• Published 24th Mar 2013
  • 18,977 Views, 1,338 Comments

Flames and Twilight. - Ausbrony

A sequel to my fanficton, A Pony out of Place. How will life in Equestria treat Flare now he has opted to stay with Twilight and her friends? (Takes place during season 3)

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Of Suns, Moons & Stars - Part Two

Of Suns Moons and Stars: Part 2

There was a knock at the door, and after a few minutes, Flare opened it to reveal the same maid from last night.

“A very good morning to you, Lord Flare!” she greeted with a chipper tone. “Are you ready to get going?”

Flare blinked a few times and shook his head to clear it. “Um? Yeah…?” he replied sleepily. How could she be so perky this early in the morning?

“Princess Celestia has ordered me to serve you during your stay here,” she informed him. “My name is Sunshine!”

“A maid in the service of Princess Celestia named Sunshine?” Flare raised an eyebrow at that and chuckled slightly.

Sunshine didn’t seem to take offense however and smiled widely. “It is quite funny, isn’t it?”

Flare just nodded and, after a quick brushing and face wash, followed Sunshine back to the dining hall where Celestia was waiting.

“Good morning, Flare!” the solar princess said as he walked in. “Did you sleep well?”

Flare nodded as he took a seat. “Yes, thank you, Princess Celestia.”

Luna stifled a yawn as she walked into the room. “Good morning, everypony,” she said, yawning again.

“You sound like you’re ready for bed, Luna.” Flare said as she sat down next to him.

“My sleep schedule is a little erratic,” Luna explained. “I raise the moon in the evening, then attend Night Court for a few hours before retiring to bed about 2 a.m. I then wake up at 6 a.m. to lower the moon and have a little bite to eat. I then return to bed until lunch, and afterwards remain awake for the rest of the day.”

“Wow, you have it rough,” Flare said, taking a bite of the toast that Sunshine had just brought him. “Isn’t there an easier way?”

Luna just shrugged and ate her fruit. “Perhaps, but it is routine to me by now, so I hardly notice.”

“She used to just sleep through the entire day and remain awake throughout the night, but it caused some inconveniences,” Celestia added. “Although I do wish that my sister could have an easier time of it.”

“I wonder if there is a way~” The thought continued to eat away at him all throughout breakfast.


Some time later, he was in the Royal Archives with Celestia as she tutored him on Equestrian History.

“During this time period, I was the sole ruler of Equestria, raising both the sun and the moon for a little over a thousand years,” she explained.

“That… must have been really hard on you.” Flare said, staring into her deep magenta eyes.

“Not really,” Celestia responded. “It did require more magic, so I was rather tired by the end of each day, but…”

“Not the sun and moon thing,” Flare clarified. “I meant being separated from Luna for so long.”

Celestia went quiet. She looked at the open book in front of them and the picture of Nightmare Moon on the page. She closed her eyes and sighed softly, “Another story for another time,” she said. “You still have much to learn, my little pony.”

Flare nodded and went back to reading and listening to Celestia’s lessons.

“So this Discord created the Elements of Harmony?” Flare asked. “Why would he create the one thing that could beat him?”

“Because he saw life as a game,” Celestia replied. “And what fun is a game that you cannot lose?”

“Well that makes sense… I think?” Flare was quite confused on the matter. Twilight had told him that Discord was the embodiment of Chaos and had ruled Equestria before Celestia and Luna defeated him and sealed the immortal being away.

“It was one of the few things that did make sense regarding him,” Celestia said. “But perhaps someday, I think I shall try again…”

“Again?” Flare asked. “What do you mean?”

Celestia shook her head and smiled. “Nothing you need to worry about, Flare. Now how about we have some lunch and then get started on your magic training?”

Flare stretched and sighed. “Sounds good, I really need to stretch my legs and switch off my brain for a bit. I think I pulled something.”

Celestia giggled and walked with him to the kitchen. It was time to snack and the two ponies felt like a good old-fashioned kitchen raid.


Meanwhile in Ponyville…

“Are you sure this’ll work, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked as they stood in front of a huge canvas that dripped with wet, blue paint.

“I hope so,” she replied as the sound of stampeding hooves got closer. “For all our sakes.”


“And then he says "watch where you put your muddy hooves, Celestia. You’ll get my library dirty!" Celestia giggled, concluding a story about Starswirl the Bearded.

