• Member Since 7th Jun, 2017
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I've never called myself a brony, now I'm writing mlp fanfiction and enjoying it.


Halloween is coming, and unlike most years Sweet Apple Acres has plenty of help preparing for their annual traditions. Even more than they had even considered it turns out. Rarity has been coming around lately, claiming a need for inspiration. But rules are rules, and if you're going to be staying at the farm, you're going to work. Applejack figured this arrangement would be short lived, and yet the fancy girl seems to always come back. It's nice, for both of them. Just as long a things don't get too scary.

Like last year, I really wanted to show Halloween some extra love. Not sure how many more of these I have in me, but I'll keep showing love for my favorite holiday for as long as I can.

This year, the fear of doing the one thing you know you really want to do. It's amazing what some people will do to pretend they will do that thing, only to never do it. Why do we hurt ourselves indefinitely when we know the potential pain will be over so much faster. Aren't human emotions great. Wish Rarity and Applejack luck, because they both need to get passed that fear if want to move forward.

Gore tag for one little scene with blood and amateur surgery. Very mild, but nonetheless you've been warned.

Happy Halloween everyone!

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has been attending Canterlot High long enough to learn some things. The first is that despite the school's more limited resources, the fact that the other students are more welcoming and accommodating means her studies are actually less hindered than they once were. The second is that other students being accommodating to her studies makes it easy for her to get close to others. Third is that she really likes being close to other people, certain people especially. Fourth, she might like girls. Fifth, Sunset Shimmer is really hot and Twilight just might be in love with her.

Not knowing how to handle this situation, Twilight falls back on what she knows best: studying and research. Can her new friends help her with her latest research project, or will she have to improvise? The horror.

The end of the year holiday encroaches ever further into our spooky good time. So I wanted to show more Halloween love this year. I believe this is my first time writing for the human Twilight, so I'm personally looking forward to the experience. Hope you all have a Happy Halloween and leave me either a trick or treat in the comments.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Why She Serves

Tempest Shadow
Fizzlepop Berrytwist has been dating Twilight Sparkle for some time now. Far from going soft, she feels like the experience has made her stronger than ever. And yet an old friend, fear, has left her unsure of herself for the first time in a while. How will she deal with it? She'll need to rely on the power of friendship. 
This might also involve a lot of alcohol, sweets of questionable origin, and borderline abduction. She never said she worked all the Tempest out of her system. 
A follow up to my story Why She Serves. Set after the climax but both before and after the epilog. Following the model of one of the Elements asks all the rest for advice genre, but with a Tempest twist obviously. 
I really just wanted to do a little bit more with the setting and characters of the original story, so here we are. Hopefully you'll all like this take on a slightly older and more mature Tempest Fizz. Let me know what you think.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Greatest Fear

Rainbow Dash and Applejack compete all the time. For the most part the athletic girls come out about even most of the time. But there is one area where Rainbow Dash just can't seem to beat her at all. Applejack is completely unflappable, and it annoys Rainbow Dash to no end that she continually fails to spook her. But seeing as it's Halloween, the day when trying to get under someone's skin is socially acceptable, it seems like the perfect time to try to fix that little shortcoming.
But Applejack is starting to wonder just why it is that Rainbow Dash is spending so much time trying to get her attention. It's shaping up to be a long holiday at school for both girls. Is there something Rainbow Dash can do to scare Applejack, and just what will happen if she does.

This is not a direct sequel to the original Greatest Fear, but rather another story with the same premise. Therefore you don't need to read the original as the events of that story are not connected to this one.

Happy Halloween everyone. Decided Halloween needed more attention this year, so I decided to make Greatest fear into a series. At this point each will be a stand alone story, only joined to the original by a title and will not affect one another. Will I publish them every year? Maybe. Will they all feature Rainbow Dash? Maybe. Just having some fun with this. Let me know what you think down below.

