• Published 21st May 2020
  • 493 Views, 8 Comments

Kaiyo meets Applejack - Amereep

When an atom controlling star warrior gets hungry, he's gotta find something to eat. Are those apples?

  • ...

Kaiyo meets Applejack

Walking the dirt pathway with the two green feet he has, Kaiyo marches his ocean-blue sphere body with great anticipation. He holds a flier out with his two nub hands, and reviews it again with his dark grey eyes.

For the most one-sided fight in all of history!

Meta Knight VS Waddle Dee

Down at the City Wharf this Sunday!

Don't be a noddy and sleep this out!

★★★BE THERE!!!!!★★★

Kaiyo looks up at his surroundings, scratching at his green bandanna with the yellow star at the forehead.

He's not in the city, he's not even in the suburbs. The various apple trees suggest that he's in an orchard, and the many hills he can see tell that he's in the country. But something about this place seems off to him, like he's in another world or even reality.

Kaiyo leans back with his eyes shut and begins to crumple up the flier. He tosses the paper back and just has to admit it.

He's lost.

The growling sound in Kaiyo's stomach indicates his hunger, and with all the apples hanging in the area, the choice seems obvious. What isn't obvious, is how he'll get it.

Kaiyo is a short fella at eight inches while his desired fruit is hanging a couple of yards over him. He can't fly up there to get it, and charging the tree isn't going to shake it, so he'll resort to using a tool to knock it down somehow. Throwing something seems like the best option, but out of the crumbled flier, all there really is is just trees, which works just fine for Kaiyo as he's capable of a special ability.

Holding out his nubby little hand, Kaiyo forms a wooden boomerang within his grip from the few dozen atoms buzzing from the surrounding trees he pulls from. He eyes a shiny apple and tosses the boomerang at it, resulting in a miss and the tool flies back to him. It doesn't discourage Kaiyo and he tries again.

Sure, Kaiyo could use his atom controlling ability on the fruit to bring it to him or on the branch holding the apple to make it fall for the sake of it being easier, but that's the thing about him, he doesn't like it easy. Life would just be too boring if he went the easy way all the time, so Kaiyo amuses himself by putting his creativity to use. He can make a baseball cap from fiber scrolls, a plastic megaphone from compact discs. It all depends on what the object is made up of, he can even make a yo-yo by combining the scrolls and discs if he wants to get really creative.

Kaiyo makes another attempt and the boomerang successfully smacks the fruit this time. The apple wobbles and snaps the stem for the fruit to fall and settle on the ground.

As the boomerang begins to return, Kaiyo disintegrates himself to avoid the tool and reintegrates himself close to the apple. It's easy to maintain all of his atoms, the atoms of others is a much different thing and he strongly avoids from ever using his ability on them.

Kaiyo sits down in the middle of the orchard, rubbing the apple clean.

Suddenly, Kaiyo gets a shove, push, and pounce by a group of three rabbits swarming from behind. The bunnies all bounce ahead in a hurry for some apparent reason that leaves Kaiyo wondering.

A heavy sound of the ground beating catches Kaiyo's attention. The sound just keeps getting louder from behind him, so Kaiyo turns around and a light-brown stetson hat rams into him.

The felt-made headwear sends Kaiyo flying through the air with the apple by the bulldozing force.

The apple hits the ground first and Kaiyo follows with him rolling a yard ahead of the fruit. He plops on his back and hears the ground beating again. Kaiyo stretches to see this approaching object, albeit upside down.

Galloping at him with a glaring look from her moderate sap-green eyes is a pony with a brilliant gamboge fur. She angles her head at Kaiyo as if she's planning to ram at him again with the stetson hat she wears that covers part of her pale, light-grayish olive mane.

As she's about to hit him, Kaiyo disintegrates, noting the image of three red apples on her hip. Reintegrating himself behind the mare, Kaiyo leaves the pushy pony alone and gets back to his apple.

The pony responds to the missing impact and ceases her running to see where her target went. She spots Kaiyo at the apple he dropped and immediately darts for the fruit, snatching it in her mouth before he could take a bite of it. The mare holds the apple in her teeth with an intimidating look down at Kaiyo and she scuttles in place to scare him away.

It does the opposite effect on Kaiyo, he won't let his apple be stolen by this applejacker.

Kaiyo atomizes the apple out of Applejack's mouth and into his hands.

With no apple in her mouth, Applejack is already jaw drop to witness what Kaiyo did.