Flare laughed and almost choked on a celery stick he was eating. “He sounds like a grandpa version of Twilight,” he said after a coughing fit. “Spike told me what she was like before she moved to Ponyville.”

“She was a lot like him,” Celestia smiled and munched delicately on a piece of carrot. “But she has something he didn’t, something that will make her even greater…”

“I hope that I will be part of that something,” Flare said quietly and took a sip of water, and then choked for a second time when Sunshine burst into the room.

“Your Highness, Lord Flare! If you desired something to eat…”

Celestia held up a hoof to silence the frantic maid. “It’s quite alright, Sunny, we were just helping ourselves to a little snack.”

“Oh, but you really should…”

Celestia silenced the mare again and shook her head. “It is fine, Sunny, really.” The regal ruler turned to Flare and motioned toward the courtyard. “Shall we commence with the next lesson?”

“Yeah, we finally get to do something fun!” Flare smiled and then did a double take as he saw the hurt look on Celestia’s face.

“You… didn’t like… my lessons?” she said with a tremble in her voice and tears forming her eyes.

Flare flailed and waved his hooves, “Oh nonononooo, I thought they were great.” If Twilight found out he had made her teacher cry... He shuddered, thinking of what she would do to him.

Celestia looked up and then gave him a wicked smile. “Gotcha!” she said and then laughed as it was his turn to make a face.
“Oh, not cool, Princess!” he said, huffing indignantly. “That was mean.”

His reaction only made her laugh harder. “Okay, I’m sorry. Shall we get started?”

Flare nodded and they headed out into the courtyard.


The courtyard was the one that Flare had fought Shining Armour in some time ago. It was usually a place for training the guards or simply enjoying a moment’s peace. Celestia took a brief look around to see if anypony else was there, and nodded slightly as she saw it was empty.

She looked up and saw a few wayward clouds blocking the sunlight. Her horn flared up and the clouds dissipated into thin air, revealing her bright, beautiful sun behind it.

“That’s better,” she said. “Are you ready?”

“Yup!” Flare said. “What do you want to do first?”

Celestia thought for a moment, “Well, can explain how that magic attack you can do works?”

“What, Twilight Blaze?” Flare thought about how to best explain it beyond ‘It just works’. After a moment, he decided to try his best. “Well, I guess it’s like brewing a cup of tea…”

Needless to say, Celestia was quite confused. “Care to… elaborate?” she said.

“Well, I infuse the attack with magical energy, and once it feels just right I pour it all out.” He really couldn’t explain it any better than that.

“I think I understand,” Celestia replied. “Although I’m surprised that you can use such an advanced ability like that and not even realise its difficulty or limits.”

Now Flare was confused. “What do you mean by that?” he asked. “I just use it like I would any other special attack of mine.”

“It is possible to infuse magical power into one’s physical prowess, but it is both difficult and dangerous.” Celestia explained. “But I think that you may be capable of learning it.”

Flare was about to respond when Luna emerged from the doorway. “Sister!” she shouted. “The Royal Kitchen is out of cheese for my Glorious Grilled Cheese Sandwiches!”

Celestia resisted the urge to facehoof and looked at her little sister. Luna had stopped channeling magic into her mane and let the long blue locks just hang down. Her eyes had dark rings under them.

“You’ve been up all night again, haven’t you?” Celestia said with an exasperated sigh.

Luna just shrugged and stepped outside, wincing as the bright sunlight shone in her eyes. “Perhaps, but I still do my job, so what is the harm?”

Celestia sighed, but then an idea sparked in her head. She looked at her little sister and smiled mischievously. “You know, I just remembered some important business that I have to attend to. Lulu dear, you shall instruct Flare on this particular aspect of his training.”

“Say what now!?” both Luna and Fare said in unison.

Celestia put on her serious face. “You heard me. You have a great deal of experience in combat magicks, so I think you’ll do nicely.” Celestia said nothing more and gracefully exited the courtyard, leaving a confused moon princess and Flare Blitz to just simple stare at each other in silence.

“So, uhh,” Flare said, rubbing one foreleg with the other. “What do I do first, Luna?”

Luna sighed and closed her eyes for a moment as her mane glowed like the pale light of the moon as it regained its ethereal appearance. “My sister just doesn’t want me going back to my tabletop games…” She stopped muttering and looked up at Flare. “Well, I guess we should start teaching you some magic then!”

Luna stretched out her wings until she felt a satisfying crick in the bones and then shook her head. “Let’s start with the basics. First, what can you do magicwise?”

