• Published 26th Apr 2013
  • 12,114 Views, 886 Comments

Vanishing Act - Axel IV

It's been ten years since Rainbow Dash's father disappeared in a wild, fierce thunderstorm. When the same strange storm hits Ponyville, Rainbow Dash does as much as she can to try and stop it from happening again. But magic has a strange h

  • ...

The Question

“Hmmm...” Professor Tesla Coil blinked, taking a closer look at the strange contraption sitting on his desk. “Now this is odd.” The small mechanical object, assembled from a hamster wheel, a blowhorn, a typewriter, and other numerous household items, was spinning rather rapidly, producing a white parchment with eerie writings of ink. Tesla Coil grabbed the printing paper with his hooves and brought it up to his sapphire eyes.

“What?...” he breathed, “this cannot be... oh dear oh dear oh dear...” Tesla Coil immediately shoved his chair back and tore the paper emerging from his contraption. He turned and tried to quickly navigate out of his dimmed laboratory. Because of his young age and inexperience the professor hadn't been given a proper lab like the other more renowned scientists, but he appreciated it. He rather enjoyed the small space and the solitude.

He shoved open the door to his lab and entered the hallway outside. The sudden brightness made him shrink back and he cover his eyes with a grunt. The sunlight revealed his dirtied lab coat and his messy brown mane. He blinked repeatedly, waiting for his eyes to adjust before taking off down the hallway.

College students and a few professors watched in amusement as Tesla Coil dashed past them with heavy breaths. In his rush he tripped on his own hooves a few times and incited laughter from watching ponies. Ignoring them, the professor pressed on urgently, scampering up staircases and through corridors with the paper clutched in his mouth.

After a few minutes of running and stumbling, the professor finally made it to the base of Canterlot’s tallest tower. He took a minute to rest, leaning his side against one of the walls and wiping the sweat from his brow.

“Come on, Tesla,” he panted, “just up these stairs... you can do this...” He slowly began to climb the winding stone staircase, the paper still held tightly between his teeth. His leg muscles ached and his chest burned, but the importance of the document drove him on.

After what felt like hours of walking, Tesla Coil reached the last step. Two guards clad in their shining golden stood still at their posts beside the door to the chamber. Tesla wiped his brow again before straightening, taking the paper from his mouth to shove it into his coat pocket.

“Is Princess Celestia available?” he asked, “I’m aware that she retires to her private room at this time.”

“The Princess will not be seeing visitors,” one of the guards answered, slamming the end of his spear into the floor.

“B-But this is important!” Tesla Coil protested, “what I have in my pocket could determine the fate of all of Equestria! Maybe the world!”

“Really, Tesla?” the other guard frowned. “This is the third time you've said that this month! The first time it was something about ‘Platypus Bears’ and the second time it was about the increase of squirrel violence. What is it this time?”

“Look, this time it’s really important!” Tesla Coil whimpered. “T-Those last few times were flukes, but this time is real! I’m serious!”

The two guards glanced at each other before sighing. “Well,” one of the scratched their heads, “Celestia always said to let you in whenever you made some sort of ‘discovery’. Just be quick.” The guards stepped aside, and Tesla Coil quickly marched into Celestia’s chamber.

“Hey.” one of the guards said to the other. “She only lets him in because she finds his research hilarious, right?”

“Who knows.” the other one shrugged. “But I know I would.”

Tesla Coil was always breathless when he entered Princess Celestia’s chambers. The sun seemed to shine stronger, and the scent of icing and flowers were prevalent in the air. Regal carpets sat on a polished white marble floor, and incredible paintings were hung from the walls. Her bed was huge with dozens of exotic pillows and large soft blankets of almost every color.

But Princess Celestia was always what made him freeze.

She stood on her balcony, looking through her telescope at Canterlot below. Her coat was as beautiful as always, her mane wondrous and magical. He didn’t want to get her attention at first due to his nervousness, but the sound of the door closing alerted her to his presence.

“Tesla?” She blinked, looking back at the stallion. “Ah! Hello, dear friend!” She smiled, leaving her balcony to approach him.

“G-Greetings, Princess...” Tesla Coil bowed. “I-I have s-something of the utmost importance you should see!”

“Oh Tesla,” Celestia giggled, “you don’t have to bow your head.” Tesla slowly pulled his head up, feeling small in the presence of such a magnificent pony.

