• Published 20th Apr 2013
  • 36,505 Views, 249 Comments

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic What If? - SuperPinkBrony12

A rewrite of a few Season 1, Season 2, and Season 3 episodes I felt could've been done differently. (WARNING: the rewrite choices are my personal opinion)

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S1E8 "Look Before You Sleep" (What If?)

It was a not so sunny day in the land of Equestria. A bunch of pegasi, including Rainbow Dash, were busy stacking rainclouds against the sky in preparation for an upcoming storm.

Several earth ponies and unicorns, as well as a few pegasi such as Fluttershy, were helping to prep the ground. This meant that all loose tree branches and twigs had to be removed.

Rarity however seemed more intrested in using her magic to create beautiful designs, rather then actually taking down the branches. "Ah, simply beautiful." she said to herself "And whoever said nature couldn't be pretty?"

She had little time to admire her work however as a lasso, courtesy of Applejack brought the branch Rarity had recently prettified crashing down. Applejack was, needless to say, furious. "For the love of Pete Rarity! Would ya'll kindly stop wasting time and bring down the branches? We don't have all day you know."

"Oh come on Applejack, I'm just trying to spruce these trees up a little." Rarity said "Just because they're trees doesn't mean they can't have nice branches."

"We don't have time to be worrying about how beautiful the trees look Rarity." Applejack said "If we don't take down all these branches before the storm hits then they'll be blown around, and they might damage something."

"I still don't see why the pegasi had schedule a storm for today and ruin what could've been a lovely late summer afternoon." Rarity said.

"Think more practical like will ya?" Applejack said "There have been notices posted at town hall about how the pegasi have been having trouble with their weather machine. Rainbow Dash told me they only now got it fixed and so in order to make up for all the scheduled downpours they needed a big storm like this one."

"Well I must have missed that memo." Rarity said "But I've been busy lately."

"Well if you're so busy then why did you come to help prep the park for the storm?" Applejack said "Wouldn't you rather stay inside and work on your fancy designs?"

"To tell you the truth I've kind of hit an artistic slump recently." Rarity said "I can't seem to come up with any ideas for a new fashion line and you know how demanding the fashion world can be."

"Still Rainbow Dash should've told you something." Applejack said "Now if you'll excuse me I've got work to do."

"But what about flooding?" Rarity asked "Wouldn't a storm like this overtax the rivers?"

"Don't you worry about that." Applejack said "The pegasi took the time to measure just how much rain the ground can hold. They even checked with The Mayor to make sure this storm wouldn't produce too much rain."

Applejack had no sooner spoken those words when there was a clap of thunder and the rain began to fall. "Oh great! Now it's starting to rain." Applejack said "Thanks to you I'm behind schedule. I've still got a few branches to take down."

"Not anymore." Rarity said as she used her magic to quickly trim each of the branches "There, problem solved."

"Why didn't you do that in the first place?" Applejack said.

Before Rarity could answer there was another clap of thunder, this time the shockwave was so powerful it prompted Applejack and Rarity to cling to each other. The wind started to pick up.

"We'd better find shelter." Applejack said nervously.

"And fast." Rarity replied.

(Title Sequence)

Applejack and Rarity quickly made their way out of the park. They knew it wasn't much of a safehaven. They raced into town as the winds continued to pick up and the rain began to pour harder and harder. Applejack struggled to hold onto her stentson hat.

"We've got to get inside somewhere!" Applejack shouted, the wind was so strong that shouting was the only way Rarity could hear her.

"Yes but where?" Rarity shouted back.

"Hey Applejack, Rarity! Over here!" a voice shouted. Applejack and Rarity turned to look and saw that the voice was coming from Twilight Sparkle. She was standing at the entrance to Sugarcube Corner.

Applejack and Rarity raced over and followed Twilight inside. Twilight then locked the door behind them.

"What are you doing at Sugarcube Corner Twilight?" Applejack asked.

"And where's Spike?" Rarity added.

Before Twilight could answer Pinkie Pie popped up from what seemed to be nowhere. "Oh I'm so glad you two could come I tried to pass out invitations but you weren't home I'm so so so glad you were able to make it we're going to have lots and lots of fun." She said in one breath.

"What ever are you talking about darling?" Rarity asked.

"It's Twilight's first slumber party, duh." Pinkie Pie said.

