
by CategoricalGrant

First published

This Choose-Your-Own-Adventure story will give you the chance to fall in love with Rainbow Dash! The decisions (and the consequences) are your own!

You are a big Wonderbolts fan, and after coming to possess some VIP Wonderbolts tickets, you have the opportunity to meet (and attempt to woo) none other than Rainbow 'Danger' Dash!

In this Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Romance story, the choices are yours to make! But beware! The consequences are yours to deal with, as well. There are 9 endings (can you find them all?), and hundreds of unique paths to take through the story!

Spiritual successor story to Cuddle-Your-Own-Celestia and Love-Your-Own-Luna.

Rated T just to be safe (mildly suggestive content is present but limited). Cover art by Probablydnon.

Now with an AWESOME SONG EDITION from Luck Rock!

EDIT: Featured 5/7/18!
EDIT: Featured at #2 same day. OH BOY!


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You hop from hoof to hoof excitedly as you wait for the Wonderbolts to enter the stadium’s locker room. An old friend had unloaded VIP tickets to everypony’s favorite flying team onto you (for a very reasonable price), and you had never been more psyched to see a flying show.

You suck in a tight breath as the team trots into the room. Vaguely, you’re aware that the others with VIP tickets are murmuring excitedly behind you, but you let the noise fade into nothingness.

Your eyes flicker excitedly to and from each passing member as they come down the concrete ramp: Misty Fly, Silver Zoom, Surprise, Soarin’, Rapidfire… The very ponies you had been gushing over for years as a fan. You had been told that you’d only have about five minutes to speak who you wanted before you and the rest of the VIP ticket crowd would be ushered out. The team had to attend to their business, after all.

Still, you couldn’t think of who you wanted to talk to most. Deciding to late fate take you where it willed, you took a single step forward toward the mob of athletes.

“Hey!” a raspy voice calls. “I recognize you from Ponyville!”

You look to your left to see another small group of Wonderbolts coming down the ramp into the locker room, a rainbow-maned mare leading them. Despite the suit covering her body, you know exactly who she is.

The mare stops in front of you, taking her goggles off of her eyes and placing them around her head. She squints slightly as she takes a look at you. “Yup, I’ve definitely seen you before. Name’s Rainbow Dash!”

You of course know who she is. She’s been on the Wonderbolts for less time than some of her teammates, but then again, who cares!? She actually recognized you!

What in Equestria are you going to talk to her about, though?

To babble incoherently like the gushing Wonderbolts fan that you are, proceed to Chapter 1.
To play it totally cool with her, proceed to Chapter 2.
To ignore her (because mares totally dig it when you act like you don’t care) proceed to Chapter 3.
To *instantly* begin hitting on Rainbow Dash, proceed to Chapter 4.

Chapter 1

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“Hh-ehhiknm, I...ehhhinihhlblmm?” you mutter as your brain desperately tries to pull you back from the edge of syncope.

“I...uh...what?” she asks, tilting her head and squinting.

You clear your throat. “EEeeee...I...I’m sorry, excuse me.” You tell her your name.

“Nice to meet you,” she says, flashing you a smile. “Like I said, I’d seen you around Ponyville and all, but even though we haven’t talked until now, it’s still nice to see a familiar face at these VIP meetups.”

“Y-y-you’re so cool!” you blurt out. “The youngest flier to ever make the team, three-time winner of the Best Young Flier competition, air speed world record holder-”

“Don’t forget the first Wonderbolt Derby Triple Crown winner in forty years,” she tacks on with a cheeky grin.

“Plus you save the world with Princess Twilight like, all the time!” You babble on. “You’re so, like, TOTALLY awesome!” You gasp as you take in an aggressive breath which refills your empty lungs, then immediately shut your face as the cold realization that you’ve probably made a complete spectacle out of yourself.

Rainbow Dash leans against a bank of lockers casually. “Yup,” she says, smirking. “I am pretty awesome.”

Catching your breath and forcing yourself to speak slower and quieter, you continue. “C-could I get your autograph?”

“Sure thing, my man,” she says, picking up a gold-speckled marker between her teeth from a nearby table cluttered with papers. “Whatsha wan’ me a sign?” she mumbles, the pen flicking back and forth as her lips move.

You freeze as a terrible realization grips you. “Aw, man!” you lament, your face contorting into an expression of agony. “I totally forgot to bring stuff to get autographed!” You feel like a total loser!

“Heh, dun’ worry about it,” she spits. “A’ll jus’ sign ur fayshe!” Leaning in towards you until her pen comes in contact with your cheek, she begins autographing your visage.

You blush at the tickling sensation on your coat, and from the closeness of Rainbow Dash’s muzzle to you. You shiver after feeling one of her nostrils’ exhalations glide across your coat.

After she is pleased with her work, Rainbow Dash spits the pen back onto the table. “Nice,” she comments, mercifully ignoring your red face. “Now you look like a real Rainbow Dash fan!”

“Hey Crash!” a stallion’s voice sounds from the other side of the locker room. “C’mon, we’re about to start the debrief!”

“Alright, I’m coming,” she calls back, rolling her eyes. Returning her attention to you, she smiles again. “Hey, we should totally hang out in Ponyville sometime. I always enjoy spending time with my fans!” Winking at you, she turns tail and walks away before you get the chance to say goodbye.

Placing a hoof on your cheek, you blink a few times. “...Awesome.”

Proceed to Chapter 5.

Chapter 2

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“Nice to meet you, Rainbow Dash,” you begin, doing an absolutely masterful job at hiding your internal feelings of profound excitement. You introduce yourself. “That was an excellent show you guys put on.”

“Thanks,” she replies, nodding in approval. “We do our best to entertain all the little you,” she finishes, her eyes sparkling in a mischievous challenge.

“I thought you were so fast because you were so small,” you riposte quickly, smiling to make it clear you weren’t actually offended by her comment.

She snorts and narrows her eyes, but a pleased expression remains plastered across the rest of her face. “A joker, huh? I like that!” she slugs you in the shoulder as she walks past you, stopping when you were side-by-side. “Feel free to come hang with me in Ponyville sometime,” she calls over her shoulder before heading to chat with more of the guests.

You smile, but then grimace and rub your barrel with a hoof. “Ouch.”

Proceed to Chapter 5.

Chapter 3

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Time to turn on the Chad mare-killer skills. “Oh, sup?” you say, nodding vaguely in Rainbow Dash’s direction. You stand on the tips of your hooves to look over her head back at her teammates. “Is that Fleetfoot over there?”

“Uh...yeah, it is,” Rainbow Dash answers. She chuckles. “Be careful if you want to talk to her, she’s got a wicked lisp!”

“Alright, cool,” you say, trotting right by Rainbow Dash.

“Uh, alright then..I’ll see you later?” she asks awkwardly and rhetorically, before disappearing further into the depths of the locker room.

Nailed it. She’s totally into you.

Proceed to Chapter 6.

Chapter 4

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“Woah, I knew you were sleek because of how fast you are,” you begin, craning your neck to get a look at Rainbow Dash’s body from another angle. “But...daaaaang girl, I never knew you looked this good.”

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes, and a hint of a smirk comes across her features. “Oh, you’re one of those fans, huh?”

“Don’t be like that,” you smirk back at her, leaning against a row of lockers. “I could show you a good time, if you wanna ditch these ponies.” You crane your neck in the general direction of the rest of the Wonderbolts.

She just snorts and rolls her eyes again. “In your dreams, kiddo.” She turns tail and waves weakly over her shoulder in a half-hearted goodbye. “Hope you enjoyed the show.”

“Oh, I did,” you call. You’re pretty sure there’s an innuendo in there somewhere.

Proceed to Chapter 6.

Chapter 5

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As you walk home from work the following Tuesday, a blue flash careens out of the sky toward you.

Recoiling and shutting your eyes in fear, you crumple up and await the inevitable impact. Instead, you hear only a rough scraping noise, presumably indicating that the object, whatever it is, has skidded to a halt.

Slowly, you peek open one of your eyes and are met with the smug expression of Rainbow Dash.

“Looks like I scared you with my pro-level speed,” she comments, snickering.

You exhale and relax, drawing yourself up to your full height again. “...A little bit, yeah. B-by the way, it was awesome getting to meet you at the show.”

“I’m always happy to take my time with my adoring fans,” she boasts, accentuating her speech with a quick nod and raise of her eyebrows. “Speaking of which, I’m super bored right now and can’t find any of my friends. You wanna hang out?”

You tilt your head and bring a hoof to your chest. “You want to hang out? With me?”

“No, the pony behind you,” she says.

You look over your shoulder, immediately cursing yourself for being so gullible.

Rainbow Dash groans as you return your attention to her. “Yes, you!”

“Well, yeah, sure!” you respond, smiling widely. “I’m all done with work for the day.”

“Nice,” Rainbow Dash says. “So, uh, got any ideas on what to do?” she scratches the back of her head with a hoof awkwardly. Her muzzle scrunches up as she continues. “I’m not the best at making plans. Normally, Pinkie Pie comes up with the best ideas, or Twilight has us on a tight schedule, but, uh, they’re obviously not around.”

To challenge Rainbow Dash to a race, proceed to Chapter 7.

To suggest that you and Rainbow Dash just chill out somewhere, proceed to Chapter 8.

To go out to eat, proceed to Chapter 9.

Chapter 6

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A few weeks later, you spy Rainbow Dash walking around Ponyville with Pinkie Pie and that one loud pony that’s always trying to sell apples to you in bulk when you walk by her stand at the market.

