• Member Since 17th Apr, 2013
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De Writer

After a long dry spell, De Writer has sort of returned. I am now writing again. Watch this space for more new tales and more chapters of the latest


It comes to Grumpy’s attention that he had life insurance as well as the policy on his house, back when he was still alive. Canterlot Casualty and Life is a little late in paying his death benefit. Like FIFTEEN YEARS of late fees, penalties and interest! But wait! There is more!

Chapters (18)

Dawn Fire has some lovely amber stones that he wishes to sell to Princess Luna. She wants one more, larger one to be the center piece of a necklace. Getting it has a "Minor" obstacle!
Prance and Equestria are not on good terms. Last Hearthwarming Prance attempted an invasion through the Corbiestep pass in northern Equestria. They were stopped by last heir of County Corbiestep, who to the background of her family killed, the castle afire and insufficient arms or troops, managed to rout the invaders.
Now, going to the source of the amber, in the Weirdwood of northern Prance, has a different sort of price than simply money . . .

Chapters (12)

The nine pulling Kris in his sleigh realize that he is in trouble. Climbing out of the clouds, they realize that they are all in trouble! The moon and sky are strange. They land on the roof of a house by the Everfree and get Kris down the chimney.
Fluttershy applies her healing skills.

Chapters (1)

A blue wingless dragon comes to Grumpy for help. She has a case of hiccups, not the best thing for a dragon to have. Finding out that she is an artist with a commission to illustrate the latest Daring Do book, Grumpy agrees to assist her.
He uncovers a plot to wrest her contract away from her. Can he save her career and the new Daring Do book?

Chapters (1)

Blue Bell is going to Miss Cherrilee's school. Daisy Mane and her gang are trying to get her thrown out of the school so that they can pick on Blue Bell's little friend, the disabled goat, Dimmla. There is more to Blue Bell than meets the eye. They find their tricks turned against them.

Chapters (1)

Celestia and Luna are not the only Immortals plagued by worshipers trying to put them on pedestals as gods. Discord has the same problem.
The real issue is that such worshipers can get in the way of the real work of Celestia, Luna or even Discord.
Discord has real work? Indeed he/she does. It is vital to the safety of the world. And Discordians are abusing an ancient artifact, the Compass of Discord, to disrupt that important work in the belief that they are HELPING TO SPREAD DISCORD.
Daring Do must find and recover the Compass before Discord's vital work is ruined.

Chapters (20)

Sando, now a beloved leader of one of the three Rom bands, suffers a sudden and total heart failure. Naleen, a unicorn horned filly of Marchhare and Nore, is there and restarts his heart but cannot keep it going for long.
Sando wishes to have his Gateway to the Lake of Paradise (the grave) at the wayside where the Rom first saw the Royal Roads.
All three bands converge there to wish him well on his journey to the Lake of Paradise.
Of course, there are a few Ponies In The Works!

Chapters (1)

Master Sargent (Ret.) Warrin is dispatched from his haunted home of Royalmont Chateau to deal with the aftermath of an avalanche that hit the small resort of Sleighbell. He is accompanied by Sweetie, the Ghost of Royalmont Chateau.
Their task is complicated by the fact that the Fifth Prance Incursion War has just begun.
Count Corbiestep does nothing to make anything easier.

Chapters (1)

AJ comes to Grumpy because the apples of Sweet Apple Acres have something wrong with them.
Grumpy checks out some sample apples before wanting to do a contract for his Non-Equine Magic.
Grumpy sorts out WHAT is wrong with the crop, WHO is causing it to be wrong and, in usual Grumpy style DOES something about it!

Chapters (4)

Seeking to boost attendance at a NIGHTMARE NIGHT GALA, the Ponyville council has forbidden other Nigtmare parties that might compete.
A Rom mare seeks healing for her dying sister from Grumpy. Her band, happy for the healing come up to Grumpy's cave to celebrate.
This triggers a large, impromptu party that even draws the two most famous Rom in Equestria. Both Princesses.

Chapters (1)