, but I think in future she will come to know me much better," Dawn restrained a smile as Cadance drank.


It was very late that night when Shining Armour found his way to his bed in the guest wing of the palace. His replacement and former subordinates had entertained him to drinks in the mess after the ball and all their duties were completed, by way of a welcome home. Twily had asked Cadance to supper with her and her friends, but his wife had begged off, claiming a headache. She was already asleep when Shining Armour pushed open the door to the bedroom, her face beautifully serene as she lay under the sheet.

As gently as he could, Shining Armour levitated one half of the bedsheet up and climbed into bed beside her.

He felt his wife wake. Cadance went very stiff, very still, then very slowly she turned over to look at him.

Then she screamed.

Shining Armour leapt out of one side of the bed almost as fast Cadance leapt out of the other.

"What are you doing in my room? What are you doing in my bed?"

"Cadance, it's me," Shining Armour said. "Shining Armour, your husband, remember?"

"No, I don't remember," Cadance shrieked. "If I remembered I wouldn't be terrified of you. Stay away from me! Where am I? What's going on? Who are you?"

Author's Note:

The chapter title comes from the Miss Marple mystery entitled 'The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side' (itself a reference to Tennyson's The Lady of Shallot) in which the murderer poisons her own drink then gives it to the victim having spilled said victim's own drink.