• Published 5th Apr 2013
  • 41,638 Views, 2,089 Comments

A Voice Among the Strangers - Tystarr

An unsuspecting girl finds herself in Equestria, thrust into a world she has no concept of. Unable to communicate with the inhabitants, how will she cope?

  • ...

Chapter nine: Preparations

Warmth teased over Jessica's skin, the sun's rays moving along her face as she squirmed. Slowly getting used to this form of alarm clock she felt consciousness return to her, if only a tiny fraction. Reluctant to get up, feeling rather comfortable within her warm blankets, she turned over and faced away from the morning light. There were many ways one could wake up in the morning; Jessica however now got to add one she was pretty sure no other human had ever encountered.

A small chirp sounded near her ear, the warning given but Jessica's sleep addled brain was slow in putting the facts together. Just as she was wondering what could possibly be making such a sound within her room she remembered the events of last night, along with a small kernel of information that was suddenly very, very important.

Oh no...

In her defense she almost moved her head in time, but the little insect-foal was quicker.

"Okay! Okay, I'm up! I'm up!" Her words were mixed with giggles while her ear was being quite happily nibbled upon. Squirming more she heard amusement from the others in the room, her ear being let go as she tilted her head to regard the young insectile-equine with a small smile.

"Morning to you-..." Her words were cut off by a light weight being added to her chest; small hard hooves pushed through the sheets and against her breasts. While certainly uncomfortable that wasn't her primary concern. She was now facing the second of the presumed siblings, its inquisitive blue eyes regarding her, a questioning chirp given.

"Don't... you... dare." Her tone was hesitant, yet she knew no matter what she said the outcome would not be any different. Fangs glistened as it opened its mouth wide and gently chomped upon her nose, proving her unfortunately correct in her assumption. Squealing Jessica giggled as the bite was merely playful, its fangs doing little more than tickling her skin. Regardless she was now being assaulted on two fronts, her only defense clear to her.

Tugging herself under the blankets she hid her head from view, hearing confused chirps through the sheeting, that was soon followed with another distinctive sound. Amongst the sound of laughter she heard several small hooves impact upon the floor, clopping away from the bed.

Well I am certainly glad Dusk finds this hilarious...

Waiting patiently with her sarcastic thoughts, her ire sated with the knowledge she was pretty certain what would happen next. Suspicions were proven correct when after roughly half a minute the laughter gave way to a yelp of surprise. Hearing the chirps now from the other side of the room she tugged the blanket back to look, the sight that greeted her certainly rather amusing.

Dusk was currently rolling around on her bed, one of the young ~changelings~ pouncing onto her playfully, the other trying to nip at her ear. Somewhere along the line Espa had joined in, the unicorn being slightly larger than the two bug-like foals used this to her advantage; specifically in assisting them by keeping Dusk pinned as they went for her ears. Although it did seem from Jessica's perspective Dusk was simply allowing all this to happen, it was a sweet gesture on the guard's part none the less.

Ebony was observing all this with a wide grin upon her muzzle, her tattered mane falling over one eye as she encouraged the two small ones, and quite possibly Espa. Minder however was more reserved, then begun to look very ill at ease, almost as if she were worried they might be perceived to be attacking one of the guards. One stray thought did come to her mind though as she regarded her friend, noticing a slight difference.

Was Ebony's mane always that long?

As Jessica dismissed that thought the door opened, four equines clad in golden armor looking in to see what the commotion was about. Scar seemed to find Dusk's predicament hilarious albeit in a somewhat subdued fashion. This sentiment was shared by the female pegasus and the normal stallion if their laughter was any indication. Stoic, well Stoic might have cracked the barest hint of a smile, but Jessica wasn't quite sure.

Minder at their appearance spoke urgently to the little bug-like foals, her tone implying she was trying to coax them away. Jessica sat up on her bed, the insectile-mare's voice becoming pleading as if fearful of retribution. Something within that tone broke the humor, Dusk stopping her laughter to gaze over at Minder, the other guards looking perplexed.

What is she so scared of?

Ebony flicked one of her ears, looking at the other insect-mare curiously. Minder however was looking frantic now, trying to coax the two very confused looking foals from the dark pegasus. Slowly Ebony spoke, Minder tensing before looking around her, one ear kept askew. Bubbles was now looking rather confused herself, Espa who was currently flopped over Dusk's chest armor mirroring her mother's expression.

"What's wrong?" Jessica's question only earned several more ear flicks before she slipped the sheets back, moving to place her feet upon the cold floor. Minder flinched a little, still wanting the young ones away from Dusk for whatever reason. Ebony had pressed on, speaking calmly, trying to reassure the other mare until Jessica frowned in thought.

Is she scared they may be put back into the cell?

The idea didn't sit well with Jessica, whether it was the correct idea or not she wasn't about to let that happen. Despite how she had been woken, she enjoyed their company immensely; without them she feared her depression would come down upon her once more, especially with the three children keeping it at bay with their antics.

"~No, home be here.~" Jessica's words caused Minder to act startled; although it seemed to make all of the adults turn their attention towards her. Jessica's arms slid gently around Minder's neck, the mare flinching before the warmth built within, flowing into the equine she held. Thankfully Jessica felt her relax, now noticing another at the doorway who had witnessed it all; Sunny.

"~Jessica, your heart happy?~" The white queen spoke in a way Jessica could clearly understand, a small smile coming to her lips. She wasn't sure if the new living arrangement was organized by Luna alone, but she had a very strong suspicion Sunny had a hand, or hoof in it.

A small nod was given, followed by a soft affirmation which seemed to please the hybrid. With the guards parting to allow access, Sunny entered and lowered her head to speak softly towards Minder. The mare cringed before blinking, looking up as her glowing eyes shyly observed the tall white equine. Jessica could only pick up the words home, and her name which led to some confusion, but the tone was kind so she didn't feel the need to worry.

Thankfully Minder finally relaxed, Ebony posing a question towards Sunny which quickly developed from there into a conversation. Bubbles interjected a few times, Sunny nodding warmly towards the cross-eyed mare while Dusk slowly stood to attention. All five guards listened intently, Jessica losing most of the conversation at the speed it was going back and forth.

I... got that they're talking about... a home? Homes? My name was mentioned as was ~changelings~... I guess they're setting up somewhere for us to live?

Unsure and also unwilling to dwell on it, as that would bring up memories of why she required a home here, Jessica found her attention drawn elsewhere. Namely, to the three foals who were making their way towards her. The two small bug-like foals briefly rubbed their heads against Minder's forelegs, an affectionate nuzzle given back in reply. Next they made their way to Ebony, chirping up at her as she paused in her conversation with Sunny to look down.

A stern word was given towards them, their heads tilting as if they didn't understand. Jessica watched as her friend gave a soft sigh and lowered her head, gently nuzzling one then the other before tsking. With a gesture from the mare towards Jessica, the two set off towards her. Sunny giving a patient but clearly amused smile at what had just happened.

Espa however was quicker, leaning up to give her mother a fond nuzzle which was lovingly returned by Bubbles. Spying the other two nearby she quickly cantered over to Jessica's bed and scrambled up, hind legs pushing to the mattress for purchase. Getting onto the sheets she pulled herself onto Jessica's lap to lie down, claiming the spot just as the two others made their way to the bed.

Ah... I see.

A giggle escaped as she looked down, the two chitin-covered foals now looking up at her, either unable to get up or unwilling to make the effort. Soft chirps were given upwards which easily melted through her resolve. Leaning down, careful not to disrupt the occupant upon her lap she picked up one, then the other and deposited them on the blankets beside her.

Soon the two little ones were looking up at her with inquisitive eyes, one moving closer to her lap to gently sniff up at Espa, a hoof prod following. The unicorn filly gave a curious glance to the hole covered hoof before speaking gently towards its owner. A chirp was her answer before Espa giggled and was gently poked yet again, the little one seeking the lap now it was occupied.

They need nicknames, but...

Jessica gently picked up the more shy of the two, hugging it to her chest as it peeked up towards her. Warmth built within her, tugging towards the two small bug-like foals as she used her other hand to gently stroke Espa's soft mane. Thinking on how to differentiate the two she blinked and mulled on this.

I will need to ask Jewel if she could possibly make something for them.

That thought led to guilt, the knowledge that she still owed the unicorn for so much plaguing her conscience. Exhaling she pushed that aside, adding to the pile of things she would have to think about later.

Determined not to ruin the mood after she had finally had the depression lifted, Jessica found herself watching the three young equines play on and around her lap. Well, one was in her arms but was doing its best to poke at Espa regardless, so in Jessica's mind that still counted. It was around the time that Espa was playfully pinning the closer foal with one hoof much to its displeasure that she was aware the conversation had ceased.

Blinking she looked up, eyes now all upon her as Sunny seemed to have a knowing smile upon her muzzle. While Minder seemed to be shifting on her hooves nervously, Ebony simply smiled. Jessica noticing friend's tattered mane was definitely longer than Jessica remembered, now that she actually took the time to visually study it.

Come to think of it, when I first met her she looked very similar to Minder...

The memory played back in her head, it was hazy and hard to distinguish details but she was almost certain that was the case. Shrugging it off, she put it down to her friend just trying different styles; after all she could change her form completely, a few cosmetic changes shouldn't be too difficult. The conversation soon resumed as Jessica tried to listen, working to figure out what it was they were discussing.

A loud chirp made Jessica look down; the pinned foal was wriggling, pushing its small hooves to Espa's forelegs in trying to get free. Jessica wasn't sure what caused it, perhaps it was too much force or something pinned wrong, but a small pained yelp issued from the bug-like foal brought the room to silence yet again. Surprisingly it was Bubbles who spoke up first, Espa's ears flattening instantly in response. The filly lifted her hooves quickly from the other foal and hid on Jessica's lap, tail curling around herself almost shamefully.

Minder had moved forward immediately only for Ebony to shake her head, a small smile tugging at her fanged mouth. Shifting nervously upon her hooves, Minder watched as Bubbles slipped off her bed, trotting over to stand before where Jessica sat. The pegasus leaned forward, her voice stern as she nuzzled the cowering ball of filly which caused an ear to flick up through blonde hair.

"~Sorry!~" Espa's voice was accompanied with a small sniffle, her golden eyes wet with unshed tears causing Jessica's heart to ache at her distress. Bubbles' tone became softer, nuzzling the filly gently who hesitantly rubbed her muzzle back. A gesture from the mother was given to the little chitin-covered foal as it was now curled up against Jessica, shivering to her side.

