• Published 24th Mar 2013
  • 15,525 Views, 1,252 Comments

Syncopation - Terrasora

Octavia Philharmonica, the Canterlot Conservatory's rising star, is about to begin a whole new part of her life; one that involves an old friend, an ambitious businesspony and a certain eccentric DJ.

  • ...

The Coffee House and Back Again

Vinyl didn’t wake up immediately; she was far too comfortable for that to happen, the combination of a thick blanket, a slight headache, and a wonderfully warm pillow had a paralytic effect on the DJ.

She nuzzled into her pillow, giving a little sneeze as the fur-like texture tickled her nose.

Unfortunately, Vinyl’s sneeze had the added effect of causing her pillow to stir slightly.

No, bad pillow, thought the DJ, no moving. Vinyl still wants to go sleep-sleep. She drew the pillow closer, prompting a small squeak from it.

“Vinyl,” whispered the pillow, “Vinyl, please let go of me.”

My pillow has a fancy voice. Sounds like Octypus. Haha, Octypus. I should call her that when I wake up. Vinyl nuzzled deeper into her pillow. She had found a very comfortable place to rest her head even though several fine strands of something that felt like hair rested on her face.

Spiderwebs? Vinyl asked herself. Mr. Spider, if you can hear me don’t wake me up. Because then I’d have to crush you. And that would be… not… good.

Vinyl felt a series of taps on her hoof, obviously someone trying to steal her pillow.

“Noooooo,” whined the DJ, “you’re mine. No one else can have you.” She tightened her grip slightly before dropping back into sleep.


On the other end of the embrace, Octavia felt a blush creep along her face. Her head was throbbing slightly; definitely not the worst hangover she’d ever experienced.

She glanced up at the couch. Harpo was still snoring away, which was a very good thing for the cellist. She would have heard no end of it if Harpo had seen Vinyl cuddled against Octavia.

But there was really no danger of that, now was there.

And it was dreadfully comfortable, even with the sleeping unicorn pressed against her back.

A sleeping unicorn who asked me to kiss her.

Octavia was slightly distraught over that thought.

Why exactly did she do that?

Well, it was a Dare. A kissing dare.

Yes, a kissing dare that she imposed on herself. How often do ponies playing Truth or Dare impose a kissing dare on themselves?

Vinyl twitched in her sleep, the sudden movement making Octavia jump.

Not very often, Octavia admitted to herself.

That would have only happened if she actually wanted to kiss me. Or she was drunk. Maybe it’s best to believe that she was drunk.

Octavia Philharmonica, this is one of the few times that Harpo’s Golden Rule applies. ‘If you can remember doing it in the morning, being drunk is not an excuse.’

Yes, I know his rule! Oh, look at me, I’m arguing with my own mind. This is not a good sign for my sanity.

Vinyl mumbled something that sounded like “Giant turntable monster” and nuzzled against Octavia’s neck, evidently trying to hide.

Okay, that was rather cute.

And then Vinyl’s knee jerked out, hitting Octavia in the back.

That was less cute, thought the cellist biting back a cry of pain.

The DJ giggled, still asleep and rather proud of herself. She had, after all, just vanquished a giant turntable monster.

But Octavia was in a bit of a predicament. Vinyl’s knee was now pressed against her back. It was immensely uncomfortable. But if the cellist moved she risked waking Vinyl. Which would have been impolite.

Minutes ticked by and Vinyl showed no signs of removing her knee or waking by herself.

Screw being impolite, it feels like my back is going to snap!

Octavia tapped Vinyl’s hooves. “Vinyl,” she whispered. “Viiiiinyyyl.”

Vinyl grunted, momentarily awake.

“Vinyl, please move your knee. It hurts.”

The white mare grumbled a bit, but moved her knee. The pressure on Octavia’s back didn’t subside at all.

“Vinyl… Your other knee.”

After another bit of grumbling, Octavia was rescued from her back pain.

“Thank you,” breathed the cellist.

Vinyl was already fast asleep.


If it wasn’t for the shallow breaths that tickled her neck, Octavia would have assumed that Vinyl was dead. She had certainly maintained a 'dead mare's grip' on the cellist.

The cellist had been lying on her side for about half an hour trying not to wake the sleeping DJ.

