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Evening Rose is a survivor.

She endured a fall from Canterlot mountain after being attacked by her father. She barely survived the attack by Granite that left her hospitalized. She even faced a copy of herself in the midst of a changeling invasion she helped cause. Her life has not been easy, but each experience helped her come to terms with herself and the life she has.

She's finally happy with her life, and all she wants to do is leave the past behind and enjoy the normalcy she's earned. However, changes are happening in Equestria and she's caught in the middle, despite her wishes against getting involved.

But what can one do when destiny knocks?

This story follows the events of Dysphoria, Arc 1: Introductions, Arc 2: Ponyville, and Arc 3: Canterlot.

This Arc is finished but the story continues in Dysphoria, Arc 5: Equestria

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 236 )

Yay, i was hoping it would continue.

Yay for more Dysphoria (the story, not the actual feeling because you know, it really really sucks (and I have a more mild case and it sucks)). Going to be adding it to my compendium of transpony stories on my userpage.

This is intriguing. I like how Dusk has an HRC cutie mark. Rather fitting given his role so far and the relation between the HRC and the trans* communities (yes, I am deliberately using plural here because there are many). At least he admitted the neglect of the T. Got to give him that. Still, way to be a abrasive. Might work on Rose though.

Reminds me of why I don't want to be famous. Luckily I have gone into a field that will not bring fame upon me (there are major advantages to being overshadowed in the public eye by related fields).

Her parents. What is up with them. Seriously, they cause so much Chrysalis trouble (not going to swear using Celestia or Luna's name as they aren't villains) for Rose. I mean, they could have done worse, but they could have done so much better.

I wonder what is up with the foal. I am going to guess that they are transgender too.

Equestrian Equality Envoy... Very clever. :trixieshiftright: I hope to see more of the HRC EEE in this story.

These stories are beautiful. So many times I've thought while reading this, "Why can't Rose just have a normal life?" But now, with this arc, I see how she has, in fact, become a hero, much to Rose's chagrin. I'm torn on whose side to take. I mean, Rose has a point, in that she should be able to live her life peacefully. However, Dusk has a point that she can use what she has done to effect so much change in Equestria. :fluttershysad:


While Dusk has a point, there were less hostile ways of approaching Rose. This is a question I have often wondered about. How much is one obliged to actually become the activist for something vs. how much is OK to just try to live one's life?


I have a feeling that we are going to find out that Rose isn't going to have much of a choice. If I am allowed to predict something here, I'm going to guess that the parents suspect their child of being trans and want Rose to find a way to cure her. She really is the first of her kind to have such name recognition, so ponies are going to come to her, whether she likes it or not.


This brings up something. There is making a difference privately and making a difference publicly. I have a feeling Rose would be perfectly willing to do so privately (starting with this foal perhaps if predicting right). She just doesn't want to make a public difference. Its funny, but I kind of have to make a choice on these lines in not too long. I have thought about what I should tell people in my hometown. I was of big enough note in certain places that quite a few people would at least listen to me, so I could maybe bring some attention to trans issues and get conversations going by coming out to them. Might do some good for other LGBT+ people in the area. Or, I could just leave them all the dark and essentially disappear from them. Its not like I could safely return to my hometown anyways, being trans and all, even if I didn't tell anyone there. It would however, depending on the medium or if it got out of hand with people discussing it in certain mediums, mark me as trans for life for all who would ever know me thanks to search engines. Might kill my career and any alternative ones. High risk. So the question is, should I risk and sacrifice that much for the possibility (it is only a possibility) it might help others in that localized area. Its a tough question.


I completely agree with you. Rose would be the type of pony to effect change just through her everyday life, not through public speeches or the like. I just hope Dusk doesn't try to get reporters always following her and documenting everything she does.

Oh wow! I spend a day away from the computer and this happens.

Awesome :twilightsmile::pinkiehappy:

K, let's do this.


Thank you so much for adding it. I'm glad you continue to follow the story and I'm glad it's still up to the group standard.


Me too. It will continue for as long as I have something to say :twilightsmile:


I thought it was clever too, but it'd be in bad form for me to pat myself on the back. And don't worry, you will, I have way too much fun writing Dusk for me to limit his appearances.