Espa... Bubbles...

Jessica could tell Bubbles wanted her daughter to apologize to the foal, the fact the pegasus was being so kind hearted to the creatures she was so nervous about earlier...

Now I see where Espa gets it from.

With one hand resting on the cowering ~changeling~, the other holding its sibling to her chest, Jessica watched as Espa moved off her lap. The injured, or more likely frightened infant gave a wavering chirp as Espa got closer to it before she lowered her head down and spoke softly. Her tone of voice was apologetic, moving her head slowly to get closer, inching it along the sheets.

The small bug-foal, Tala, which Jessica had finally decided on a nickname for the more timid of the two, pushed against her side. The act spurred two mindsets to Jessica, on one hand she was happy she was seen as a sense of comfort, on the other she hoped Espa's apology would be accepted. Slowly however Tala hesitantly moved forward, Espa's muzzle just outside her personal zone.

Tala moved a hoof forward and gently pushed to Espa's nose, not enough to force her back but enough to make it scrunch. The unicorn wriggled her nose before Tala chirped softly, leaning forward and rubbing her muzzle to Espa's own. Soon Espa moved her head, gently bumping Tala towards Jessica's lap and helping the insect-foal up. This resulted in a happy chirp from the smaller equine, sitting up proudly on her acquired lap.

I... I could never hate a world with these... these beautiful children in it.

Tala's sibling, who Jessica carried her nickname tradition over to dub her Mayari, was not to be outdone. Wriggling free from Jessica's arm she pounced on Espa, gnawing playfully upon one ear. Tala, spying this made for the other until the filly was on the defensive, trying to hide under her mother's wing for protection. Bubbles for her part spread her wing over the blankets to offer sanctuary, her daughter sticking her head out to give a playful gesture at the two others, both now looking confused at this development.

Before Espa could relish her victory, Bubbles folded her wing in and nuzzled her daughter forward, a squealing giggle given as she was pounced once more. The three fell into a heap, amongst which Jessica completely lost track of which was Tala and which Mayari. Whoever was which didn't matter due to Espa clearly coming out the winner, flopping over both of them as she used her slightly larger size to her advantage.

Finding her attention diverted, Jessica gazed up to see Ebony looking proud, Minder finally appearing more relaxed as she too crawled onto the bed. Gently moving past Jessica she positioned herself to lie beside her and nuzzle at the pinned children, Bubbles watching it all with a wary eye. When nothing malicious happened she too relaxed, but stayed close by, Espa looking a little tired once again but content in her victory.

So occupied with what currently was happening on the bed, Jessica only realized she was being spoken to when Sunny repeated herself. Looking at the queen, or again if Starswirl was to be believed, princess, she noticed another key fact.

When did they arrive?

Standing in the room behind Sunny, watching with a mix of expressions were several more equines. Some were observing with a smile on their faces, although Flitter was keeping firmly behind Sunny and Sparkle it seemed. Posh and Jewel were looking a little more reserved, although even they couldn't hide the fact how adorable they found the three foals. Harpy was more evident in her delight, a wide smile on the aqua unicorn's face.

There was also Spike, Shades, Flute, Rainbow and Pinky, the latter of which was bouncing excitedly on the spot. Bubbles gave a wary glance at the pony, this expression strangely enough mirrored by Minder.

I wonder what's going on.

Fleur was absent which meant it wasn't a language lesson, and Ledger... well she wasn't entirely sure where Ledger had gotten off to after yesterday. Thoroughly lost as to what this could be leading into, she was rather confused when a unicorn she was unfamiliar with cleared his throat, regarding Sunny with a formal tone of voice.

Who is he?

The stallion had a clear air of nobility around him, but like Ledger he seemed rather uneasy around the sight of the four ~changelings~ within the room. Unlike Ledger however, he would not let his professionalism be compromised. Jessica was most surprised when he gave her a small curt nod, levitating a bag that jingled as if coins were within.

Sunny seemed a little startled when she looked out the window at the sun's position, almost as if she had just noticed the time. A nod was given as she addressed everyone in the room, several replies given all at once. Jessica lost any ability to listen or understand as voices overlapped each other, several excited, primarily Jewel, Pinky, Shades and Sparkle... however all seemed to be so for different reasons.

Pinky bounced over towards the foals that were now looking up at all the attention, her large smile and bright blue eyes doing little to hide her enthusiasm. Minder and Bubbles seemed to share a look at whatever she was saying, an unspoken agreement formed between the two. Bubbles got the pink mare's attention, speaking in soft tones which caused Pinky's mood to deflate rapidly at whatever had been said. Minder cleared her throat, very cautiously speaking up which finally allowed Jessica to grasp what was going on.

She heard several words and jumbled them into her head to try and make something cohesive out of it. What she got was that Pinky, Spike, Shades and Flute were going to help look after the young ones while the rest went with Jessica somewhere. Either that or the foals were going somewhere, and the others were going to look after Jessica; it was fifty-fifty either way.

I... I don't know which option scares me more.

Minder looked at Ebony imploringly, the tattered maned equine sighing and adding to the conversation. Whatever was said seemed to appease Bubbles, Flute however turned a little green all of a sudden although Jessica had failed to understand the context of what was said. Shades noticing this gave him a playful nudge while Bubbles spoke gently to Espa, the little filly looking up at her mother curiously.

Okay, now I am absolutely confused.

Rainbow, apparently fed up of waiting gave a loud cry of annoyance and flew over to Jessica's clean pile of clothing. Scooping up an outfit she pushed it into Jessica's arms, offering a grin and gesturing for her to follow. Confused, but figuring the pegasus knew what she was doing, Jessica got to her feet and dutifully followed. Two small chirps stopped her, looking behind as two pairs of glowing eyes looked up at her, clear they didn't understand why she was leaving.

Well given Rainbow gave me my clothing it's clear she wants me to shower... but...

Chewing on her lower lip she looked at Ebony, gesturing with one hand to Tala and Mayari. She thought hard and tried to put her words into a proper structured sentence, knowing it would probably fall horribly flat.

"~Changeling come shower?~" She made sure to add the questioning tone in, still unsure if there was a specific term to use for such a thing. Ebony gave a tilt of her head, looking at the two small foals before giving the equine equivalent of a shrug. Jessica waited as her friend looked towards Minder and the two foals, her silence showing they were conversing... somehow. All the other equines were waiting for the outcome, Rainbow however pushed a hoof to her forehead giving a groan of impatience.

Eventually a nod was given from Ebony, which led to Jessica using one arm to pick up the chirping two foals. Espa however was distracted by Pinky, the mare excitedly telling her all the things they might get up to in the day, Shades occasionally interjecting with her own ideas. Well, that's what Jessica picked up by the conversation, by the looks on Bubbles, Minder and Sunny's faces... she wasn't so sure the three others were sold on what the two would-be babysitters thought.

Jessica gave a nod to those in the room, rather glad for how large it was and made her way out, the guards parting to allow access. A momentary pause was given before Ebony was allowed out, Scar and Stoic moving but the other two a little slower in their permission. A small smile and nod of the head from Sunny reassured them and they too moved aside. Dusk just gave a snort, rolling her eyes while the golden armored female flustered a little.

Those two will need names too...

Looking at the male stallion and female pegasus, she watched as they hesitated before returning to their posts by the door. They seemed to be watching over Minder, Jessica decided as Rainbow, clearly not appreciative of Jessica's pace gently bumped her head to Jessica's backside to move her along.

"Okay Rainbow! I'm moving!" She couldn't help but giggle, having grown used to the pegasus's antics over their little adventure together. Rainbow just gave a sigh seeing her point had gotten across before flying over to the bathroom, stretching before jerking with her head for Jessica to go in. Dusk was finding this whole thing remarkably amusing, the dark guard having taken up the rear position.

Scar and Stoic wasted no time, taking up positions while Ebony eyed one of the maids curiously as she approached. The maid, the one Jessica was becoming acquainted with looked a little worried at the sight of the ~changelings~, Jessica realizing that until now Ebony had always been disguised when leaving the room.

Rainbow however quickly spoke up, putting the maid at ease while the insectile-mare looked rather embarrassed at the teasing tone. A soft snort escaped Ebony's nose, the maid looking more relaxed now as she offered the towel up to Jessica. Taking it, exchanging a smile and word of gratitude, she entered the bathroom, setting the two small foals down as she closed the door.


Her back gently pressed to the door behind her, eyes closing as she felt the warm tingling sensation behind her eyelids. Soon tears rolled down her cheeks as she exhaled, pushing from the oaken surface to make her way to the middle of the room. Small chirps were directed her way, Jessica setting her clothing and towel ready for after she was clean while she tried hard to push down the sadness building within.

I don't want to be alone.

She had an ulterior motive to bringing Tala and Mayari along, on one hand they looked so cute when they saw she was leaving them behind, she couldn't bear to see that. Secondly however was a far more selfish reason, ever since the fateful encounter with Starswirl, she felt a darkness tugging within her. Being with the others helped calm it, helped keep it suppressed but she knew were she to be left alone...

The depression would consume me.

Jessica knew in time the pain would dull, she knew it wasn't quite as melodramatic as her mind was making it out to be. That realization didn't stop it hurting, to know she would never get home... at least, in the foreseeable future. She would never stop trying to find a way, and she knew the princesses would continue researching but she wasn't an idiot, she knew the book had been her best bet, and that was stuck in-

Okay Jess, stop dwelling on it. Focus on the positives.

As she tugged her nightshirt up slowly, she knew things weren't as bleak as her depression would lead her to believe. Remembering something, she looked down to see two of those positive reasons were currently looking up at her curiously. Suddenly feeling very bashful Jessica pushed her nervousness aside; while she disliked sharing a bathroom normally, this was different.

Slipping her panties off next, then her beloved bracelets, she blinked as a voice cried out from the other side of the door. Jessica didn't need a fluent understanding of the equine language to know what Rainbow had just said. 'I don't hear showering' would have been about as close as Jessica could have translated it into, a small smile tugging at her lips.

"~Yes, yes! Shower!~" Jessica shouted back, absolutely positive she heard three lots of sniggering from the other side of the door; two were easy enough to guess but the owner of the third she wasn't one hundred percent sure on. Regardless she moved to the shower, sliding the handle along to get the water going. Waiting for the water to heat up she blinked as Tala, or perhaps it was Mayari moved to the edge of the shower.