Smiling at her, you raise a hoof in greeting.

You have to wave it back and forth to get her to notice you. When she does, she shoots you a strange look. Smiling awkwardly, she raises a hoof in a weak acknowledgement before she starts conversing with her friends once more.

You can’t help but feel that you’ve missed an opportunity.


Chapter 7

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“Hmmm,” you hum, chewing the inside of your cheek in thought. You smile devilishly and pop an eyebrow up in a challenge. “How about a race?”

“A race?” she parrots, blinking once. “Hah! You don’t have an Apple’s chance in Canterlot! I’m gonna mop the floor with you!”

“You’re on!” Adrenaline surges through your body as you lock your determined gaze onto Rainbow Dash’s fiery eyes.

If you are an earth pony or unicorn, proceed to Chapter 7a.

If you are a pegasus, griffin, hippogryph, or other such flying creature, proceed to Chapter 7b.

If you are an alicorn, please stop reading this story, pour yourself a stiff drink, go sit in a dark corner, and reevaluate your life.

Chapter 7a

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Lining up with Rainbow Dash on the edge of a field of tall grass, you hop from hoof to hoof as a warm-up.

“Alright,” Rainbow Dash bellows as she turns her head to the side and cracks her neck loudly. “First one to that big tree at the end of the field is the winner.”

“Sounds good,” you reply. “You can’t use your wings, though!”

“What!?” she spits, a flash of apprehension washing over her features. “I mean- that’s fine, I don’t need them!”

“I’m sure you don’t,” you say, squatting down in a powerful starting position. “Okay, on the count of three. One...Two…”

“Three!” Rainbow Dash cries as she launches into a sprint.

Luckily, you were prepared for this display of questionable sportsmanship and were able to match her explosive start.

Straining, you slowly begin pulling ahead of your smaller pegasus rival. Your hoof bends oddly as you encounter a rough patch of ground, but you are able to recover quickly. As you begin approaching the tree, you sneak a look behind you and find that you’re almost ten feet in front of Rainbow Dash, whose face is painted bright red from exertion.

Focusing as you quickly approach the tree, your ears pick up the sounds of flapping. In your peripheral vision, you see Rainbow Dash pull even with you...and then ahead as she uses her wings to help propel her forward.

“Hey!” you scream. With the tree only a few yards away, you act without thinking and leap onto Rainbow Dash, tackling her and sending you both sprawling across the ground.

Tied in knots, you and Rainbow Dash grunt as you struggle to inch your was the last few feet toward the tree. At almost the same time, her hoof and yours contact the bark of the tree trunk.

“I WIN!” you both call aloud.

You stare daggers at each other, your faces only inches apart. Rainbow Dash is the first to move, scrambling to her hooves. “No,” she hisses, “I won!”

“No, you didn’t!” you spit back, following her lead and rising to your full height. “My hoof hit the tree first! And, even if you did win, which you didn’t, you cheated anyway, so I win by default!”

“Y-yeah!? Well…” Rainbow Dash’s cheeks puff up and she blows out a puff of air. “...I will admit you were pretty fast. A lot faster than I expected.” She yawns.

You cock an eyebrow. “What, are you tired?”

“I could go for a nap,” she mumbles, yawning again. “One of my favorite past times. You in?”

You can feel your face heat up a little bit. “Wh-what? You want me to nap with you?”

She shrugs. “Why not? I’ll pull up a cloud and we’ll just chill!”

Proceed to Chapter 12.

Chapter 7b

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Rainbow Dash is standing on a cloud next to you and extends a hoof out to point toward a peak in the distance. “Alright, once around that hill and back to the cloud.”

You start nibbling your lip, worried about your prospects. You were not known for your long-distance flying. Or your sprints either, for that matter, but at least a shorter race would be over quicker than this one would. “Okay. On the count of three?”

Rainbow Dash nods solemnly.

You crouch down. “O-”

“ONETWOTHREE!” Rainbow Dash cries, launching herself off of the cloud and into a triple corkscrew as she accelerated at un-pony-like speeds.

“No fair!” you cry, flapping your wings anxiously as you try and fail to keep up. Squinting through the wind, you end up realizing that Rainbow Dash cannot be seen ahead of you.

A whoosh accompanies Rainbow Dash’s precise inverted loop, and she adjusts herself so that she is flying immediately ahead of you. She rolls onto her back and lazily flaps her wings as if swimming the backstroke. “What’s not fair? Taking a little head start? No offense, but I don’t think it’d make much of a difference.” Slowly rolling over again, she takes off at full speed again, rounding the hill before you even reach it.

It’s several long and arduous minutes before you reach the race’s endpoint, and when you do, Rainbow Dash is there to meet you with a smug grin. “There you are. I thought you had gotten lost, or died, or something.”

You land heavily on the cloud, taking big, gasping breaths of air into your lungs.

Rainbow Dash snickers loudly and pats you on the withers. “Looks like somepony needs a nap. C’mon, let’s go find a better cloud.”

Proceed to Chapter 12.

Chapter 8

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“I like how you think...BUT! I can do you one better than chilling,” Rainbow Dash replies, raising her eyebrows in excitement. “We’re gonna chillax!”

“Chilling and relaxing at the same time,” you muse out loud. “Clever!”

Rainbow Dash sighs and shakes a hoof at you in praise. “Thank you! At least somepony understands it without a big explanation! Come on, I know a great place we can hang at by the lake.”

You walk along with Rainbow Dash toward the lake on the outskirts of town. It is a pleasant day, partly cloudy and mild outside. The conversation is excellent, and you stop only once at a foal’s lemonade stand.

Rainbow Dash slaps two bits down on the plastic table and buys you a lemonade as well. You thank her profusely.

“And...there. Right under that tree,” Rainbow Dash orders, leading you to a patch of shade and taking a seat on her haunches. From here, you can see the whole lake, as well as the fields between the town and Sweet Apple Acres. A few foals play ball in the distance, but you can only barely hear their squeals of laughter.

“How’d you find this spot?” you ask her, enchanted by the environment.

“I used to nap in this tree pretty often,” she smirked.

You chat aimlessly for a few minutes before she yawns. “Actually...remember how I brought up napping earlier? I could use one right now. You feeling like one, too?”

You scrunch up your muzzle in confusion. “I dunno...isn’t napping in a tree, like, uncomfortable? And dangerous?”

Rainbow Dash scoffs at you. “I don’t nap in trees least not often. C’mon, let’s go find a cloud!”

Proceed to Chapter 12.

Chapter 9

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“Well, I’m kinda hungry...why don’t we go get something to eat at Sugarcube Corner?” you suggest.

“Oh, heck yeah!” Rainbow Dash cheers. “I didn’t even think of that! When you fly as much as I do, it’s important to keep your caloric intake up, and there’s no better way to do that than scarfing down a few of Pinkie’s best treats.”

You knew what Rainbow Dash was talking about, of course. Everypony knew Pinkie Pie, and everypony knew she was the best baker in Ponyville. She was even better than that loud, orange pony that yelled at people to buy her apples.

You fall into step next to your pretty, blue companion as you both march the two blocks to Ponyville’s most famous eatery. The conversation between you is light and airy, revolving around today’s weather and what you both planned to order.

You walk in next to Rainbow Dash and take a seat at a booth. The bakery is much less crowded than usual, but you still have to wait a few minutes for Pinkie Pie to take care of customers before she sproings her way happily over to your table.

“Hi, Dashie!” she cries with joy, beaming at her. She then turns and greets you in a similar vein.

While making eye contact with Pinkie, you can see her eyes brighten up and her mouth form into an expression of overjoyed surprise.

“WAIT A SECOND!” she squees loudly, attracting a number of different pairs of eyes to your table, “You two are here...TOGETHER!”

You can see Rainbow Dash clench her teeth together before she shushes her. “Pinkie! Nothing is-”

“Are you two here on a DAAAAAAAATTEEEEE?” she sing-songs directly to you, ignoring Rainbow Dash and accidentally slapping her in the face with her fluffy pink forest of a tail as she turns to you.

To answer Pinkie’s question with a ‘No’ and defuse the situation, proceed to Chapter 10.

To answer Pinkie’s question with a ‘Yes’ and have some fun teasing Rainbow Dash, proceed to Chapter 11.

Chapter 10

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“No, no,” you reply quickly, resisting the urge to tack on the phrase ‘I wish’. “Rainbow Dash and I just ran into each other and decided to get food, since we were both bored.”

Pinkie now flips around to face Rainbow Dash, this time smacking you in the face with her tail. “Is this true, Dashie?”

“Yes!” she replies quickly. “We’re just chilling- that’s all!”

“OOOOOOOOHHHHH! Okay!” chirps Pinkie. “You should totally start dating him soon, though, because he’s really cute and I’ll totally date him if you’re not gonna.”

Blushing, you peer out from behind Pinkie’s tail to find Rainbow Dash’s face similarly red- but whether from angry jealousy or embarrassment, you can’t tell.

“Can you just take our order already!?” Rainbow Dash seethes at her friend.

“Sure!” Pinkie spins your way, once again smacking Rainbow Dash firmly with her tail as she does so. “What would you like?”

“Well…” You think about your options for a moment. “I’m not in the mood for anything overly sweet, so how about a blueberry muffin?”

“Okie dokie lokie!” Pinkie confirms, beaming a bright smile at you. “And, Dashie, don’t worry, I’ll cut you a nice slice of one of my pies!”

