• Member Since 7th Oct, 2011
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Compendium of Steve

The One Who Writes. Intermittently, Without Fail.


Winona has always been faithful to her masters. A hard-worker when she's needed, and playful when it's time to relax. The epitome of the family farm dog.

But how far will she go if one of the family were in danger? What boundaries is she willing to cross for the sake of another?

The answer awaits in the impending storm...

(Featured on Equestria Daily)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 17 )

This is one of the few fanfics that actually brought me to tears. Well done, very well done.

This is a very well-written story, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Though I did skim over some of the darker parts (soley because of my intolerance for anything even remotely dark, not because of the quality of the story), this is still one of my favorite stories so far. Thank you very much for making this. :twilightsmile:

this needs more views

the feels the feels they hurt plz make it stop
i dare anyone to read this and not cry be the end:fluttercry:


Digipony said this first, but I have a certain thing against stories written for the express purpose of making you sad. I don't really want to start this review off with negativity, it was a good story after all. You provided wonderful detailing and portrayed your characters well. I probably like this story most because it's reminescent of The Art Of Racing In The Rain, a book which I found to be delightful. You parallel the nature of the friendly beast and the master who needs them. It's rare I stumble across a fic done in this style, and far more rare that I find one done this well. You've done a great job, and I'd like to know if you're doing any more writings.
One thing I would especially like to see done in this style is OC characters, that may not be your style but it would be something for you to try out. I think you'd be good at it.
Overall, I'd give this an 8.3/10, I can't critisize the writing in any way, It was fantastic. The story though, was done in a definitievely negative tone, which I personally am not a big fan of. Not saying it wasn't a good story, it was just given from a different viewpoint then I believe it deserved.
Anyway, great job, hope to see you again. :twilightsmile:

I never heard of that book, but I'm glad you enjoyed it. I have a personal fascination with the realm that comes after death. Reapers, souls, the cycle of life and all that stuff. In the universe, Death is one of the few true constants, an undeniable truth. As for the negativity you bring up, this is a story about death after all. In a world of happy carefree talking ponies, sudden death makes for a vastly stark contrast. Whereas some use death as a shock factor or to set the emotional mood, I figure it can be used to show the lengths one's loyalty can go. That if you care for something very much, then nothing can get in your way.

Admittedly, I kinda left things to seem open-ended, but the [Sad] tag kinda ruins that. Still, it's a story I had written a long time ago, and I'm glad it's finally out, and even moreso that people actually like it! So thanks for the review, which I give a solid 9.5/10.

As for other writing, I'm currently in the midst of one called "Death by Dragon." Completely different tone, but there are others (though of equally different tone). Anyway, nice day to you, and happy reading!

Wow this was really good, I'm impressed. I wanted to see a little more from the ending, but that's only because I hate open endings.

Did. . .did Winona bite through Death's stomach, grab Applebloom's soul, and shove back into her body?

An agent of Death, but yes. Awesome, right? :pinkiehappy:

4281071 Pretty sweet.

This is a very good story.

Umm... Winona lives, right? Right? :fluttershysad:

As someone who recently had a featured fic starring Winona and Apple Bloom, this deserves way more attention. Well done. :twilightsmile:

All dogs go to heaven. And some dogs just nip into the afterlife for a few minutes to drag their beloved owners back. It says wonderful things about a family pet's loyalty that she's not merely content to save Apple Bloom, but is content to die saving her.

Close family friends, especially the five closest friends of the master.

It also says a lot about the gentle, easygoing momentum you had going all the way through to the last few words that, even after that line, I was able to feel good by the end. Spike saves Applejack's life and he still doesn't fckng count as one of her closest friends.

I'm a little concerned that Winona's courageous act had some majorly depressing ramifications, though; because it looks to me that the act of saving her owner doomed dozens of other souls to limbo.

Rest assured, the only ones doomed were those who were hopelessly lost to begin with. The upholders of the cycle still have a grip on the ones they collected; what essentially happened was a whitewash to prevent further disruptions to their work. It was shaky, but balance was restored... minus one soul :derpytongue2:

Author Interviewer

I'm not crying, you're crying. ;_;

It's okay; we'll share adult tears together T_T

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