I can’t feel my left side, the cellist quietly lamented. Well, it could be worse. Harpo could be awake, taunting away.

Harpo chose that moment to give a loud snore, partially waking himself up. Luckily for Octavia, the composer was suffering from a much larger hangover than the two mares and promptly returned to sleep.

Octavia breathed a sigh of relief. Somepony in Canterlot Castle likes me. Honestly, what a cruel joke it would have been if Harpo had chosen that time to wake up.

But now Octavia was back to doing nothing. Which was a rather boring experience. She didn’t even have any music to look over or a book to read.

Now what do I do? Enjoy that Vinyl is cuddling with me?

You’re already doing that, said a teasing portion of Octavia’s mind. It sounded suspiciously like Harpo.

Oh, shut up you… or me… Whatever pronoun I’m supposed to use when speaking to a part of my own mind.

But you are.

Hardly. It’s getting a bit too warm for my comfort.

Oh, Octavia, said the voice with a tut, what’s the point of lying to yourself?

There was no response. The voice was right; Octavia was enjoying the experience, even though she couldn’t feel half of her body.

But it’s an inborn response, Octavia rationalized. Everypony enjoys being held. Just because I’m enjoying it doesn’t mean that there’s a deeper emotion guiding me. It’s a purely platonic cuddle. A cuddle of friendship.

With the one who wanted to kiss you? Would Vinyl consider this platonic?

Octavia tried to turn around and look at Vinyl. She was rewarded with a cramp in her neck.

Right, can’t turn my head that far. Not anatomically possible.

The DJ gave a contented sigh.

A small smile was forced out of the cellist. Oh well, she thought, what’s wrong with enjoying this?


Vinyl woke up for a second time. She came out of her sleep very slowly, drawn out by a melody. It was a very familiar song, although the DJ couldn’t quite place it.

It’s coming from pillow, Vinyl realized.

“Lullay Moon Princess, good night sister mine. Rest now in moonlight’s embrace.” Octavia was singing under her breath, trying to pass the time.

Pillow has a nice voice.

“Bear up my lullaby winds of the earth, through cloud and through sky and through space.” Octavia, fearing that she would sing too loudly and wake Vinyl, began to hum.

“Awwwww,” came Vinyl’s disappointed response. “I like it better when you actually sing.”

The cellist jumped, but recognized the voice. “You’ve finally woken up. I’ve been lying here for nearly an hour. Would you mind letting go of me?”

“Yes, actually I would.” Vinyl placed her head on Octavia’s shoulder. “I don’t think I’ll let go. You’re too comfortable for your own good.”

“And you are currently awake, so I don’t feel bad about doing this.” Octavia smacked Vinyl sharply between the eyes. The DJ reeled back, clutching at the point of impact.

The cellist got to her hooves with a smile. She stretched luxuriously, the feeling slowly returning to the left side of her body.

Vinyl sat, rubbing her eyes. “You… you hit me.”

“Indeed, and something tells me this won’t be the last time I do it.”

The DJ reached over, picking up her pair of purple shades. “Yeah, it probably won’t be.”

“Vinyl?” asked Octavia.

Vinyl Scratch, eyes now fully covered, looked up.

“Why are you always wearing those?”

“They’re prescription.”

“… Prescription. Prescription bright purple sunglasses?”

Vinyl scoffed. “They’re not sunglasses, Tavi. I don’t only wear them when the sun’s out. They are,” the DJ took a moment to adjust her eyewear, “shades.”

Octavia chose to move on. “So prescription shades?”

“What, no! What kind of doctor gives out prescription shades? Seriously, I want to meet that guy.”

“You just said that your glasses were prescription!”

“Oh, yeeeaaah… They are.”

“Why… IN TARTURUS… Are you two being so loud this early in the morning?” Harpo sounded highly annoyed, but the overall effect was diminished by the pillow he had jammed onto his face. The composer himself still hadn’t decided if he had done that to block out the mares or to attempt to smother himself.

“Harpo’s awake,” said Vinyl.

“Good morning Harpo,” said Octavia.

Harpo pointed a hoof in the direction of their voices, unwilling to remove his pillow-mask. “You two, take your lovers’ quarrel somewhere else. I need to sleep off a little bit more of Vinyl’s cocktail and neither of you are helping.”