"Slumber party?" Applejack and Rarity asked.

"Yes. You see, I always wanted to have a slumber party when I was younger. But I never really had any friends until I came to Ponyville." Twilight explained "So this morning, while I was cleaning the library, I stumbled across this book called Slumber 101: All you ever wanted to know about slumber parties but were afraid to ask . And it gave me the idea to host my own slumber party. I talked with Pinkie Pie and she decided we'd host it right here at Sugarcube Corner."

"Twilight only thought Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy would be busy helping to set up the storm, so I tried to invite them, but I had no such luck." Pinkie Pie said "I'm just so glad you two could come. A slumber party's always better with more ponies."

"But that still doesn't explain why Spike's not here." Applejack "I thought he was your number one assistant."

"Oh you don't have to worry about Spike." Twilight said "Princess Celestia agreed to keep an eye on him while he's in Canterlot. You see, every so often the Princess requests that she borrow Spike, since he's the first dragon to live among ponies she has to make sure he's fitting in o.k."

"And don't worry about The Cakes, they're down in the basement watching T.V." Pinkie Pie said.

"T.V.?" Applejack asked.

"It's this new form of entertainment that somepony in Manehattan came up with." Rarity said.

"I know what it is." Applejack said "I was just surprised that Sugarcube Corner had one, that's all. I've been meaning to get one but they're just so darn expensive."

"Getting back to the topic at hoof." Twilight said "I hope I answered all your questions."

"You most certainly did." Rarity said.

"Yeah, and I suppose since this storm isn't going to die down anytime soon me and Rarity can stay." Applejack said.

"Rarity and I." Rarity said "Use proper English Applejack."

Applejack muttered something under her breath and cast Rarity a mean look.

"Oh, before we start I suppose I should I tell you that the Cakes would like to be left alone." Pinkie Pie said "So try to keep the noise down a little bit."

"We'll do our best, won't we Applejack?" Rarity asked as she turned to Applejack. Her tone of voice containing a hint of annoyance.

"Of course." Applejack said "As long as somepony doesn't get so fussy."

Rarity pretended she hadn't heard.

A short time later Twilight decided to kick off the slumber party with "mud masks." Of course she had to improvise as best as she could, but she seemed to do a pretty good job.

"I still don't see what the point of these things are." Applejack said.

"They're to help keep your face looking beautiful." Rartiy said.

"And these cucumbers are delicious." Pinkie Pie said, using her tounge to grab the cucumber slices off of the mask and stuff them into her mouth.

"Um I don't think the book says you're suppose to eat the cucumbers." Twilight said.

"Relax, you can't do everything by the book Twilight." Pinkie Pie said "It's your first slumber party so lighten up a little."

"I guess you're right." Twilight said. After another minute though she decided to check off mud masks and move on to makeovers.

"Who wants to go first?" Twilight asked.

"Me obviously." Rarity said "I love getting makeovers." Sure enough she was pleased with the look she received. Pinkie Pie went next and she and Twilight happily let Rarity style their manes although with Pinkie Pie's it soon went back to it's usual poofyness.

"This is so much fun." Pinkie Pie said.

"It's your turn Applejack." Twilight said.

"Oh it is is it?" Applejack asked nervously.

"Yes." Rarity said "After all it's what the book says and you certainly wouldn't want to ruin Twilight's first slumber party would you?"

"Well no but" Applejack said.

"But nothing." Rarity said "So come over here and let me style your mane."

Applejack reluctantly complied but the instant she felt Rarity remove her stentson hat she objected and grabbed hold of it. "There ain't no way I'm letting you take this thing off me." she protested.

"But Applejack I can't possibly style your mane if you wear that thing." Rarity said trying not to sound annoyed "It'll only be for a few seconds."

"No way no how." Applejack said "This was given to me by my pa, and I'll have you know it's something I hold very dear to me. I only take it off for special occassions, whenever I go to sleep, or when I'm practicing my rodeo jumps."

"Applejack you're going to ruin Twilight's very first slumber party." Rarity said "I can understand that hat is important to you but you really need to take it off. I promise you I won't ever ask you to remove it again."

"Do you mean it?" Applejack asked, she really wanted to believe Rarity but she had to make sure.

"Of course." Rarity said and with that she levitated the stentson off of Applejack's head and carefully hung up on a hat rack which Pinkie Pie had just so happened to pull out from seemingly nowhere.