“Tesla, you should take better care of yourself,” She smiled, “have you been locked up in that dark lab of yours? I bet you could really use a bath.”

“Y-Yes of course,” Tesla Coil stammered, “b-but there’s s-something important that I have discovered that you must see immediately!”

Despite his serious tone, Celestia giggled at his outburst. “Of course, Tesla,” She nodded, “what have you brought for me today? I’m sure that it’s definitely as interesting as your research paper on squirrel violence.” Tesla Coil blinked, not sure if Celestia was being serious or sarcastic. She always had a way of talking that would outright confuse him.

“Here.” He stated, grabbing the small piece of paper from his pocket. “I was in my lab doing research on magical essence when I found something startling...”

“Magical essence, hm?” Celestia inquired, “yes, I know that my prized pupil was studying that as well. She has sent me a few notes regarding this... perhaps you would like to read them later?”

“N-Not now, Princess!” Tesla Coild protested, “perhaps later, but this is very important!” Celestia used her magic to grab the small paper from his hoof, raising it up to her face to look at it.

“Tesla,” Celestia blinked, “I’m sorry, but I’m no scholar. These strange patterns and waves... I don’t understand what they mean.”

“That’s just it.” Tesla Coil responded, “whenever magical essence is studied with these detectors, it usually is either a slightly wavy line or straight. But this paper is showing fluctuating bumps and strange swirls! I have never seen such readings even in Starswirl’s notes!”

“Hm...” Celestia scratched her chin, “well, what do you think it means?”

“I have several ideas, but one seems to be the most plausible.” Tesla Coil answered, pacing back and forth nervously. “I’m thinking... I’m thinking that the balance of magical essence has been completely disrupted.”

“Completely disrupted?” Celestia asked, taking her eyes off the paper to look at Tesla Coil. “What are you saying?”

“Okay.” Tesla Coil stopped his pacing. “It’s a hard concept to understand at first, and we don’t know that much about magical essence. But what we do know is that it plays a huge role in the planet. Imagine that magical essence is sorta like a perfect tower and that every brick and stone in that tower helps it stay up. What would happen if you took out even one stone?”

“The tower would come crashing down...” Celestia answered, growing concerned. “How do you know that something like this would happen?...”

“It’s just a theory of mine,” Tesla Coil shrugged, “I know no evidence to really base if off of, so we’re stuck in the dark right now. I would like to hold a meeting with Equestria’s greatest minds to discuss this... I mean, if its okay.”

Celestia furrowed her brow. “I understand, Tesla... but you know that it will take much convincing for the old scientists to accept your theory. You have no evidence, and many of my best magical theorists are too stubborn to accept something so... crazy sounding.”

“Yes, I know.” Tesla Coil sighed, giving a sad nod. “I’m prepared for any ridicule and arguments against me. I’m just going to have to dive farther in my research to hopefully find something of use for the meeting.”

Celestia gave him a strong smile. “Of course, Tesla. I’ll try to arrange a meeting but it’s going to take a while. These sort of requests take time, and the scientists and magical theorists are never in a hurry.”

“Right!” Tesla Coil bowed, “t-thank you, Princess! I-I didn’t think you were going to give me a chance!”

“Oh, Tesla!” Celestia laughed, setting her white hoof on his shoulder. “I know can you be quite eccentric and reckless at times, but you mean well. This can be your chance to shine, you know.”

“I-I just want Equestria to be safe.” he stammered, “I-I don’t need any sort of recognition. I just hope that when we hold the meeting... it won’t already be too late.”

It was a fact: Sonic Rainbooms are loud. They’re louder than cannons, fireworks, and the shrill screams of annoying fillies. When one is performed they often create a powerful shockwave that can crack stone and tremble structures that are even miles away. Sonic Rainbooms are as loud as they are legendary.

But the explosion in Twilight’s lab reached just as high or higher than that of a Sonic Rainboom.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were within a few feet of the library when Twilight’s magic went off in a bright purple flash. The tree quaked, its branches thrashing as if they were in a powerful hurricane and throwing its leaves in the air. The door immediately kicked open, breaking off its hinges and hitting the ground right in front of Rainbow’s hooves. The glass windows all shattered, violet flames bursting out from the inside. The tree had been enchanted to resist flames, but there would no doubt be scorch marks.

Rainbow Dash reacted by lifting her hooves to cover her eyes, yelping in shock. Fluttershy reacted by jumping up four feet in the air, her pupils shrinking down to the size of pin pricks. She let out a scream that would be horrendous if it wasn’t in a whispering volume.