“They are called Pan-Galactic Gargle Blasters, Maestro Nadermane,” said Fancy Pants, walking down into the room. “Or at least an imitation. Judging by the alcohol that remained, Vinyl didn’t quite mix them correctly.”

Harpo whipped the pillow from his face, recoiling at the light. “Pan-Galactic Gargle Blasters?! Vinyl, were you trying to kill us?! Oh dear Luna, I drank four of those. This is it; I’m going to die of alcohol poisoning. Admittedly, I’ve always suspected it would end this way.”

Fancy Pants chuckled. “Nothing quite so drastic, I’m afraid. Vinyl made a much weaker version, although it seemed to be strong enough to keep you here.”

“Forgive us for imposing,” apologized Octavia. Harpo and Vinyl nodded.

“Not a problem,” said Fancy Pants with a dismissive hoof. “I would have had to assemble you three at any rate. This only makes my job easier.”

Octavia’s stomach growled. Octavia’s face turned a rather nice shade of red.

“But forgive me; I’ve kept you from breakfast. And it is never a good thing to conduct business on an empty stomach.” Fancy Pants glanced up at a clock on the wall. “You have two hours to find something to eat. My kitchen is at your disposal or you may venture out to seek your own meals. I would be more than willing to cook for you, but the first time I attempted to make a meal I burnt everything. Including the plate. And that was simply for a cup of coffee.

“But I’m sure I could whip something up,” concluded Fancy Pants with a smile.

The musicians edged towards the door, keeping up a steady stream of polite declines as they did so. The door slammed shut, leaving behind a highly amused Fancy Pants.

Fleur de Lis’s voice floated down. “Remember that it’s your turn to cook!”

“Of course, dear! Would you prefer a Prench breakfast or a more traditional one?”

“Anything would be fine, darling, as long as you’re cooking.”

Fancy Pants happily trotted into the kitchen, manipulating ingredients and utensils with the deftness of an experienced chef.

Note to self: Teach musicians that risk may have unexpected benefits.


“So now what?” asked Harpo, squinting against the rays of the recently risen Sun.

“I don’t know about you two,” responded Vinyl, “but I’m heading to SunBucks.”

“The one by the Conservatory?” questioned Octavia.

Vinyl nodded.

“All the way across Canterlot?”

Another nod.

“And how exactly do you plan on getting there?”

A cart pulled up next to the three ponies.

“On your way for your morning coffee, Vinyl?” asked one of the drivers, a dark brown pony with a tire for a cutie mark.

Vinyl grinned. “Oh Spokes, you know me so well.” She gestured to Harpo and Octavia. “This is Harpo Something Fancyname and this is Octy slash Tavi.” The two nodded their greetings. “They’re new musicians, hope you don’t mind if they come along?”

“Pleasure to meet ya, name’s Spokes. And ‘course they can ride along, we’re strong ponies.” He tossed his head towards the other drivers. “Ain’t we boys?”

There was a chorus of confirmation.

Vinyl, Harpo, and Octavia filed into the carriage. Octavia murmured to herself all the while. “You use Fancy Pants’s private carriage to pick up coffee. Of course you do.”


The carriage ride passed quickly and in relative silence, for which Harpo was grateful. His headache had been steadily growing ever since he woke.

But now, standing in front of the coffee house, the promise of caffeine served to slightly alleviate his pains. He began to walk to the glass entrance, but Octavia held him back.

Before Harpo could protest, the cellist pointed a hoof at Vinyl, who was bouncing up and down and stretching. The DJ settled into a running stance, counted down from three and exploded into the coffee house.


“Now it’s safe to enter,” said Octavia, sweeping a hoof towards the entrance. Harpo took his cue and entered, just as Vinyl dropped a few bits onto the counter.

The regulars who had bet on Vinyl cheered heartily. The others groaned and reached for their bit bags.

“See Berry, I told you! I told you that I’d win this one, and I did!” The DJ was doing her patented victory dance. It involved a lot of jumping around and taunting.

Berry Punch had scrunched up her face. “I would have had that if it wasn’t for this one.” She tilted her head in the direction of the other pony behind the counter.