Applejack displays her stubbornness by gritting her teeth at him, giving Kaiyo one chance to return the apple.

Kaiyo displays his stubbornness by sticking his tongue at her, giving Applejack a raspberry to the offer.

Applejack pounces at Kaiyo and Kaiyo tosses the apple behind himself while disintegrating his body. Applejack lands on nothing and the buzzing sound of Kaiyo reintegrating ahead catches the mare's attention to witness the little guy catching the apple before making his escape.

Applejack pursues after Kaiyo, having no trouble catching up to him and making the little guy panic for another option.

Kaiyo throws the shiny apple to his right and he swerves for the left. After three seconds, Kaiyo twists to atomize the apple back to himself and gets a scare that Applejack never went for the apple.

With his eyes on the pony, Kaiyo feels a shift in his balance and finds himself tumbling down a hill with the apple falling from his grasp.

The apple bounces on the slope faster than the two could keep up and plops into the pond, out of reach for either of them to grab as it bobs and floats with the breeze.

As Kaiyo rolls to a stop, Applejack is already galloping around the border of the pond. The little guy steadies his spinning world and collects the situation around him, including the trees behind him.

Applejack is close to the trajectory the apple is floating toward, but it's still too far in the pond to reach. Her eyes flick towards trouble upon seeing something floating towards the fruit, a small boat.

Voyaging over the pond on a personalized wooden boat with his bandanna as the sail, Kaiyo is quickly catching up to the apple. He notices Applejack looking and he casually waves at her.

Applejack scans the area for something to reclaim the advantage, and notices a rubber tire swinging on a rope by a tree limb near the water.

Kaiyo leans over as he nears the apple, just a few more inches as he stretches out for the bobbing fruit. Suddenly a rope plops on the water, surrounding the apple in a circle like a lasso. The rope tightens around the fruit and jerks the apple farther away from Kaiyo.

Kaiyo traces his eyes along the lasso and sees Applejack holding the other end in her teeth. She stands next to the tire with an innocent grin and waves at Kaiyo.

Applejack suddenly hears a buzzing noise coming from the tire and looks down to see a portion of it missing. She looks back at Kaiyo and gets hit by a water balloon.

As Applejack pulls the shiny apple to shore, Kaiyo reconstructs a portion of his boat to make a paddle and begins rowing after the fruit. Kaiyo makes it to the pond's bank, and the moment he places a foot on land, Applejack rings him around his waist with the lasso.

Applejack yanks the rope and Kaiyo flings through the air towards a tree. The lasso hits a branch and begins to loop around it several times until Kaiyo is hanging in the air by a limb.

Kaiyo looks down at Applejack unamusingly despite his position and the smug look the pony is giving him as she holds the apple in her hoof. The sound of his hungry stomach scolds at Kaiyo, pushing him to be more assertive.

Disintegrating the branch, lasso, tire, apple, and himself, Kaiyo reintegrates himself holding the apple and lands on a freshly constructed spring being held down by a rope. Kaiyo disintegrates a portion of the rope and the spring launches Kaiyo in the air, leaving Applejack to groan, but refuses to give up the apple.

After a moment of soaring, Kaiyo begins falling and plops into a bushel of leaves at the top of a tree with the shiny apple in his possession. He's feeling very confident that Applejack can't get him now, but a sudden vibration shakes the tree he's in.

Down below, holding the lasso in her jaw, is Applejack bucking the tree that Kaiyo's in. Despite how thick the trunk is, she's certain that she can knock him out.

Applejack strikes the tree and it shakes. Applejack bashes the tree and it vibrates. The tree ruffles and Applejack wallo-

The pony pauses from the change in sequence. Applejack scans up and down the cylinder body, noting the broken branches on the left, right, and front of the apple tree.

Above the broken branch in front, the bark opens two hollow circles that open and closes. A third hollow circle appears below the broken branch, coming across to her as a face.

Applejack looks at the apple tree in bewilderment, but the tree was staring at her as if it's glaring. The tree expands what can be considered as cheeks and Applejack gets hit by a strong gale coming from the central hole of the tree.

Kaiyo watched Applejack getting thrown dozens of yards back through the air. He notes that the tree he's in has a talent for making things whispy, it's quite identifiable.

Whispy shakes its branches and Kaiyo rocks to the point where he falls between the branches and falls to the ground with his shiny apple. The little guy pushes himself to his feet, staring up the mighty tree and immediately gets hit by the strong gale it makes.