Rainbow Dash shoots a tired glare at her friend.

In response, Pinkie Pie snorts in laughter. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding! One oat protein bar and a cherry turnover coming up!” With that, she prances away, humming happily to herself.

“Sorry,” Rainbow Dash huffs. “Sometimes she can be a real pain.”

“She’s definitely insufferable,” you respond thoughtfully. “But in a good way.”

“Yeah...I don’t think she’s suffering a whole lot,” Rainbow Dash replies, looking at you strangely.

Before you can spend much time thinking about your new friend’s verbal comprehension skills, Pinkie Pie brings over your food and two glasses of water, and you both dig in.

“Ooooh, I’m stuffed,” Rainbow Dash groans a few minutes later, slapping some bits down on the table. “I need to go relax, maybe take a nap. You wanna come with?”

The food has made you drowsy as well, and you stand up to stretch. “Sure thing, let’s go.”

Rainbow Dash trots out the door. You dig into your saddlebag, but before you pull out any money, you notice that Rainbow Dash has left enough bits to cover both of your bills.

“C’mon already!” you hear her call impatiently from outside.

Obediently, you head out the door.

Proceed to Chapter 12.

Chapter 11

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“Why, yes we are,” you mock with a smile. “We’re having a phenomenal time, aren’t we, Dashie?”

Rainbow Dash bares her teeth at you, but before she can say anything an ear-piercing screech radiates from Pinkie Pie.


Rainbow Dash immediately leaps from her seat and tackles Pinkie Pie to the floor. “Don’t you dare, Pinkie! We’re not dating, he’s just being a, a…” Rainbow Dash snarls back at you, a very non-family friendly word clearly on her lips. She ends up saying something else. “Doofus!”

“Ooooohhhh,” Pinkie says, seemingly enlightened. “He was just teasing you, then. Fun!” Squirming out from under Rainbow Dash, she stands at attention by the table.

You both order. When Pinkie hops back to the kitchen, Rainbow Dash leans over the table and socks you hard in the center of the chest.

You launch into a coughing fit as the pain radiates through your ribs. You rub the spot with a hoof, but the pain doesn’t seem to dull. Maybe she cracked something.

“That’s for your little joke, loverboy,” she snorts.

“I probably deserved it,” you wheeze as you look up at Rainbow Dash.

She rolls her eyes. “More like definitely deserved it. No harm done though...I guess.”

Your conversation over food was a little colder than before, no doubt due to some lingering animosity from your curiously aggressive companion, but everything is cordial and you seem to be enjoying each others’ company.

When you and Rainbow Dash finished your meal, she let out a yawn. “Pinkie’s baking always knocks me on my flank! I’m thinking a nap sounds awesome right now.” She stands up and stretches her legs out, two at a time. “You can come with, if you want. We’ll find a nice cloud somewhere and kick back.”

“Sounds good,” you say, standing up as well.

“Not so fast!” Rainbow Dash pushes you back down into the booth, the contact with your bruised barrel causing you to wince. “Since you were all over the idea of this being a date, you can pay for us both!”

Proceed to Chapter 12.

Chapter 12

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After a short and pleasant flight (or a quick cloud-walking spell), you stand with Rainbow Dash on a large, pristine white cloud which is slowly floating over the lake on the outskirts of Ponyville.

Rainbow Dash leaps lazily backward, falling into the cloud and sending small wisps and tufts of white spiraling into the air around her. You follow her lead, albeit less aggressively, sitting down first before collapsing backward.

Glancing over, you notice that Rainbow Dash has relaxed into a practiced position, her front hooves tucked behind her head and one hind leg resting on the other. She looks over at you and cocks an eyebrow.


“Nothing,” you say, sticking your tongue out slightly in concentration as you try to match her position. “Just following your lead.”

“Great, now be quiet,” she says, yawning. “I’m trying to sleep.”

You close your eyes. With one of your senses dulled, it’s easier now to feel the softness of the cloud under you, as well as the refreshing coolness of the air and the slight breeze.

Soon, you are asleep. In the throes of almost-unconsciousness, your body is relaxed into a blissful, warm state. It feels so much better than what sleep normally feels like- it’s like ecstasy coursing through your body.

You feel movement. It is gentle at first, and you are inclined to brush it off. But, soon it becomes stronger and is accompanied by strange sounds, almost like little sighs.

Moaning in annoyance, you open your eyes to find a blue hoof lying across your chest. Startled, you blink several times and slowly turn your head to the right, revealing Rainbow Dash’s form curled up against yours. You can even feel her other hoof resting against your cutie mark!

You gasp, which seems to stir Rainbow Dash from her slumber. After rubbing her eyes with a hoof, she opens them to stare directly into yours. She looks surprised as well.

“Ohmygosh!” she cries, darting away from you. “H-how did- I-I didn’t mean to- I mean, arghh!”

It seems that Rainbow Dash rolled over in her sleep and scooted several inches over to cuddle you, without knowing it! How are you going to deal with the situation?

To be calm and reassuring, proceed to Chapter 13.

To totally freak out just like Rainbow Dash is, proceed to Chapter 14.

Chapter 13

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“Hey, hey, relax, Rainbow Dash,” you coo reassuringly. “You probably just rolled over in your sleep, is all. Nothing to be embarrassed about!”

“H-how do I know this isn’t your fault?” she spits, cheeks still puffed out in embarrassment.

“Well, you were partially on top of me, so…”

The realization that you’re speaking the truth washes over her face and she lands on the cloud, unable to meet your gaze. “I-I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry, Rainbow Dash. It’s alright,” you smile. “To be honest, I think it helped me sleep.”

A hint of a smile plays on her lips. “Yeah? Well, at least there’s that.” Her visage suddenly becomes serious, although she’s still too vulnerable from the surprise to look threatening. “Not a word about what happened to anypony, you got it?”

You nod. “Of course. My lips are sealed.”

Rainbow Dash finally relaxes and grins openly. “Well, I should head back home and cook dinner. It was awesome chilling with you! We should totally do it again, sometime!”

“You got it!” you answer, standing up and holding out a hoof, beckoning for a goodbye hug.

Rainbow Dash regards you with a degree of suspicion. “What is that?”

“You don’t want a goodbye hug?”

“Hug? Bleh…” she scrunches up her muzzle in disgust. “What about a hoof bump?”

You rolls your eyes. “C’mon, I’ve never met a pony that doesn’t like a quick hug.” You smile briefly, a tease forming in your mind. “Besides, it’s not like we weren’t doing something similar during our nap.”

Rainbow Dash’s scowl returns, but it appears forced. “Ugh, fine,” she says, wrapping a hoof around your neck.

You enjoy the quick hug, nuzzling her gently as she begins pulling away.

“Alright, I’ll see you around!” she calls, before launching into the air and becoming a quickly-ascending rainbow streak.

Proceed to Chapter 15.

Chapter 14

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“W-woah! I-I-I...Dash! W-why’d you do that!?”

“I-I didn’t mean, I-it wasn’t…”

After a few more moments of incoherent babbling, Rainbow Dash closes her eyes and sighs in an attempt to compose herself. “Look, maybe we should just- like...forget that ever happened? I-I’m not sure what did, but…”

You nod nervously. “Y-yeah, that’s for the best.” A feeling tugs at your heart that compels you to keep talking, however. “B-but I like, totally had fun with you today and...we should definitely hang out again.”

Rainbow Dash’s ears perk up and she forces a smile. “Y-yeah...Me too. Had fun, I mean. And we should chill again.” Looking up at the sky, she sighs. “Alright, I gotta go. I’ll see you around.”

Lazily, Rainbow Dash leaps upward and ascends slowly into the sky, disappearing into a cloud bank above you.

Proceed to Chapter 15.

Chapter 15

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A week passes. You hadn’t spent any significant amount of time with Rainbow Dash since that day, although you had greeted her when you saw her and stopped to chat for a few minutes, once.

While cleaning your kitchen at home, you hear a number of timid knocks. Drying your hooves on a kitchen towel, you walk over to your front door and open it.

Upon seeing who is there, you are unable to contain your joy, smiling so wide that your eyes crinkle up. “Rainbow Dash! What’s going on!?”

“H-hey,” she greets, loudly but nervously. “I’m fine. C-can I like, come in real quick?”

“Sure thing,” you answer, stepping aside.

She scurries in and sits down on your couch. You follow, taking a seat next to her. “Hey, your mane looks great!” you compliment. Oddly enough you think you can smell a hint of perfume as well, but say nothing of it.

“Th-thanks,” she says. She’s smiling, but you can see in her eyes that something has her on edge; you can practically feel the anxiety coming off of her. “S-so, I wanted to ask you something. S-”

“Yeah?” you interrupt accidentally.

“Uhp, sorry-” you both say at the same time, before falling into silence for a few seconds.

“Go ahead,” you finally speak up.

Rainbow Dash takes a rather shaky breath in an exhales before trying again. “There’s a big Wonderbolts thing in Canterlot coming up- it’s like a meet-and-greet but also a dance, and we’re, like, supposed to bring somepony? I guess?”

She stops talking and looks at you expectantly, her cheeks bright red. She’s clearly very nervous.

To accept Rainbow Dash’s invitation, proceed to Chapter 16.

To ask for clarification (she did phrase it in a pretty confusing way, after all), proceed to Chapter 17.

To decline Rainbow Dash’s invitation, proceed to Chapter 18.

