• Member Since 1st Aug, 2019
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Revel Montaro


Twilight Sparkle and her closest friends have been tasked with planning the class senior trip over spring break. They are going on a cruise! Twilight happily took the lead to plan most of the activities and accommodations, but additional input is always welcomed. This is the last meeting before the vacation begins!

Written for Perfectly Insane's dialogue only story contest. Found here.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Incarnate

While crafting a universe, things are bound to slip through the cracks. Conversations and happenings that occur 'off screen' as one might say. This will be where those side conversations find the light.

Will update periodically as ideas take form. Most chapters will (hopefully) also include art pieces.

It is not necessary to have read Incarnate and its sequels to enjoy, but it would help tremendously since the timeline will likely jump about instead of just chronological order.

Tags and Rating may change as chapters are updated.

Chapters (6)

Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle have been living together for two years away from Canterlot City for college. Instead of coming home for the break, Twilight elected to do a cram December mini-mester to stay on track for her first double majors.

Knowing her roommate and girlfriend well enough not to fight with her about such things like school, Sunset instead makes arrangements to have Twilight's family all fly out to visit them instead.

Food. Fun. Family. Everything her adorable, hardworking nerd needs to keep from burning out.

Written for fun and for Bicyclette's 2023 SciSet contest.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle have been together since the end of High School. Of course, that was a hundred years ago! Having found themselves still appearing in their mid-twenties because of Equestrian magic Sunset and Twilight have gone to the ends of the Earth and back trying to experience all that life has to offer. But now with their anniversary approaching Sunset wants to do something extra special for the love of her life. Travel to the one place they have not been, outer space! With the help of their eldest daughter, Sunset and Twilight find themselves on the still under construction L2 space station, but not just for sightseeing. There is trouble afoot and the two ageless women have to find out what is going on before the station falls from the heavens ruining their family's fortune, reputation, and many innocent lives.

Sex tag for implied activity, adult language, and innuendos.

An Incarnate side story. Takes place during the prelude time skip in Gods and Monsters

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to I, Raven

It started as such a nice day. The sun was up and shining, things were going smoothly and peacefully, then a Saddle Arabian entourage arrived and everything went down hill from there. The most notorious witch in the history of Equestria suddenly and unexpectedly returns, The Red Clover. Soon after, she is pursued by an equally as famous and long thought dead pony, Clover the Clever, triggering a series of events that cannot be undone. Equestria becomes threatened from every direction and all Princesses Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer wanted to do was relax and prepare for their wedding day. Even the gods of old seem to have turned against them as the entire world is put in the crosshairs of annihilation.

A two part story and the exciting conclusion to the Incarnate series.

Chapters (46)

This story is a sequel to Gods and Monsters

Sunset Shimmer, daughter to Princess Celestia has returned to Equestria from the other side of the Lunar Lock Mirror to spend 30 moons with her family and friends. One year into the current cycle Sunset has become depressed and short tempered with frustration, missing her wife and is in need of time away from Canterlot.

To change things up as well and fulfil the promise she made to spend more time with her mother the two head out to a white sandy beach island. However, there are strange things going on. There is a great unease about, the locals are moving about like lost castaways, and the hotel's owner/operator seems to be in on whatever foulness is about.

Can the two resolve the mystery of Pelican Island and have a good time doing it or will they just become the latest victims of the 'curse?'

Takes place during the time gap of Chapter 2 of Gods and Monsters.

Sex tag for adult topics and conversations.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Gods and Monsters

Many years ago, Princess Celestia granted Discord a boon for helping rescue Sunset Shimmer when she was trapped between worlds. He was given the power to declare one day a year as Discord Day. A day in which the draconequus was allowed to pull out all the stops as long as no creature came to harm in the process.

For personal reasons Discord ceased holding the even for decades and the concept fell into obscurity, all but forgotten.

Nearly a year has passed since the attacks by the Athanatoi and the tragic events that followed. Sunset Shimmer, now a coronated princess and diarch to the Equestrian Thrones has fallen into her role for the most part and begun to find her groove as well as further explore her relationship with her fellow diarch, Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Tempers will be tested, shenanigans will ensue, surprises, twists, and more as Discord Day is reborn!

Sex tag for numerous adult topics and conversations.
Narcotics tag for copious amounts of alcohol consumption.
Profanity for... Sunset's foul mouth.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Incarnate

Twilight Sparkle is now the sole ruler of the throne of Equestria. With the exchange of power though also comes a change of the guard and those that loyally served the Solar and Lunar princesses. While much of the palace staff chose to stay on to assist the new ruler some positions required change following retirements and resignations. One such opening was the Captain of the Royal Guard. There were many qualified candidates available, but with so much uncertainty only one Twilight truly trusted above all others to get the job done better than the rest. Tempest Shadow.

After some talking and convincing, Tempest accepts the position, but that does not mean the guard and the rest of Canterlot is ready to accept her.

Takes place timeline wise following Season 9 and includes my own tweaks and changes that occurred in Incarnate months earlier.

Chapters (17)

Spring is in the air! The girls are seniors in their last semester of school at CHS. Nothing says happy spring like a Friday night out on the town for a dinner date. Rarity is set up on a blind by their former rivals now friends from Crystal Prep Academy. The fashionista is happy to get out and give romance a chance, but like any good set of friends Applejack, Sunset Shimmer and company want Rarity to know that if the date doesn't go well that she can always call in for help with the secret code word: Tippy Toe.

Takes place four months before the events of Incarnate

Sex tag is for young adult/adult topic discussions. Sorry, no sexy time if that was what you were looking for.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Incarnate

It has been 100 years since Princess Twilight had recreated the Lunar Lock mirror to Earth following its destruction. While Twilight had seen to the affairs of Equestria with the occasional assistance from Celestia and Luna, Sunset Shimmer had been living and raising a family on Earth only visiting every 30 moons and avoiding the ever growing quagmire of Canterlot politics. It is a blissful existence for Sunset, but sadly, nothing lasts forever.

One night Sunset receives a dream visitor who she did not expect and a warning of the approaching doom of Equestria by ancient creatures. Sunset must choose between either remaining in her self imposed exile or returning to the world she abandoned including facing her family and friends in order to help save them.

Some might think it an easy decision.

It is not.

Chapters (30)