Applejack grounds her hooves and hangs onto her hat from the wind that blows Kaiyo overhead. She doesn't pay attention to the little guy as she is with the apple trees around her; witnessing them lose their leaves, branches, and apples from the wind pressure. Applejack glares Whispy through the wind.

As the wind dies down, Kaiyo rolls in the dirt to a halt. He immediately hops up and looks around for where his apple went.

Applejack cracks her shoulder and charges at Whispy. The tree however, scrunches down and springs high into the air at the approaching pony, which she immediately retreats back from being stomped on.

Kaiyo spots his shiny apple hiding in the shades, but Whispy smashes the fruit before he could retrieve it. Kaiyo cries out to the crushed apple.

Applejack tries to charge at Whispy once more, yet the tree blows another gale at the mare for her to endure.

Kaiyo gets the impact of the wind as well. He winches at the wind blowing on his face, unprepared for the bird's nest slapping him in the face. Kaiyo shakes off the nest, holding a few feathers in his mouth for the keratins they're made of, they'll be very helpful if he needs some extra durability.

Applejack loses her hold on the ground and tumbles backwards, colliding into Kaiyo in the process. The two of them continue to role together and settle on top of each other when the wind dies down.

Kaiyo reatomize to his feet and taps a sprawl out Applejack. He gains her attention and Kaiyo takes two feathers from his mouth, reatomizing them in front of her to form a bigger feather. Kaiyo points at the tree and steers Applejack's gaze to the apple imprint on her hip.

Applejack nods to Kaiyo as she gets back on her hooves with the lasso in her mouth.

A shadow suddenly casts over the two of them and they look up to see Whispy making another attempt to flatten them.

Kaiyo nibbles on the feathers and eyes Applejack's Stetson hat.

Whispy's leaves ruffle to the wind as it plummets and smashes the ground in a loud thud. It swerves their trunk around to look for them, but they're not finding any traces of Kaiyo or Applejack anywhere.

Whispy hears a buzzing noise and narrows its hollow eyes to the branch that makes up its nose for an ocean-blue creature forming there. The tree takes a flurry of scratches that dig into its bark from the creature.

Whispy shakes it off its face and the creature bounces to the ground on their feet to display themself as Kaiyo, sporting off a pair of bear gloves.

Kaiyo swings the light-brown felt gloves and digs into the ground effortlessly with the sharp claws made of keratins, hurling some soil Whispy as a form of provoking the tree.

Kaiyo sticks out his tongue from his feather-free mouth at Whispy before fleeing. Whispy scrunches up makes another colossal jump at Kaiyo, uncovering a dug out pit from where it stood and a hatless Applejack to peek out from the hole unscathed.

Applejack jumps out of the pit and gallops to the nearest apple tree to give it a mighty buck. The apples fall from the tree and Applejack proceeds with the next to repeat the process, leaving the fallen apples where they are.

Meanwhile, Kaiyo keeps Whispy busy by making another attempt to scratch it up. As he charges at the tree, Whispy shakes its branches to send something falling out of its leaves and it breaks open upon hitting the ground, a beehive.

The bees fly out of their nest with their sights on Kaiyo as the culprit for the condition of their hive, yet they quickly lose him upon his disintegration. They buzz about, trying to make sense of things, and Kaiyo buzzes in behind them with a wooden tennis racket in his gloveless hands. Kaiyo disassembles the beehive and stitches it back together around the bees before gripping the felt handle of the racket and bopping the keratin strings to send the nest out of the area.

Whispy prepares to blow Kaiyo away as it pulls in air, but it gets a sudden tug from its left broken branch. It identifies that a lasso has roped it and gets another tug by the one on the other end, Applejack.

She yanks the rope by her teeth, however Whispy yanks back, and Applejack is swung over to Kaiyo. The little guy disintegrates the racket he wields and reintegrates them back to gloves on Applejack's forehooves, but as three-toed hooves with a talon on each toe. Whispy stares down at the two of them and Kaiyo disintegrates before he gets hit by another gale.

Kaiyo reforms behind Whispy and sees all the apples scattered on the ground. He runs past them, deatomizes the fruits as he hurdles to the closest hilltop to initiate the final part of the plan with the swarm of atoms he's collecting.

Returning back over to Applejack, the mare digs her gloves in the ground to withstand the gale storm Whispy is giving her. She endures from being blown away, but when the winds become tolerable, Applejack fights from being sicked into Whispy's mouth as it breathes in a strong gust.