Chapter 16

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“Sure, Rainbow Dash! I’d be happy to be your date to the event,” you chirp. (Like you were gonna turn down a date with Rainbow Dash! C'mon!)

She raises her eyebrows. “Cool! But, like, it doesn’t have to be, like, a date, or-”

“Uhp uhp uhp,” you stop her. “If I am accompanying you to this shindig, we’re going to do it the correct way.”

It’s hard to read her expression, but it is absolutely clear that she is much happier now than she was when she walked into your home earlier. “Yes! I can’t wait.”

“Neither can I!”

Proceed to Chapter 21.

Chapter 17

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“You...guess?” you ask. “Guess what?”

Rainbow Dash fluffs her wings uncomfortably. “W-well, uhm, this event, since we’re supposed to bring somepony, I, uh-” Rainbow Dash grits her teeth and closes her eyes. “I was wondering if you’d want to come with me?”

She peeks open one eye as she awaits your response.

To say yes, proceed to Chapter 16.

To say no, proceed to Chapter 18.

Chapter 18

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“Ah….” you muse, chewing on your lip. “...Nah.”

“N-Nah?” Rainbow Dash parrots, suddenly quite crestfallen. “Wh-what does that mean?”

“It means I’d rather pass,” you answer honestly.

Rainbow Dash’s lips quiver slightly, and her striking magenta eyes seem to get bleary. “But...why?”

To explain that the event sounds lame, proceed to Chapter 19.

To explain that you don’t want to go on a date-like scenario with Rainbow Dash, proceed to Chapter 20.

Chapter 19

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“The whole thing just doesn’t sound very cool or fun to me, y’know?” you say, muzzle scrunched up, as if there is a bad taste in your mouth. “The Wonderbolts are cool and all, but I don’t wanna waste a Friday night on dancing and talking to a bunch of rich Canterlot snobs.”

“O-oh, I guess I get that,” Rainbow Dash says, recovering slightly from her previous malaise. “Some of these can be pretty lame.”

“Exactly! In fact, I’m kinda surprised that you’re planning to go,” you muse. “You’re too awesome for that.”

Rainbow Dash smiles softly and nods. “I guess I am. Well, I’ll see you around then.”

“Sure thing,” you call after her as she leaves your home. “We should catch up on Wednesday, I get off work early!”

A month has passed, and you’ve been able to hang out with Rainbow Dash several times in the interim. She is fun as always, but occasionally you’ll catch her looking at you at length, or opening her mouth to say something, but then thinking better of it.

Generally speaking, it just feels like she has something to say, and can’t bring herself to do it. It’s too bad to see your friend so uncomfortable around you. She’s just not herself.

Poor thing. Hopefully no one in her family is sick, or something.


Chapter 20

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“I just don’t really feel comfortable in a dating scenario with you,” you say, crossing your hooves.

“I-It’s not a date! H-honest! I-I just need somepony to go with and I thought maybe you-”

You hold up a hoof to stop her. “Please respect my decision on this, Rainbow Dash.”

“S-so it’s me?” She asks, looking up from the couch and into your gaze with the utmost trepidation. A single tear runs down her cheek.

“I just think we’re better off as friends,” you say. “And I don’t want anypony getting the wrong idea at this event.”

Rainbow Dash’s whine corresponds perfectly her heart breaking in two.

Ouch, bro. Real ouch.


Chapter 21

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The big day has arrived, and you’ve spent it getting ready. You had your suit hemmed at Rarity’s boutique, gotten your mane trimmed, and even bought new cologne from Zecora.

Liberally apply this brew, and your night will be good as new!” you recall her saying.

This confused you. You asked her if this was some form of magical time-travel cologne, and her response was just as cryptic.

No, no, my friend; and no need to be sour! It simply means you must reapply every other hour!”

You were not all about this riddle garbage. Next time, you think you might just go to the drug store. Though, to the zebra’s credit, it did smell pretty good.

After a quick flight (or a hitched lift and a little magical manipulation), you find yourself on Rainbow Dash’s front porch. After much thought, you had sided against bringing flowers; it would have been too forward and mismatched with Rainbow Dash’s personality. However, you hadn’t come empty-hooved.

You rapped on her cloud door. “Hey, Rainbow Dash,” you call, knowing that she’d appreciate the informality. “I’m here!”

“Alright, alright, hold your horsefeathers,” she calls back raspily. “I’m on my way!”

A few crashes and bumps later, and Rainbow Dash peeks her head out around the door. “Sorry, I had to feed Tank!”

“Not a problem,” you respond, taking out a big bottle of cider from your bag. “This is for you!”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes light up upon seeing the cider, and her body tenses up as she nabs it with a hoof. “No way; this is craft stuff! Thanks a bunch!” She looks up at you with a half-guilty, half-mischeivous grin. “You mind if I down it right now?”

“By all means!”

Rainbow Dash uncaps the bottle in a practiced motion and begins chugging the bottle. However, the use of her second front hoof allows the front door to swing open slowly, revealing her in a stunning purple, blue, and green dress trimmed with golden cloth and fastened around her barrel by a bold orange and red swath of fabric.

You take the time to look more closely at her visage as well as she chugs down the bottle. Her manestyle seems to flow more freely than usual, which you didn’t even know was possible. If that wasn’t enough, she’s got on thick eyeliner and magenta eyeshadow, and might even be wearing lip gloss! Who in Equestria could have gotten her to wear makeup?

...Rarity. Probably Rarity.

Rainbow Dash finishes the bottle, belches casually, and tosses it haphazardly onto her floor, where it rolls into one of the piles of trash that has developed. “That was pretty good,” she sighs in satisfaction. She looks at you curiously for a moment, and you wonder if you’ve been caught staring.

“So, what’s up?” she asks, a hopeful smile on her muzzle.

To compliment Rainbow Dash, proceed to Chapter 22.

To skip the compliment and head right out, proceed to Chapter 23.

Chapter 22

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“You look beautiful, Rainbow Dash,” you admit bashfully, looking into her twinkling magenta eyes with longing.

She snorts. “Yeah, right!”

“I’m serious,” you tell her. “Your whole look is awesome. You’re really going to be turning some heads at this thing!”

“Now, awesome I can believe!” she chirps happily, practically skipping out the door to meet you. “I told the chariot to come pick us up out front. You ready to go?”

“You know it!” Holding out one of your front legs for her, she takes it without a second thought, allowing you to walk with her as a gentlepony should. You march down her cloud-paved walkway as your ride appears in the distance.

Proceed to Chapter 24.

Chapter 23

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“Nothing,” you demure, looking at the cloud below you to hide your blush. “Are you ready to go?”

“You bet.” she responds casually, hopping down from her porch and landing next to you. “C’mon, I think the chariot is already coming our way.”

As you and Rainbow Dash walk down her front pathway, he tosses her mane a few times and looks over to you, batting her eyelashes once.

“You alright? Need some eye drops or something?”

She huffs quietly, letting out air through her nostrils. “No, nothing like that.”

Proceed to Chapter 24.

Chapter 24

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You wait patiently on a marble bench inside of an ornate banquet hall in Canterlot. The ride had been a pleasant, comfortable one. You and Rainbow Dash sat next to each other, telling stories and hyping each other up for what would most assuredly be a night to remember.

When you arrived, you spent a few minutes following Rainbow Dash around as she greeted her teammates and rubbed shoulders with the rich ponies that constituted the Canterlot elite. She even introduced you to a couple of them, which gave you a false sense of self-importance for a moment. Mercifully, none of the ponies inquired as to the nature of the relationship between yourself and Rainbow Dash, which as of now was in some sort of ill-defined limbo.

Of course, the greeting portion of the evening had been cut short, as-

“Sorry,” Rainbow Dash sighs casually as she turns the corner and sits next to you. “Shouldn’t have had all that cider before we left. Those are NICE bathrooms, though! There was a couch in there!”

“I am glad that your experience was enriching,” you deadpan back to her.

She lets out a little snort of laughter. “Oh man, don’t tell me that these snobs are rubbing off on you already? I thought you were cool!”

You shake your head in faux disappointment, wearing a grin on your muzzle nonetheless. “Now that Her Highness is back from her trip to the Little Fillies’ Room, are you ready to start the evening in earnest?”

She nods and stands up. You follow her lead, and together you head under an ornate marble archway and onto a paved, covered cloister surrounding a lush garden. Tables, chairs, a makeshift dance floor, and a bar had been set up within.

You observed the sight closely for a few seconds, reveling in the feeling of the warm breeze against your coat.

Rainbow Dash grunts, scratching at one of her hind legs with a forehoof. “Let’s find a seat already, these shoes are killing me!”

You sit down together at a small, quartz-topped outdoor table positioned in a semi-secluded area of the garden. Rainbow Dash kicks off her shoes and surreptitiously rubs her hooves. “Aw man, I can’t believe I let Rarity talk me into wearing heels!”

“Yeah, that’s rough.”

After half a minute of scratching, Rainbow Dash seems satiated and looks at you. “So, whatcha wanna do? Personally, I am done talking to rich ponies for the evening.”

To ask Rainbow Dash to dance, proceed to Chapter 25.

To go get drinks for yourself and Rainbow Dash, proceed to Chapter 26.

Chapter 25

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“Well, if your hooves are feeling up to it, you want to go dance?”

Rainbow Dash shoots you a fiery smile and a teasing look that makes your heart skip a beat. “Did you forget who you’re talking to? I’m Rainbow ‘Danger’ Dash! I’m always ready!”