“Well...” Flare began. “I can levitate stuff.”

Luna nodded. “Standard fare for any unicorn, next!”

“That’s it!” Flare said. “Other than Twilight Blaze, all I can do is levitation.”

Luna deadpanned as he explained his almost non-existent repertoire of magic. “You must be joking. Surely Twilight Sparkle taught you more than that.”

“She tried,” Flare explained. “But my magic only started to work recently, once my cutie mark appeared…”
Luna thought about this for a moment. He had no trouble infusing his attacks with raw magic, and she had seen him use a protective shield during the battle with Arceus.

“Perhaps it is instinct and sheer will that drives your magic, not your knowledge of the artes…” Luna gave the stallion a smile, “I think I may have thought of a way to teach you effectively after all.”

Why did Flare not like the look in the Princess’s eye?


Twilight trotted home, though it was slow going as she was absolutely exhausted. She had really overtaxed her magic, and after today’s events, all she wanted was a hot bath and an early bedtime.

“I wonder if Flare’s day has been less dramatic than mine?” she said aloud.


Flare dodged another strike of lightning as Luna fired up another storm cloud. “Come now! Is that the best you can truly do?” Luna goaded as she fired another barrage of lightning at him.

“And why am I doing this again?” he said as a bolt clipped his back, leaving the smell of burning ozone and fur.

“I must have an understanding of your powers before the training can begin!” Luna explained again. “And besides…” Luna smiled gleefully. “Ever since seeing yours, I've wanted to be in a Pokémon battle!”
Flare stopped and gave her a look. “You want to have a Pokémon battle?”

“Yes!” Luna said. “I found yours to be quite enjoyable!"

“Okay then,” he said. “But there are rules in a battle. Do you know them?”

“Each Pokémon knows up to four moves,” Luna stated. “The goal is to reduce the opposing Pokémon’s health to zero.”

Flare nodded. Wild Pokémon could know many more than four attacks, he knew nine himself. “Okay then, how about we each limit ourselves to four moves, I see that you can use Thunder already, what else?”

Luna thought for a moment. “How about… Hyper Voice, Psychic, aaaand… Hurricane!”

Flare gave that moveset some thought. “That’s… something else,” he said. They weren’t really Pokémon attacks, just spells that she gave the attack names to. But Luna looked like she was having fun, and it had been a while since Flare had been in a battle for fun. “Well, okay then, I’ll use Morning Sun, Solarbeam, Quick Attack, and Twilight Blaze!”

Luna nodded and the battle commenced.


Princess Celestia sat upon her throne, signing a mountain of paperwork and listening to a noble prattle on about the price of something or other. Her head lifted as a noise could be heard from outside, and as she strained her hearing to see what was causing it, there was a loud crash as Luna came hurtling through one of the stain glass windows.

Everypony just stared at her as she picked herself up, dusted shards of glass off of her coat, and then flew out the same window. “HAVE AT THEE!” she boomed in the Royal Canterlot Voice.

Celestia excused herself from the terrified noble and servants before teleporting out into the courtyard. What she saw was a vision of complete chaos and destruction. Large sections of the slate paving had been completely blasted out of the ground. Trees were on fire and windows had been shattered. Flare and Luna stood amidst the destruction, staring each other down.

“By my own beard!” she whispered as she looked at the devastation and the two ponies who had caused it. “Just what in the name of Equestria happened out here!?” She glared at the ones responsible and walked over to them. Said ponies just then noticed the very obviously irritated Sun Princess and backed away slightly.

“I leave you alone for fifteen minutes!” she almost shouted. “Literally, fifteen minutes, and you completely destroy the place! What the hay were you two thinking!?”

Luna fidgeted and looked up adorably at her sister… to absolutely no effect. “We were ahh… training?” she said.

“Yup!” Flare said, looking tired and rather beaten up. “Training!”
Celestia sighed as she stepped out to the centre of the courtyard. "This is why we can't have nice things," she muttered and her horn lit up as bright as the sun. Flare shielded his eyes and, once the light had dispersed, he noticed that everything was as good as new.

“Whoa! How did you do that?” he gasped, looking around.

“Time Reversal.” Celestia stated. “I rewound time in this particular area to before all of this started.”

“I said it was training!” Luna argued, but a sharp glare from Celestia shut her up.

“Regardless of what it was, you made quite a mess here and you will both be punished for it!”