A soft inquisitive chirp was given before she moved a hoof inside. Observing her creep in, Jessica could only watch bemused as the foal got close to the sprinkles of water. The still chilly droplets splashed upon her back, a cry of distress coming from the young equine before she tried to run out, slipping and falling onto her face. A soft little wail came from the small equine as the water warmed, Jessica bending down to gently stroke over Mayari's head, deciding who it must be due to the inquisitive nature shown.

"Mayari, shh... it's okay." She gently picked up the sniffling ~changeling~, smiling as the sorrow gave way to a small whimper. Jessica couldn't help but smile warmly, Tala chirping up at her having followed in with the water now a relaxing warm temperature. Gently setting Mayari down once the sniffles had ceased she worked on cleaning herself, getting ready for whatever the day had planned.

I wonder just where it is we're going?

A strange squeaking noise startled Jessica, rinsing the last of the shampoo from her hair she heard the sound again, now rather curious. Brushing the damp hair from her eyes she looked to the side to spy the two foals having found a rubber ducky, each seeming to take turns biting on it. Seeing they were being watched, one of them held it up proudly and bit down again, eliciting another rubbery squeak.

Okay, there is no doubt about it... these two and Espa are definitely positives to me being here.

Dwelling on that thought instead of the negatives she sighed softly, working on getting clean before focusing her attention on the little insectile-foals. Whatever the day brought, she would be ready and face it head on.

And be clean, that was important too.


With great trepidation, Jessica later found herself being escorted into the main courtyard. The knowledge of what possibly lay beyond the large gates quickly diminished her fragile good mood. It seemed she had assumed right, she was being taken somewhere, but for what reason she was unaware.

I... I'm scared, I am honestly terrified of what is outside that gate.

Thoughts of mobs, being suffocated in bodies, pounced on by griffons and ponies alike, they were all horrifying images playing through Jessica's head. Looking behind her she wistfully watched the relative safety of the castle get further behind with each step. Of course, as scared as she was of heading into the city, she was under no delusions she had picked the better option.

A shuddering sound of bass followed by a cushion flying out one window confirmed her fears. To be honest, she was rather amazed when it sailed over a wall and continued, quite possibly heading over the side of the mountain.

It could be worse, I could be back inside. I hope Sunny doesn't lock Shades and Pinky up...

Jessica's mind drifted back to when she returned from the shower. The two clean foalings, her new term for Tala and Mayari, were to be babysat by Pinky, Spike, Shades, Minder, Flute and Harpy. The new term she had decided for the two was a combination of 'foal', and 'things' which admittedly Jessica felt bad about, but when putting the word together it did sound slightly cute. A last minute addition of Fleur arriving with Snooty had the female unicorn offer to help out, Snooty somewhat wisely choosing to find something else to do.

Jessica had no doubt Fleur would probably regret her kind-hearted gesture at a later date. She was however thankful that Bubbles had opted for Espa to come along with them at the last second, Tala and Mayari unfortunately still had to remain behind with their sitters.

I feel bad leaving the foalings, but Minder is there and it's not like I'm anything special to them...

Slightly depressed by her thoughts she sighed gently, Jessica really did enjoy time with them. They were adorable and they seemed to have attached themselves to her in a very wonderful fashion, contrary to how she felt about herself. Regardless she knew she was just an alien in this world, but even then... she was glad she could feed them at least.

Taking her mind off the sad tinged thoughts lest she drag her mood right back down, Jessica looked around her little honor guard; more specifically, Espa walking before her with chest puffed out and the three guards who had become very much a part of her life. Bubbles walked on one side of Jessica, Ebony the other as Espa was favored with several amused looks from the others accompanying the group.

Sparkle along with the two male guards led the way with the unknown male unicorn beside her, the two unicorns conversing along with Jewel. Flitter was just behind, looking up and talking to the hovering Rainbow who was at that moment casting a look back at Espa, in the midst of giving words of encouragement to the little filly. Lastly, and most surprisingly Posh had come along as well, the mare walking near the rear with Dusk, currently in conversation with the dark guard.

With her apprehension rising they arrived at the large gates, a deep breath taken in by Jessica as she waited for the guards stationed there to open them up. The mobs, the mass of hysterical bodies, the accusations... she was expecting it all and to be swept away in the crowd.

But there was nothing.

Jessica was almost disappointed. While understandably thrilled her worst fears weren't translated into reality, she had been steeling herself for the inevitable mob once the gates opened. A brown feathered wing brushed to her side noticing her shifting mood, Ebony giving a smile up towards her reassuringly which was returned in a grateful fashion. Slowly moving onwards Jessica did notice they were drawing some stares, a few hushed whispers passed between equines who noticed them.

And... here we go again.

Her mood quickly soured as griffons and equines alike gasped and stared, conversations building amongst themselves as their little procession moved past. Rainbow began to show hints of annoyance, eventually flying over to a couple with a raised voice and hooves indicating in Jessica's direction. The two ponies looked aghast, whether at Rainbow's attitude or at Jessica she wasn't entirely certain, but at least they walked off in a huff.

Slightly concerned by the attitudes exhibited by the ponies native to the city, Jessica exhaled and followed the group. Reassurances were given her way as they continued past shops and residences, despite it all she still felt... alien.

And why not? I don't belong here anyhow.

Her mood darkened as the mumbles and whispering continued, Jessica unsure what the point of this excursion was. She highly doubted it was to make her feel miserable but for the life of her she couldn't really decide on another reason. As she wallowed in self-pity, Posh was observing in a curious fashion the reactions Jessica was receiving despite her obvious distaste for how they acted. Scar however seemed to bristle more openly along with Rainbow, their emotions more forthcoming.

A question to the two posed by Posh was answered, Jessica now on the receiving end of several gazes and concerned looks. A second question was put Jessica's way from Sparkle as they suddenly stopped, the mare looking with clear empathy upon her features; an expression that was also shared upon most, even the new stallion. Quietly Jessica comtemplated the query, thinking it over in her head.

Is this how I was treated in the other town?

"~Yes,~" Jessica replied in the most simple fashion, answering the question as Jewel frowned, her teeth gritting. Bubbles looked aghast while Jessica recalled this story had been told on the train, well as far as she was aware it had been. Mulling it over she then realized there was a difference to hearing something and witnessing it first hand, at least there weren't any stones being thrown at her.


The mood had sobered significantly, Flitter scuffing a front hoof before gazing up at Jessica. The pegasus looked as if she wished to say something to lighten her mood, but no words seemed to come. Instead she trotted forward, still a little hesitant near Ebony before pushing her muzzle ever so gently to Jessica's fingers.

A smile came to the owner of the hand, her eyes looking down as she moved fingers gently over Flitter's mane in return. The act caused the pegasus to flinch slightly before blushing, accepting the gesture for what it simply was, a gesture of thanks.

"~Thank you.~" Jessica's words seemed to break the tension around their group, Jewel releasing a long exhale before mumbling darkly under her breath, the building ire directed at a couple looking at them oddly. Sparkle just frowned thoughtfully, talking to the unicorn stallion as Posh joined in. Soon the mood was lifting, that is until a loud voice rolled down the street, Flitter's wings spreading wide in shock before she looked about frantically.


Jessica noticed Rainbow's expression turn agitated, her eyes looking down a side street while Sparkle and Jewel both gained a disapproving frown. The rest looked rather confused, Jessica admittedly the primary one amongst them. It was then she followed their line of sight to spy a creature that struck her dumb; she knew she should be terrified but the absurdity of it was too much.

Is... is that a...?

A large bipedal creature wearing a tiny black tie made his way down the narrow street, his large muscular bulk barely squeezing through the passage. Behind him followed two goats, each with a red tie and, oddly enough name badges. By the reactions of the others she wasn't sure whether to be scared or not, so erring on the side of caution she went with what her brain was telling her.

Oh god, oh god... that's a minotaur!

The clearly male minotaur, although she didn't wish to dwell on how she knew that, was making his way closer, recognition flashing over his yellow eyes upon spying the group. The creature's loud voice filled Jessica's ears when he seemed to fixate on Flitter, Rainbow however flying before her friend to glower at the approaching bovine-creature.

The expression on the beast changed rather dramatically, a look of uncertain guilt creeping over his features as he noticed the animosity directed towards him. One of the goats gave a bleat, the minotaur rubbing under his chin with a contemplative tone of voice as if understanding; given Jessica's experience so far though, she wasn't about to discount such an idea. A snap of his large fingers was followed by a clearing of the throat, an apology rumbling out of his mouth immediately after.

This seemed to have a mixed reaction on Jessica's companions. Rainbow quirked a brow continuing to look dubiously at the large bull-man, while in contrast Flitter seemed to give a timid smile in his direction. Jewel and Sparkle exchanged glances prior to regarding the minotaur with less hostility, their expressions now shifting to be more baffled upon each mare's face. The rest including Jessica were just looking completely out of the loop, there seemed to be history here but she was unaware of what it was.

It was around that point that he seemed to actually notice Jessica. The question on how he didn't take note of her prior was something she couldn't figure out, perhaps he was focused on the ponies or perhaps Rainbow was in the way of his vision. Whatever the reason he suddenly became immobile, his yellow bestial eyes regarding her while everything save his breathing came to a halt.

Looks were exchanged between the group, Jessica expecting a terrified or angry shout to issue from him follow while Ebony settled for looking increasingly perplexed. Posh quirked a brow, conversing with Rainbow who gave a halfhearted shrug and flew before his face, waving a hoof to no avail.

Did... I break him?

While the minotaur continued to remain unresponsive despite Rainbow now prodding the side of his face, Sparkle instead cast a look at the three guards. Scar and Dusk shrugged, Dusk adding a rather unflattering comment towards the bull while Stoic merely snorted ever so slightly. Deciding that hanging around the broken man-bull-thing was a waste of time, they turned to head into the shop.

Espa cast a look back, conversing with her mother who looked thoughtful before the cross-eyed mare spoke kindly. From what Jessica could make out the filly was concerned he had been looked at by some form of creature, what that particular creature was Jessica was unsure but Bubbles had disregarded the suspicion. Looking aside as she too entered, Jessica noticed one of the goats standing on the back of the other before the minotaur, poking him in the face repeatedly with a hoof but garnering no response.


