• Member Since 3rd Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen February 12th


Chelis' Editor in Chief, and a Horse News writer on the side. I like animu, apparently. Send help.

'Bout Section

Howdy! I'm just your average guy that likes writing/editing/reading horse words. I'm the right-hand man for this guy and his stories, and have been given this as a sign of his gratitude. (Love you, Chelis-senpai~)

Best Horse award goes to Applejack because she thinks my tractor's sexy she's got her shit together, and Best Princess award goes to Celestia because she is best mom.

I did write at one point in time, and I'm working on trying to get back into it. Writing's fun. It's good for the mind. Good for the soul, too. My door's always open if you need help on a project.

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Comments ( 206 )
  • Viewing 202 - 206 of 206

HEY! Saw that you've been online this year! How have you been?
Also... AJ is MY waifu now! :rainbowwild:

*appears out of nowhere and hugs you*

Hello Dusty, I hope you are doing okay,

I just came back from BABSCon 2017, I was hopping to see you there, get to know what's on your mind around this time and get to catch up if you wanted to.

I can see you still haven't log on to the site in soon to be seven weeks, so I'm posting this message in your profile page instead of a pm in case you lost your password and you could only see it this way.

Take care,


DUSTY!!!! How have you been???

  • Viewing 202 - 206 of 206
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