Luna and Flare swallowed hard as visions of various punishments raced through their minds. Was she going to banish them? Imprison them? Imprison them in the place she would banish them to... Take away Luna’s games!?

Celestia smiled and turned to walk back inside. “There will be no dessert for either of you tonight,” she said and disappeared through the door.

“No… dessert?” Flare said in disbelief. “Is that all?”

Luna sat down, a pitiful look on her face. “And tonight’s cake night too. So not fair, Tia.”

Flare shifted from one hoof to the other. “So, uh, shall we continue our training?”

Luna smiled as her horn lit up. “But of course…” And both ponies began to charge at one another.


Celestia simply had no words. She not only had to restore the courtyard two more times, but because Luna had expended so much magic, she even had to raise the moon again for the first time in a while.

The three ponies sat at the dinner table, eating silently. Flare would glance to Luna, then to Celestia, then back to Luna again.

“Um…” he started to say. “Please don’t be mad, Princess Celestia, Luna really was just trying to train my abilities… I think I even got a little bit stronger.”

“I am not angry,” Celestia said calmly. “Just disappointed by the fact that my own sister would willingly destroy our home.”

“You fixed it, did you not?” Luna retorted. “So just let it be, sister.”

“Oh really!” Celestia said, raising her voice slightly. “And does that give you an excuse to be so careless and reckless? What if somepony had been hurt?”

“Well maybe you could just fix that too!” Luna snapped back. “You seem to take great pride in ‘fixing’ my mistakes and then rubbing it in my face!”

That did it. The two sisters stood up, and with an indignant ‘Humph’ from the both of them, they left the room from opposite ends, leaving Flare all alone.

“Y’know,” he muttered, finishing his dinner. “I bet Twilight’s day hasn’t been as rowdy as this.” Though on a positive note, there was nopony stopping him from eating the cake now.


Flare Blitz once again found himself on the balcony, staring down towards Ponyville as he sipped a cup of tea. “Maybe I should take a day to go and see her,” he thought. “Who knows how long this ‘thing’ with Luna and Princess Celestia will last.”

As his train of thought continued, there was a knock at the door. His horn lit up and the door opened to reveal Princess Celestia.

“P-Princess?” Needless to say, Flare was surprised. He figured her to be in bed hours ago.

Celestia looked downright bashful at the moment though. To be honest, Flare thought it was really cute.

“I came to apologise,” she finally said. “Both Luna and I behaved appallingly at dinner, and I wish to say that I am sorry for that uncalled for outburst.”

“It’s alright, Princess.” Flare said, motioning for her to come in. “It’s really not that bad.”

Celestia entered the observatory and took a seat on one of the long couches. “But it was most unbecoming of a Princess,” she argued.

Before Flare could respond, there was a gentle rapping on the upstairs window before Luna glided down. “Flare, I really want to apologise for…” she then noticed her elder sister and quickly fell quiet. Celestia did the same.

“Oh you have got to be…” Flare exited the room suddenly, puzzling both alicorns until he returned with a tray hovering next to him, a fresh pot of tea and two more cups sitting upon it. “Now let’s have a little chat, shall we?”

Celestia was about to say something, but Flare put up a hoof. “Nope, I’ll be doing the talking for the moment.” Celestia was shocked. None of her subjects would dare speak to her like that. Not even Twilight.

“First of all, I want to say that the little performance at dinner was childish and uncalled for…” This time Luna went to interject, but Flare put his hoof up once more. “But,” he continued, “it is also perfectly natural for siblings to fight every now and then!”

He looked to Celestia and spoke. “I understand how you feel. You are just looking out for everypony’s safety, and that’s okay. But you did put Luna in charge of my training and didn’t tell her how to do it exactly.”

He turned back to Luna and addressed her this time. “And perhaps we did go a little overboard with our battle. Perhaps we should find a more secluded spot next time. But yelling at Princess Celestia like that wasn’t cool.”

He gave the regal ponies a moment to let that sink in before continuing. “I also had a thought I’d like to run past the both of you…”

“What is it?” Celestia replied.

“Well, earlier, I noticed that you raised the moon, correct?” Flare asked her. “How did you do that?”

“I’ve always been able to,” Celestia responded. “During Luna’s ‘absence’ I was responsible for both the sun and the moon.”

“And what about you Luna?” Flare asked next. “Can you raise and lower the sun?”

Luna thought for a moment. “‘Tis possible, I suppose,” she said, letting her Olde Canterlot accent slip. “Why do you ask?”