Flitter gave a soft spoken comment in the bull-man's direction before she entered in along with the two guards, escorting Jessica into a large store full of... well, as far as Jessica could make out, stuff. There was furniture, pictures, works of art, and that was just within the first area. The male unicorn who accompanied them, or Rebate as she had decided to term him, was talking to the shop keeper when she saw him, Sparkle and Jewel waiting nearby.

Confused as to what they were doing in here, she felt Ebony push gently to her side as the pegasus looked more than a little out of her depths within the store. Feeling a bump to her shin Jessica looked down to see Espa gazing up at her, holding forelegs upwards in a clear gesture of what the unicorn desired. Smiling Jessica bent down to pick up the small filly, holding her into her arms as she noticed just why Espa had spontaneously desired to be carried.

Nearby were two fillies accompanying a brown normal stallion, or ~earth pony~ as the equine tongue termed them. The way the two young ponies were acting about the stallion, he was either an older brother or their father from what she could deduce. One of the fillies who strangely enough was wearing glasses while the other sported a tiara, seemed to notice Espa and gasp followed by nudging the other and pointing. Soon enough all three were looking in her direction, Espa sticking her tongue out at the two.

"Be nice Espa." Jessica's tone was kept softly reprimanding causing the filly in her arms to wilt ever so slightly, giving a pout up towards her in response. A small smile came to Jessica's lips as she realized the young unicorn just wanted to show off to the other two children. Truthfully, she didn't mind as it allowed her to give a free cuddle to Espa, Bubbles on the other hand sighed but smiled none the less at her daughter's antics.

I guess I am kind of a unique attraction...

The brown stallion made his way over eyeing Jessica warily before talking to Sparkle, Rebate, and Jewel while making gestures towards her every so often. She could pick up enough of what was being said, 'what was she', 'and was she safe to be around' his primary questions. She didn't need to be fluent in their language to work it out, Ebony looking slightly irritated helped fill in the blanks.

Rainbow seemed to take offense to his words until Flitter quickly spoke up, her tone meant to placate and calm everyone which admittedly worked rather effectively. Rainbow landed on her hooves giving a large eye roll before moving to observe a large picture of four flying pegasi instead. Through it all Dusk, Scar and Stoic remained around Jessica, but kept a respectful distance, not wishing to pen her in.

It was just as Jessica noticed Posh talking to Bubbles that a small voice spoke up near her feet. Looking down she noticed one of the two fillies currently gazing up, talking to Espa within her arms. The little pink filly's tone was in slight awe as Jessica blinked, tilting her head curiously. The nickname she had heard used by Ledger having passed one of their lips, this led to Ebony immediately tensing. Before anything could escalate their father, Jessica having come to this conclusion due to his body language, approached to give several firm toned words towards the two fillies, both apologizing shortly after.

I... really don't want to know what that name means do I?

A sigh of relief came from Jewel, one of her blue eyes watching Ebony closely as the pegasus gave a dismissive snort and looked away. The soft touch of a wing to her side did prove that Ebony was still concerned about Jessica, that simple fact making her smile ever so slightly. Watching the three young equines converse, she blinked as she heard her name be mentioned by Espa, one of the other two trying to sound it out in her mouth.

Soon however the father deemed it time to go, a small nod given in Jessica's direction while the two foals produced a small whine before following the stallion out. Jessica watched them leave while noticing two things as she peeked over her shoulder. One, the fillies both had 'tattoos', which meant it must be a coming of age thing to get one, and secondly she could have sworn the one with the tiara gave Espa a small glare before exiting.

Must have been my imagination...

Dismissing the possibility, as who could possibly hate such an adorable filly such as Espa, she instead found her attention pulled away by Rainbow. The pegasus was pointing with a hoof at the picture she was admiring earlier, her tone excited and by her body actions she seemed to be implying Jessica should get it. Confused by this she heard Sparkle calling her name, looking to see Rebate holding the earlier shown pouch within a magic aura.

What are they...?

Noticing she was not understanding, Jewel and Posh took it upon themselves to explain. That is after they spoke to Sparkle, a nod giving them permission before the bag was gently grasped within Jewel's aura. Thankfully not as squeamish around magic as she once was, Jessica felt her hand gently encompassed within the same glow. The feeling was warm, much like Sparkle's magic as her hand was gently twisted palm up for the bag to be placed within.

"Um...?" Tilting her head she felt the full weight rest upon her hand, a nod given to her by Posh as she reached with her nails to tug the string, opening the pouch. Within were what seemed to be gold coins, each with the profile of Sunny upon one side, and Luna on the other side when she turned a coin over.

Are these... wait is this currency?

Her eyes went wide as her brain started to connect the dots, pulling her towards the conclusion kicking and screaming. This really was a bag full of currency although she wasn't sure what the value was, now rather perplexed as she had yet to see any money exchanged to try and figure out worth. Then again, by the way the clerk behind the counter was eyeing it up, Jessica could make an educated guess that it was... a substantial amount.

Okay, he is literally drooling... oh... gross he's actually drooling onto the counter.

Wincing a little at the shopkeepers’ reaction, she looked at the bag curiously then turned her attention towards Jewel and Posh for clarification. Sparkle looked thoughtful while the other two mares appeared to be considering how to get their point across, surprisingly it was Flitter who helped Jessica figure it out.

Leaning up she poked the bag with a hoof, a gesture following as if asking for access to it. When Jessica lowered her hand the pegasus moved her muzzle in and with surprising deftness, plucked two coins out. Watching curiously, she saw Flitter look around the room before spying what she sought and making her way over to it. The cream colored pegasus gently placed both coins before a small wooden table, one hoof pointing at what must have been its price tag.

"~Two.~" Flitter spoke clearly before wilting as her wings tucked firmly to her side, bashfully mumbling something else afterwards. Regardless of how timid the pegasus sometimes acted, Jessica felt the rush of understanding drive through her mind, only to hit a road block and burst into flame.

So... why did they give this to me?

Showing as much patience as she was perhaps capable of up until this point, Rainbow gave a groan before gesturing with her front hooves at the picture she had been admiring, words accompanying her agitated flailing. Flitter however stomped a front hoof in a rare display of assertion, gesturing to the table again which, once Jessica got a proper look at it was etched with images of flora and fauna upon its surface.

Now completely baffled, she noticed that the rest of the mares were trying to direct her attention to other items around the shop. That is all except Dusk and Ebony, both watching with a sense of bemusement clear on their faces. The whole idea seemed equally incomprehensible to Ebony, one ear askew as the mare mumbled something out of Jessica's earshot, Dusk giving an amused chuckle at whatever was said.

"~N-No... Understand?~" Finally deciding this had gone on long enough, Jessica spoke up with clear confusion in her tone. Espa looked up within her arms, speaking kindly as Jessica managed to grasp a bit of understanding. Soon Jewel and Sparkle, both looking rather bashful further clarified. It took a minute or two for the idea to get across, along with one drawing to accompany the apparently complex idea but eventually success was achieved.

The concept was something she simply had not considered happening, at least until she had earned some money of her own, thus it was entirely understandable she didn't grasp their meaning sooner; at least that's what Jessica told herself.

They... want me to buy... furniture... and things?

A polite refusal was met with stubbornness, Rebate shaking his head before his voice took on a formal tone. Whatever was said sounded official, the names of the princesses and her own quoted several times, along with... well, a lot of stuff Jessica wasn't sure she would understand even if she was fluent in their language. Ultimately however she got the idea that this was non-negotiable, but owing others more than she already did, didn't sit well with her.

Jewel however seemed right in her element, moving with confidence around the store before taking note of Jessica's apprehension. The kindly spoken words caught Jessica's ear, looking down but failing to understand more than a few words due to her lapse of attention. Trying again, this time with the mare's words spaced out, any misunderstanding was quickly eliminated before her intent was clear. Well, mostly eliminated any issues, it only took three attempts to completely understand what was being asked, which Jessica had to concede was not bad at all.

"What do I like...?" The thought was not something she had really any incentive to dwell on since arriving. She loved the clothing that the unicorn had made for her, that much was certain. But as for furniture, decorations and the like, that was something she really didn't pay much attention to, even before being thrown into this world. When her entire life up until her arrival in this world was study, practicing singing or hanging out with her friends, well it seemed home decoration wasn't really a concern.

The small surge of roiling blackness that pulled at her gut upon remembering what she had lost was pushed down with significant mental effort, instead focusing on Posh and Sparkle looking in her direction. A glance to the side made Jessica aware that Flitter and Rainbow were having a vibrant discussion over which item was better, the picture or the table. Deciding to leave them to it least she get dragged in by proxy, Jessica instead let the two female unicorns lead her further into the store, Posh, Ebony and Bubbles accompanying.

What... do I like?

The question danced around her mind as she thought about this. She liked foxes, she enjoyed classical music, she loved children... none of which really translated well into furniture or interior design, well not as far as she could tell. Truth be told, having her mind distracted like this was actually something Jessica found herself thankful for, even if she felt more of a hindrance.

The fact she was here having to play interior design in the first place was not something she expected when she woke. Of course, being nibbled at by two enthusiastic bug-like foals was also not high on the 'how do you like to wake up' list. That thought made her smile slightly as she picked up a decorated shell. Offering the item for Ebony to glance at for her opinion, the resulting nose scrunch portrayed her friend's thoughts on the item clearly.

"Yes, I guess it is... tacky." Placing the shell back down, she instead looked at a lamp, poking the wooden pole before looking under the shade. A smooth crystal sphere was positioned where a light bulb would be, a gentle tap to the surface causing light to emit before another tap turned it off. Amused by this, far more than she really had any right to be, Jessica played with this function much to Bubbles and Ebony's mild amusement.

"Jessica." The sound of her name made her face in the direction of Posh, the pony was rubbing a hoof under her muzzle thoughtfully before looking up at Jessica with a raised brow. Before the mare was a small statue of a pegasus presumably singing, one hoof held to her chest as she lost herself to the song. Jessica felt the item looked, well if she was to be honest it wasn't exactly something she would use to decorate her room but...

I see... Posh thought I would like it due to the fact it's singing...

Her thoughts slightly disjointed, Jessica simply smiled and gave a nod. The gesture led to a smile from Posh, Sparkle calling out to the shopkeeper who snapped out of his daze to tally up the item. Noticing the look Posh had of finding something that Jessica... acted like she liked a little more than she truly did, she found herself coming to an idea.

