• Member Since 22nd May, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 15th, 2022



Story Idea Time · 9:34pm Mar 7th, 2017

This is a story idea I've had rattling around my head for a while. If anyone's interested, feel free to make use of it, just make sure to drop me a post when you do, I'd love to see your take on the idea.

Story: Hero In Equestria
Genre: Human, Slice of Life
Rating: Any, depending on writer's preference.

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Raining · 9:48pm Feb 15th, 2017

It's raining outside
Maybe inside too
I can't tell though
Inside, I can't feel the rain on my skin

Perhaps it's just the temperature
That would explain the cold
But not why I hear the rain falling
a steady drip-drip down my nose

I'm standing in the rain, you see
It splashes from skin to shirt
And if it's not raining
Then why are my eyes so wet?

It's hailing outside
Maybe inside too
I can't tell though
Inside I can't feel the sting of my skin

Maybe it's just me though

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For the first time ever... · 5:51am Feb 14th, 2017

I'm not going to be single for Valentine's Day.

I don't know how to feel about that, so you guys tell me how to feel.

Anyways, happy Single's Awareness Day! Those of you enjoying the day, kudos to you. Those of you suffering from this day... my condolences.


It's Been Awhile | Stories for the Future · 6:22pm Feb 7th, 2017

Hey everyone; today I realized that I've been doing a ton of reading on this site... but not so much of the interacting and stuff. SO!
A blog post about what's going on, what I'm doing, etc.

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Another year · 6:23pm May 21st, 2016

Another year I walk the sands
They shift and change beneath my feet
Yet through it all I walk.

Another year I see the others walk the sands
Some falter and slip beneath the sand
Others lay roads for still later others to tread

The roads vanish beneath the sands
And yet they are the sands themselves
So perhaps they never were, or still are

Some do not walk the sands like I
They slide and glide upon the expanse
They move faster, yet they fall harder than I ever have

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Report Quantum_Shift · 474 views · #Poetry #sand #birthday

One more day... · 7:12am Mar 5th, 2016

Tomorrow, you see, I get my new laptop!

It will, unfortunately, have Windows 10 on it instead of Win7 like I wanted, but just having a laptop is enough to make me giddy.

I'll have enough RAM to actually play the games I like, and I'll be able to chat online and so much more!

... The only downside is that I need to get a new wireless chip so it can pick up wi-fi. Whee. Still, my old laptop has a working one, and I'm sure my momma can Frankenstein a replacement in.

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100 Followers! · 6:17am Feb 21st, 2016

I just logged on and noticed that! It's a big milestone, or so I've been told.

So thank you, everyone, and thanks for your patience while I work on getting a place to live and a new laptop and stuff.

It's been a crazy, unpleasant year or so of homelessness, so it's good to know someone cares enough to listen in.

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Second Person · 6:10am Jan 22nd, 2016

I hate this kind of fic.

It continuously tells you (the reader) what 'you're' doing, aven when it's something painfully stupid or something you'd never do.

It's great for RPs and campfire stories, sure, but I feel it should never be used in a published, written work.

And yes, I feel that choose-your-own-adventure stories are dumb too, unless written as comedic parody.

Discuss below if you feel the need to agree or disagree.

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Why is nobody updating? · 12:15am Jan 21st, 2016

Seriously, its been two days and none of the 1000+ stories I follow have updated. Did I accidentally kick a basket of ittens I to traffic without noticing?

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It's my Birthday. · 4:07pm May 21st, 2014

Just so y'all know, it is.

I just turned 21.

So... cheers?

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