“Omigosh, what was that?!” Rainbow screeched, her eyes widening. “Oh no, dad and Twilight’s in there! Come on, Fluttershy!” Fluttershy showed no signs of moving, and her friend had to grip her mane and tug her into the house.

It was a mess, but thankfully the magic kept the books from being damaged. The center table had immediately been turned into ashes along with whatever food had been placed onto it. Twilight’s rugs and carpets were now burnt to crisps along with a few paintings and pictures that had not been enchanted with protection magic.

“They’re downstairs!” Rainbow yelped, “there’s still smoke coming from the basement! Hurry, Fluttershy!” The fear of losing her friends outweighed her own fear and Fluttershy quickly dashed down the basement directly behind Rainbow.

The lab had obviously taken the most damage. The walls were completely scorched along with the floor and the ceiling. Twilight’s research, though undamaged due to magic, were thrown off their shelves and littered the floor. Her desk and alchemy table were gone along with any notes she had taken from Sky Strike.

Twilight stood in the center of the room as still as a statue. Purple static cracked up and down her body. Her pupils were pure white and she was panting, steam rising off of her horn. Sky Strike was face down on the floor facing Twilight, an imprint of his body on the wall behind him.

“D-Dad!” Rainbow shrieked, charging over to her father’s side. She quickly grabbed him and flipped him over onto his back and put her ear to his chest. His coat was scorch black, but there didn’t seem to be any burns or significant injuries.

“He’s still breathing...” Rainbow sighed in relief. She then glanced over at Twilight who still stood frozen, her eyes still completely white as smalls parks of magic danced over her violet body.

“U-Um,” Fluttershy stammered, “I-I think she’s broken...”

“No kidding.” Rainbow grunted, lifting her father from the floor. “Come on, big guy. Fluttershy, help me out here would you?” Fluttershy hesitated, but trotted over to lift up Sky Strike with Rainbow Dash. The two mares heaved him across the room, straining to get him up the stairs.

“Why’s he so heavy?” Rainbow groaned through clenched teeth, moving up one slow step at a time.

“He is your father...” Fluttershy grunted, pushing him up from her side. “You both are very strong... and he is a stallion after all."

After a few more struggling moments the two elements of harmony successfully transported Sky Strike into the main room of the library. After a bit of searching for a seat, Rainbow gave up and carefully laid her father onto the floor.

“There we go...” She breathed, looking over at Fluttershy. “So... what do we do about Twilight?”

“I-I don’t think we should touch her.” Fluttershy shook her head. “She’s... sort of scary right now...”

The door to the library suddenly kicked open and a familiar purple-scaled dragon rushed in. Spike was panting, his eyes wide as he glanced around the room in a rush. “W-Where’s Twilight?! What happened?!” He asked alarmingly. “It sounded like some sort of mega explosion!”

“In the basement,” Rainbow Dash replied, “I think she had a little magical overload.”

“I knew this would happen...” Spike smacked his hand against his forehead. “Being alone with a stallion like Sky Strike was probably a little too much for her.”

“What do you mean?” Rainbow inquired, “did my dad do anything?”

“Well, not intentionally,” Spike shrugged, “you know how unicorn magic can be linked to their emotions, right? Well, in Twilight’s case, she’s like a bomb just waiting to go off. Sky Strike probably made some sort of teasing advances that pushed her over the edge.” Spike glanced around before snatching a book off of a table.

“I-Is she going to be alright?” Fluttershy asked, following Spike as he ventured to the basement.

“She’ll be fine.” Spike replied, looking glum. “But this means I’m going to have to clean out the entire library... again.” He walked in front of Twilight, holding the book in front of her face.

“What are you doing?” Rainbow Dash blinked, cocking her head in curiosity.

“Just watch,” Spike smirked, “hey Twilight! Look at what I’m doing!” He let go of the book and it tumbled onto the floor.

Twilight’s magic disappeared instantly, her pupils almost immediately re-appearing in her eyes. “S-Spike!” She gasped, lifting the book from the floor with her magic. “What did I tell you about messing with books like they were toys?!”

“And she awakens.” Spike sighed, rubbing his temples. “Hey Twilight... you blew up again.”

Twilight blinked, “What are you talking about?” She glanced up, gasping at the scorched remains of her laboratory. “W-What happened here?! D-Did I do this?!”