The other pony gave a sheepish grin, scratching the back of his head with a hoof. “Well, it’s not as if I actually work here. I’m just filling in for Carrot Top. She’s a good pony, and a ginger to boot so I couldn't just say no! I like gingers, always wished that I could be one, but it never did happen.” The stallion spoke with the same kind of Canterlot accent that Octavia had.

The crazed DJ in question sipped her coffee. “Yeah, I was wondering what you were doing here. What’s up, Doc?”

‘Doc’ glanced up. “An infusion of wood and hay. Not likely to come crashing around our head anytime soon, which is always a good sign in my books. And I’ve told you, Vinyl, it’s Time Turner for now. That’s a rather good name, isn’t it? I’m proud that I came up with it.”

“Whatever. You called yourself Doctor when we first met, so I’m gonna keep calling you Doctor.”

“Well that’s fine. Doctor’s a good name too; I’ve grown rather fond of it.” The Doctor noticed the two new arrivals. “Hello there. Didn’t notice you two walk in. What can I get for you?” The stallion grinned and turned to Berry Punch. “Did you hear me? ‘What can I get for you?’ It’s like I actually work here.”

Berry Punch smiled, rolling her eyes. She caught Octavia’s eye. “Hey, I remember you! Ms. Seeing-Vinyl-Scratch-Every-Day-Would-Make-Me-Go-Insane, right?”

The Doctor looked slightly confused. “What an oddly specific name. Would you mind if I shortened that to Miss Seeing?” he asked Octavia.

Vinyl laughed. “That’s not her name, Doc! This is Octy or Tavi if you’d rather call her that. And that’s Harpo Fancyname.”

Octavia and Harpo both decided that letting Vinyl introduce them was not the best idea.

The composer stepped forward, extending a hoof towards the ponies behind the counter. “Harpo Parish Nadermane and Octavia Philharmonica.”

The Doctor took the hoof with a grin, giving it a hardy shake. “Now those are great name. It’s one of the things I’ve always liked about this place; the names. Short and to the point. Well, not exactly short, but they do eventually get to a point. I’m Doctor Turner… I mean, I’m Time Whooves. Wait, no, that’s not quite right either.” He looked into the distance, still shaking Harpo’s hoof. “Doctor Whooves! You can call me Doctor, Doctor Whooves, or Time Turner!”

Harpo gave the rather strange stallion a crooked smile.

The Doctor maintained his grin. They awkwardly smiled at each other, their hoofshake unbroken.

“Doctor,” said Berry Punch, “I think he’d like his hoof back.”

“Oh, that would explain the awkwardness.” He let go of Harpo’s hoof. “You should take care of that limb, losing it can cause a lot of problems. Like fatherhood.”

Harpo gave a nod, thankful that that experience had come to an end. Berry Punch made her own introductions as the Doctor turned to Octavia.

“That was a wonderful concert, Miss Philharmonica. Or would you prefer that I called you Octy or Tavi?”

Octavia was just able to hold back a wince at her nicknames. “Thank you. And just ‘Octavia’ is fine.”

“Not a problem. So, what can I get you two?” The Doctor chuckled again. “Me, working at a coffee house. This is wonderful,” he said to himself.

Octavia ordered a chai tea with skim milk and a bag of blueberry scones.

Harpo asked for orange juice.

The other ponies gave him a strange look. A few of the regulars who had been eavesdropping gave him a strange look.

“What?” asked Harpo defensively. “Orange juice has wonderful hangover-curing powers!”

Vinyl and Octavia ushered Harpo to an empty table. The DJ excused herself, having to make her rounds through the coffee shop.

Octavia and Harpo discussed a composition that Harpo had begun writing, but the grey mare’s eyes constantly darted to the side.

The composer guessed what she was looking at. “Rather amazing that she can speak to so many ponies, isn’t it? Although it would be best if you didn’t stare.”

Octavia turned slightly pink. “I wasn’t staring.”

“Honestly Octavia, I’m a composer. It’s far more likely that I’ll go deaf than go blind.”

Octavia gave a small sigh. “I wasn’t staring. Simply admiring how she can flit from conversation to conversation and leave everypony smiling. It’s a skill that I do not possess.”

Harpo raised an eyebrow and smirked. “Are you sure that was all you were admiring?”

The cellist looked around, trying to find something to throw. Unfortunately, nothing sprang too hoof. “You’re lucky that you’re outside of striking distance.”