Applejack sighed with reluctance as she allowed Rarity to style her mane. When Rarity was finished she brought a mirror over to Applejack and when Applejack looked she had to admit that she looked pretty darn good. She then grabbed her stentson hat from the rack and put it back on.

"See that wasn't so bad." Rarity said "You made too big a deal out of this Applejack."

"I am kind of sorry for that." Applejack said "But it's all I have left to remember my pa by and I really meant it when I said I hold it very dear."

"Oh I see." Rarity said "And I'm sorry I didn't warn you ahead of time. I probably should've asked before removing it."

"Ah that's o.k." Applejack said. But deep down part of her still held some resentment towards Rarity though she tried her best not to let it control her thoughts.

"Makeovers check." Twilight said crossing off another item on her checklist. "This slumber party is coming along nicely. Let's see next up is ghost stories."

"Ooh those aren't really my specialty." Pinkie Pie said.

"Then perhaps ya'll won't mind if I go first?" Applejack asked.

"Go ahead." Pinkie Pie said "Let's hear it."

"O.k. let's see here." Applejack said "I'd like to tell ya'll the tale of this very unusual ghost. Among ghosts she was infamous for her constant concern about fashion. Every night she'd spend at least an hour trying to decide what to wear. And of course she insisted that everything be done perfectly. Eventually her neatness got on the other ghosts nerves and they cast her out. But she swore she'd get revenge and she did so by cursing everyone who hated her, forcing their outfits to change every few minutes, whether they wanted them to or not. And to this day they say that her spirit lives on in the fashion world. Every few weeks she goes looking for somepony who shares her sense of neatness, and doesn't leave until everything is perfect. OooooOOwwoOOO! Sound familar Rarity?"

"Well I may know something about that." Rarity said "But I've got an even more unusal ghost story to tell. This one will blow Applejack's story out of the water. It's the rather intresting tale of this one ghost who never did anything the way the other ghosts did even when their methods were better. She always insisted that her way was best and that the others just weren't seeing things from her point of view. At last the other ghosts got fed up with her and sent her away. Oh but she didn't just leave willingly, no she made sure to get her revenge by cursing all the ghosts. From that night onward their methods of scaring others constantly changed. Some say her spirit still thrives and that she enjoys spending time with those who share her beliefs even if they are wrong. OooooOOwwoOOO! What do you think of that Applejack?"

"I'd say ya'll were just makin that up." Applejack said "Besides I think my story was better."

"You are forgetting Applejack that most ghost stories are made up." Rarity said "And how could your story possibly compare to mine?"

Before Applejack could reply the lights went out just as lightning struck. "Hey who turned off the lights?" Applejack asked.

"That was me." Pinkie Pie said "I'll turn them back on in a little bit but I'm setting the mood for Twilight's story."

"Thanks Pinkie." Twilight said as she used her magic to power a lantern. "I've got a Really scary story for you all tonight. It's called The Legend of The Headless Horse."

Applejack, Rarity, and even Pinkie Pie started to show signs of uncomfortableness although none of them would admit why.

"It all began on a night just like this one." Twilight said "And as it turns a few ponies were having a slumber party just like this one."

The story lasted for a little while. "And then, just when the last pony thought she was safe, there, standing just inches away, preparing to strike, was none other then, THE HEADLESS HORSE!" There was another flash of lightning and Twilight seemed to disapper, in her place was a headless horse. Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity screamed. Applejack and Rarity actually grabbed each other out of fright. "Fooled ya." Twilight said as she poked her out from under a blanket she had been using to cover her head, she chuckled slightly.

Pinkie Pie started laughing hysterically. Applejack and Rarity (who were still clinging to one another) were confused.

"Would ya'll mind tellin me what's so funny?" Applejack asked trying to not sound mean.

"For once I agree with Applejack darling." Rarity said.

"I've actually heard that story before." Pinkie Pie said.

"Then why were you screaming?" Applejack asked.

"Because sometimes it's just really fun to be scared." Pinkie Pie said.

"But you taught us to laugh at what scares us." Rarity said.

"I did but this is different." Pinkie Pie said and with that she hopped away and turned on the lights.