“Duh.” Spike rolled his eyes, “I think you know what happened better than anypony.” Twilight instantly grew red.

“W-Where’s Sky Strike?!” she panicked, “I-Is he okay?!”

“He’s upstairs out cold,” Rainbow Dash nodded, “I think he’ll be fine. So what the heck happened here?!” Twilight turned and marched upstairs, her friends and dragon assistant in tow.

“W-Well...” Twilight stammered, “a-a few things were said... um, I got a little embarrassed and well... I guess I couldn't control my emotions too well...” Sky Strike was now stirring and was sitting up and rubbing his temples.

“Hey! He’s already up!” Spike exclaimed, “usually it takes a couple days for Twilight’s victims to wake up!” Twilight abruptly shushed Spike before dashing over to Sky Strike.

“Oh my gosh, Sky Strike... I’m so sorry.” She apologized, pawing at the ground. “I-I shouldn’t of went out of control like that.”

Sky Strike groaned, opening his eyes to look at the purple mare. “What? Sorry, I didn’t catch that... my ears are kinda ringing.” He blinked, looking around the library. “So, um... what was I just doing?”

“You don’t remember what happened?” Twilight asked, “anything at all?”

“Um...” He scratched his head, “I came over for tests, right? That’s as far as I remember...” He spotted Spike looking at him with his arms crossed. “Oh hey, Shenron!”

“Spike...” The dragon grumbled, “My. Name. Is. Spike.”

Sky Strike laughed, patting the dragon on the head, “Whatever you say, sport!” He coughed lightly, looking down at his blackened fur. “Did... did something explode on me?”

"Well..." Twilight looked away with flushed cheeks. "Um..."

"Twilight sorta blasted you." Rainbow Dash shrugged, much to the shock of the purple mare. "It's no biggie, and you don't look that banged up."

"Did she?" Sky Strike blinked, "wow... I must have done something terrible for you to do that to me!" He laughed, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "Sorry about that, Twilight! For whatever I did to you back there, I mean."

"O-Oh, no..." Twilight laughed nervously. "I-It wasn't your fault... I, um, well I should share the the blame with you." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes with a playful smile before walking up and nudging her father. Sky Strike, who just climbed up onto his hooves, wobbled a little with that light push.

"Watch it squirt," He laughed, "I'm still a bit dizzy here. Nothing too serious but my fur's a bit... well, scorched." He hobbled back onto his hooves and attempted to brush off some of the black on his coat to no avail.

"Yeah," Fluttershy frowned, "it's stained pretty bad..."

"It's definitely going to more than a few showers to get that out," Twilight added, tapping her hoof onto her chin in thought. "I'm a bit afraid to cast a spell to get rid of it, though... you're still radiating magical essence so that could prove to be a bad thing..."

"Take him to Rarity's," Spike stated, tapping his foot impatiently. "If there's a pony who knows how to clean up, its her. I haven't finished my work over there so I can take you to her place!"

"Sorry, Spike," Twilight smirked, tapping her assistant on the nose with her tail. "The library needs a serious cleaning, and you know I can't do it without you!" Spike groaned in protest, throwing his claws up in the air before stomping away to find a broom and a dustpan. Sky Strike and the others couldn't help but laugh at the young dragon's misfortune.

"Is this Rarity a friend of yours, kiddo?" Sky Strike asked, looking over at his daughter.

"Yep!" Rainbow nodded, nudging her father over to the door. "She's a bit girly and delicate, unlike me, but she's good friend! I'm sure you'll like her!"

Just like writing and painting, being a fashion designer takes creativity and dedication. There will be times when ideas flow like streams, and beautiful works of art are created with just simple thoughts and ambition. There will be days when one can draw inspiration from the smallest source, and days when one's creative mind soars higher than a cloud in the sky.

Rarity was not having one of those days.

Once again she found herself in a heated battle against strict deadlines and with a strong wall in her mind that was blocking creativity. With such important events like the Grand Galloping Gala coming up, the fashionista found herself too busy for anything but work. Thankfully, she managed to clean herself up a bit when Spike came to visit, but it had been a few minutes out of her precious time. She had dozens of ponies lined up for suits and dresses, and she needed to get each order on time.

"No no no! This will not do!" She groaned, her magic tossing cloths and threads through the air. "That dress is utterly dreadful! And that suit... it's just beyond horrid! I can even think of any words to describe it!" Her pony mannequins were now draped in so many cloths and materials that you couldn't even see their shapes anymore. Rarity sighed, removing her red glasses from her face and setting them onto her table.