2433385 2433437

I really like all the points you two brought up. This is of course going to be one of the main foci of the story (Personal responsibility vs civic duty). In this case, neither side is wrong and they both have very legitimate points of view. The events in the story will decide how things go, but as far as starting points, there is no "bad guy" here, just difficult choices. I'm really glad you two had that conversation in the comments, it is awesome and exactly what I wanted to get across (and it made me smile).

Whoo, that was fun. Well, I cannot wait to see you all again on Friday. Oh, and thank you all so much for the feedback. You turned a crappy day into a great one for me.

Thank you.


Glad we could help your day a bit.

My body is ready. LET's DO THIS SHIT! :rainbowdetermined2:

Also, might want to use italics for Rose's thoughts.


I don't do thought italics since I use italics for things that are written/read within the story (like the newspaper excerpts).

Regardless of that, I'm happy that you're still enjoying the story :pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by ANONGLADJE deleted Apr 17th, 2013

No one has an automatic civic duty just because of who or what they are. Yes, Rose has a massive opportunity to help and it would be a good deed, but it is by no means necessary. That's like saying Superman is obligated to find the optimal use for his powers with no consideration for himself.

I just wish that something nice would happen to Rose for a change, like getting a date with someone who isn't awful and actually accepts her.

Italics are generally used to denote thoughts, and have the same rules of grammar applied to them as speech does.

Terrible. Just terrible. You're a horrible writer, and this is a horrible story.

Of course, I kid. I definitely see what you mean about a change in your writing style, and I like it a LOT. Everything just...flows so well, like intestines after dinner at Taco Bell. In all seriousness, I get the feeling that this will be my favorite segment of your story yet (but I might just have a thing for adorable filly OCs, who knows). I'm looking forward to Friday's chapter (and hope that I can find time to read it that day with my work schedule). :pinkiehappy:

I've noticed that fanfic writers seem split down the middle for italics for thoughts. I prefer italicizing thoughts in my story, but I read about as many fanfics that don't as I do those that do.

Summer Breeze!? That's my cousin! :pinkiegasp:


Then you're about to learn a few things about her ^_^

Despite this series's consistency with updates, I am still pleasantly surprised when I notice a new chapter. Keep up the good work!

A young trans* colt? I like! You never hear much of anything from trans* youth other than what super meanie pants adults have to say, I look forward to seeing more of Summer Breeze. :raritystarry:

Aww :3

It's really a breath of fresh air seeing a pair of caring and concerned parents in this series, since Rose's are so awful. We don't know much yet about Summer Breeze as a person - er, pony - but I really like both of her parents.

Oh, about 2/3 of the way through the chapter, you have "Baltimore" written just as it is in the real world. That's the only problem I found. I can't help but scan for them whenever I read v.v

D'aww! She sounds darling. That said I'm kinda even more worried now after Dusk and such, now having Summer involved? *shivers* you're going to be mean to them aren;'t you?:fluttercry:

You have no idea how great it is to get home from a tiring day at work and see all these comments.

Smiles all around :pinkiehappy:

K, let's respond:

Aww, thank you. I will make sure to continue writing at the best of my ability and keeping my schedule. After all, I've yet to miss an update and I will not start now. :rainbowdetermined2:

I wanted to make sure to represent the reality of the trans* experience, and it's a very varied one. I hope that Summer can showcase a lot of the things that Rose cannot. Also, while the story is still about Rose (and so the focus will remain on her), we will see plenty of Summer (being the title character for the Arc and all :twilightsmile:

She's a lot of fun to write.

Just like I wanted Summer to represent a different side of the trans experience, I wanted her parents to do the same. There are a lot of very supportive parents that go through just as many struggles trying to support their kids as the kids do adapting to their own identity. I feel like they should be honored and talked about for all they do. I'm glad they're well received.

Also, thanks for pointing the mistake out, it should be fixed now. That one somehow survived 4 editing cycles, go figure.



I'm offended. When have I ever been "mean" to any of my characters? :coolphoto:
I dare you to name one time when I made any of them endure a single hardship :scootangel:

And by that I mean.. Um... we'll see? :derpyderp2:

I think I'm the first to mention this, so I just want to say, as a sort of prayer for my wishes regarding this story arc; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsHuV3Aj1os


Summer Breeze the character, or the Arc?

Yay, up to date.

Looking forward to see what happens.
School =CMC and Diamond Tiara?

I like Summer Breeze's parents so far. Also, Summer Breezes insecurities and fear of abandonment were very real and touching.