Applejack lays low to the ground, refusing to be caught in the wind by tightening her hold with the floor. The wind shifts back at her, irritating her eyes and muffling her ears. She can feel her mane ruffling and a vibration below her hooves as it's slowly getting rougher.

Whispy begins to feel the ground shaking as well, settling its breathing to find the reason being this tremor. It spins its trunk around and shakes its branches in disbelief that a gigantic red apple of Whispy's height is rolling at them from the hills with a frantic Kaiyo running on top of the fruit.

Kaiyo flails his nubby hands as he struggles to stay on the apple while also making sure that the fruit doesn't roll off course. The apple smashes into Whispy into a tilt and begins to tip over with Kaiyo skimming over its leaves by the inertia.

The perturbing sight of Whispy falling over herself is enough to make Applejack gallop away before she became a flapjack. Applejack has her eyes on the ground, focusing on the shadow casting over her that she needs to outrun. She takes a quick glance back to see how she fares from the impact before her eyes spot something. Applejack tilts her body and eases her galloping for Kaiyo to cushion his fall on her back.

Kaiyo hangs on to Applejack as she skids to a halt upon the two of them placing a safe distance to watch Whispy fall. The tree hits the ground in a booming thud that shook the entire orchard, shaking the apples out of all the trees.

Though it's fallen, Whispy still has some fight in it and tries to bounce back to its roots. Tries as it might, it's too stiff to spring back and its branches make it impossible to roll about. With nothing left it could do, Whispy mopes to the state it's in.

With things now calming down, Applejack takes a moment to ease herself. Looking at all the trees now barren of fruit and the gigantic apple before her, Applejack has a look of satisfaction on her face. She hears the buzzing of atoms dissipating below her, looking down to see the gloves off her forehoofs. She hears the sound of atoms forming behind her before she feels her Stetson hat plopping on her head by Kaiyo.

Applejack pats her hat with a hoof and lowers it, bumping into something as she did. She scoops up the object she hit and sighs a resigning smile. She turns her sight to Kaiyo and offers him something that made his day.

An apple.

Author's Note:

From the very beginning, before I made an account of Fimfiction, my goal was to gain 100 followers for the purpose of bringing them to my YouTube channel.  And even though it's been years, and most of a good chunk of followers aren't here anymore, I still got 100 people to click the follow button.

I have to say...

What the heck was I thinking?

This all started a decade ago when Destructionseries and LoneAlchemist had a contest for a Kirby OC.  I was working with sprites at the time and I thought up a unique superpower prior to the announcement, so I decided to enter.  While many were trying to get their character to look cool or epic, I decided to leave the viewer with something different.

I went for humor and even made a story for my character.  I thought it was a creative and unique idea, a character that pulls apart the bits of sprites is something I've never seen or heard before.  People seemed to like it as it got me 2 thousand views because of it.  Someone named, brushtrail, even went as far as to make fan art of Kaiyo...

I lost the contest, but I believed I had something going and immediately made a sequel.  I had to be creative, edit, and even rip some sprites in order to make an episode (I even placed brushtrail's OC into the mix as thanks).  It took about a year, but at the end, I made this...

I got 300 views for it.  That took a strong hit on me.  I was hoping for at least a thousand, but I didn't even make a fourth of the first video.  I didn't want to place all that effort into making another video just to get another few hundred.

You might say that I should do it just for fun, but what fun is there to make just so I can be entertained?  Maybe it's because I was an outcast at school growing up, but making something for me feels like what I'm doing is pointless.  Maybe it was the mocking, or the teasing, or even the unavoidable destruction that'll follow that made me view it this way, but doing it for myself, just feels like I'm hiding in my own world alone.

Whatever the case was, I had a problem because all I had was an OC to try and lasso some followers, which is suicide in my eyes.  You're competing not just with the original source material characters, but with a billion of other fan's characters out there for dominance.  OCs also have a bad reputation for being the 'filler' for the creator to place themselves in just to be with their favorite characters, the characters that the viewer is here to see.  And there are hundreds of OCs that are like that, not as a background character that blends with the world, but the central star for giving a self-induced adrenaline to the creator (not that much different from the previous paragraph, now that I think of it).

So I gave it some thought on what I should do to get followers.  I thought of some ideas for stories...

But place them on the side because they didn't seem like an attention grabber.  At the time however, there was something big happening in the world of media, 'My Little Pony'.  The two worlds were pretty cartoony, pretty fantasy, and I was learning about the show at the time.  It'll fit right on in, and the only connection I could see that could bring the two worlds together was Whispy Woods.

