• Member Since 11th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


I sure love writing except for when I should be doing it.

Comments ( 30 )
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It really is a beautiful area, so much to see and learn.

Sounds good to me. Midway probably stands as my favorite and the best museum ship in general, and I've seen quite a few of them. The museum ships at Pearl alongside the Arizona memorial would probably be a close second.

Sure do. My thesis was on naval doctrinal application in the pacific theater by the IJN, and I did a bit of side historical work with the USMC while interning with a base legal assistance office in Uni. Also did work for the USS Midway floating museum in San Diego, among a few other things. Great area of study, incredibly interesting.

It's fine man, no big deal. I work with military history a lot, so when the story you were referring to was posted and was literally the official ChiCom propaganda line on the incident rather than what actually happened, there was no way I wasn't going to say something. Gotta stand up for the truth sometimes. It's never the people of China I have a problem with, it's always their rat government.

Hey man, if you want to support the Chinese genocide of minorities, be my guest. I for one don't support people pushing false communist propaganda narratives, and I'll call them out where I see them. If that bothers you, then I suppose you're just going to have to live with the fact that reality exists, and not everyone wants to murder Falun Gong members or Uyghur Muslims, or imprison people for exercising free speech in Hong Kong.

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