"I just can't think of anything..." She sighed, rubbing her temples with her hooves. "This is much too stressful... perhaps I should take a trip to the spa for some relaxation? No! I can't! I'd spend too much time resting my body and my work wouldn't get done... but maybe a ten minute session couldn't hurt? Oh, Rarity... you are a most pitiful sight to behold!"

A knock at her door interrupted her brief argument with herself. Rarity sighed, clearing her throat before approaching her mirror. She made a few touches to her mane and makeup before heading down the stairs, putting on her best face for whomever showed up on her doorstep. Taking a deep breath, she opened her door.

"Welcome to the Carousel Boutique where everything is chic, unique, and manufi- oh, it's just you, Rainbow Dash?"

"Hey Rarity." Rainbow Dash smiled, "Do you think you could do me a-"

"Oh my!" Rarity shrieked, "h-how horrendous!" It took Rarity a millisecond to spot the scorched form of the stallion beside her friend.

"Darling, you're fur... it's absolutely atrocious!" She yelped, stepping aside for her friends to enter. "Do come in! We are definitely going to have to fix you right up!" Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Sky Strike walked in casually. Rarity disappeared in a fuss, muttering to herself as she walked out of the room.

"Wow!" Sky Strike exclaimed, looking around the room as if it were a museum. "This place is amazing!"

"Really?" Rainbow Dash blinked, spotting piles of clothes and materials splattered over the floors. "Seems like it could be cleaned up a little bit. Anyways, Rarity, I'd like you to meet-"

"Here you are, darling!" Rarity exclaimed, numerous bottles floating above her head. "Use this bottle to clear out the nasty black scorches all over you, and use this one to get your fur all soft again. Then use this one to give it a radiant shine and then finish it with this one that will give your fur a glow for at least a week! Now, the bathroom is upstairs first door on the left. After you apply each bottle to your fur, rinse for a good five minutes! Now off with you!" Rarity nudged him up the stairs, making Sky Strike blink in confusion.

"Um," He glanced back. "Does it matter which order I use them in?"

"Order is everything, dear!" She replied, "remember- that bottle, then that bottle, then that bottle, then that bottle!" She pointed with a milky white hoof.

"Erm," Sky Strike blinked, "so, the blue one, then the red one, then the lighter blue one, and then the periwinkle one?"

"Correct!" She pushed him up the stairs and gave him a shove into the bathroom. Before Sky Strike could let out a word of protest Rarity slammed the door in front of him.

"Whew!" She wiped her brow, making her way back down the stairs. "Rarity has saved the day once more!" Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy shared a look.

"So, you just marched a stallion who you don't know into your house and into your shower?" Rainbow asked with a frown.

"Of course I did, dear!" Rarity replied proudly, "I could never leave a fashion disaster like that untouched! By the way, who was that gentlecolt?"

"Um, that was Rainbow's father." Fluttershy replied, pawing at the ground lightly.

"What?!" Rarity gasped, "Rainbow Dash's father?! Well, I should have guessed from his rainbow mane and great athletic build. I'm surprised that he looks so young."

"Athletic build?" Rainbow inquired, "did you just check out my dad?!"

Rarity laughed at her friend's reaction. " Rainbow Dash, I wasn't 'checking him out'. I was simply making a appreciating observation! I am a fashion designer of course, so its natural for me to take in his body type and physical attributes."

"Well, whatever." Rainbow huffed, sitting down on a chair in Rarity's living room. "So what's with the mess? Another fashion show or something?"

"Hardly." Rarity sighed, patting her mane with her hoof. "There are a few special events scheduled in Canterlot, and there have been a dozen orders for new dresses and suits. I'm having quite a hard time coming out with the designs they horribly specified." They could hear the shower kick on from upstairs.

"Dresses, huh? Sorry, I don't think I could help you there." Rainbow shrugged, leaning back into the chair with a yawn. "Can't you just make some dresses that you've already made?"

"Hmph!" Rarity crossed her hooves, frowning at her pegasus friend. "Of course not, Rainbow Dash! One does not simply recreate their masterpieces! It would be a taboo of the fashion world!"

"Suit yourself, Rares," Rainbow shrugged, "I was just trying to help."

Rarity sighed and decided to change up the subject a little. "So about your father... why did he suddenly show up on my doorstep looking like he's been through a blazing inferno?"