Frowning as she tried to put into words what she wished to say, she found herself being patiently being looked upon, again glad for the company she now had the pleasure of being with. Espa peeked out from under her mother's wing, having been put upon her hooves when Jessica decided to play with the lamp, the filly getting bored after the first minute or so.

"~P-Please pick?~" After a few unsuccessful tries she eventually got the words out, unsure if they were pronounced correctly but was rewarded with looks of comprehension. Jessica had to admit she was thankful for the manners lesson Fleur had snuck in one morning. Being able to show gratitude, to say she was sorry or to ask nicely were all things she was certainly grateful to know. Her request however had caused indecision among the equines, Sparkle seeming adamant it must be her choice.

A head shake was given as Jessica smiled softly, she now knew what she wanted. She didn't wish to choose, not because she was indecisive but if her suspicions were correct, she wanted items to be reflected by those she had gotten to know. Three words passed her lips to sum it up, "~want friends pick.~"

Looks were shared among the equines until a few small smiles tugged at their muzzles, a conceding nod given by Sparkle as Jewel offered a small laugh, rather amused by Jessica's earnest desire. Despite her wishes, they still looked for her approval on any item they picked, although only one was denied. She was pretty sure Dusk was teasing when she tried to persuade her to get a picture of two mares kissing, the reaction alone from Ebony appeared to be worth it from the guard.

And... Rainbow finds it amusing too I see.

Eventually they left the shop with a noticeably lighter coin bag in hand before crossing the street into another store, then another. Unsure just how much she had bought, or where all of it was going to be put, she let Jewel handle most of the colors and schemes; the unicorn obviously knew what was going on after all. One item Jessica did pick herself though, a bed sheet of forest green flowing into black, the colors reminding her of Ebony's natural form. Jewel picked up on this with a small sly smile as the unicorn, despite her slight animosity towards the currently disguised pegasus, added a few more of the same color scheme to the mix.

Finally however, Sparkle and Jewel seemed satisfied, a checklist the lavender unicorn had tugged from one of her saddlebags receiving a final tick down one of its columns. Surprisingly, every shop so far had seemed initially hesitant of Jessica until spying the currency she was in possession of after which point they acted as if they had been childhood friends.

I guess no matter the world, money talks...

Just as they were leaving the last shop something caught Jessica's eye. Pausing much to the confusion of the equines with her she moved over to a far wall, drawn to a particular item. The object of her attention hung on the wall, moving a hand forward so her fingers pressed gently to the dark silky fabric, eyes roaming over the silver trim. It was a banner, but it wasn't particularly what it was that had intrigued her, rather it was the symbol that swum within the darkness on its surface.

I know that...

Reaching up she removed her hair pin, holding it up against the banner to compare. Part of the design consisting of sapphires very strongly resembled the symbol upon the fabric, the very same symbol that was the tattoo upon Luna's hind quarters. How she had not noticed until this point she was not sure, but it seemed the symbol Jewel had added to everything crafted for her was, at least a portion of it a least very close to Luna's mark.

A small part of Jessica considered it was perhaps instead a tattoo they had created for her. That idea itself was... interesting but she still strongly suspected it was merely Jewel's designer tag. Fastening the pin back into her hair she heard a voice to her side, the white unicorn looking up at the design, her blue eyes sparkling with mirth.

"~Luna.~" Jewel gestured to the banner with a hoof, then pointed to the symbol upon her skirt, the new nickname Jessica was now accustomed to when they didn't use her real one accompanying the gesture.

So... the symbol relates to this does it? They don't sound anything alike though...

Lost in her thoughts, Jessica was a little stunned when the banner was gently rolled up and levitated over to the pile of other goods. Noticing the color of the aura which had moved it, she looked at Jewel only to receive a small knowing smile in reply, a dismissive wave of the hoof silencing any complaint before it could be voiced. Now knowing better than to argue with the unicorn she instead offered a small smile, she could at least show she was grateful if unable to dissuade Jewel.

As they left, Rainbow seemed to remember something, moving to nudge Espa gently with a wing. With a loud gasp the young unicorn quickly moved to stand before Jessica, puffing her chest out and leading the way with Scar and Stoic, smiles being given at the filly. Upon entering the street Jessica found herself amazed by a couple of things.

There was of course the addition of a large cart which now had a significant number of purchased items within, each one just compounding on Jessica's guilt of how much she owed people now, or... more accurately, what she owed ponies now. She knew from their reassurances that they had not expected anything back but, that was not how she liked to live her life. Were her mother still alive she would have been horrified had Jessica thought any other way. No, Jessica would find a way to repay them, before she found a way back to her world... somehow.

Once more finding herself grasping at seemingly hopeless straws she instead came to the second rather impressive observation. The minotaur was still standing where they had initially left him, but this time holding something in his fist. A check at the sun indicated they had been gone at least a few hours, but Jessica was finding that method of time keeping unreliable at best. Celestial bodies in this world appeared to move under their own rules of physics.

A challenging tone and lowered eyebrow from Rainbow caused the bull-man to look a little startled, his eyes roaming over their group before they focused on Jessica once more. Suddenly rather nervous she took a step back, Ebony moving before her while the guards took up defensive positions around her. A crowd had also begun to gather, almost anticipating whatever would occur with such a large minotaur waiting for the group, and of course... herself being an oddity as it was.

The minotaur, or Mino as Jessica's addled brain tossed out a nickname haphazardly, spoke up then cleared his throat before trying again. Whatever he said caused Rainbow's jaw to drop, an expression followed quite rapidly throughout the group. Even Stoic's mouth was partially agape although he recovered significantly faster than the others.

Unsure what the fuss was about, although she was pretty certain she heard heart... and some other confusing words thrown in, Jessica blinked as Sparkle carefully repeated what he said, a hoof gesture given in Jessica's direction. One of the goats accompanying Mino looked like he wished to be anywhere but this current location, almost as if he was embarrassed by the context.

Just... what are they talking about?

Espa, one of the only equines not to look completely taken back by Mino's words trotted slightly forward, her inquisitive young voice sounding out in a questioning tone. Jessica picked up enough to get the meaning, the Filly asking if the minotaur was sure, and a repeating of the word Jessica assumed was 'really?'

Contrary to what his size, physique and loud tone of voice would indicate, Mino bend down and talked rather tenderly to Espa, giving her a thumbs up. Whatever he had just clarified caused various reactions among not only the group, but also the crowd starting to gather around. Several flashes from cameras were produced, and several notepads being scribbled upon as what Jessica presumed were journalists had finally found her.

She knew she would normally be scared, but right now her brain was struggling with the minotaur before her and his... rather bizarre actions. That wasn't even getting started on the context of his words that Jessica could pick up on.

Rainbow for her part was suddenly laughing uproariously, rolling around on the ground as her back legs kicked sporadically into the air. Flitter on the other hand was burning red along her muzzle, casting a look between Jessica and Mino with soft utterances from her voice. Dusk, unsurprisingly was joining Rainbow in her amusement while Posh remained with jaw hanging, a reaction Jewel still had not recovered from.

Scar and Stoic exchanged glances, a raised eyebrow shared between while Bubbles was looking to have to explain what was said to Espa, the mare's cheeks turning red under grey fur.

... I don't... I don't think I want to know.

Sparkle took the initiative while Rebate had an uneasy expression, talking to the journalists as they continued scribbling down notes. Whatever the unicorn mare discussed towards Mino led to a perplexed look to develop upon the bull-man's face, Jessica now noticing what was held in his left hand was in fact... a bouquet for flowers.

Slowly the facts became entwined as she listened in on not only Mino and Sparkle conversing, but the scattered comments amidst the laughter from Rainbow. Putting together her small knowledge of their language, plus her experience of listening in and implied meanings of words led to some understanding. There was also the experience she had with males of her own species to base the body language off. All in all the answer was clear.

He fancied her.

It was about that point that her mind, which at the best of times was rebellious decided it wasn't going to have any part of this and clocked out. The sheer idea was ludicrous, something in her wildest dreams she never thought would occur was now happening in real life. A creature from mythology was trying to give her flowers. Her thoughts grew muddied as she stood there, her depression, her anger at her predicament, her helplessness all pushed aside as one thought slowly dominated the inside of her head.


It was not the most intelligent thing that had ever crossed her mind, but right now the reality of what was occurring was just, too outlandish. Jessica was confused how he even found her attractive or if it was some strange minotaur custom to throw yourself at the first bipedal vaguely minotaur like female you saw. For one, she lacked horns, hooves, fur, pretty much anything that would define her as a cow, or-

You know what, not dwelling on it. I am not comparing myself to a cow.

Jessica dismissed the train of thought before she was a drooling mess on the pavement, now watching as Mino looked thoroughly put out at Sparkle's words. Jessica's attention was next drawn down to Ebony before her, the pegasus looking equal parts baffled and protective. Wings were spread and her posture was lowered, body language leaning into the protective category. The fact her face was a mixture of complete and utter confusion with disgust leaned more into the baffled part.

Eventually however things simmered down. Mino rubbed the back of his head, having a chuckle while finally noticing the scene he had created as Sparkle issued a small sigh of relief. Rainbow and Dusk eventually stopped their laughter, although a look at the flowers Mino held only set them off again immediately after. Sighing, and realizing this was going to go no-where otherwise, Jessica offer a small smile.

"~No understand.~" Jessica's tone was one of uncertainty which led to several murmurs from within the crowd and a confused look from the minotaur. Suddenly his left arm shot out at almost comical speeds, the bouquet being held tightly in his fist as he spoke clearly, his booming voice confident despite his body language. Feeling a little sorry for him, despite the complete absurdity of what at that very moment was happening she continued, "~my name is Jessica, thank you.~

Receiving the flowers from his shaking hand, she offered a small uncertain smile hoping she had done the right thing. She didn't want him to think she was interested, but at the same time the prospect of a spurned minotaur on a rampage was something she was keen to avoid. He seemed placated by the acceptance of his flowery gift, Ebony on the other hand was bristling much to her confusion.

Jewel for her part seemed to notice this, one eyebrow raised and Jessica was almost certain there would be teasing involved like Dusk and Rainbow; she was most surprised when instead the unicorn gave a small smile and looked away, her attitude towards Ebony thawing somewhat. Jessica didn't get long to think over what she had just witnessed or try to understand her friend's actions, instead she watched the Minotaur wander over to the cart.

What is he...?