“Come now, Octavia! We’re all grown ponies here.”

“Says the colt who just ordered orange juice at a coffee house.”

“Ad homonym does not suit you, my dear cellist. And what does everypony have against orange juice?”

But Octavia’s eyes had wandered back up to the unicorn.

Harpo noticed this and chuckled. “Do you have a crush on Vinyl, Octavia?”

The grey mare glared at Harpo, briefly wondering how heavy the table would be. It looked light enough to throw. Damn, it’s bolted to the floor.

Octavia had to settle for a verbal assault. “Harpo, what have I told you about talking to me about relationships?”

The composer frowned, blowing a breath through his nose. “That it’s forbidden.”

“Yes and why is that?”

“Because I tried to play matchmaker.”

“And how did that go?”

“I thought that you’d like Amethyst!”

“Harpo, she wasn’t a fillyfooler.”

“Oh, yes. That must have been rather awkward. But I’m not playing matchmaker, Octavia! I will simply aid you on your journey towards Vinyl.”

Octavia rubbed the bridge of her nose with a hoof. She had been doing that quite a lot lately. “Harpo, we don’t even know if Vinyl’s a fillyfooler.” Octavia decided not to mention the kissing incident.

“But you’re not averse to being with her if she was?” Harpo asked hopefully.

Octavia glared at the composer.

“Right, no clear answer. Got it. And Vinyl is obviously ‘batting for your team’ as the saying goes.” Harpo leaned in. “I can tell.”


Harpo leaned back into his chair, throwing his hooves into the air. “I make ONE mistake and I never hear the end of it!”

“Harpo’s mistake?” asked Vinyl, setting Harpo and Octavia’s drinks down before dropping onto a chair. “I wanna hear about Harpo’s mistake!”

“Maybe another time, Vinyl,” said Octavia.


They drank and ate in relative silence for a few minutes.

“Sooooo,” said Vinyl, “what do you think Fancy Pants wants to talk about?”

Harpo held up a hoof, trying to quickly swallow a blueberry scone he had stolen from Octavia. “Probably some actual work. Recording and what not.”

Octavia nodded in agreement. “Harpo, you owe me a bit for that scone.”

The composer reached over and took another scone. “And now it’s two bits,” he said with a cheeky grin.

Vinyl smiled, levitating a pastry towards herself. “If we’re recording, then I should tell Doctor to meet us at the boss’s place.” She turned around in her chair. “HEY DOC! Fancy Pants’s in like an hour and ten minutes!”

“I’ll be there!” said the Doctor with a cheery grin.

Vinyl turned around again, stuffing the scone into her mouth.

“Vinyl?” asked Octavia.

“Mmmmm?” grunted the DJ.

“Why is Mister Turner going to meet with us?”

“Oh. Doc’s our tech guy. Well, he’s our main tech guy. There are others, but everypony who’s not a musician or in PR eventually answers to him.”

Octavia and Harpo glanced at the brown stallion who was currently playing with the cappuccino foam machine.

“… Really?” asked Harpo.

“Oh yeah! The guy works miracles, he just kinda pulls out this pen, and then this whirring thing happens and everything works. He is kind of weird though. But it’s a good kind of weird.”

Octavia took another sip from her tea, glancing at the DJ and at the Doctor who had managed to burn himself. “Fancy Pants has gathered quite the interesting team.”


One hour and five minutes later, Vinyl, Octavia and Harpo were back outside of Fancy Pants’s manor. The Doctor had not accompanied them. Instead, a grey pegasus mare had dragged him out of the coffee house. Apparently, the Doctor had left for SunBucks without letting the mare know, even though he had promised to spend the day with her. Derpy Hooves was not happy about this.

The rest of the coffee house had found it highly entertaining.

Needless to say, none of the three musicians expected the Doctor to show up, not when he had an angry fillyfriend to deal with.

The musicians walked into the leaving room. Fancy Pants poked his head out from the kitchen. “Ah, you three are back. Excellent. Just give me a few moments.”

The dapper pony ducked back into the kitchen. The sound of running water soon followed.

Harpo and Octavia shared a look.

“Is… Is Fancy Pants… washing dishes?” asked Harpo.

