• Published 30th Mar 2013
  • 3,495 Views, 570 Comments

I Blame You, Too - Whitestrake

The 41st Millenium is about to open a serious can of whoop-ass on Equestria.

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Dave Chappelle was Offered the role of Bubba in Forrest Gump. He Regrets Turning it Down

$%$%$% Amos's POV $%$%$%

We walked out of the palace, with Skully only needing minimal help from Chrysalis. Perhaps it was because the locals would recognize him and he didn't want to appear weak in front of them, or maybe he was improving with every moment under the planet's sun. By my best guess, it was the early afternoon, which happened to be the preferred time for palace guards to be on patrol. I counted no less than twelve teams of inquisitor ponies in the tens minutes it took us to leave the castle grounds. I have no doubt there were plenty more that evaded detection.

We walked through the city below, which Taylor called Canterlot. Many of the buildings seemed new, built in the last five years, and there was no visible pattern in the layout of the streets. Windows were generally small for storefronts, while retaining their advertising purposes, and the entire business district seemed built for defense in the event of invasion. The city walls had the same maschinengewehr emplacements the Temple had, still facing inward. Canterlot was a deathtrap designed to kill anyone who dared attack, though I had no way of knowing the outer defenses, if they existed, or their capabilities.

After what felt like an hour of walking the winding, zigzagging streets, we came to a door made of white marble. There were no marking to hint at its purpose, nothing to identify that it even belonged the Equestrian Inquisition, but Taylor had access all the same. He pushed the door open, as there was no mechanism to open it on the outside, and we were immediately greeted by two psyker ponies in golden armor. They recognized him and saluted as we passed them; they didn't even bat an eye at me. Two more guards were through the next door, made of black granite. They had wings like a bat or flying Tyranid, and their eyes were slitted and reflective. Nocturnal guardsmen, possibly, but they seemed to be some mutant offshoot of the general pony species.

The final door was made of cut, opaque, golden crystal. It seemed expensive, almost the sort of thing kept for royalty, and it's design was as intricate as it a stained window bearing the Emperor's form. I've no doubt something of similar quality would be found on Holy Terra, as it was free of tool marks and seemed to have formed as though nature itself broke the mould after its creation. Taylor did not have to touch it for it to open; the inquisitors on the other side took care of that. Before then, I had not noticed we had been traveling underground, which only became evident as I saw what lay beyond the pair of skull-faced ponies.

Rows upon rows, hundreds upon hundreds of marble gravestones stood in purposeful order in the massive cavern. This was a war memorial, for no plague could warrant this level of veneration. We walked down one of the aisles between stones, taking care to keep at a measured pace so as not to appear disrespectful. I felt honored at being allowed to see this place, something that was considered sacred on home. Many of the graves had small trinkets, letters, and even weapons placed before the tombstones.

I noticed the markings on each pony's flank as I saw them, and they seemed to either be unique, or only a handful could possess the same one at any given time; either way, a mark was etched into the marble gravestones just below what I could only assume was the departed's name and years of life. We came to a stop in front of a simple stone that had a bird-like skull resting on the soil before it. The flank mark adorning the front was of a crescent moon and a cartoon star on a stick. I had no idea what the flank marks meant, but this one seemed like astronomy, maybe?

“Her name was Trixie Lulamoon.” Chrysalis's voice seemed deafening in the quiet chamber, but Taylor didn't even flinch at the sudden sound. I imagine the two had been comrades in arms at some point, or close friends. Dahl's ideas of him being a xenophile came to mind at once, but I put them down quickly; this was something to respect, and I would not throw around a wild accusation like that. “She was the first friend he made when he came to this world, and the closest.”

Came to this world? I thought he was from here.” To be fair, humans are pretty tough and capable of surviving in a myriad of environments; the men and women of Catachan are living proof of that. I also realized it was possibly offensive to talk about Taylor with him being right there, but he was sitting with his eyes closed, almost as though he was meditating. He was a psyker, so it wasn't out of the question for him to be communing with the dead. Either way, Chrysalis and I were not on his list of things to think about.

“No; like you, Taylor came from somewhere else, and the same goes for the Pyromaniac.” I didn't bother wondering how that worked, because, for all I knew, this was some weird pocket universe in the Warp and we had the misfortune of ending up in it. “I'm not sure how it actually works, no one is, but I do know Equus is a sort of dumping ground for multiple universes.”

“He use Warp travel to get here?” So, my hypothesis was correct, kinda. Psykers were probably unique to my universe, if she was telling the truth, which would explain why he didn't try to harm us and knew about heresy. Or, just maybe, the natives only thought they were part of a separate dimension, and Taylor exploited that to gain power here. “On second thought, why don't we just get back to this Trixie?”

“Right; well, she and Taylor were close, really close, because he saved her life when they first met.” That was a plausible method of making an alliance. Dahl saved me from a genestealer infestation on my old boss's ship, so I just started working for him. Chrysalis's face took on an odd little quality as she spoke, and I wasn't entirely sure I liked it. “She was furious when he'd gotten himself burned defending Canterlot when I invaded with my army.”

“Pardon?” I very nearly lapsed into my planet's dialect, and only just retained my composure. Chrysalis was a friend, at the very least, of the leader of the Equestrian Inquisition, and she just freely admitted to attempting to destroy the very kingdom Taylor protects. At my surprise, the insect xenos laughed in a way that was somehow mocking and sincere.

“Sorry, I just didn't imagine you'd react that way. If it helps, he was burned setting an entire storehouse full of fuel and ammunition on fire in an attempt to kill me.” That just raised further questions, but I decided to let the sleeping dog lie, lest I be pulled into political intrigue I really didn't want to understand. “I thought they were going to end up together, to be honest.”

Well, apparently Dahl was right about Skully fucking aliens. Did I mention I actually freaked out a bit when she said that? Yeah, right in the middle of the memorial chamber. I saw more than a few pony families look at me in disgust.

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