• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 30th, 2013


Try not to take me too seriously. I am an idiot with a shitty sense of humour.


The politics of animal tropes · 6:31pm Mar 30th, 2013

I've just reread Rudyard Kipling's Rikki-Tikki-Tavi.

Now, Lord, don't get me wrong. I LOVED that story as a kid. I was rooting for the plucky young mongoose all the way. I WAS the mongoose! I'd punch out asshole cobras in my sleep if I could. Reading it as an adult, however, lets a lot of really troubling implications come to light.

For those of you who had deprived, mongoose-free childhoods, here's a quick plot synopsis:

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Cum Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc · 4:12am Dec 24th, 2012

Cum Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc

When Event A occurs, Event B will also always occur, therefore Event A causes Event B.

Example A:
Lojika McPhallussy: The number of people infected with AIDS has increased at the same time the number of people using the internet has also increased. This must mean that using the internet is somehow tied to the transmission of AIDS.

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Argument from Antiquity and Appeal to Novelty · 8:36am Dec 20th, 2012

Argument from Antiquity

We have done A in the past, therefore we should always do A.

Example A:
Ida Praposar: I'm going to attempt to grow some genetically modified potatoes. They're cow-shaped when mature!
Lojika McPhallussy: No one has ever attempted such a thing in the past. It's never going to work.

Example B:
Ida Praposar: My wife just bought a new car.

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Appeal to Authority · 2:37pm Dec 19th, 2012

Appeal to Authority

Authority X believes in A, therefore A must be true.

Example A:
Ida Praposar: I'm going to take a flight across the ocean from California to China. I've always been a bit nervous of flying over large bodies of water, since I'm always afraid that the plane will fall in and I'll drown.
Lojika McPhallusy: Don't worry, you won't be flying across the ocean anyway.
Ida Praposar: Why not?

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Guilt by Association · 10:45am Dec 17th, 2012

Guilt by Association

Person X supports/does A and if you support/do A you're just like Person X, therefore you should not support/do A.

Example A:
Ida Praposar: I would like to enroll my son in a seminary.
Lojika McPhallussy: Stalin attended a seminary as a child. Aren't you afraid your son will turn out like Stalin if he's put in one?

Example B:
Ida Praposar: I was thinking of converting to Islam.

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False Dilemma · 3:48am Dec 16th, 2012

Once, on a different forum, I had a debate with a moderator about the merits of Pascal's Wager. To prove his point he used an argumentum ad populum and an appeal to authority. Guess what's coming up next!

False Dilemma

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Argument from Ignorance · 5:18am Dec 15th, 2012

To keep up the tradition, I'm going to keep posting one of these a day.

Argument from Ignorance

There (is no evidence/is not enough evidence/are too many holes in the evidence) for A, therefore A is false.
There (is no evidence/is not enough evidence/are too many holes in the evidence) against A, therefore A is true.

Example A (a very popular one!):

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Slippery Slopes · 3:22am Dec 14th, 2012

Not a grammar post for once!

Back when I was about sixteen or so, I used to mod a debate subform on a very small IPB board. It was a pretty cozy environment, one where everyone knew everyone else.

The thing is, even with people who aren't complete strangers, they still end up retreading the same arguments over and over and over again. Also, most of the arguments are STUPID.

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The noun adjunct, or why pegasi guards can suck it. · 10:40pm Dec 6th, 2012

Most of y'all are prolly already familiar with adjectives and nouns. Nouns are things like objects, or people, or ideas or whatever (bat, apple, friend, honour, so on and so forth). Adjectives are words that you use to describe nouns (pretty, awkward, formal, stupid). It's pretty simple stuff.

A noun adjunct, which some peeps call "attributive nouns", are pretty much just nouns that you can use to describe other nouns. In a nutshell, they're nouns that you use as adjectives.

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Proper nouns and you. · 5:15pm Nov 21st, 2012

It has recently come to my attention that...

Aw fuckit. I couldn't be all Mrs. McFormalpants if it came and bit me on the buttcheeks.

Anyway, yeah. Seems like there are some people who don't seem to know how to use proper nouns very well or know when they should be capitalized. Imma do my best to 'splain this out so that it makes sense to all the slow, or ESL, people like me* out there.

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