• Published 19th Apr 2013
  • 4,762 Views, 42 Comments

School of Hard Knocks Fan-Fanfic - MerlosTheMad

Cinnamon Swirl is taken to the Doctor and the Dentist by his mother, will she be able to handle the torture of reliving these childhood trips?

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The Dentist

Despite my mother's protests, I continued to grind my teeth together hard enough to make noise. Especially, because of my mother's protests. Impressively, even the bounce of the carriage rolling down the wide suburban street couldn't drown out the grating sound I made.

"Stop that Cinnamon," my mother chided at me again. Despite her tone, a look of contentment was still welded solidly onto her face. "We've already gone over this, you need a check up at the dentist's office." She smiled down at my shrunken, pink furred form from where she sat beside me.

I didn't look up to meet her own eyes, but merely continued to glower ahead fiercely. If I were to look up, I just knew she would be smiling, putting on the perfect show of a proud mother of an adorable little filly that was making sure she was being well behaved. For perhaps the hundredth time since I'd come into these hellish circumstances, I fought back the urge to gag at the thought.

It had been a short time since I'd been brought back to my mother's home. Already I had tried escaping back to where I knew there was a cure, but each time I had been caught at the train station, or found on the road.

"If you're good, there might be a reward in it for you," she called down to me, leaning over slightly with that always present jubilant grin.

I could feel my expression shift from horror and back to anger. Being treated like this after being a full grown stallion for so long was horrific, it was depressing... it pissed me the hell off. My hooves began to tug on the stupid hair style I was being forced to wear. Although I held the two braids I was often forced into, I'd stopped trying to undo them. Every time I did, it just gave her an excuse to fuss over me; and in public, too... that was the last thing I wanted to happen.

I was helpless, and that's how the current set of events had been set into motion. At some point this week—not long after our arrival from Ponyville—she had gotten the brilliant idea to shower me with... girly things. One of those had been more sweets than I think I'd had in my entire childhood as a colt. From that, spawned her desired trip to the dentist...

"Dear? Are you alright...?" my mother asked me. "Your tummy isn't off is it?" The question felt as insulting as the tone she used. Up front, the driver pony's snickering made it sting all the worse.

Oh you better not be laughing at me buddy, or I swear on Celestia's flank that I'll... One of my rare moments of sobriety crept onto my face suddenly. The realization I wouldn't, and couldn't do anything was painful... Hopefully this insulting visit to the foal's dentist wouldn't be quite as gut wrenching.

"Well, I'm sure the doctor will be able to help if you're not feeling well, sweetie." The carriage rocked to a halt at that moment, and my head slowly craned up to face her. My expression was one of death. Her's was a concerned frown; I wish I could say it was as fake as they came, but mom was... serious. She actually believed something could be wrong with me, besides the obvious of course.

"We're going to the doctor's too?" They were the first words I'd said all morning. I think she realized this because she actually smiled in response; smiled at my misery.

"Of course! You need the new vaccines and then—oh, watch your step Cinnamon—we can go and get you some ice cream-" After we climbed down off the wagon I interrupted her, and in the harshest, darkest, cruelest tone my high pitched filly voice could manage.

"Listen to me, you need help. This is nuts. I am a grown stallion!" More chuckling and roaring laughter came from the cart, but I ignored them as they pulled away. "I mean, shots? Aren't you taking this way too far? Haven't you already—pony feathers—haven't you had enough of your fun yet?" I avoided swearing outright, believe me I wanted nothing more than to start cursing like the disgruntled old cop I was, but the last time I had... it hadn't ended well.

"Cinnamon Sugar Swirl, don't take that tone with me young lady." She abruptly pulled me along by my hoof into the dentist's office, entirely ignoring my futile attempts of trying to have her see reason. "Come along, or we'll be late." It was useless, in public the old mare just treated me as though I were actually a filly, and in private, she guilted me mercilessly and negotiated endlessly.

I sighed and resumed my helpless effort to just make it through another day. I wondered to myself, when will this stop? It hadn't even been four days yet, and already I felt as though all hope was lost. Sweet Celestia, she had better not think about trying to get me into school... The thought sent a shiver down my spine as we crossed the threshold into the building.

Half an hour of waiting had gone by.