A questioning tone was given, Jessica picking up surprisingly well what he intended to do before he even did it. Sparkle gave a mute nod while Bubbles lowered herself, allowing Espa to ride upon her back between spread wings as she watched Mino. With a design looking to be pulled by two equines, the minotaur instead pushed it with ease, uttering some random comment about no pain and no something else, Jessica unable to pick up the last part.

Flitter now relaxed if only ever so slightly, cautiously conversing with the minotaur as he pulled the cart, the group making their way back towards the castle. The crowd parted quickly, most likely out of fear for Mino rather than herself, something Jessica was very un-used to. Thankful for the diversion of attention, she tried to make small talk with Bubbles and Posh, her limited vocabulary at least allowing some form of communication.

Posh seemed quite pleased at her progress, Sparkle joining in as they made their way back into the gates and relative safety from the persistent journalists. Somewhere along the line however the flowers went missing from her loose grip, Ebony on the other hand maintained an aura of innocence much to Jessica's suspicions.


Mino had left after depositing the cart, his eyes lingering on Jessica a little longer than she liked although he gave a full bow upon realizing his error. Giving a sheepish and clearly nervous smile in return, she wondered just how much of an issue this infatuation with her would cause. Had she somehow done something to earn his attention, and how could she possibly reverse whatever damage had been done?

Any attempt to find out from Jewel, or Sparkle was met with a wistful sigh from one and a clearly equally baffled reaction from the other. Figuring she might ask Luna in her dreams later instead, she followed the group inside and upstairs, Rebate headed off to another section once up the first flight, mumbling under his breath as he handled the left over coins in his magical grasp.

Slightly confused as to his mannerisms, Jessica peeked back outside a window seeing various equines working on moving the cart, prepping the items for something. Rather confused as to what was currently happening, she found her attention drawn down the hallway once they neared the bedrooms. Various pillows, cushions, food items, confetti and something’s that Jessica didn't even know what, were currently being cleaned up by the castle staff. More of concern to everyone in the group was that the two guards were not situated outside her door.

Did... did Sunny actually lock them up?

Growing alarm for Tala and Mayari built, the emotion perplexing her but was added to the already large pile of 'think about later'. The three guards seemed to mirror her concern as they approached her room. Opening the door they found nothing, no Minder, no children, and no foal-sitters. Just as the group was growing unsettled the assembled equines' ears began to flick, drawing them further down the hallway leaving Jessica no option but to follow.

The large room situated at the end had its doors closed, but as she approached she could start to pick up what the others must have heard when they were further back, music. The harmonious sound of a harp with flute accompaniment, beautiful and yet slow and calming in the notes being played.

Scar moved first, opening the door with his teeth before peeking his head inside. A small smile was directed back at the group before he held a hoof before his muzzle, indicating quiet. Slowly everyone moved in, the sight that greeted them making Sparkle in particular look shocked before a smile pulled along her mouth.


Jessica smiled as she took in what her eyes were telling her, Harpy and Flute were playing their instruments while in the center of the room amidst a pile of pillows and various other items were two clearly exhausted mares. Pinky and Shades were flopped over the impressive mound, and by the sounds coming from their mouths clearly asleep.

... Is adorable.

Fleur was seated off to the side, quietly reading a book, a smile given at the arrival of the others with the gesture also given by the two playing musicians. A glance behind her gave Jessica an idea where the pegasus and stallion guards were located, beside the doorway giving a salute and possible debriefing to Scar. A search for Minder found the bug-like mare already near Ebony both now 'talking' in their silent fashion.

Yet the cutest sight of all was Sunny, lying down with a picture book and more importantly, resting between her forelegs were the sleeping forms of Tala and Mayari. The princess looked up, offering a smile to Sparkle who trotted over to talk with the royal hybrid, careful to keep her voice down. Ebony seemed hesitant upon seeing where the insectile-foals were resting before exhaling and offering a small fanged smile, relaxing as Sunny slowly got to her hooves.

As pleasantries were exchanged, Posh wandered over to the pillow pile only to endearingly push Shades off, thus causing the mare to tumble onto the floor in an undignified heap. Waking up in agitation, now sans her eyewear, Shades was greeted with an embroidered pillow being shoved into her face, Posh looking rather annoyed for some reason.

A sheepish grin was the gesture given by Shades before Posh emitted a sound of restrained irritation and walked out of the room, the pillow held tightly within her mouth. Awkward silence filled the room right up to a loud angry scream filtering from further down the hallway, Shades' loud gulp made the owner of the fury quite obvious. Placing her eyewear back on, she slowly made her way out of the room, Rainbow giving a salute and kind words as if seeing a person off to a death sentence.

Although, by how angry Posh sounded... poor Shades.

Waken by the commotion and the cessation of the soothing melody, the two foalings awoke with soft chirps. Noticing the legs where they were hunkered down had migrated from their position they instead sleepily looked about, taking in everything they had missed while slumbering. Upon spying Jessica, Ebony and Espa had returned they perked up immediately, scrambling quickly along the floor to chirp excitedly as they bounced around Jessica and Ebony's legs.

Jewel couldn't hide her adoration of their activities, Sunny taking a moment to speak quietly to Sparkle, a checklist or three tugged from one of the unicorn's bags to give to the princess. Satisfied, Sunny left giving a few fond words towards the group and Jessica in particular.

"~Thank you," was what Jessica gave in reply, a bashful smile on her face as Sunny regarded the chirping bundles bouncing around her feet with an amused expression. The princess commented with her soft voice towards Ebony and Minder before heading down the hallway, several upper-class looking equines moving to intercept her. As Sunny disappeared around a corner with her entourage, Jessica couldn't help but feel sorry for the hybrid.

It was almost as if she was in here to hide from those equines... but, she's a princess so that can't be right.

Insistent chirping made Jessica look down, two pairs of glowing blue eyes regarding her expectantly. Ebony had taken the chance to sneak away and talk with Sparkle, Jewel and Minder, and with cheeky smile given back in Jessica's direction it made her very aware her friend knew exactly what she was doing by distancing herself. Pinky at that point slowly stirred among the pillow pile, a loud yawn and crick of the back followed by excitement as she saw everyone had returned.

Before Jessica could realize what was going on, Espa had been poked on the nose with a pink hoof as the once more rejuvenated mare bounced around the room until making her way past Jessica. For just the slightest of seconds, she saw Pinky give her a reassuring smile before the manic grin returned, bouncing down the hallway with Espa now in close pursuit. Tala and Mayari both emitted loud chirps, chasing after the other filly as what Jessica assumed was a game of tag was initiated.

Harpy soon followed, Bubbles accompanying her while Minder suddenly realized her charges had left and took off in hot pursuit. Surprisingly Rainbow had not gone with them, instead spying the pile of downy comfort with a desiring glance. Swooping up to hover above her target, the pegasus landed with a muffled thump sending several pillows across the floor before getting comfortable.

Not even two seconds later a purple scaled dragon dragged himself out from under the pile, answering the random thought of where Spike had gotten off to. Looking at Rainbow as if expecting an apology he was bitterly disappointed as the pegasus was already snoring, sprawled upon her back with nary a care in the world.

Grumbling to himself Spike made his way over to Sparkle, joining in their conversation. Upon seeing the small dragon the mare smiled and started dictating, Spike commencing to happily take down her words with his always impressive speed at writing and a handily provided quill pen and sheet of paper.

Well... at least he isn't hurt.

Several sheets of paper later and Sparkle appeared satisfied with how many notes had been created, Spike shaking his left claw rapidly indicating just how he felt about the whole venture. Given only a handful of equines remained in the room, and of course Spike, Fleur then decided it would be a perfect chance to continue Jessica's lessons. Unsurprisingly, Sparkle was delighted with this idea although Flute chose to instead go and get Posh, which given how she had left, Jessica decided was clearly the more dangerous of the options.

Eventually Posh made her way back in, appearing at least to be more externally calm than when she had left. Jessica found herself somewhat concerned for Shades, however looking down the hallway eased her fears if only slightly. Flute seemed to be dealing with the mare, although Jessica did find herself somewhat concerned that even an equine probably shouldn't fit that much of a cushion in its mouth.

Don't get Posh angry... check.

Flitter and Jewel excused themselves, and from what Jessica could gather from what was said, they were off to sort out what had been purchased today. Still curious as for the need for the items, she instead moved some furniture around the room to make some space. Sparkle and Fleur assisted and soon Jessica let them take over, given their use of magic they were far better suited to rearranging. Ebony after a moment’s pause decided to aid them after returning to her true form, green magic moving benches and items around causing both other unicorns to look confused before a smile was shared between.

Soon, despite the lack of Ledger, things were going well. Even the snoring sounds of Rainbow from where she slumbered failed to disrupt the lesson. Jessica was now resolved to learn the language, more than ever before. She could put it down to the fact Starswirl managed to do it on her world, and wishing to prove herself better than him. She could have even put it down to now she had no way of knowing to get back, thus she would need to be at least partially fluent.

Even just saying she wished to have a conversation with those she had gotten to know, and perhaps surprise Red and Apple by being able to talk to them would have sufficed.

The real reason however was something she found herself slightly bewildered by, not expecting it to be the driving force towards her new dedication. The reason, or reasons were preceded by their loud chirps, both running on tiny legs back into the large room. Tala and Mayari bounced about, the lesson coming to an abrupt pause as the three teachers were evidently struck by the young bug-like foals' antics. Scar and Stoic by the door just watched on, Scar hiding a small grin as Dusk flattened her ears, almost in reflex on their appearance.

Jessica was certainly not immune to their charm, watching as they approached Ebony and the three of them communicated in their silent way. Soon however Tala was fidgeting before moving over to Jessica, the foal's more timid side giving her away before she was chirping up towards Jessica where she sat upon a bench. Slipping from her seat she moved to the floor, instantly finding her lap claimed while Mayari seeing where her sibling had gone bounced over as well to nuzzle against Jessica's hand until she was picked up.

Jessica couldn't lie to herself anymore, she had grown attached to these two foalings. Feeling the warmth flow from within feeding their bellies emptied from the day’s activities, she found a heartfelt smile touch her lips. She wanted to learn the equine language to be able to tell them how happy they made her. Even if it was selfish, even if they could do without her and she was simply an alien in their world.

They make me feel wanted, make me feel needed.