Chapters (1)

A multidimensional slumber party had been something the elements on both sides of the portal wanted to make happen for a long time. Finally, thirteen girls across two different plains of reality managed to find common free time to make it happen.
It wasn't ideal however, as the pony Applejack said that she'd have to leave early. This causes a question to come up, and that was why her human counterpart can stay when she can't.
Wait a minute, didn't Twilight mention that there was some kind of time distortion between the worlds. What does the pony Applejack know that the human does not, and will that change both their lives?
A submission for the "A Most Delightful Ponidox" contest being put on by FanOfMostEverything, although it was actually in idea I had a long time ago but never thought I'd actually ever put pen to paper on. As such it definitely doesn't take into account what we do find out about Applejack's parents later in the series.
A little more serious then my normal work, so please let me know if I handle it with the right care.

Thanks so much everyone. Featured on 10/18/20
My very first:raritystarry:

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has it pretty good. She's on her way to being a Wonderbolt. She's in the best shape of her life. She has great friends and even the perfect marefriend. In fact she can only think of one small problem she has in her life. Actually it's a big problem that is small... And white... And fluffy... With two big stupid ears she sometimes just wanted to grab onto and....
Anyway, will she be able to get past this one small, big problem for the sake of her relationship with Fluttershy. And will Angel ever stop trying to get between the two mares.
Another submission for the May Pairing Contest 2020. What the heck am I doing trying to do two submissions this late.
My usually comments apply, let me know what you think, good or bad. Also I'm not sure if a romance tag should apply since the romance isn't between the main characters but is the focus. Comments will really help on that one.

Chapters (1)

A rare accident while brewing a familiar concoction has left Zecora unable to communicate. Unfortunately for her Pinkie happens to be there, ready to help with her natural ability to somehow always know what ponies are thinking. But will Zecora's wisdom pushed through the filter of Pinkie Pie come out clearly enough for the shaman to fix what ales her.

My first time writing for any writing contest. May pairing contest 2020 submission. Hopefully a Pinkie/Zecora pairing is weird enough to qualify. Thanks to my wife for all the weirdness that might be about to go down.
My usual stuff applies. Love hearing from people, so feel free to let me know what you think, good or bad.

Chapters (1)

Tempest Shadow was saved twice by Twilight Sparkle. First from The Storm King, then from punishment for what she had done under his command. It would stand to reason that she feels eternally grateful towards the princess of friendship and promises to do all she can to repay the kindness she has shown her.
But now Tempest, or is it Fizzle Pop, feels like she cannot fulfill that duty to Twilight, at least not while Twilight herself is around her.

I honestly put off watching the movie for so long because I didn't know how I would feel about it. It was better then I thought it would be, but I was most interested in the new character it added to the series. The prevalence of Tempest fics lately has led me to finally decide to do my own. I'm really interested in diving into a not as well defined character for once, so let me know what you think of my interpretation of her. Comments are always welcome, good or bad.

Chapters (14)

Not long after moving to Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle has a new experience she was not expecting involving her new friend Pinkie Pie. And while she is open to new experiences, she is still very curious as to how and why this has come to pass. While trying to figure this out, she just might find out new things. About herself, about her friends, and about the puffy haired pink pony on her door step holding a bouquet of flowers.
Set near the end of the first season. After party of one, but before The Best Night Ever. Not a lot of space there, but the season one timeline is a little weird anyway right. My first time writing for Pinkie Pie, so as always creative input is appreciated.

Chapters (8)

Father's day has come to Equestria. Twilight Sparkle has apparently been working on a special gift for her father Night Light for the past few years. The problem is that despite all the time and effort she had put in, it still wasn't complete. But now seemes like the right time, and she just hopes it will mean as much to him as it did to her.
My first non-romance piece. Got the idea from a story I read a while back. Possible spoiler if I list it here so check out author notes if you like the story. Happy father's day to everyone. Hope this inspires you to give your dad a hug today.

Chapters (1)