• Published 17th May 2013
  • 2,391 Views, 20 Comments

Short Stories - Catalysts Cradle

A collection of flash fiction pieces.

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4. Wingmares, feat. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy

Prompt: Write a story in the second person in which the perspective character (i.e. “you”) is one of the Mane Six or Spike.

Your name is Rainbow Dash, and you are the most awesome pegasus in Ponyville. You’re the fastest pony around – the reigning best young flyer in Equestria – and the only pony to ever pull of a sonic rainboom. You’re the bearer of the Element of Loyalty, and with your friends, you’ve saved Equestria on numerous occasions, having faced dragons and changelings and an immortal Goddess of darkness and lived to tell the tale. You’re even the only pony in town with her own fan club, led by your number one fan in the world, Scootaloo.

And yet, none of that makes this feel any better.

You should have known better. Fluttershy just isn’t like you. Where you see a challenge, she sees danger. Whereas you’d rather be speeding through the sky feeling the icy bite of the upper atmosphere rushing through your wings, she’d rather spend her days on the ground, surrounded by the warm embrace of her animal friends. When adversity pushes you to perform your best, it drives her to tears.

You knew all of this and yet you still asked her to help fending off the rogue lightning storm from Everfree. Yeah, you certainly needed the help, especially with most of the weather team occupied with the storms in the west, but there are so many other pegasi you could have asked to be your wingmare. You might have even been better off trying to fight through the storm all by yourself. But, the dark thunderheads looming over the horizon, the fact that everypony was talking about it as the storm of the century, the thoughts of the potential damage such a large storm could do to Ponyville, it had you worried. You weren’t afraid, of course – Rainbow Dash is not afraid of anything – you just didn’t want to face that alone.

You guess that fighting through torrential rain and gale force winds, there’s no other pony you’d rather have at your side than Fluttershy.

But now Fluttershy probably hates you. You push her too hard. You got frustrated at her and said some things you shouldn’t have. And then she just turned around and rushed off, heading back towards the woods surrounding Ponyville.

Your wings flap hesitatingly through the moist, heavy air. The distant roar of thunder reminds you that the clouds continue their slow creep toward the town you’ve come to call home and the friends you’ve come to love, You contemplate turning back to rejoin the fight, but the thought of Fluttershy alone and crying out in the woods compels your wings to maintain their course.

You see her off in the distance, her pink mane a bright beacon against the greens and browns of the woods. You slowly float to the ground and trot carefully toward her. You open your mouth and hesitate. She probably doesn't want to see you right now. But you need to see her, so you finally call out her name.

She turns, but instead of tear filled eyes, you see her smiling, displaying a confidence she rarely shows. At this point, you notice that you two aren’t alone in the woods. Behind her, an army of birds sits perched across every branch, their heads all erect and waiting. Fluttershy flashes you a smile and points a hoof forward. The birds take flight, and eagles, falcons, pigeons, owls – every species of winged creature you’ve ever seen – speed past you.

Fluttershy comes forward, and you immediately turn your attention to her.

“I knew I couldn’t generate as much wing power as you, so I decided to invite a few friends.” She smiles, then with a sweep of her yellow wings, takes to the air. You watch in awe as Fluttershy and her winged friends charge forward to face the storm.

Your name is Rainbow Dash and you are the second most awesome pegasus in Ponyville.