"I swear I'll never understand that Pinkie Pie." Applejack and Rarity said at the same time. Then they realized the position they were in and quickly broke off from it. They tried their best to act like nothing had happened and they hoped that noone had seen them.

"If anyone asks this never happened." Rarity said.

"My thoughts exactly." Applejack replied.

Twilight and Pinkie Pie seemed to not notice. "Ghost story check." Twilight said, she crossed yet another item off her list. "Now who wants smores?"

"Ooh me, me!" Pinkie Pie said excitedly.

"Smores do sound good right about." Rarity said.

"Same here." Applejack said.

"Good." Twilight said. She then flipped to the next page of the book which had a list of ingredients and step by step instructions on how to make the smores.

"Let me get the supplies." Pinkie Pie said. And in no time at all she had retrieved graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate bars.

"Wow that was fast." Twilight said. And as Applejack and Rarity joined her she proceeded to make the smores.

A minute later the smores were complete and ready to enjoy.

"Ooh these are good." Twilight said.

"Smores are one of my favorite foods. Alongside chocolate, candy, caramel, fudge, and anything sugary and sweet." Pinkie Pie said.

"Oh my Celestia these smores are delicious." Rarity said.

"They certainly are yummy." Applejack said in between bites.

"Uh Applejack darling not to sound rude or anything but you're kind of chewing with your mouth open." Rarity said.

"Oh sorry bout that." Applejack said and proceeded to close her mouth.

A few minutes later Twilight happily checked off smores. "Next up is truth or dare." she said "Who's going first?'

"Me." Applejack said "Now then I dare Rarity over here to put her mane under the water of the kitchen sink for a little bit."

"This isn't your twisted sense of revenge for the makeover is it?" Rarity asked.

"Maybe it is and it isn't." Applejack said "Either way you can't back out of it."

"She's right. You either have to give an honest answer to any question or do whatever anypony dares you to do." Twilight said "Those are the rules."

"Oh all right." Rarity said. She went into the kitchen, turned on the sink, and then after making sure the water wasn't too hot or too cold dunked her mane under the faucet. Applejack tried not to laugh. After she was certain she could take no more Rarity lifted her mane up and turned off the water. Her entire mane was soaking wet and water dripped everywhere. "Can somepony give me a towel?" Rarity asked.

"Here you go." Twilight said levitating a towel from a nearby rack.

"Thanks." Rarity said as she dried herself off a little. Her mane still had its wet look and Rarity knew it would take time for it to return to it's original style.

"You did pretty good Rarity." Pinkie Pie said "And you won the dare so you get to go next."

"O.k. then." Rarity said "I dare Applejack to play dress up."

"Dress up? In what?" Applejack asked.

"In whatever sort of girly dress you can find." Rarity said.

"I think there might be something in the back cloest." Pinkie Pie said "You're welcome to take a look."

"Remember you have to do this." Twilight said.

"Actually she doesn't have to." Pinkie Pie said "But if she doesn't then that means she forefits and that means Rarity wins."

As soon as Pinkie Pie spoke those words Applejack put on a look of determination. She may not like what she was about to do but she wasn't about to give Rarity the victory. "I'm not backin out of this." she said "I'm gonna do it." And with that she trotted over to the closet. "No. No. No way. I can't fit in that. I don't think so. There's no way I'm wearing that. Come on there's got be something that's not too girly." Applejack said as she plunged through the closet trying to find something to wear. "Aha here we go." Applejack said at last. She emerged from the closet wearing a pink princess hat and a matching pink shirt and slippers. "You happy Rarity?" Applejack said "I even took off my hat."

"Oh yes I'm very happy." Rarity said "Now then it's your turn again."

"O.k." Applejack said.

"Ooh one thing before you go." Pinkie Pie said "You can't target the same pony twice in a row. You can either target me or Twilight but you can't target Rarity."

"O.k. then." Applejack said.

The truth or dare contest lasted for quite a while. Applejack and Rarity for reasons Pinkie Pie and Twilight couldn't figure kept attacking each other with dares at every oppertunity. At last Twilight decided to simply check off truth or dare and move on. "Hm what's this, pillow fight?" Twilight asked.

"Oh there is no way I'm participating in that." Rarity said in an unamused tone of voice.

"Why not?" Twilight asked.

"Pillow fights always leave a ton of feathers. Do you know how hard it is to clean them up?" Rarity said.