Flare took a breath as he sorted out his thoughts. “Well, here is what I am suggesting. In the mornings, Princess Celestia could lower the moon and raise the sun, and in the evening, Luna could lower the sun and raise the moon. Thus allowing both of you to have normal sleep patterns and spend time with each other.”

Celestia and Luna just looked at each other. Was it truly so simple? And why the hay didn’t they think of it before?

“That… may actually work,” Celestia said. “Is that alright with you, Lulu?”

Luna smiled and nodded. “Yes, Tia, it is a fine idea indeed.”

The two princesses turned to Flare and smiled. “I guess we should thank you, Flare. You are indeed somepony quite special” Celestia said. “Though would it be prudent of me to ask a favour of you?”

Now Flare was surprised. “Um, sure. What is it?”

“Well, I have noticed that you address my sister as just ‘Luna’…” she said. “So could I ask you to just call me ‘Celestia’?”

Flare nodded and grinned. “Sure thing… Celestia” He looked at his tea tray and motioned towards it. “Now, would you fine ladies care for some tea?”


Twilight lay in bed, nightmares of a horde of Pinkies keeping her up. At this time of night, Spike would be in bed and Flare would make her a nice cup of tea before they would settle down in front of the fireplace to read together.

Spike suddenly sat up, clutching his stomach as the letter caught him by surprise while he was asleep. “Oog, Twilight…!”

“Huh? Spike? What’s wrong?” Before the little dragon could respond, he belched loudly as a scroll appeared in the air.

“Urgh, tell the princess that I was trying to sleep,” he groaned and lay back down in his basket. Twilight took the letter and opened it, her eyes scanning its contents.

My Dearest Student Twilight Sparkle,

It feels a little odd, me sending you a friendship report. But it’s also fun.

What was this? Princess Celestia was sending her a friendship report?

I wanted to tell you what happened today. Today, I learned that no matter how close one pony is to another, sometimes they get into petty arguments and fight. Luna and I had a fight today. The first one in a very long time.

And it was thanks to Flare that we made up. He even came up with a simply brilliant plan that will allow us to spend more time together. We cannot owe him enough.

It seems that he is quite the catch, I can see why you like him. Though perhaps…

Well, it is said that friendly competition is good for you after all.

With love,

Princess Celestia

“What the hay!?” Twilight shouted. “Just what is Flare doing at the castle!?”

She would have to pay the boneheaded stallion a visit. Very soon…


Flare sneezed a little as Celestia sent off her letter. “I have a weird feeling,” he said, causing the alicorn to smile innocently.

“I’m sure it’s nothing, Flare. Now perhaps we should retire to bed? It’s going to be another long day tomorrow.”

Flare nodded and headed back towards the observatory. He was going to pay a visit to Ponyville on the weekend, so the next three days would be full of study.

“I can’t wait to see Twilight again!” He smiled gleefully.


As Twilight began to slowly drift off to sleep, her eyes wandered to the flowers in the vase next to her bed. They were the beautiful Amaryllis that Flare had ‘kind of’ given her. There was also the one she had spent most of the day before last trying to find. Her eyes closed and her thoughts began to wander to the events of that day...


“Twilight?” Rarity was quite surprised to find her friend knocking on her door so early in the morning. “Is everything alright?”

“I, um,” Twilight fumbled, trying to get her words straight. “Can I ask you for some advice?”

Well, this was sudden, but not entirely unexpected. Rarity had a hunch for a while now that this talk was coming. “Of course dear, come inside.”

Once they were inside, Rarity disappeared briefly into the kitchen and prepared some tea while Twilight just blushed and rubbed her forehooves together. “So,” Rarity began. “What can I do to assist?”

“Well,” Twilight took a tentative sip of her tea. “I was wondering, since you probably have more experience than me. I read books, but none of them really helped, which is weird, because books have always helped me when I felt lost. Maybe I have the wrongs books? I should ask for some from the Archives-”

“Twilight Sparkle!” Rarity cut her off. “You do a wonderful Pinkie Pie impression, but I simply must know what is troubling you so.” Rarity had her guesses, and Twilight was about to prove her right.

“Well it’s, it’s about Flare... and about me.”

Rarity nodded and made a mental note that Rainbow Dash now owed her ten bits. “Twilight, I have a passion for fashion, but my heart will always have room for romance. You have come to the right pony for your answers, so fire away!”

