• Member Since 14th May, 2013
  • offline last seen March 25th

Dont Look At My Name Bro

You're looking at it. Don't lie to me, bitch.:trixieshiftleft:


A word from Bro and ThatOneWriter on 'Fighting Fifth Graders' at 4:00 in the morning... · 10:37am Oct 19th, 2014

[3:58:30 AM] Don't Look At My Name Bro: Time to punch a fifth grader...
[3:59:36 AM] ThatOneWriter: (music)Are you tougher than a fifth grader~? (music)
[3:59:58 AM] Don't Look At My Name Bro: Duh
[4:00:03 AM] Don't Look At My Name Bro: I'm a boss
[4:00:39 AM] ThatOneWriter: #referencejokes
[4:01:05 AM] ThatOneWriter: As an aside, Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader wasn't a very good show.
[4:01:23 AM] Don't Look At My Name Bro: I'm probably not smarter than a fifth grader

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It's stuff like this that makes me hate this city with a passion... · 3:58am Oct 17th, 2014

So, today was a pretty fucked up day for Detroit. But at the same time, it wasn't really too much out of the ordinary when you look at the whole scheme of things.

I was on my way home from school. Now, whenever I'm not bribing my mother for her car keys, I'm most likely taking the bus home. The second bus I take is scheduled to stop in front of a hospital.

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Wow, it's been a minute... · 12:17am Oct 9th, 2014

I haven't made a blog post since June.

...Well, shit.:twilightoops:

Anyway, I'm just making a short blog to remind people that I'm not dead and stuff. I planned for it to be longer so I could explain where I've been for three months, but it would be really long and I'm a lazy bastard, so yeah. I mean, I might still do that actually, but I think that I'd rather not bore you all with it, and I kinda just felt like making a short blog for now.

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To be Real... · 2:15am Jun 28th, 2014

...I think I'm a bit of a cunt sometimes. Do I act like a jerk?


Go Read This, It's Canadian Literature · 10:35pm Jun 22nd, 2014

A good writer who has never been featured before pulled something out of his dusty old Canadian vault of literature. You should give it a read.

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Damn it all... · 10:57pm Jun 21st, 2014

>playing League of Legends during a thunderstorm
>got a triple-kill
>going for a quadra-kill
>lightning strikes somewhere close
>get's shocked by earphones
>also wearing earrings
>falls out of seat
>gets shut down on League


[Screwing around-intensifies] · 10:10pm Jun 16th, 2014

Me and muh IRL friends screwing with my other IRL friend while he was recording a video, just for the lulz.:trollestia:


I won a brand new laptop! · 1:40am Jun 11th, 2014

This is significant for me, since I'm so poor that I wouldn't be able to afford a new computer until my first year of college.

You see, I won an essay contest that was being sponsored by some lawyers. The winner got a free laptop. One of my teachers informed me of this contest last month, so I said, "Sure, I'll do it."

Keep in mind that I'm a lazy bastard, so the only reason why I even entered was for the prize I could win.

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TgtfProductions just dug his own grave with this one... · 4:17am Jun 9th, 2014

So, it's recently been revealed that TgtfProductions may have been lying about his 'cancer' claim and was just whoring for attention...

This is actually true.

Screenshot by Obselescence:

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Alts · 11:24pm May 27th, 2014

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