Diamond Tiara is almost for sure going to be bad about it. Even if she has nothing against trans ponies, she would use anything for ammunition.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are both bitches. Someone needs to buck those fillies right in the face. I also get the feeling that Summer Breeze is about to become my new favorite OC (after Cotton Cake, of course; she'll always be cemented as best OC of any fandom ever. I'm sure you understand). She just sounds ABSOLUTELY precious.

Summer is now in my top OCs List. Keep up the good work.


Aww, thank you :twilightsmile:

I will do my best

Herp, forgot to track this

Better late than never :derpytongue2:

I'm just glad you still find this story worth tracking :twilightsmile:

I'm surprised the weren't addressing Summer as Him He and Colt, especially Rose who knows how this shit rolls.


The parents just got started with the whole thing, and while it seems like something obvious, they wanted the advice before doing anything. As for Rose, she wanted to talk to Summer first and hear what he wanted in Summer's words (this being the first conversation the two have bad aside from exchanging hellos).

I probably could have had Rose assume Summer was ftm, but I thought that she'd be very hesitant considering how unsure she is of things.

EDIT: I just saw that your comment was on Chapter 2, not 3. My comment will make a lot more sense after reading chapter 3

So awesome! I love Summer Breeze.

“I really missed you sis!”


““I’m not sure if it makes sense, but every time I get called a filly, or “she”, or a beauty, or anything like that… it hurts. I don’t know why, but it does. When we got talked to about growing up and how I was going to be a beautiful mare… it scared me. I started crying in class and I didn’t know why.””


I was about to make that summer breeze joke again, but I forgot that it isn't funny

“Can colts not play with dolls?” she asked in a terrified tone, “I’m sorry, I’m already messing up being trans aren’t I? Look, I love my dolls and playing with them but I’ll give them up if I have to. I have to be a colt, I have to fix this.”

“I’m not sure if it makes sense, but every time I get called a filly, or “she”, or a beauty, or anything like that… it hurts. I don’t know why, but it does. When we got talked to about growing up and how I was going to be a beautiful mare… it scared me. I started crying in class and I didn’t know why. I love my mommy and all, but when I think of who I’m going to be, she’s not somepony I think of. I think of my dad, or Shining Armor, but never any mares. And because I’m a… a filly… it hurts when I think that, because I always think that I’m broken. I shouldn’t want that but I do… If I’m a colt, then when I grow up I can be the… the stallion I want to be. That’s what I want the most, for the pain to stop and to feel like I’m right and normal. I’m sorry… I’m probably not making any sense.”


This story REALLY stepped up the goddamn game. Throwing off gender binary and gender roles. I'm not sure if you know this about me, but I am a bit of a closet crossdresser and this shit hit home.

Pic relevant.



*hug* :fluttercry:

Also hit home, though I am of the opposite spectrum, but like Summer Breeze, I'm not very gender conforming by any stretch of the imagination. As I say, I am continuing my family's line of tomboys. I would definitely, if I had it to do over again, still have played american football in middle school and various other masculine activities. I didn't do any of these activities because I was expected (I had awesome parents) or to man up. I did them because for me, they were fun and enjoyable. Though, there were some activities coded feminine that I did miss out on that I would have enjoyed. I do shed tears over that, but not the masculine coded activities that I did.


Personally, for me, it's more of a relaxation thingy. (imma speak as if I was still in the army where both my wardrobe and frequency of it were at its peak) I would wake up at 0430, get dressed, do some hardcore manly PT, maybe a ruck or some awesome shit like that. Go eat three plates of man food. Come back and dude it up with good old boy's club all day and learn how to kill anything that would ever cross me. Testosterone through the goddamn roof. Wake up, assault of helicopters and shit, go back and drink whiskey with the boys.

Anyways, I found that it was nice to wear a skirt, maybe some feminine shirt dealie. I even occasionally tossed a bra on and stuffed it. I didn't (and don't) want to be a woman by any means. I just find it... nice, I guess? To take a break from being a Macho cock strong infantryman and you know, be submissive and sensitive and all that other shit for a bit.

I guess as manly as I am, I'm a bit gender queer m'self. I personally plan to get a Kilt, because, seriously? Fuck pants.


You were right about it making sense I guess.

But yeah, I'm good now.


