• Published 7th May 2018
  • 11,048 Views, 345 Comments

Date-Your-Own-Dashie - CategoricalGrant

This Choose-Your-Own-Adventure story will give you the chance to fall in love with Rainbow Dash! The decisions (and the consequences) are your own!

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Chapter 39

“I think there’s a bistro downtown that’s still open,” you offer. “Maybe we can talk over a drink?” You could eat, too, but she doesn’t need to know that.

Rainbow Dash furrows her brow as she seems to think about the location for a moment. “I guess that would work, yeah. It’s not busy, is it?”

“Not this late on a weeknight, no.” You smile at her. “It’s almost midnight, after all.” You step outside and close the door behind you.

Rainbow Dash chuckles anxiously. “Oh yeah...I guess I forgot about that.”

As you set off with Rainbow Dash, you begin to think about what she could want to talk with you about. If that wasn’t enough, her head seems to droop, as if she’s sad or trying to avoid being noticed by you. “Hey Dash… Is everything alright? You don’t wanna talk about anything...bad, do you?”

“N-no!” she answers quickly, her head perking up. “Nothing like that. It’s not bad...At least, I hope it’s not bad.”

When you and Rainbow Dash take your seats at a booth in the corner of the dim restaurant, she begins squirming uncomfortably.

“Alright,” you cajole. “We can talk now.”

Rainbow Dash lets out a shaky breath before placing her hooves down on the table, as if she was searching for a source of strength. “You and I are friends. And that’s awesome, I love us being friends. But also, I-I feel different around you than my other friends, and...I dunno, does that make sense?” She tears her gaze away from the table and looks into your eyes pleadingly.

To ask Rainbow Dash out and end this poor mare’s stressful endeavor, proceed to Chapter 44.
To let her struggle through the rest of her confession, proceed to Chapter 45.