“You wanna leave your shoes here?”

“Well, I mean, yeah, of course I’m gonna leave them.”

You walk over to the dance floor with Rainbow Dash. The DJ seems to be playing older pop songs, probably in a bid to please some of the older, rich clientele and the handful of retired Wonderbolts present. Old music or not, though, it was catchy!

Rainbow Dash begins busting out some of her best moves, and you follow closely. It seems that many hours of Wonderbolts training had turned her flexible, and she had absolutely no issues in timing her moves to the beat.

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash shimmies her way sideways over to you. She rocks her shoulders rhythmically up and down and presses against your barrel. When you look down at her, she’s looking up at you with a cocked eyebrow, wearing a teasing smile and biting her lip.

You blush and timidly smile back, causing her to roar in laughter. “C’mon,” she says, slugging you hard on your side. “Lighten up and have a little fun!” She bumps her flank against yours to emphasize her order.

Letting out a deep breath, you make up your mind to let loose a little bit. Your movements deepen, and you begin swaying your hips more as you step back in forth.

“That’s it!” she encourages, moving closer to you and tossing her mane.

You move closer as well, and you begin timing your sways with Rainbow Dash’s; soon, you have worked up a rhythm. You and her dance closely, shooting each other teasing glares and grins as you work your way in circles around the dance floor.

The song ends, and along with the rest of the crowd, you and Rainbow Dash stomp your hooves in applause. The next song comes in slowly, and for a moment you aren’t sure what it is going to be.

Soon it becomes clear that the beginning is so slow because the song itself is slow- this is clearly not a song you can bust a move to.

Apprehensively, you look over to Rainbow Dash, who is already looking at you. As your eyes scan over her face, you realize that she looks very unsure of herself. You feel the same way.

To skip the slow dancing and spend the night talking, proceed to Chapter 34.

To slow dance with Rainbow Dash, proceed to Chapter 35.

Chapter 26

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“How about I go grab us a couple of drinks?” you ask Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah, that’s a good idea,” she responds, reaching down to rub one of her hooves. “I think it might be a couple of minutes until I’m in shape to walk again.”

You stand up. “Just relax! I’ll grab us a couple of whatever the bartender recommends.”

Rainbow Dash nods in affirmation, and you head off to the bar.

Thankfully, it doesn’t appear that there is any line, and you are able to place your drink orders quickly. As they are being made, you turn around and take a look at the venue. All in all, it was a rather pleasant affair, with ponies either dancing or enjoying conversation in small groups.

Glancing to your right, you make eye contact with none other than Spitfire, the Wonderbolts’ captain. An icy chill shoots up your spine, and you bite your lip to prevent a yourself from screeching in excitement.

Without removing her gaze from you, the yellow mare, dressed in her full military uniform, saunters down the bar to stand next to you. She smiles, although it doesn’t put you at ease.

“Well well,” she begins, seemingly interested in your presence. “You must be the stallion that Rainbow Dash dragged along with her. You’re a Wonderbolts fan, right?”

Still biting your lip, you nod.

“Then you must know who I am?”

You nod profusely, and stick out both of your front hooves to emphatically shake one of hers. “Of course, Spitfire! I-it’s an honor to meet you!”

“Likewise,” she breathes, winking at you.

Two clunks interrupt the conversation as your drinks are delivered behind you.

To head back to Rainbow Dash with your drinks, proceed to Chapter 27.
To continue speaking with Spitfire, proceed to Chapter 28.

Chapter 27

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“Well, it was good meeting you,” you respond in a friendly farewell. “I should be getting back to Rainbow Dash with her drink.”

Spitfire regards you coldly for a moment before she shrugs and nods. “Alright. I’ll see you around; have fun at the event.”

Grinning widely at the captain once more, you head back over to the table with your two drinks. You place one down right next to Rainbow Dash, startling her.

“Ah! Oh...oh it’s you,” she breathes, clearing her throat.

“Caught you daydreaming, eh?” You take a seat and begin sipping your drink.

She rolls her eyes. “Sorta. I wasn’t scared, though!”


You and Rainbow Dash trade friendly barbs as you finish your drinks and pony-watch together. While it’s a pleasant enough experience, you can’t shake the feeling that Rainbow Dash is growing a little bored.

To keep talking with her for the rest of the evening, proceed to Chapter 31.
To suggest that you both leave and head back to Ponyville, proceed to Chapter 32.
To skip out on the event and explore Canterlot together, proceed to Chapter 33.

Chapter 28

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“So, Spitfire,” you continue, starry-eyed at the opportunity to talk to one of your all-time sports heroes, “What’s your opinion on the change in the length of the derby track? I hear the turn’s grade is more than 3% steeper now!”

Spitfire rolls her eyes at you, but keeps her one-sided smirk. “Tonight’s supposed to be fun. I’d rather not talk about work right now, if you don’t mind. In fact…” Spitfire unfurls a wing and slips it under the bar, dragging it slowly down your foreleg. “I’d rather be having fun somewhere else.”

Your heart begins to race and your teeth chatter at the teasing sensation of her feathers against your coat. “Wh-what?”

“Come on,” she groans, shifting her body closer to yours and lowering her voice. “I’m not sure how Rainbow Dash got a stallion like you to come with her to this, but the way she’s been treating you this evening it’s clear that whatever is between you and her is nothing serious. It won’t hurt to slip out with me for a few minutes, will it?”

She flashes you a devilish smile as she waits for your decision.

To totally ditch Rainbow Dash and hook up with Spitfire, proceed to Chapter 29.
To leave and head back to Rainbow Dash, proceed to Chapter 30.

Chapter 29

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Rainbow Dash doesn’t talk to you anymore.

Her friends don’t either. The loud apple salespony doesn’t even try to sell you apples anymore.

She just stares.

Pinkie Pie still likes and talks to you, though; she likes everypony. Of course, she also baked you a ‘Have a Shameful One Week Anniversary of Breaking Rainbow Dash’s Heart Day’ cake with a frowny face on it, once. That was kind of a bummer.

The Wonderbolts disbanded after Rainbow Dash pieced together what Spitfire had done. It led to several revelations about Spitfire’s conduct that led half of the teams’ roster to resign at the same time, ending the team’s season before it was half over.

Of course, there’s one upside to all this: you did make out with the Captain of the Wonderbolts behind a dumpster in a dark alley.

Even more than that, you were a record holder: you’d be the last pony ever to make out with an active Captain of the Wonderbolts behind a dumpster in a dark alley. Now that’s something you can tell your grandfoals about, assuming you don’t ruin your next nascent relationship like you did this one.

So...Good job? I guess?


Chapter 30

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“I-I’ve gotta pass,” you tell Spitfire firmly. “I’m here with Rainbow Dash and I won’t be running off with anypony else.”

“Not even me, eh?” she asks, looking into your eyes in a steely, analytical manner.

You shake your head solemnly and clearly. “Not a chance.”

Spitfire raises both of her eyebrows, seemingly impressed. “Well, to be honest, there’s no way I can fault a stallion for having that much loyalty...Even if it’s a little too much, in my opinion.” She gives you a friendly smack on the withers. “Head on back. She’s waiting.”

You take the drinks and walk back to your table, breathing a sigh of relief that you were able to extricate yourself from the sticky scenario. When you reach the table and put down the drinks, you notice that Rainbow Dash’s expression is filled with concern.

“I saw you talking with Spitfire.” Her voice wavers a bit as she talks. “Did she...say anything about me?”

You shake your head. “Not really, no.”

Rainbow Dash exhales and immediately smiles. “What a relief. I thought she was gonna try and embarrass me.”

“...I do think she might’ve had a thing for me though.”

Rainbow Dash frowns and furrows her brow. “What? What makes you say that?”

You wave the question off with a hoof. “Nothing. We can talk about it later if you want. Tonight is about you and I having a good time.”

Although a touch of anxiety does linger on her features, Rainbow Dash relaxes again. “Now I can get behind that.” She lifts her glass. “Cheers!”

Proceed to Chapter 31.

Chapter 31

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You and Rainbow Dash spend the next hour-and-a-half chatting and telling stories. Occasionally a fellow Wonderbolt shuffles by and you all exchange greetings, but other than that very little interrupts your intense conversation with Rainbow Dash.

As the evening progresses, you feel like you know Rainbow Dash better than before. You already knew most things about her, but somehow, you feel your connection has deepened.

Of course, a surprise practice scheduled for tomorrow is announced at the end of the evening and Rainbow Dash stays behind with her teammates to prepare. The evening ends with a rushed hug, although Rainbow Dash squeezes you tightly during it.

As the cool night air breezes past your mane on your chariot trip home to Ponyville, you can’t help but look back on the evening warmly, even if you couldn’t spend the ride home in Rainbow Dash’s company.

Proceed to Chapter 38.

Chapter 32

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“You wanna get out of here and head back to Ponyville?” you ask Rainbow Dash.


“You just look a little bored is all,” you say honestly. “You made an appearance. There’s no shame in heading out now.”

“You’re right,” she says, shuffling a little. “This place definitely isn’t my style, but…” Her ears flatten against her head. “Are you sure you don’t wanna stay a little while longer?”

“Yeah, I’m sure. Let’s head out and catch a train back to Ponyville.”

“Oh, a-alright,” she says, gathering up her discarded shoes and following you to the exit.

When you reach Ponyville’s train station, Rainbow Dash thanks you for coming with her and gives you a hug. A light, awkward hug, but a hug nonetheless.