Good that it is something relaxing. With the things you went through, relaxation is a very good thing indeed.

There is such a wide variety of gender feelings (identity, expression, some mash up of the two, etc.) really.

Interestingly, I feel kind of out of place and awkward in a skirt or dress. Might change at some point further along in my transition, but for now, not my things. Given that my favorite bra is my sports bra (by a long shot), I am definitely rather butch. No surprise, but Rainbow Dash really resonates with me, especially the one in Dash's Secret. Interesting thing, sports bras do a better job at shaping rice inside pantyhose ends breast forms than other types of bras.

Now, Evening Rose resonates in a different way. I mean, she analyzes everything and has a hard time stopping. A problem I am all too familiar with (hence avatar).

2469785 your so manly that nothing can hold you, not even a gender.

Your so manly that if you didn't be submissive at least once, the universe would die from testosterone overdose.

...alright, I'm done with the chuck norris joke ripoffs.
These jokes are bad and I should feel bad.


Comment posted by anongladje deleted at 10:22pm on the 16th of April, 2013

AHAAHAHAHA you stupid asshole you got deleted again
why can't you ever post anything civil


I fear I may get severely chewed out by those possessed of extremely strong knee-jerk reactions, but... Rose seems to be rapidly heading in the direction of a Mary Sue. In the original arc, she (or whatever the correct pronoun would have been at the time... who gives a shit) was already suspect for several reasons:

1) the color scheme, as 'edgy' characters are almost always darker in color
2) the name, as 'Evening Rose' is not a typical pegasus name, although that can be forgiven for the fact that the character had a legitimate reason to have to choose her own name
3) any pony OC with a special talent in the arts is automatically suspect as a self-insert. There's actually a parody story (I forget the name) where it's mentioned that Equestria seems to have too many OCs with writing and music-making cutie marks and none with actual marketable talents like, I dunno, woodworking or accounting or something. But whatever, that's somewhat excusable because of the nature of the story, I suppose.
4) The fact that Evening Rose is transgender does not 'excuse' her from any of these flaws. Characters with such specific problems are easily identifiable as self-inserts, although the author admitted that, so it's not as bad as it could have been.

Now, the first story was pretty fucking good, and it's the reason I'm following this series. A little hamfisted in getting its messages across at times, and a little predictable, but overall it was enjoyable and worth reading, as was the second, and because there are so few stories about transgender characters it was an interesting and novel experience to read about even though I've known some TG people pretty well over the years and so am pretty familiar with the situation.

Then the third comes along, and it's pretty good, although I did start to get a little annoyed with the constant cliffhangers after a while where we would move half a step forward and then get a DUN DUN DUN at the end. But that's fine, I've done that too, and so do half the authors I read. And then suddenly it all blows up and I'm having flashbacks to this Choose Your Own Adventure novel I read as a kid where you get to follow Luke around in Star Wars and fight Darth Vader and blow up the Death Star and shit. Evening Rose is a mare living in a stallion's body? No, she's an epic hero saving Equestria from ruin that she sort of (but didn't really even though guilt lawl) almost brought upon it! Wait a second, wat...

I mean, obviously you guise liked it, but I didn't. I thought it was contrived and meh. And by now, the story just seems to have strayed so far from what it originally was that it no longer interests me. The summary alone screams 'Mary Sue'. I liked how personal the first story in particular seemed--it was about Evening Rose and how she was finally accepted by someone. This is just too large-scale, and it doesn't have the same man vs self (mare vs stallion's body?) feel that the older writings did.

Sorry, darkprep. I love the first dysphoria story--it's actually one of my favorite fim stories ever, i think, just because you made it seem so personal and engaging--and if you write anything else I'll be sure to take a look, but this one earns a downvote from me simply because I can no longer identify with any of the characters emotionally, and therefore it feels contrived and meaningless. I know this is personal to you, but you can't continue stories indefinitely. They have to end sometime. I think elements from this would have been better as a standalone or a new series entirely.

Yeah, so, I await the inevitable hate because omg I hated on teh darkparpz storeh. Pretty sure thedarkprep will understand and disregard the more extreme parts of my advice due to not being a complete idiot like some people who use this website, but i'm sure there are some people who will rage, call me a transphobe, etc. despite the mountains of obvious evidence to the contrary and the fact that i've been recommending dysphoria to people ever since i read it. god damn.

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