"Ah lighten up will ya?" Applejack said "I joined in on the makeovers and that wasn't something I liked to do. It's only fair that you join in on this pillow fight."

"I'm sorry." Rarity said "But nothing you say or do could possibly make me" before she could finish a pillow was flung into her face. She instantly started to glare "You did that on purpose Applejack." Rarity said angrily.

"No I didn't." Applejack said "I didn't even throw one yet, though I admit the thought of tossing one at you did cross my mind,"

"But if you didn't do it then who did?" Rarity asked. As if to answer her question another pillow was flung into her face. Applejack had one flung into her face as well. "Who keeps doing that?" Rarity asked.

"All's fair in love and war!" Pinkie Pie shouted as she flung more pillows at Applejack and Rarity and even flung one at Twilight who dodged.

"Oh it, is, on!" Rarity said as she picked up several pillows with her magic and launched them. She intended to make them hit Pinkie Pie but one of them missed and hit Applejack instead.

"Oops." Rarity said.

"You shouldn'tve done that Rarity." Applejack said "And now you're going to see why." She pulled a rope which she always kept stored in case she needed to practice her rodeo skills from her stentson and made it into a lasso. She grabbed a few pillows and hurled them back at Rarity who caught them in her magic and started attacking both Pinkie Pie and Applejack.

"This is getting intense." Pinkie Pie said as pillow after pillow wizzed by hery "But you'll never be able to defeat me."

"She's right." Applejack said "She's too fast for us."

"So then what are we suppose to do?" Rarity said "As much as I would love to just keep on pummling you with pillows it would quickly get old."

"Same thing here." Applejack said.

"I've got an idea." Pinkie Pie said "It's called gang up on the newbie. And by newbie I course of mean Twilight."

"That's a good idea." Rarity said.

"I don't know that doesn't seem very fair." Applejack said.

"Didn't I say that all's fair in love and war?" Pinkie Pie said.

"Well yes but." Applejack said.

"So this is most certainly war." Pinkie Pie said "So it's fair."

"Come on Applejack I'm sure Twilight won't mind." Rarity said.

"Are you sure?" Applejack asked.

"Does this look unsure to you?" Rarity said glaring at Applejack.

"No." Applejack said.

"Good then that settles it." Rarity said. And with that she and Pinkie Pie started to attack Twilight who had been busy consulting the book for a good pillow fight strategy.

"Come on Twilight you can't rely on books to teach you everything." Pinkie Pie said "You just have to learn as you go."

Twilight sighed as she reluctantly put the book down which was harder for her then you might think. She slowly started to grab some pillows with her magic and began to fire them like projectiles at Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and on occassion Applejack.

Despite this Applejack seemed reluctant to attack Twilight and every time she threw a pillow at her she did so very lightly, in a sense she was becoming as reluctant as one would expect Fluttershy to be. Rarity and Pinkie Pie were quick to notice this.

"Come on Applejack Twilight's attacking you so you can attack her. It's the rules of the game." Pinkie Pie said.

"It just doesn't feel right." Applejack said.

"Ah don't tell me you're a chicken Applejack." Rarity said "I always pegged you as not being afraid of anything."

"Well you thought wrong." Applejack said "And you should know that everypony is afraid of something. Besides whoever said I was afraid?"

"Well then if you're not afraid then why are you hesitating?" Rarity asked.

"I don't have to explain myself." Applejack said "If I don't feel like attacking Twilight then you can't make me."

"Fine suit yourself." Rarity said "I just hope you like losing."

Those words really affected Applejack. She wasn't as much of a sore loser as Rainbow Dash could be but all the same she never liked to lose, especially not to someone who was new to something. Reluctantly after some deep thnking Applejack decided that she would have to join Rarity and Pinkie Pie in attacking Twilight. "I just hope she'll forgive me." she thought to herself.

As soon as Applejack joined the odds turned against Twilight. Of course she wasn't going to let that stop her but despite her best efforts she was no match for the threesome that was Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack. Before long Twilight decided she'd had enough. "I think that's enough pillow fighting." she said to herself and with that she checked off pillow fight.

The Cakes came up a little later and went straight to bed.

"I suggest we all do the same." Twilight said.

"So where are we suppose to sleep?" Applejack asked.

"Follow me." Pinkie Pie said. She led Twilight, Applejack, and Rarity up to her room which happened to be at the very top of Sugarcube Corner.