When you hang out with Rainbow Dash now, it’s always in short bursts. She’s a riot to be around still, but it feels like she’s holding back; you don’t feel the same magic that you did during your first few get-togethers.

Maybe you did something to spook her, or maybe she’s just having a rough couple of months on the team. Regardless, you treasure the hugs you get whenever you see her...even though they’re light and awkward, like the one she gave you the night she changed.

It’s not like her to be timid. You wonder: what happened?


Chapter 33

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A mischievous glint in your eye, you lean over the table towards Rainbow Dash in a very conspiratorial fashion. “Hey, Dash…What say we get out of here and explore the city?”

She cocks an eyebrow skeptically, but you notice her ears perk up as well. “You want to just leave and go explore?”

“Sure! Why not? I don’t get to see Canterlot much. Plus, you look a little bored.”

She sighs. “Is it that obvious that I hate these parties?”

“C’mon,” you cajole. “We’ll be back before anypony even notices we’re gone. Whaddya say?”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes dart around the party for a few moments before narrowing in determination. She flashes a troublemaker’s grin at you. “Alright, let’s go.”

Fifteen minutes later, a bell’s gentle ring accompanies your exit from the small ice cream shop in the old part of town. You hold the door open for Rainbow Dash. “Here you are, fair madam.” You can’t suppress a grin as you decide to push forward with a joke. “I know this door is too heavy for one as gentle as you, and it is my duty to assist you.”

Rainbow Dash stops in front of you and bats her eyelashes. “Oh, my hero! You deserve a reward!”

She punches you firmly in the center of your barrel.

You double over in pain, clutching at the point-of-contact with a hoof. “Ah! Ow...I deserved that one,” you choke out.

Cackling, Rainbow Dash trots over to a nearby high table designed for standing. “Yeah, you did! It’s alright if you never learn, because I loooooove dishing out punishment like that! Oh, and thanks for the ice cream.”

You stumble over to the table, wincing with each step you take. “Sure problem.”

You begin eating your ice cream together; Rainbow Dash actually scarfs her sherbet down pretty quickly and watches you silently as you lick your strawberry cone.

“...Can I have some of that?” she asks, the tilt of her head causing her mane to partially obscure her right eye.

Your heart flutters as she looks at you with a smirk and a slight pout. “Yeah, su-”

Rainbow Dash darts forward and licks the side of the ice cream cone. “That’s pretty good!” She smacks her lips for a few moments, then narrows her eyes. “You got a little strawberry on your muzzle, though.”

Rainbow Dash reaches forward with a hoof, and wipes the top of your muzzle, then licks her hoof and giggles.

You blink a few times. “How about you just finish this?” You hoof over the cone to Rainbow Dash.

“Alright!” She practically inhales what’s left of the treat and then pops the cone in her mouth. “Lesh go walk in dat pahrk over der,” she mumbles while crunching it.

You cross the narrow, empty street with Rainbow Dash and stop with her at the edge of a small park, complete with an artificial creek and a small bridge. In the distance, a few fireflies send intermittent flashes of light across the green space.

“The sign says it closes at dusk,” you lament. “Ah well. I’m sure we can find something el-”

“Phhhh,” scoffs Rainbow Dash, plowing into the park at an aggressive speed. “Let’s break some rules!”

“Hey, at least wait for me,” you call, beginning to walk quickly after her.

She crosses the stone bridge over the softly flowing creek; as soon as your hooves make contact with the bridge, she seems to speed up.

“Hey!” you grunt, speeding up too.

Rainbow Dash disappears behind a willow tree and fades into the dark nighttime colors of the park. “You gotta come catch me!”

You speed around the tree to find that Rainbow has already sped off to the center of the park. You speed after her, and she heads over the bridge again.

Rainbow Dash leads you on a wild chase through the park for several minutes. Her laughter, while stirring you on to chase her even harder, is also rather contagious.

After a few moments, you lose track of her again.You glance around, and by some stroke of luck, a firefly’s flash happens to illuminate a shred of multicolored tail behind a tree. Quietly, you sneak up behind the tree, then dart behind and wrap a hoof around Rainbow Dash. “Gotcha!”

“No!” she cackles, struggling to escape.

You tighten your grip around her. “Nope, I got you! I got you!”

After a few more seconds she collapses in laughter against your barrel. You walk out from behind the tree with her into the center of the park, leaving a hoof draped around her.

You stop walking when you reach the center and she turns to you. Half of her face is illuminated by moonlight, and flashes of color enter your vision as a firefly buzzes above and occasionally lights up her mane.

You lose yourself in her tender gaze. Slowly, your muzzles begin to move closer to each other. You almost don’t realize what is happening, and you only blush when Rainbow Dash closes her eyes.

Your vision blurs and then disappears as your eyes close on their own, and for a moment it feels as if you are floating in space, devoid of any sensory stimulation.

Then your lips touch hers. Moving naturally, Rainbow Dash parts her lips and locks them with yours. Wrapping a hoof around the back of her neck, you pull her closer to you.

Rainbow Dash lets sighs gently into your mouth, and moves her lips slightly before pressing them together again. You can feel the gentle pressure on your bottom lip, and taste her lip gloss, which has smeared onto you. You squeeze her tightly to you.

A rhythm soon forms, with periods of lip-locking interspersed with short bits of movement. One of Rainbow’s hooves finds it was up to rest against your barrel, and she rubs it in soft circles.

After one final lip lock, Rainbow Dash reluctantly pulls away and opens her eyes to look at you.

For a few moments, there is silence in the garden, as you both stand emotionless, processing what has happened.

Then, the edges of Rainbow Dash’s lips begin to slowly curl upward. You can’t help but mirror her as the grin becomes a beaming smile, complete with crinkled eyes. Squealing, Rainbow Dash throws her arms around you in a joyous hug, which you graciously and happily return.

You hear her gasp, and she pulls away from the hug to look into your eyes with determination. “Come with me,” she orders, still smiling.

She grabs your hoof in hers and drags you across the stone bridge and out of the park.

As you pass by the ice cream shop, your curiosity gets the better of you. “Where are we going, Rainbow Dash?”

“Back to the party, duh!”

You furrow your brow. “But we just left!”

“I know, but we’re running out of time for me to introduce you to everypony!”

Rainbow Dash’s pace quickens to a trot, and you struggle to keep up. “You already did that!”

“Yeah, I know!” Rainbow Dash looks back over her shoulder at you. She looks the happiest you’ve ever seen her. “But now, I get to introduce you as my coltfriend!”


Chapter 34

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You scratch the back of your head with a hoof. “We, uh...we don’t have to dance...y’know, like this. I-it’s probably not your thing anyway...right?”

“Y-yeah,” she replies, shaking her head side to side. “I guess it is pretty mushy...You wanna just, sit down and talk?”

You nod and follow Rainbow Dash off the dance floor, weaving between couples holding each other tenderly.

Proceed to Chapter 31.

Chapter 35

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Steeling yourself, you square yourself in front of Rainbow Dash and let your hoof rest on her withers.

Rainbow Dash seems to tremble very slightly at the contact, but follows your lead by wrapping a hoof around you.

You concentrate on the gentle heat and pressure on your back as you try and impose some form of rhythm onto your swaying.

Slowly, you and Rainbow Dash draw closer and closer to each other.

To hold Rainbow Dash against you as the slow dance continues, proceed to Chapter 36.

To look into Rainbow Dash’s eyes as you dance, proceed to Chapter 37.

Chapter 36

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You let Rainbow Dash close the gap between you entirely. After your barrels begin to touch, you move your hoof so that it falls on the far side of Rainbow Dash, and apply slight pressure.

Taking the hint, Rainbow Dash gently bows her neck and presses forward against you, letting her head rest under your chin. The hoof she has left wrapped around you begins to stroke your back gently, and every once in awhile she squeezes you gently with it, accompanying the motion with a nuzzle against your neck.

Several slow dance songs are played in a row, and they all seem to blend together for you. You are simply focused on holding Rainbow Dash against you as you sway side to side.

Hours later, a surprise practice scheduled for tomorrow is announced and Rainbow Dash stays behind with her teammates to prepare. The evening ends with a tight hug from Rainbow Dash. She nuzzles you for just a moment, and you could have sworn that her lips had lingered against your cheek for at least part of it.

As the cool night air breezes past your mane on your chariot trip home to Ponyville, you can’t help but look back on the evening as one of the greatest of your life, even if you couldn’t spend the ride home in Rainbow Dash’s company.

You’re in ecstasy, and you can’t wait to see her again.

Proceed to Chapter 38.

Chapter 37

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You think for a moment about the best way to become more comfortable dancing with Rainbow Dash. You don’t want to just stare, after all. You end up settling with a discussion.

“H-hey, Rainbow Dash?” you call timidly.

Her attention is torn from wherever else she is looking, and she makes eye contact with you. “Yeah?”

“I wanted to thank you for inviting me to this. I really like spending time with you.”

For a moment, she doesn't respond. You and her continue swaying together gently among the many couples.

Her eyes seem to shimmer as she finally looks into yours again. “When I was told we should bring somepony, I knew immediately who I was gonna ask. There’s only one pony I know that’s as awesome as I am.”

You smile at her, and try desperately not to cry.

“...Maybe even more so,” she adds on, in barely a whisper. Then, she clears her throat. “But anyway, you’ve made the night way less lame than it would have been otherwise,” she declares brashly, in an attempt to banish the sudden and unexpected shift in tone.