"Well, Twilight sorta blew him up." Rainbow replied, much to the shock of her unicorn pal. "Anyways, let me explain the whole situation..." Rainbow started from the beginning, telling Rarity about how her father had disappeared all those years ago and had suddenly reappeared in her life. When her little informational speech finished, the shower from upstairs cut off.

"O-Oh my," Rarity reached up a cloth to dab at her eyes. "How tragic... a father suddenly being taken from his family just to be thrust back into the world that moved on without him. How is he taking it?"

"It looks like he's taking it well," Rainbow frowned, "but he's probably just trying to ignore it. I can tell that it's really hurting him inside..."

"Stallions like to look strong, Rainbow Dash," Rarity stated, "but that doesn't mean they don't hurt. I'm sure that he's been crying. A mare can just tell sometimes."

"I'm really worried about him." Fluttershy added, twiddling with her hooves. "All of his friends moved on and think he's still gone... when he goes back to visit Rainbow's mother, what's he going to do?..."

"That's what's been eating me." Rainbow responded, a frown pulling on her lips. "That old mare is definitely not gonna take him back. That's just the way mom is... besides, she's already in another family. As soon as he left she basically left me too." Rainbow grumbled the last few words, her eyes dropping to the floor.

"Aren't you angry at your father, Rainbow?" Rarity inquired, cocking her head. "The way you said that... you sounded very upset at him."

"I'm still ticked off." Rainbow replied, "but I just can't be mad at him when I see him... because I know he's in a lot more pain than I am."

The door to the bathroom finally opened, and they could hear Sky Strike make his way to the stairs. "Everypony stay clear!" he commanded, "I smell like lilacs!" Sky Strike's coat practically glimmered. The scorches on his fur were gone, and his dark blue color was shining. Rainbow could smell his shampoo even from where she was sitting.

"Oh, my!" Rarity smiled, "Rainbow, you didn't tell me he was this handsome! I could hardly see the poor thing when he came in, but now he's like star!"

"Thanks!" He laughed, marching over to the three mares. "I feel loads better! I'm still a bit wobbly though." He joked, looking around the boutique. "So Rainbow tells me you're a fashion designer?"

"Indeed I am!" Rarity perked up, her eyes twinkling at Sky Strike. "And Rainbow tells me you taught the two top wonderbolts?"

"Oh, well that was a surprise to me!" he chuckled, "I had always thought that Soarin and Spitfire would make it, but it was still awesome to hear!"

"Okay, you two," Rainbow frowned and stood up. "We have to head back to Twilight's to catch dad up on everything that's happened since he's been gone."

"Oh, then how about I join you?" smiled Rarity, "the more the merrier, correct?"

Rainbow looked at her irritatingly before sighing. "Whatever," she shrugged, "c'mon. Let's hope Twilight's got the library all cleaned up."

Twilight did not have the library all cleaned up. Even with the combined efforts of Twilight's powerful magical abilities and Spike's ruthless cleaning techniques, they could only manage to do so much in such a short time. When Rainbow Dash's group arrived the library was barely cleaned up enough for them to sit around comfortably. The chairs and table were all incinerated so they found themselves gathered in a circle of lawn chairs. Scorch marks were still covering the walls, and the smell of smoke was still prominent in the air.

"Wow," Twilight blinked, seeing Sky Strike's fur. "Rarity really did do wonders... it hardly looks burnt at all!"

"Oh, I didn't do anything," smiled Rarity, "I just gave him directions and lent him my special shampoos and conditioners."

"But I swear his fur should be burnt," Twilight inspected, "well, I guess it doesn't matter now. So I guess now we should catch Sky Strike up on everything he's missed. Where should we start?"

"How about back when you first came to Ponyville?" proposed Rarity, "I think that's when the real changes really started."

"Oh right!" Rainbow Dash nodded, smiling proudly. "And when we became the elements of harmony!"

"Elements of what now?" Sky Strike blinked, looking over at the four mares.

"Well," Twilight took a brief moment to think of how to explain this. "Well, you know the story of the mare on the moon?"

"Of course I do." Sky Strike nodded with a smile. "It's an old pony's tale told to young children, right?"

"Not exactly." Rainbow Dash answered, "she's real. And she sort of came down and threatened to make an eternal night over all of Equestria." Sky Strike stared at his daughter, his blank expression unreadable.

He remained silent for a few moments. "You're joking." He finally replied.