“I… believe so,” responded Octavia.

Both composer and cellist imagined Fancy Pants in a frilly pink apron, combed mane covered by a hair net, and hooves covered by yellow rubber gloves, furiously scrubbing at a stained plate.

They shook the image from their minds and joined Vinyl, who had unceremoniously flopped onto a seat.

Fancy Pants’s voice drifted from the kitchen. “Actually, can one of you get Fleur de Lis? I believe that she’s in the garden.”

“Not it,” said Vinyl and Harpo in unison. They both turned to Octavia.

The cellist sighed and got to her hooves, walking to the back of the manor where she assumed the garden would be.

Harpo and Vinyl shared a hoofbump, watching as the grey mare exited the room.

Vinyl glanced over at the kitchen door, and then motioned for Harpo to lean in. “So Octavia is definitely a fillyfooler, right?” she whispered.

“Octavia is my friend and I am not at liberty to divulge any information that she dee—“

“She told me last night.”

“Yes, she most definitely likes mares.”

“Okay, good. I wasn’t sure if she was just messing with me or not. Thanks for telling me.”

“That’s not a problem. Well, the fact that I unwittingly let a friend’s secret slip is a problem, but that’s not what I meant. Vinyl, why do you care about Octavia’s sexual preference so much?”

“No reason.”

Harpo raised an eyebrow. “Really? There is absolutely no reason why you, a mare, want to know whether Octavia, another mare, likes mares?”

Vinyl scratched at the back of her head. “Well, there might be some reasons. I mean, nopony really does anything without a reason for it, right?”

Harpo grinned widely. “You have a crush on Octavia. Oh, that’s perfect.”

“She’s just so cute! And soft. And warm.” Vinyl’s stared off into the distance.

The composer softly clapped his hooves in front of the DJ. “Vinyl, come back to Equestria. I don’t want to know where your mind wandered, just bring it back here.”

Vinyl gave a sheepish smile. “But it’s just a crush. Nothing too important.”

But Harpo was already considering the implications of this ‘crush’. Vinyl would be good for her. And of course, it would be hilarious to see them together. And isn’t that the most important thing?

“Harpo… are you okay?”

Harpo grinned. Vinyl felt like she was looking into a mirror.

“My dear Vinyl, I am better than okay.” This is going to be so much fun.


Octavia walked out into the garden. Why did I leave? Nothing good could come from leaving those two alone. With my luck, Harpo would decide to go back to playing matchmaker. Why did I ever tell him that I was a fillyfooler?

The cellist felt a tug on her tail. She turned around, seeing the last of a coral pink aura dissipate.

“I’m sorry dear,” said Fleur de Lis, pruning the branches of a nearby tree, “but you were about to walk into a rose bush. That would not have been a pleasant experience.”

“For me or for the flowers?” asked Octavia, looking down at the bush’s thorns.

“Both,” replied Fleur with a smile. “Now, what brings you to my humble garden?”

“Fancy Pants asked me to bring you inside.”

“Of course, I’ll be right in.” Fleur continued her pruning, clearly not in a rush.

Octavia scuffed at the ground, unsure whether to walk back inside or stay out there. She looked around the garden.

There was no reason why Fleur should have referred to her garden as humble; it was a beautiful place. Flowers of all shapes and colors were dotted around a brick path. Each of them was in full bloom, giving off a wonderful aroma in which no single flower dominated the others. Further from the path were the trees, some of them fruit-bearing, and others heavy with cones. Octavia was eyeing a particularly fruit-laden apple tree. One of the apples floated down in front of the cellist, held in that same aura she had seen around her tail.

Fleur turned towards Octavia with a smile. “What good is fruit if it isn’t eaten?”

The earth pony took the apple with a quiet “Thank you,” taking a few moments to eat. “It really is a lovely garden.”

“Thank you dear. I enjoy working here; it offers a respite from the hustle and bustle of daily life. And gardens work wonders for a preoccupied mind.” Fleur went back to her trimming.

Octavia nodded, chewing on her apple. Everything was quiet, save for the occasional snip as Fleur cut down a weak branch.

Harpo should know better than to play matchmaker, thought Octavia, he knows how much I hate that.

But would it be so terrible if it was Vinyl Scratch?