You chuckle heartily, and when you look at Rainbow Dash again you find her eyes focused on you. She’s grinning, too.

You and Rainbow Dash dance the night away, lost in each other’s gaze. You can’t help but notice the thick, red blush across her face.

If you had to guess, you’d say she’s noticed yours, too.

Hours later, a surprise practice scheduled for tomorrow is announced. Rainbow Dash disappears for a few minutes, and when she comes back, she stands beside you and wraps her tail around yours. “Let’s get out of here.”

You raise an eyebrow. “I thought all of the ‘Bolts were staying for practice tomorrow morning?”

Rainbow Dash looks at you and raises her eyebrows twice in quick succession. “Yeah. I told Spitfire to shove it. It doesn’t matter if I’m going to be assigned to locker room cleanup duty for the next six months- I’m going to make sure this evening ends right.”

You leave together and pick a chariot to take you both back to Ponyville. You enter first, and Rainbow Dash follows, sitting right beside you such that her side is pressed tightly up against yours. She lays her head against you as you climb together into the night sky. The warm pocket shared in the space between you and her cuts like a knife through the cold evening air.

The short trip is made in silence, and on Rainbow Dash’s orders the chariot fliers drop you both off in front of your house.
“Shouldn’t I be the one to make sure that you get home safe?” you ask her pointedly.

She purses her lips and shakes her head. “Not a chance! I asked you out, remember?”

You open the door to your home and turn around. “Well, I guess this is it. I really can’t thank you enough, Rainbow Dash.”

“I should be thanking you,” she responds candidly, coming in for what you assume is a hug.

Her hooves do indeed reach you, but no embrace commences. Instead, Rainbow Dash pulls herself up and pecks you on the lips.

Your heart skips a beat as she pulls away.

“Uhhh…” she stumbles, evidently having frozen her thought process. “...BYE!”

She shoots off like a rocket, leaving you to look up into the evening sky and savor the wetness left on your lips and the lingering scent of her perfume.

Proceed to Chapter 38.

Chapter 38

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The next night finds you sitting on your couch, sipping your favorite beverage and half-heartedly perusing that morning’s newspaper. It isn’t the most exciting night, but it’s always nice to get a chance to relax.

A series of knocks at your door jolts you out of your hazy routine. It’s pretty late for somepony to be trying to reach you.

“Are you there?” calls a familiar voice. “It’s me.”

Well, maybe it is shaping up to be an interesting night, after all.

You toss the newspaper to the side and scurry over to the door quickly, throwing it open. “H-hey, Rainbow Dash!” you sputter, feeling your heart rise in your chest. “Wh-what’s up? It’s good to see you!”

She displays a quivering smile to you. “So...I just...Really, really need to talk to you about something,” she states. “Which, I guess is why I’m here late. It’s important.”

“Do you wanna come in?” you ask.

A flash of fear rolls over her features. “N-no, I just...We should go somewhere else to talk.”

To take Rainbow Dash to a restaurant, proceed to Chapter 39.
To head up to a secluded cloud to talk with Rainbow Dash, proceed to Chapter 40.

Chapter 39

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“I think there’s a bistro downtown that’s still open,” you offer. “Maybe we can talk over a drink?” You could eat, too, but she doesn’t need to know that.

Rainbow Dash furrows her brow as she seems to think about the location for a moment. “I guess that would work, yeah. It’s not busy, is it?”

“Not this late on a weeknight, no.” You smile at her. “It’s almost midnight, after all.” You step outside and close the door behind you.

Rainbow Dash chuckles anxiously. “Oh yeah...I guess I forgot about that.”

As you set off with Rainbow Dash, you begin to think about what she could want to talk with you about. If that wasn’t enough, her head seems to droop, as if she’s sad or trying to avoid being noticed by you. “Hey Dash… Is everything alright? You don’t wanna talk about anything...bad, do you?”

“N-no!” she answers quickly, her head perking up. “Nothing like that. It’s not bad...At least, I hope it’s not bad.”

When you and Rainbow Dash take your seats at a booth in the corner of the dim restaurant, she begins squirming uncomfortably.

“Alright,” you cajole. “We can talk now.”

Rainbow Dash lets out a shaky breath before placing her hooves down on the table, as if she was searching for a source of strength. “You and I are friends. And that’s awesome, I love us being friends. But also, I-I feel different around you than my other friends, and...I dunno, does that make sense?” She tears her gaze away from the table and looks into your eyes pleadingly.

To ask Rainbow Dash out and end this poor mare’s stressful endeavor, proceed to Chapter 44.
To let her struggle through the rest of her confession, proceed to Chapter 45.

Chapter 40

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“Well, it’s kind of a nice evening out,” you muse. “Why don’t you and I find a cloud to sit on, and just talk?”

Rainbow Dash’s ears immediately perk up and she fluffs her wings in joy. “Yeah! Let’s do that,” she answers, clearly more relaxed than before. “I love being in the sky, it’s open, you know?”

You grin at her. “Of course I know.” You internally applaud yourself for having picked a spot where Rainbow Dash would feel comfortable, since whatever is coming clearly distresses her.

A few minutes of silent travel later and you plop down next to Rainbow Dash on a patch of stratus. You drift with her on the cloud silently for a moment. The valley is dark, and the only light visible at this hour comes either from the crescent moon above or the scattered, twinkling lights of villages and farms in the distance.

Rainbow Dash scoots over and sits right against you, leaning both her body and her head into you.

Your heart races as you wrap a hoof around her. She sighs, pushing against you harder and nuzzling your barrel.

“...I...wanted to say that I like you, a lot. And I want us to be together, as special someponies,” she admits emotionlessly. She looks up into your eyes. “What do you say?” A hopeful little smirk plays at her lips. “Y-you wanna go out with me for real?”

You look out over the dark, peaceful fields of Equestria and think.

To give an unqualified ‘Yes’, proceed to Chapter 41.
To tell Rainbow Dash that you like her too, but think you should take things slow together, proceed to Chapter 42.

Chapter 41

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“Yes,” You answer.

“Wh-what was that?” she asks immediately, as if she is unsure that she heard you correctly. Through your position holding her, you can feel her whole body tense up.

“I said yes. Absolutely!”

“YEEEESSSS!” Rainbow Dash cries, tearing out of your grasp and leaping off of the cloud and into the sky.

You watch her as she loops and corkscrews above you, laughing in joy the whole time.

“YES, YES, YES,” she cries. “YAHOOO!”

The echo is so loud, you bet all of Ponyville can probably hear it.

Banking sharply, she spins quickly around the cloud at an angle, circling it. She slowly reduces the radius with each passing arc, until she slams into the cloud and skids up to you, braking and posing in a particularly awesome way.

Your eyes linger over her sleek form, her flowing mane, and her heaving chest, but you really stop when your eyes meet hers, and she smiles the purest, most overjoyed smile that you’ve ever seen.

To passionately kiss Rainbow Dash, proceed to Chapter 43.

To cuddle with Rainbow Dash, proceed to Chapter 48.

Chapter 42

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“I like you too, Rainbow Dash. I like you a lot! But, you have a whole career to worry about, and we’ve only known each other for a short time.”

At this point in your explanation, Rainbow Dash’s ears droop slightly.

“But,” you interject quickly, “I do want for us to be together. I just think we have to be careful to take things, well…”

Rainbow Dash’s face morphs into one of thought as she takes in the information you’ve given her. “Take things...what?”

“Well, I know you’re going to hate this word,” you say, grimacing slightly, “But...slow. We should take things slow.”

She purses her lips. “I do hate that word. Yuck.” Then, she grins. “But, if it means I can be with you, the most awesome pony in Equestria...then I can deal with it.”

Leaning in, Rainbow Dash nuzzles you, her breaths washing over your coat and crashing into your neck.

Reaching out to wrap your other forehoof around her, you pull her close in a hug and do the same.

Proceed to Chapter 47.

Chapter 43

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Boldly, you step forward to close the gap between Rainbow Dash and yourself. Wrapping a hoof around her neck, you pull her into a loving kiss.

Immediately, Rainbow Dash squeals in delight and throws both of her forelegs around you. Since she is still recovering from her display of aerial acrobatics, she takes heavy breaths that wash over your muzzle and her barrel shakes against yours. Not that you mind, of course.

Almost simultaneously, you both part your lips slightly and lock them together, deepening the kiss. With each successive parting and re-locking of the kiss, it becomes slightly wetter and warmer. Rainbow Dash’s unique, alluring scent pours into your nostrils, and for the first time, you can taste her: cool and fresh, like the night breeze blowing past you both.

You break the kiss and lean down to kiss Rainbow Dash’s along Rainbow Dash’s neckline.

She cackles mischievously. “Oh man, this is so awesome!” She sighs happily as you leave a trail of kisses up to her ear. “Ok, my turn!”

Tackling you back onto the cloud, she plants rapid-fire kisses around your neckline as she rests her body against yours. You squirm happily as she does so, letting out a gasp as she slips out her tongue and gives your neck a lick. You shiver with pleasure as she licks her way up to your own ear, then brings herself back down to kiss you again.

This time she licks your bottom lip teasingly. A few seconds pass and she does it again. You pick up on the signals and let your tongue run against hers. She responds in kind, tightening her hooves to have a vice-grip around your neck and fighting your tongue back into your mouth forcefully.

It’s not long before the kiss is a rather messy, uncoordinated, and generally embarrassing make-out session.