"Wow nice place you've got here Pinkie Pie." Rarity said.

"I agree." Twilight said.

"Say didn't this place use to be empty?" Applejack said "Cause I could've sworn the last time I was up here it didn't look like this."

"Well this place was originally just an empty loft that The Cake used for storage. Then when I came along they decided to convert this into my bedroom." Pinkie Pie explained.

"That was really nice of them." Applejack said "But then The Cakes have always been known for their kindness."

"Yeah and in a way they're kind of like a family to me." Pinkie Pie said "In fact I think they see me as the daughter they never had."

"Well that's really sweet and all, but unless I'm mistaken I only see one bed, which looks like it can only hold one pony. So if that's your bed then where are the rest of us suppose to sleep?" Rarity asked.

"Oh don't worry about that." Pinkie Pie said "I made sure to get everything set up ahead of time so I set out some sleeping bags." She pointed to a nearby closet where sure enough there were five sleeping bags. "Feel free to take whichever one you want." Pinkie Pie said as she climbed into her bed.

"Thanks a bunch Pinkie." Twilight said. She looked over each of the sleeping bags and finally decided on one that was blue with white stars printed on the sheets. "This one looks nice." she said and she grabbed it with her magic.

Rarity was next and she took a long time to decide. Eventually she settled on one that was as white as snow with gold trim. "This looks so elegant and it matches my coat." she said.

Applejack went last and simply decided on one that was red with green sheets. "Just like an apple." she said "Nothing fancy."

Twilight, Applejack, and Rarity rolled out the sleeping bags and climbed into them, the lights had already been turned off. They then looked at Pinkie Pie and saw that she was already fast asleep with a teddy bear held snuggly in her hooves.

"We'd better not wake her up." Twilight whispered.

"Agreed." Applejack and Rarity replied softly.

"Good night." Twilight whispered.

"Good night." Applejack and Rarity replied softly.

Unfournately Applejack and Rarity were unable to sleep. They kept thinking back to their arguement in the park just before the storm hit.

"Say Rarity you did remember to remove the branches on that one big tree right?" Applejack asked.

Rarity gulped "No I thought you had taken care of it."

Applejack facehoofed "Rarity didn't you pay attention? That tree was in the section that you were suppose to help clean up."

"No I'm pretty sure it was in your section." Rarity said.

"It was in your section and you know it." Applejack said.

"Proove it." Rarity said "Let me see the schedule."

"I don't have it with me." Applejack said "I must've dropped it when I went to go talk to you. Which I wouldn'tve had to do if you had just done your job properly instead of focusing on how beautiful the trees should look."

"I was only trying to spruce things up a little. You were making quite an awful mess of the place." Rarity said.

"Well that storm would've made an even bigger mess if I hadn't taken down all of those branches. And you never did answer my question as to why you didn't use your magic to trim them instead of sprucing them up." Applejack said. By this point Applejack and Rarity were back to arguing and they were starting to get loud. Not that they cared.

"Well I was tempted to tell you but considering how rude you've been in the past few minutes now I don't feel like it." Rarity said.

"What do you mean 'I don't feel like it.'?" Applejack asked.

"It means I don't feel like it, plain and simple." Rarity said.

"For the love of Celestia will you two shut up?" Twilight said angrily. She levitated the book over to them "Look. It says right here that the number one thing you're suppose to do at a slumber party is have fun. And thanks to your arguing I'm afraid I can't check that off, and that means my first slumber party is ruined. I hope you're both happy. I mean honestly you were doing so good and I actually thought you two could get along."

"What's all the comotion Twilight?" Pinkie Pie asked as she woke up.

"Now look what you did." Twilight snapped "You made me wake up Pinkie Pie. What else could possibly go wrong?"

Pinkie Pie seemed to glare at Twilight as if to say "You just had to ask didn't you?"

"What?" Twilight asked.

Before Pinkie Pie could explain why saying such a thing was wrong lightning struck. This time it just so happened to strike that "one big tree" that Applejack and Rarity had been arguing about earlier. Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity looked out the window after turning the lights on and gasped. The lightning bolt had caused so much damage to the tree that its trunk was almost split in two. Not long afterward it started to fall.