My eyes were stuck to the insultingly cutesy depictions of cartoon animals and teeth lining the walls. Beside me, my mother hummed happily while looking through a fashion magazine. I could only sit and wonder about the comforting thoughts she told herself that justified my predicament.

The small room was for foals coming to see the dentist; it would be my luck that she would see to humiliating me as much as possible by bringing me here. I let out a defeated sigh and contemplated making a hysterical scene; at the very least it might get me out of this place. My hope that I would convince someone to help me was hardly a flicker anymore.

"Cinnamon?" I look over dourly at the mare calling my name from the hallway door. I immediately take notice that she was pretty easy on the eyes. The idea that the simple observation preserved my stallion-hood, somewhat, was only a little comforting. "Hello dear," she greeted me after I looked up. "Peppermint will see you now in room B."

After heaving a sigh, I slid off the chair and walked defeatedly past the table centering the room, laden with mismatched toys intended to distract young ponies. I couldn't help but shut my eyes as I walked past the things, as if their presence was poisonous.

"Be good sweetie! Mommy will be right here for when you're done." My eye twitched uncontrollably at the sound of her acting that way yet again. Anymore and I was sure my ears would start to bleed. I needed a drink... maybe they'd leave a bottle of rubbing alcohol or mouthwash where I could reach it and-

The dentist's office door clicked shut behind me. I hadn't even noticed myself walking all the way in.

"Hello there, princess." The words stabbed at me without mercy. "How about you hop on up here and we can get this harmless little check up all sorted out nice and quick, hm?" Still, despite the insulting pretext, I had to try my best not to whistle or cat call. Maybe my brain was more addled than I thought, or maybe I was just desperate to reassure myself I was a guy... but this Peppermint was a looker. And just the way I liked, too. Light green and pink mane, short trashy hair, pale white coat... not bad. Still, it was a fleeting reaction, given my present state.

I obeyed her, and hopped up.

The seat I grudgingly laid back onto was comfortable, at least. That was hardly anything to lessen the impact of my situation, but what the hay, it's not like my thoughts were being wasted. At the rate I was going, I would be stuck like this forever... I shuddered and looked down at the floor with a morbid expression.

"Aw, now don't be scared, silly filly. We aren't doing anything scary today, just a cleaning." Her smile was a little foreboding as she snapped on a trademark of dentistry, the filter mask. "Open wide, princess pouty-pants!" My opinion of the mare pulled a complete one eighty; she was officially all that was evil in the world.

"Listen, lady, don't call meH-" Before I can finish my protest, she'd already gotten that horrible little mirror and scraping tool exploring the private areas of my molars. I let out an irritated groan in protest, my eyes glaring at her now business-like face. This gal was even more sinister than my mother; no wonder kids hate the dentist. I mean, that root canal I got last summer was no walk in the apple orchard, but this was just unbearable treatment, not to mention insulting.

"Hold still, kid. The better you behave the quicker we can call it a day." I just sat back and accepted the torturous, degrading experience. I was being treated like a child, as usual, and accepting it. But what else could I do? No one believed me. They wouldn't have a good reason to, either.

I flinched suddenly. "Aahw!" That horrible instrument of dental torture had struck something in a not so gentle way.

"Ooooh," the mare cooed, "looks like you might have a cavity. Been at the sweets a bit much lately, princess?"

That is definitely not the case- Arg! I scrunch my eyes shut as she pokes the tender tooth yet again.

"Well, guess I lied to you. Sit still and be a good girl while I go ask your mother if she'd like this taken care of." My head craned around the chair's back to watch her leave...

I scowled at my girly pink hooves in disgust, rage boiling to its peak at my luck. "This day just gets better and better..." The sarcasm didn't do much to help my mood. Maybe if I'd actually said something sarcastic or vulgar to Peppermint?

Sighing, I flopped back against the chair again and tried to reflect on better times, which was really any moment before that unfortunate tryst into the Everfree...

Author's Note:


I hope you all enjoy this little adventure I made for Hoopy and all of you! I felt as though he'd skipped over a rather fun opportunity with this, but it helps his story's pace and the main plot by not covering ALL of the little slice of life things. Soooo I made this! As a fan-fanfic.

Please enjoy and if you like what you saaaaw, you could read my other fantastical fantasy adventures! (Also one sci fi epic, not sure how that got in there.)

There is one update to this, it will be published on Monday in the late afternoon.