Rainbow Dash collapses on your chest in a fit of giggles. You run your hooves gently through the soft feathers of her wings, causing her to sigh in comfort.

“Now that we’re together, we can do that all the time, right?” she asks.

“You bet,” you tell her, priming a joke in your head. “But you have to bring me flowers and buy me dinner every once in a while.”

“Are you kidding?” she rasps. “You’re my trophy coltfriend now! I’ll buy you whatever you want!”

A dark flash of greed runs through your mind, before you shake it off and laugh. “H-hey, Rainbow Dash?”

“Yeah?” she lifts her head off of your chest and looks into your eyes curiously.

“I-I love you.”

Her eyes widen in surprise and she blushes. Then, her expression softens and a few tears fall down her face. “I love you too,” she says, her lips quivering into a bright smile.

Then, she kisses you again.

Proceed to Chapter 49.

Chapter 44

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“Hey Rainbow Dash,” you begin, completely ignoring the current context of the conversation. “Do you wanna go out with me?”

Rainbow Dash’s breath catches in her throat. “Y-you mean-”

“That’s what you were getting at, right?” you ask her. “Will you be my special somepony?”

She beams at you and lets out a few, hushed cackles of victory. Even that is enough to make a few other ponies in the restaurant glare at her, and she seems to shrink from their gazes in embarrassment. “Heck yes!” she declares, albeit in a hushed tone. “W-when can we have our first...y’know, real date?”

“How about right now?” you ask, taking her hooves in yours. “I know there are probably better venues for you than a fancy restaurant, but there are also better ponies out there than me, so…”

She snickers. “Alright, hot got it.” Under the table, one of her back hooves plays with yours, dragging itself up and down your forelegs. “But next time, we’re going paint-balling, got it?”

You lean over the table to give her a short kiss on the lips. “You’re the boss, Rainbow Dash.”


Chapter 45

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“I don’t think I understand, Rainbow Dash,” you tell her. You do have some idea of what she’s trying to say, of course, but you want to hear her say it.

“I...I...Y’know how, uhm...Wonderbolts train in pairs?” she stumbles along, biting her lip after asking her question.

“Of course. A wing pony and a lead pony.”

“Exactly! I want us to be like that.”

“You want to be lead pony, right?”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes flash briefly with fear. “N-no, not like that! I meant I want us to be like that, but, like, equal. Like, more than friends- partners. But not, like partners, like...uh...I…” Rainbow Dash bows her head in frustration.

You lean over the table and place a hoof on her shoulder, hoping to bring her out of her frustrated funk.

“Willyoubemyspecialsomepony!?” she blurts out quickly, eliciting an angry sush from a couple one table over.

“...What? I couldn’t understand you, you mumbled.”

Blushing with embarrassment, Rainbow Dash hangs her head in defeat. “Oh...nevermind…”

To ask Rainbow Dash out, proceed to Chapter 44.
To tell her you want to take things slow, proceed to Chapter 46.

Chapter 46

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“Oh, I think I get it,” you tell her.

She looks up at you, curious and excited. “You do!?”

“I like you too, Rainbow Dash. I like you a lot. But, you have a whole career to worry about, and we’ve only known each other for a short time.”

At this point in your explanation, Rainbow Dash’s ears droop slightly.

“But,” you interject quickly, “I do want for us to be together. I just think we have to be careful to take things, well…”

Rainbow Dash’s face morphs into one of thought as she takes in the information you’ve given her. “Take things...what?”

“Well, I know you’re going to hate this word,” you say, grimacing slightly, “But...slow. We should take things slow.”

She purses her lips. “I do hate that word. Yuck.” Then, she grins. “But, if it means I can be with you, the most awesome pony in Equestria...then I can deal with it.”

Walking around the table to sit on your side of the booth, Rainbow Dash nuzzles you, her breaths washing over your coat and crashing into your neck.

Reaching out to wrap your other forehoof around her, you pull her close in a hug and do the same.

You get notice a few dirty looks from restaurant patrons. “Uhh…” you whisper to Rainbow Dash, “Maybe we should get out of here.”

Proceed to Chapter 47.

Chapter 47

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The seasons change quickly, and before you know it, it is already Hearth’s Warming Eve! You are enjoying your time at a party thrown by Pinkie Pie at Sugarcube Corner; it’s absolutely packed with ponies, as if the whole town had shown up.

More importantly, however, it’s also filled with Pinkie’s treats.

You take a generous bite out of your spiced cupcake as you walk down a narrow corridor between party rooms. Suddenly, a hoof grabs yours and pulls you off course. You leap in surprise, unfortunately dropping your cupcake on the ground.

A door slams shut and you are surrounded by darkness for a split second before a light bulb flickers on, revealing a very guilty-looking Rainbow Dash.

“Dash? What in Equestria are you doing? I thought we agreed nopony should see us together in public yet!”

“I-I know,” she whimpers softly, placing a hoof on your barrel, “Which is why I pulled you into the supply closet...I really needed to see you.”

You look down at her and frown. “I’m going back out there.”

“N-no wait!” she says, placing a hoof on the door to keep it closed. “Can I at least get one kiss? For Hearth’s Warming?"

You purse your lips in disapproval.

“Please?” she pleads. “I miss you!”

Your heart softening, you lean down and kiss her for a few seconds. She sighs into your mouth happily while it lasts.

When you pull away, she groans, as if in pain. “When are we going to tell everypony about us?”

You sigh in contemplation. “I’m not ready yet. But soon, I promise. I get that this is hard on you.”

She nods solemnly. “A-and when can I see you again?”

“I’ll come over next week to exchange presents,” you inform her. “And then you can have as many kisses as your heart desires.”

Rainbow Dash squees and throws her hooves around your neck in a hug. “Alright! Thank you!”

“Not so loud!” you scold, looking over to the door. “I’m gonna go now, make sure to wait for a few minutes before coming out. I’ll see you next week.”

Surreptitiously, you slip out of the enclosed room, leaving Rainbow Dash alone.


Chapter 48

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“C’mere!” you beckon to Rainbow Dash, holding out a hoof. "Let's cuddle already!"

She leaps at you and tackles you. You fall onto your back on the cloud, and she climbs on top of you, snuggling her head under your chin. You kiss the top of her forehead and squeeze her gently, before you flip on your side and hold her close to your chest.

Rainbow Dash flips over so that her flanks and back are pressed against you, and wiggles into your body. “Ahhh,” she sighs.
You place a hoof on her flank and gently rub her Cutie Mark as your vision starts to fade. Her coat is unbelievably soft, but under it you can feel her toned muscles and her comforting warmth. “Let’s sleep here tonight.”

Rainbow Dash moans happily and leans even further into you. “Fine with me, but I have a question.”


“Do I at least get a kiss goodnight, or are you too chicken to do even that?”

Proceed to Chapter 49.

Chapter 49

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A month later, you sit in the VIP skybox at a Wonderbolts Derby, your back hooves resting on the back of the seat in front of you. “So, anyway, that’s when Princess Celestia told me that I was a perfect fit for Rainbow Dash. Did I mention that Rainbow Dash is my marefriend?”

The stallion beside you is resting his head on a hoof. “Yup,” he responds tiredly. “You’ve told me several times in the last hour.”

“Well, then I said-”

The clopping of hooves into the sparsely-populated skybox jolts you from your egocentric furor, and you crane your neck to look at the entryway. Rainbow Dash is there in full uniform, and she flashes you a grin.

“Hey hot stuff,” she greets you. “What’d you think of that? Fastest heat this season!”

“I’m so proud, Dashie! As if Equestria needed any more proof that you’re awesome!” you beam and turn to the stallion next to you. “Hear that?”

“I saw it,” he mumbles. “And they announced it, because it was a record, so yeah. I did.”

“Anyway, I snuck out to grab you.” Rainbow Dash states. “Let’s get some lunch!”

You’re completely stuffed from the VIP buffet at the back, but you’re also not one to ever let your Dashie down. “You got it, Rainbow Dash!”

You head over to stand beside Rainbow Dash, and she wraps a wing around you, resting the main feathers on your cutie mark as if she owns you.

You look back to your unwilling spectatorial companion and wiggle your eyebrows. He ignores you.

Once you’ve left the lounge and are in the hallway, you ask Rainbow Dash a question. “Hey, Dashie, didn’t they feed you guys some sort of specially-formulated lunch before the Derby? You hungry again already?”

Rainbow Dash stops in her tracks, wincing and sighing. “I lied because you were with another pony. “I’m not hungry at all, I just really need you to come and cuddle with me on a cloud.”

“Awww…” you moan, smiling. “My Wittle Dashie wants some snuggles!”

Rainbow Dash socks you one in the barrel. “Never say that ever again!”

You cough several times and struggle to catch your breath. “I-it’s true, though.”

“Are you going to shut up, head with me to a soft cloud, and hold me or not!?” she asks, clearly frustrated and in need of some loving attention.

“...Can I have a kiss, first?”

“Are you serious?” she spits.

“That’s the deal,” you say smugly.

Rainbow Dash growls. She cranes her neck around to make sure nopony is present, and then attacks you with a rather aggressive kiss.

You whine a little bit when she pulls away, as her teeth gently scrape your bottom lip. “There!” she hisses under her breath. “One kiss in exchange for some cuddles I desperately need. Are you happy!?”

You close one eye and think for a long moment, smiling as you come to your conclusion.

“...Yeah. I am.”