Octavia thought back. The DJ had done nothing terribly wrong in the few days since they had met. Yes, she had annoyed Octavia but there was something strangely endearing in Vinyl’s mannerisms. She was so confident, so willing to help, always speaking with a grin and trying to make somepony laugh.

And it doesn’t hurt that she is a pleasure to look at. Octavia looked around, wondering if she had thought that too loudly.

Snip, went the pruning tool.

Octavia sighed mentally. No, I wouldn’t mind being with Vinyl. But I don't know enough about her. I only met her two days ago. Even though it feels like it’s been weeks.

It’s only a crush; I’ll get over it eventually.

“I’m done here,” said Fleur, appearing next to Octavia, “shall we go? Oh, and you can just throw the apple core next to one of the trees. It’ll turn into compost eventually.”

Octavia nodded, tossing the remains of her apple. They walked towards the manor.

“Miss de Lis?” asked Octavia.

“Fleur, Octavia, call me Fleur.”

Why does nopony like being called by their last name? “Fleur. Would you mind if I came back to this garden at some point?”

The unicorn smiled. “Not at all.”


“Right, now that everypony’s here, I will explain your first job.”

Fancy Pants had gathered them all into the living room. The musicians sat together on the couch, Fleur de Lis sat in a chair, and Fancy Pants stood in front of them all.

“This is a rather routine attempt to gather publicity,” continued Fancy Pants, “you three will be performing in front of a crowd in an attempt to make a name for yourselves as a group.” He paused, anticipating some kind of question.

None came. Vinyl motioned for Fancy Pants to continue.

“I understand that you, Harpo and Octavia, come from a different musical background than Vinyl.”

Vinyl snorted. “Yeah, a lame background.”

“In lieu of this,” continued Fancy Pants, “Your first duty will be in an area that none of you actually have much experience in.” He grinned. “It seemed like a good idea at the time, and Fleur has already arranged for you to play. So now you have no choice in the matter.”

He’s insane, thought Harpo.

“And you will be playing at The Lighthouse Café,” concluded Fancy Pants.

Octavia vaguely recognized the name, but couldn’t quite place it.

Vinyl, on the other hoof, recognized it immediately. “Lighthouse Café?! Th-that’s a jazz joint! That’s a really good jazz joint! You want us to play jazz?!” She pointed a hoof at Octavia and Harpo. “You think that they’re ready to play really good jazz?!”

Harpo and Octavia briefly considered being offended, but decided that they agreed.

“Fancy Pants,” said Harpo, “I’ve never composed for jazz before.”

Vinyl facehoofed. “He thinks that we can just ‘compose’ it.”

Fancy Pants held up a hoof. “Calm down. You’ll be fine. You do have a whole week, after all.”

The DJ held her head in her hooves. “One week. Great.”

Author's Note:

Lullaby for a Princess. This is easily one of the best songs in the fandom and I advise clicking the link if you haven't heard it yet. Click it NOW!
Back from the song? Good.
Now, you wonderful people were thinking one of three things when they went back to the coffee house and met the Doctor.
1) The Doctor? How cool!
2) The Doctor? What the hell's he doing here?
3) The Doctor? I don't really care. Stop putting it off and just make Octavia and Vinyl kiss already!
Or maybe you were thinking something else. How the hell should I know? But on the subject of Doctor Whooves, I have to say that he is not here just to allow me to reference the amazing show that is Doctor Who. He will play a role in the story, kind of as a counterpoint to Harpo. So hopefully people who followed the 1) choice will stay, and people who followed choice 2) won't be inclined to kill me.
Which would be not good.
As for people who agree with 3) or the people who haven't had enough OctaScratch (and let's be honest, you can never have enough OctaScratch), may I direct you to the Jazzy Fillyfoolers' Prompt Collab? It's a collection of one-shots written by The Jazzy Fillyfoolers group. I've written two stories in there, and I actually made Octavia and Vinyl kiss (Crazy, I know). More importantly, some actually good writers have written stories in there!
In order to bring an end to this wall of text, I have to thank my pre-reader/editor AppleDashFan132 for pre-reading/editing. And, if you'll accept it, I want to thank you people for reading my scribbles and assuring me that it makes sense. It's awesome.
As always, any and all comments and feedback(s?) are read and appreciated.