Twilight nodded and sipped her tea again. “I don’t know what I should do,” she finally said. “He gave me a flower, Rarity!”

“Well he is a gentlecolt, so I imagine that flowers would be a pretty common gift-”

“A flower that is the same colour as his coat,” Twilight added, and the white unicorn gasped. She had read about that in her romance novels and magazines, but didn’t know it was still practiced. ‘You are a clever pony, Mr. Blitz,’ Rarity mused.

“Well, his intentions are rather apparent then,” Rarity said. “But the real question here is, what do you want to do. If you had no feelings for him, then you would not be fretting so.”

Twilight’s eyes went wide and she gasped. “What?! No, I love Flare... it’s just that... I don’t know how I’m supposed to reply.” Twilight put her head in her hooves and groaned, “What am I supposed to do?!”

“Well darling, I think that should be obvious,” Rarity took a delicate sip of her own tea and sighed contently. “You like him, correct?’

“I love him!”

“And he gave you a flower, yes?”

“Yes, but what does-?”

“Then give him one back,” Rarity stated. “If you love him, then tell him.” Rarity finished her tea and placed the cup on the table. “Do that, and I’m sure everything else will work itself out.”

Twilight thought about that and nodded. “So just take it one step at a time then?”

“Now you’re getting it,” Rarity beamed. “Now get out there and get yourself a flower!”

“Thank you, Rarity.” Twilight nodded again and gave her friend a hug. “You really are a good friend.”

Rarity smiled and returned the hug, “I’m glad I could help. Just remember to be yourself, alright?”

Twilight left the boutique and headed into town. She had a flower vendor to visit.

“Sorry, Twilight,” Roseluck bowed her head. “But I’m fresh out of purple flowers.”

Twilight shook her head and smiled wearily. “It’s okay, Rose. Do you know when you’ll get more in?”

“I should have a supply of lilacs in next week sometime,” Rose replied and Twilight sighed. “Too late?”

“Yes, unfortunately,” Twilight responded and Rose apologised once more. Twilight took several of the lilies that she had and left. “Maybe magic can solve my problem?”

That turned out to be a total bust as well. Every time Twilight tried to use her magic to change the pigment of the flowers, they either reverted back to normal in a few minutes or wilted. After the final flower got up and danced, Twilight figured it was time to throw in the towel on this idea.

“So this is your great idea?” Spike asked as they snuck around somepony’s garden. “Stealing from your neighbors?”

Twilight paused and thought about that. What the hay was she doing? She collapsed to the ground and her eyes began to water. “What am I doing, Spike?” she sobbed quietly. “All I want is something special, is that too much to ask?”

“Twilight Sparkle, do my eyes deceive,” The rich accent caught her attention and she looked up to see Zecora giving her an odd stare. “Or have the two of you become common thieves?”

“Zecora?!” Twilight suddenly leapt from the garden and brushed some leaves from her mane. “This um, this isn’t what it looks like...”

“Sneaking around in the dead of night,” Zecora responded. “Perhaps you could enlighten me to your plight?”

“I need a flower, a very specific one.” Twilight sighed. “And I need one as soon as possible.”

“A specific flower, you’re trying to get? Perhaps for a stallion who I’ve still not yet met?”

Twilight gasped and apologised. “I’m sorry Zecora,” she said earnestly. “I’ll be sure to introduce him when he comes back from Canterlot.”

“Do not worry; it is alright.” Zecora smiled and nodded her head. “But perhaps I can help with your plight.” The enigmatic zebra fished around in her satchel and produced a small glass bottle with a glowing purple flower inside.

“For a potion, I acquired this Soul Dew.” Twilight looked at the beautiful flower, its colour matching her coat perfectly. “But I feel it will be of more use to you.”

Before Twilight could respond, Zecora gave her the flower and smiled. “Go ahead, I do not mind. Such a magical flower, you won’t soon find.”

“I-I don’t know what to say,” Twilight was about to start crying again but Zecora stopped her.

“I believe it is customary to say thank you-” Zecora was abruptly interrupted as Twilight hugged her friend.

“Thank you so much Zecora!”

Zecora remained silent and returned the embrace. “It is thanks enough to see you happy, but perhaps you should wait for your stallion before you get too sappy?”

Twilight laughed and Spike shook his head, but at least they had a flower now. He yawned and Twilight levitated him onto her back, and after thanking Zecora once more, she headed back home.

Now all she had to do was figure out how to tell Flare...