So the plan to bring the brony community to my YouTube page was the plan and I made a script, I just needed the sprites and no one wanted to share ones on the MLP side of things.  Everything changed however, when I found this site and you can see where this is going.

I must say, the original script was awful and I had to change a few things.

  • Kaiyo simply snipped the stem of the apple instead of using a boomerang.
  • Kaiyo jumped on A.J.'s back and up in the tree instead of running away with the apple.
  • The pond scene was missing.
  • Applejack would've attacked Whispy with no rhyme or reason (even after Kaiyo was shaken out).
  • Kaiyo also had no reason to attack Whispy and was more generous in helping a struggling Applejack.
  • Kaiyo wasn't hit by a nest, but rather upon hitting a tree, a cyan feather floated down as a Rainbow Dash shout-out (removed because she was only noted once that she slept in Applejack's trees).
  • Whispy was rooted.
  • Applejack never got the claws.
  • Kaiyo dug around Whispy until he's barely supporting himself by the roots and Applejack just kicked Whispy over.

But now, after all these years, I've lost all motivation into making these shorts.  I hardly use my original Youtube account anymore since I got my own email address, and writing is a lot easier than animating.

And with 100 followers here, I'm getting more out of this place than I've had there.

Comments ( 8 )

why'd it take 7 years, 28 days, and 13 minutes to get 100 followers?

Probably because you feel that a Kirby recolored ripoff is an original character.



Probably because you feel that a Kirby recolored ripoff is an original character.

*Looks at all the other My Little Pony original characters.*
*Notes the many pony creators out there that just recolor the main cast.*
*Rubs temple by your poor attempt at being clever in both insult and username.*


Here to show you what real creativity is.

> "OC" is a ripoff Kirby

Much better insult, but you still miss the point entirely.

Everything is a ripoff of something, it's how you forge it that makes it creative.

I highly suggest you read the story first before you make claims that I simply painted over Kirby.

I love the plot of this story. It's neat how Kaiyo and Applejack began as enemies, only to work together and become friends when Whispy Woods became involved. However, I've got a question:

He can't fly up there to get it,

Didn't you say that Kaiyo is a Kirby OC? Why couldn't Kaiyo fly?

By the way, I love your Kirby OC. A bandanna-wearing ocean-blue Kirby who can control atoms and create things with said atoms? I give it a 10/10 for originality and awesomeness!

And those animations involving Kaiyo were pretty funny. They also showed off Kaiyo's abilities well. But why did the Fire Dragon explode after eating the spray paint?

I'm happy to hear that you liked the story as well as the shorts.

Didn't you say that Kaiyo is a Kirby OC? Why couldn't Kaiyo fly?

Giving Kaiyo the ability to fly comes off as being unbalanced and unnecessary in the long run.

While he's best known for copying, Kirby's normal abilities are based around exhaling (spitting stars or water jets underwater) and inhaling (to suck in enemies to copy or to gain air to float about). As for Kaiyo, he's already overpowered with the ability to control atoms (he could easily disintegrate anything without any resistance). I shouldn't be adding to Kaiyo, I should be subtracting from him by giving him disadvantages and rules (like his firm stand from using his skill on pulling others apart and his indirect approach towards problems).

When I'm working with Kaiyo, I often imagine that he's the personification of creativity and wouldn't resort to doing things in a simple manner (such as to fly to reach or grab something). He could always make wings to help him fly (given on what he has around him), and his atom controlling could act like a way to fly about (somewhat like teleporting), but no matter what's available, making things difficult for Kaiyo will be best for entertaining himself and every viewer.

But why did the Fire Dragon explode after eating the spray paint?

Sealed cans that contain liquid (wither it be paint, air fresheners, or even soda) that get tossed into an area of intense heat (ex. campfire) will start to evaporate its content into gas. Metal can withstand the heat for some time, but the gas forming inside it will start building to a point where it'll break and blasts apart like a grenade.

Having a Fire Dragon go out this way felt so fresh to me, so... fire in the hole.

That makes sense. Of course someone with the power to build practically anything from practically anything else wouldn't resort to doing things the simple way. And I understand why you decided not to grant Kaiyo the ability to fly. It would both be too overpowered and unnecessary.

And it seems like you've really shown your work in the short where Kaiyo throws a spray can into the Fire Dragon's mouth to blow it up. That was quite clever!

You know, I've never even heard of Kaiyo or other Kirby OCs until I watched this video. Thanks to your story and author's note, now I know how he got all of those items during the chase scene.

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