She wanted to say how special they were to her. Jessica found it a little amusing in an odd way, she had only met them initially after being stolen by the older ones and from what she could gather, it was their desperation to feed these two that made them do it. That thought had led to her forgiving the others, seeing them on her lap gazing up at her with their happy chirps, she could see what had driven them to such extremes. Granted she still wasn't happy about it, but she could not fault them.

It had been only a few days, even less that she had truly spent time with them. In the remarkably well furnished dungeon was one thing, but with them alone, or with Minder and Ebony it was... their little faces and reactions made something inside of her almost ache, but in no way negatively.

She was being selfish she decided, they seemed to require her to be fed but it was more than that. She realized as one of them gave a large fang filled yawn how much they had wriggled into her heart.

I... Have I really fallen for these two? They're not even my species, they're probably Minder's babies or even perhaps Ebony's and here I am... wanting...

Depression nibbled at her senses before banished with a concerned chirp directed upwards. With the two so close they, like Ebony could sense her emotions.

"I'm okay, really..." A smile was added to her words as Ebony sat against her side, cool chitin pushing to her bare shoulder as the mare leaned over to nuzzle the one in her arms affectionately. Jessica cast a glance at her friend, still somewhat curious if these were her children or not, on one hand Minder would be the more likely candidate due to how often she fret, but they seemed to defer to Ebony and almost idolize her.

"~'Jessica' be okay.~" Jessica switched to the equine tongue, knowing she should do so at every opportunity to help learn, the words causing Ebony to give a small smile.

"~'Ebony'-... no... -leave... 'Jessica'~" Ebony's words were beyond Jessica's comprehension to understand the sentence, but she found herself able to grasp at least the basic context of what was being communicated. A smile came easily to Jessica's lips, leaning her shoulder gently to the equine as she booped Tala softly on the nose with a finger, a chirp and attempted playful nip at the digit the foaling's response.

She felt warmth pull from inside, noticing now everyone watching the two of them with varying expressions. Sparkle, Posh and Fleur were watching on, a soft sound escaping their lips as they seemed to find the scene adorable. Dusk for her part was offering a satisfied smile, a glance over at Scar making the other guard exhale, his wing bending at impossible angles to flick out three coins from a slip in the armor. Jessica was understandably confused by this as Dusk walked over to the other guard, grinning all the while and slipping the currency into her own dark chest plate.

While baffled by this interaction, Jessica smiled as Stoic gave her a small nod. Movement behind the guards alerted her to two new additions, Luna and Minder also observing. The princess had a knowing smile upon her muzzle, Minder however looked on stunned before she seemed to come to a realization, the more shy bug-like mare watching the scene before her with a hopeful expression

A small gagging noise brought her attention to Spike who currently had a claw pointed at his mouth. That was until Sparkle bapped him with one of the several completed scrolls, the dragon huffing before giving a small grin instead. Rainbow meanwhile, well she snored but that was probably for the best Jessica decided, otherwise Ebony would have probably been teased for whatever reason the pegasus found delight in doing so for.

With the two foalings enjoying Jessica's and Ebony's attention, not to mention claiming the former's lap and arms as their own, they seemed blissfully unaware of everyone watching them, nor the impact they were having on several equines' heartstrings.

For now however she was content, right up until a playful shout was heard from where the others had left in their game of tag. Ledger in his haste flew past the princess and Minder, his hooves in a blur, probably not even noticing how close he came to taking out the royal hybrid. The reason for his speed was Pinky with Espa riding on her back in a rather awkward position, the small filly holding a large cardboard tube like a lance in her magical grip.

Pinky was snorting and rearing up like a warhorse, if... warhorses were pink, hyperactive and admittedly slightly adorable in their mannerisms. Luna for her part looked slightly sheepish, and Jessica had a sinking suspicion exactly what had occurred to bring this about. Pinky and her diminutive rider moved past Minder and Luna, searching for their prey as the bookish stallion had managed to find what could generously be considered a hiding place, although one that was a little wanting in its effectiveness.

I... think they might find him there.

It was even more evident exactly what Luna had done when a more amusing sight presented itself. There was not a single straight face in the room when Flute staggered in, Luna biting her lower lip to stop from laughing although going off the strain on the mare's face it was a rather tough battle. Upon Flute's back was Harpy, a longer cardboard tube acting as her lance held within her aura.

She just had to tell them about what she saw didn't she...

Flute was clearly not having much luck being Harpy's warhorse, possibly due to the fact he was only ever so slightly larger than her. The female unicorn's positioning was also rather awkward as it was pretty evident that while Espa looked adorable doing it, Flute and Harpy just looked...


Laughter broke out much to Flute's dismay, clearly not a willing participant in whatever scheme had brought this situation to fruition. Harpy had the good grace to look suitably bashful, even as Dusk fell onto her side unable to keep her laughter in check. The three teachers were trying just as hard as Luna to keep their amusement in place, but it was clearly a losing battle.

Scar however was having a hearty chuckle, and even Ebony was laughing as she took in the sight. So preoccupied with the appearance of the two adults trying to play knight and warhorse, Jessica was only alerted to the other event that had brought them in when a loud yelp was given. Turning her head she noticed Ledger being poked repeatedly with Espa's cardboard lance while Pinky made her best attempts at acting like a warhorse.

I guess hiding behind a bench is not the best hiding place all things considered, poor Ledger.

Bubbles arrived, flying into the room only to blink at the scene presented to her. By the look on the mare's face she had only just gotten over the amusement of Harpy and Flute, Shades however trailing behind still found it suitably laughter inducing, especially with the addition of Ledger's plight. Spike meanwhile was having a completely different reaction, his eyes had gone as big as saucers as he took in the sight, the young dragon looking excited as he pleaded up towards Sparkle.

The mare, removed from her giggles for the moment seemed to consider before relenting, smiling and a consenting nod following. Jessica watched with bemusement as Spike ran over to Scar, his voice unable to contain his excitement as the guard looked thoughtful before lowering himself, allowing the giddy dragon to climb on board. A levitated cardboard tube was presented to Spike in a pink aura, Sparkle smiling with another small nod as he gripped it in his claws with relish.

Rearing up and kicking at the air with his front hooves Scar made a rather convincing steed. Although his actions were clearly for theatrics as Dusk spoke in a teasing tone, Jessica almost positive she also heard the word for brother being used in his direction which she would mull over later. Stoic however just gave the barest hint of a grin watching as Scar took to the air, the guard taking mischievous pleasure as Ledger gave a strangled scream at the new airborne threat.

His pleading voice was directed towards Luna who looked thoughtful before replying, and from what Jessica could make out the mare was implying that he had better run or he would get caught rather easily. Getting no help from the princess, and seeing the ~changelings~ in the room seemed to be the cincher for the stallion. He clambered over the bench and made a break for it, Scar moving in hot pursuit as Spike gave a small battle cry trying to poke Ledger whenever given the chance.

Pinky, not to be outdone reared up again and took off after her quarry, Espa giggling all the while. Flute, well despite Harpy's insistence that he give chase immediately, turned and plodded off at a pace Jessica's old pet turtle would have overtaken with ease. Rainbow, finally waking despite the fiasco that had just occurred opened her eyes to take in the sight presented to her. Which just so happened to be when Flute's body finally gave into the laws of physics and he collapsed, the two equines unceremoniously tumbling in a heap down the hallway.

To the surprise of no-one, Rainbow didn't stop laughing for quite a while.


After the events of the day, Jessica found herself exhausted. Yet she didn't wish to sleep, to try and sleep would allow time to think, time to think would lead to questions, and the questions...

Am I stuck here forever, will I ever get home...

The others were already asleep, Jessica having woken in the night and slipped out of her room as was almost becoming a reoccurring ritual for her now. Minder seemed to notice her leaving, although Jessica was positive Dusk and Ebony were well aware of her absence whenever it occurred. A reassuring smile was given to the bug-like mare as the two foalings curled up on her pillow, moving against each other for comfort in their slumber.

Making her way down the hallway she was as usual accompanied with Scar and Stoic, the other two guards seeming to have vanished earlier in the day. Jessica's attempts at questioning their location was met with shared looks and hesitant replies only added to the mystery. Hoping they had not done anything wrong or been punished, but for now she had dropped the matter for the time being.

Tonight however Jessica had many things on her mind. Glad for Scar and Stoic's company she desperately didn't wish to be alone, to be allowed to mull over matters without anyone present. Walking through two doors to access the balcony she moved to lean against the railing. Her gaze turned skyward, watching the starlit heavens as teams of pegasi worked to move clouds into position, the idea of rain making her smile.

Am I really stuck here?

The thought pulled up from her thoughts unbidden, unwelcome as she exhaled. Starswirl had certainly not offered any alternatives, and she found herself growing angry at him once more. Fingers tightened on the cold stone before she released the railing, the anger bleeding away at the futility of such a gesture. He was dead, gone, but what he had done, what his actions had brought about remained. Her... her in this world that was not her own.

Watching the stars slowly be obscured by the cloud cover she heard metallic hooves clop beside her, Stoic moving to also rest his front hooves on the railing. A small smile was offered her way as the two of them observed the waterfall cascading down the mountain, the lights twinkling down in the city below.

A slight wince crossed Jessica's features as she realized somewhere down there was a crazed bull-man who seemed to find her attractive, or at least that was what she presumed by his actions and words. She was sure he was a nice enough guy, but she wasn't really... interested in him that way, let alone having just met him. Her brain, for whatever sadistic reason it concocted this time took delight in pointing out the old saying, sometimes you have to take the bull by the horns.

And... thank you for that mental image. And there goes any chance of me attempting to sleep tonight.

Trying to purge the picture that was stubbornly refusing to dissipate, she instead noticed Luna trot into the courtyard accompanied by a male white unicorn with a blonde mane and tail. By the way he carried himself he was clearly nobility, his tone full of agitation as he addressed the dark princess in a casual fashion, lacking any reverence usually given to Sunny or Luna. Scar seemed to make his thoughts clear on what he thought of the stallion, a snort coming from his nostrils before he gave a sheepish grin towards Jessica, embarrassed for letting his emotions show.

Somewhat curious now, Jessica leaned further over the railing to observe, watching as Luna took a resolute stance against the stallion, this action only leading to agitate him further. Not wishing to interrupt she was about to move from the balcony when she was noticed, the unicorn gesturing with a hoof up at her and raising his voice accordingly.

What... what did I do?