"No, she's telling the truth." Twilight replied, smiling weakly. "And we were the ones that stopped her." Sky Strike finally shifted his gaze over to Twilight, his mouth gaping slightly.

He remained silent for a few more moments. "You're being serious?" he inquired again.

"Of course! We wouldn't dare joke about that!" Rarity tossed her mane. "Now we're the six elements of harmony, and we've saved Equestria numerous times! From changelings, to Discord, and we saved the Crystal Empire from the likes of King Sombra."

"Wait," Sky Strike rubbed at his temples with his hooves. "You guys are saying that you all defeated Nightmare Moon, changelings, the spirit of chaos, and saved a kingdom that has been missing for a thousand years?"

"Correct!" Twilight nodded with a smile. "I can imagine that it's quite a lot to take in."

"So that means," Sky Strike looked over at his daughter, "that my little Dashie has been in life-threatening danger too many times to count?"

"Um," Rainbow Dash blinked, "yes?"

Sky Strike immediately began to take deep breaths, his eyes wide in complete shock. "Okay..." He breathed, his eye twitching a little. "Okay..."

"Um, are you alright?" Fluttershy asked quietly.

"Oh yeah..." Sky Strike panted, wiping his brow. "Y-Yeah, I just found out that my precious daughter has made an enormous mark in history and could have been killed, eaten, or worse. But I have to say..." He looked up and smiled at his daughter. "That I've never felt so proud in my life, Dashie."

Rainbow Dash's face lit up, and for once she looked rather bashful. "Heheh..." She scratched the back of her head with her hoof. "It was nothin'! And I couldn't do it without the help of my friends here!" The four mares all smiled knowingly, and Sky Strike wiped away some liquid pride from his eyes.

"Anyways," He began, "I know you said there were six of you, so where's the other two?"

"Well, you've already met Applejack." Twilight stated, "but... hey, where's Pinkie Pie been all this time?"

"Yeah, that's weird." Rainbow Dash glanced around the library nervously. "Usually she'd be somewhere ready to throw a party... I wonder what's holding her up?"

"She'll turn up sooner or later." Twilight shrugged, "so anything else you'd like to know, Sky Strike? I'm having a hard time thinking of anything."

"There are a few things." Sky Strike nodded, looking over at his daughter. "So Dash... how'd you get your cutie mark?" He smiled sadly.

Rainbow looked strangely nervous. "Oh, t-this thing?" She stuttered, looking back at her flank. "Well, um... I got it after winning a race!"

"A race?" Twilight blinked, "what do you mean? I thought you earned it after performing a sonic-"

"A race!" Rainbow insisted, giving Twilight a hard look. "I won it in a race!" Rarity and Fluttershy gave each other confused glances.

"A race, huh?" Sky Strike smiled, "well that's good! A little odd though since everypony in our family typically gets them in a really flashy way."

"Really?" Twilight inquired, glancing at Sky Strike's cutie mark. "Then how'd you get yours?"

Sky Strike smiled brightly. "It was so awesome! I was the first in my class to get one. It happened back in elementary in Cloudsdale when I..."

"Pssst!" Rarity whispered over to Rainbow, leaning her head to speak in Dash's ear. "Why didn't you tell him?"

"Tell him what?" Rainbow whispered back, trying not to look suspicious.

"About the sonic rainboom!"

"I... its a secret!"

"A secret? Why?"

"B-because... because that's a secret!"

Rarity frowned, giving Rainbow a slight glare. "You know he's going to find out eventually... you are the only pony who can perform one you know. Wouldn't it be better for him to hear it from you rather than somepony else?"

Rainbow Dash pursed her lips. "Well... I'll cross that bridge when I get to it."

"...I broke my leg, two of my ribs, fractured my pelvis, and went into a coma for three weeks. But when I woke up I had my cutie mark!" Sky Strike declared happily. Twilight and Fluttershy could only answer him with a mixed expression of shock, admiration, and confusion.

"So dad, anything else?" Rainbow asked, trying to ignore Rarity's pouting beside her.

"There's quite a lot." He nodded, sighing deeply. "But one has been on my mind for a while, and I've been afraid of asking this." He took a deep breath and caught Rainbow Dash's eyes with his own.

"Dashie," He started, "I want you to tell me everything that happened between you and your mother."

Author's Note:

I realized that I have bad grammar writing habits, and I've been trying my best to get rid of them starting now. Feel free to give me pointers and critique me if necessary!

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