"Not on my watch!" Applejack said, she pulled out her trusty lasso and threw it at the tree which was actually a lot closer then it looked. She pulled as hard as she could and slowly the tree began to tilt away from falling onto a nearby house.

"Wait!" Rarity shouted. But it was too late. Applejack pulled on the lasso even more and the tree came crashing down the other way causing the top branch of it to crash through the open window.

"Oh nice job Applejack." Rarity said sarcastically "This is another fine mess you've created."

"Uh are you o.k. Twilight?" Pinkie Pie asked, Twilight hadn't said a word since the tree had come crashing down.

"No I'm not o.k." Twilight said "There's nothing in this book about trees crashing through windows. What am I suppose to do?"

"I think that branch must've hit you on the head Twilight." Pinkie Pie said "You should really get that looked at."

"Just leave me alone until I can find something to help me." Twilight said.

"Alright, alright sheesh." Pinkie Pie said.

Applejack was trying her best to move the tree branch but it wouldn't budge. Rarity meanwhile was simply sulking to herself "I knew that tree would fall this way if Applejack tugged on that lasso again. Twilight could've easily brought it down without causing this awful mess."

"Hey! Rarity!" Applejack shouted, the open window allowed for the wind to enter making it harder to hear. "I'm gonna need your help if I'm gonna get rid of this thing!"

"And why should I help you?!" Rarity asked "I'll get all icky! And besides you wouldn't listen to my advice before!"

"Well ickyness is often a side effect of hard work, and I should've listen to you earlier but that's not important!" Applejack said "Right now ya'll need to get over here and help me deal with the big issue instead of the small ones, on account of the fact that I just can't do this on my own!"

"What's the magic word?!" Rarity asked.

Applejack sighed "I'm sorry Rarity! Both of us were right on somethings and on this issue you were right and I was wrong! Now will you please help me?!"

"Very well then!" Rarity said. Her horn began to light up. She quickly trimmed all the leaves and loose branches, turning them into mini figurines. Applejack prepared to buck the last little log out the window but Rarity shook her head so instead Applejack used her lasso to carefully lower it to the ground. Twilight then used her magic to carefully remove the tree from Sugarcube Corner and place it on the ground. With all that done Pinkie Pie shut the window.

"We did it." Applejack said, panting slightly.

"Indeed we did." Rarity said. Then she looked at herself, She was covered in leaves, branches, and tree sap. "I look awful don't I?" she asked sadly.

"Yes." Applejack said "But let's see if I can help ya." She retrieved two cucumbers courtesy of Pinkie Pie and put them on Rarity's eyes. Now it looked like Rarity had a mud mask of sorts. "Better?" Applejack asked.

"Better." Rarity replied happily. "And you know I think I've finally found an idea for that new line I've been struggling to come up with a good theme for. I shall call it 'Natural Beauty'."

"Glad to hear that." Applejack said "And I'm glad we can finally put our differences aside."

"Indeed." Rarity said as she went to the bathroom to go get cleaned up.

The rest of the evening passed uneventfully. The Cakes did pop in to check on the girls, having heard the crash. Needless to say they were relieved to see that everyone was okay.

The next morning after the storm had passed Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie enjoyed breakfast courtesy of The Cakes while Twilight wrote a letter to Princess Celestia.

Dear Princess Celestia,

It's surprising how two ponies like Applejack and Rarity who have so little in common could ever be friends. However I recently had the chance to learn that if you embrace each others differences then it's not hard to be friends with anyone.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle.

"I'll have to make sure to get Spike to send this when he gets back from Canterlot." Twilight thought to herself.

"Say we should do this again sometime." Rarity said.

"I agree." Applejack said "But next time we'll have to make sure Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy can attend."

"Say, Applejack." Rarity said.

"Yes?" Applejack asked.

"Tomorrow I was planing on buying a new T.V. set for Sweetie Belle and giving you the old one." Rarity said.

"That sounds great." Applejack said.

"I'll even help you hook it up." Rarity said.

"Thanks Rarity." Applejack said "You're a good friend."

True to her word Rarity bought a new T.V. set and delivered the old one to Applejack as well as helping her hook it up. Her new "Natural Beauty" line proved to be pretty popular among the citizens of Ponyville and Cloudsdale. A few bigshot fashion celebrities in Manehattan, Fillydelphia, and Canterlot also admired them though that was mostly because they said the line was "Very unique."