Confused she was comforted by Scar and Stoic, the two shaking their heads to ease her concerns. However it was when a certain nickname was used that Scar's jaw set, not to mention Stoic's eyes narrowed as the word filtered through the air like a dirty curse. Scar looked ready to leap over the balcony and let his hooves do the talking before Luna's voice cut through the night.

The volume of her voice had not raised any, but her tone was ice cold and directed at the stallion who realized he had crossed a line. Backing up a step he seemed slightly caught off guard as Luna's eyes narrowed to slits, her frost lined words steeped in wrath the likes of which made Jessica uneasy, even if it was not directed at her.

What else did he say to make Luna so angry? That name... it can't be bad enough to cause her to act this way... can it?

The unicorn tried feebly to offer some form of counter but that was almost dead in his throat before he managed to speak the words, little more than a squeak at the anger displayed by the princess. With a wing pointing in Jessica's direction, Luna's voice became demanding, the male unicorn swallowing before looking up in her direction as well.

He spoke, if a little hesitantly but it was clearly apologetic even if the tone never quite reached his eyes. Luna seemed to notice this and spoke once more, her voice almost acidic as the stallion tucked his tail between hind legs, backing up a few steps. Jessica had never seen this side of Luna before and she was, admittedly rather intimidated even when the hostility wasn't even remotely directed in her direction.

A soft squeak of compliance was given by the unicorn before Luna's mood changed as if a switch was flipped, her tone cordial as the unicorn seemed to realize he had other places to be. Cantering off at a brisk pace he vanished into another side of the castle, Luna looking up to smile at Jessica and her two guards, a gesture offering them to come join her.

Eventually making her way down through the flights of stairs and hallways, she found Luna waiting patiently under a tree, one wing spread for Jessica to sit under if she so desired. Somewhat unwilling to not take the offer after what she had just seen, she sat down promptly, Scar and Stoic hovering nearby as Jessica fiddled with her bracelets nervously. She had put them back on for a very special reason, plus they had belonged to her mother and offered some form of comfort, but the primary reason would have to wait for now.

The princess looked tired before she gave a long sigh, favoring Jessica with a smile as the wing tugged her closer. It was then she realized that the two of them, despite her own thoughts on Starswirl were the ones to witness his last moments, to carry his legacy. She felt a sense of selfishness pass over her, realizing she had been focusing on her own problems, as significant as they were and had not put much thought into how much Luna might be suffering.

He was her student wasn't he... even if it was a thousand or more years ago, how she reacted...

One of her arms moved about the mare, she could not offer much but the gesture was appreciated by Luna. It was then she spoke, the princess had become more fluent in Jessica's primary language over the past few days even more than Jessica had become in their language. Whether this was due to her ability to enter her dreams, or the princess studying somehow, it was evident that Luna was trying. Jessica figured a small part of it was due to her world being where Starswirl had been trapped, the hybrid wishing to learn more about it, not just for his sake though, but for Jessica as well.

"Starswirl student... sorry what did to Jessica... miss him." Luna seemed unwilling to talk in the equine tongue, almost as if afraid the others would hear. Part of Jessica realized that the princess was aware of how some of the others had reacted, Sparkle had taken the news the hardest other than Sunny and Luna, but the others... some had acted with anger towards Starswirl. Right or wrong, it was not what Luna needed right now and Jessica understood.

Her own feelings aside, she watched tears roll down the princess's cheek fur, Scar and Stoic respectfully turning around as they pretended not to notice.

"I... he seemed to like you a great deal, enough to do anything to see you again." Jessica offered, smiling slightly up at when Luna didn't quite grasp what she had said. While the mare was more proficient than herself at each other's language, neither could carry out a full conversation with ease. Offering another hug she felt Luna close her wing tighter about her, the mare offering a soft nuzzle into her hair. Jessica clarified in a way Luna could understand, "Jessica understand, he miss you too."

Putting her own hurt aside for the princess who had done so much for her, she felt liquid fall onto her cheek. Looking up she noticed Luna crying openly now, the mare trying to hide it but failing before the rain finally started to fall. Jessica leaned closer into her, continuing to offer what comfort she could as Luna tilted her head skywards, letting the water trickle through the trees and onto her face.

Jessica had done the same trick many times, the gesture either one Luna had picked up from her dreams or another small tidbit similar between the worlds. Tears mixed with rainwater, Luna's grief now partially hidden despite the small sobs she tried to contain. Jessica felt more guilt at realizing how much pain the mare had hidden inside to remain strong for her. The two of them the only ones who had seen it all, knew it all... the only one Luna could really share it with, the only one to experience it.

And yet, I am the one he hurt the most with his actions so she wouldn't feel right talking about it, ...but I'm not the only one hurting, she stuck by me, came to me even after learning what happened and comforted me despite... despite how much she must have been torn inside.

The rain itself was always bittersweet to Jessica, it always had been. She loved it despite the sad memory it held within, or possibly because of it. Now, here she was trying to comfort equine royalty within the raindrops, the creature responsible for teaching the one who did this to her, the one who's race had both treated her horribly and acted in ways of kindness she was still staggered at. The one who had helped her every step of the way, who had been there for her when she needed it, and despite everything was still aiding her.

As the smell of wet foliage and stone filled Jessica's nose she stayed beside Luna, keeping her company for as long as she was needed. They talked as best they could sporadically, Luna recounting several incidents with a mare called Clover that she recalled Starswirl mentioning, and Starswirl himself.

Despite the language barrier and several times having to switch between equine and Jessica's language to get a point or story across, there were a few laughs shared among the tears.

They did have some wonderful history together...

The two remained there until Luna composed herself, gesturing for Jessica to head back upstairs after she had explained to the mare what she intended to do. Luna had thought it a wonderful idea, touched by what Jessica was willing to sacrifice. The princess had also hinted at big news for Jessica in a couple of days’ time, along with the possibility of the others heading back around the same point.

Big news... I wonder what it could be, as for the others leaving...

The second bit of news hit Jessica hard, but at the same time it piqued her curiosity as the two bits of information given to her from Luna seemed to be intertwined. When pressed Luna was not forthcoming with any more information however, now back to her normal if slightly mischievous self, much to Jessica's relief despite her frustration at not knowing more. A hug was shared between the two before she made her way back inside.

Scar and Stoic followed behind, a quick flick of their wings and a shake removing most of the water from their coats and armor. Jessica felt a little bit of guilt for their current drenched situation while she was relatively dry, thanks to the tree and Luna's wing. Her offers of apologies were dismissed with a grin from Scar, Stoic however just being his usual self not seeming to mind at all.

Sighing, and relenting in her apologies, Jessica made her way to where she intended to go originally. Seeing the light on under one door she gently knocked, hoping she would not be a bother to the occupant. The door opened revealing Sparkle looking surprised as she sat upon her haunches in front of a desk, looking over a book while Spike slept upon one of the beds, a pair of earmuffs where his ear-spine-things were situated.

Jewel was also thankfully present, a sheet of paper on the desk quickly rolled up and hidden while a pleasant smile was given in her direction before Jessica could see what was upon it. Asking for permission to enter she found it granted with both mares giving no hesitation, Jessica walking inside as Scar and Stoic took up positions outside the door.

Good, they're both here.

Removing her bracelets she also removed a piece of paper she had hidden under her nightshirt, unfolding it to give her idea to Jewel, glad the mare was here preferring to ask her over Sparkle given her talents displayed so far. Placing the precious silver jewelry upon the paper she looked at the white unicorn with a bit lower lip. She knew she had no right to request what she had put forth, the mare having done so much for her already.

That is why she was surprised when Jewel and Sparkle shared a warm smile, the unicorn looking at her and asking if she was sure. Well, two attempts were given to ask this which is why Jessica had made sure to draw out what she had desired very clearly with several images. She didn't wish to try and communicate verbally and risk it being misinterpreted after all. A moment’s consideration was given as she trailed fingers over one of the bracelets, her mother's name etched into the inside of one, her own on the other.

"~Yes... please.~" She had made up her mind, it was something she desired to do, something she could do to start repaying her debt. While what she wanted would not actually repay anyone she actually owed, she felt who she was doing this for were deserving for how they had provided her something special that not even Espa could provide, or Ebony.

As Jewel nodded, taking the bracelets with reverent care within her aura, she nodded to Sparkle, both mares mentioning they would continue with whatever they were planning tomorrow before the white unicorn trotted off, the diagram being rolled up and carried along with. Surprised that Jewel was going to do as she desired immediately, she touched her wrists where the bracelets were, a sense of loss filling her but something else burning within her heart.

She knew it was the right choice to make even as she noticed the book Sparkle had open before her, the mare looking bashful as she noticed where Jessica was looking. Strange scribblings were beside symbols in the equine tongue, apparently pages upon pages of them in fact. A scant few however Jessica instantly recognised, they were written very poorly and spelt incorrectly, but they were words in Jessica's primary tongue.

"Want... learn... Jessica... talk." Sparkle's voice caught Jessica completely off guard as she felt her legs grow weak. First Luna was making extra-ordinary efforts to communicate with her, and now Sparkle seemed to have been studying in secret. It would explain why her light was on so late every night, a hollow feeling filling Jessica within.

It would explain why she seems to understand what I mean when I talk in my language more often than not... how did I not notice that?

How she had come about this information she didn't know, was it perhaps all the things Spike had been writing down, or perhaps Luna had been sharing information from within her dreams. Regardless of how, Jessica felt a little guilty of not putting even half as much effort into her own attempts to learn their language until today.

I have only been caring about my own issues... yet they are trying to make things easier for me, to help me every step.

Frowning, Jessica renewed her resolve from earlier that she would try her best from now on. The reality of the situation hitting her finally, if she could learn their language, she could research ways to get herself home and not rely on everyone as she had been. Sparkle seemed to note the change in her expression, offering a smile as she gestured to the place where Jewel had been previously, inviting her to remain.

"Help... learn?" Sparkle's mouth worked around the words in an awkward fashion, shaping the sounds about her tongue. Yet, Jessica could see the thirst for knowledge within the unicorn's eyes, she wanted to learn for her own benefit it seemed as much as to help Jessica. The thought made her smile as she gave a nod, tugging a small stool to sit upon the strangely shaped piece of furniture, obviously designed for equine anatomy and not a human.

After offering the guards outside a towel, that is where they both spent the next few hours, the unicorn and the human girl going over the book and trying to teach each other their languages. All the while Spike slumbered blissfully unaware behind them despite the occasional giggle emitted from the two females.