• Member Since 8th Mar, 2021
  • offline last seen May 16th

Crystalline Waters


Explaining My Ships · 5:12am Aug 27th, 2021

Hey y’all! So I was bored and I was brainstorming ideas for a future fic. This will be my fluffy fic about the Wonderbolts. But i just want to explain my ships. I know I don’t have to but I just really want to elaborate. I won’t elaborate on Soarindash just because I really don’t have any reason to ship them other than the fact that I’ve read nice stories about them. I’ve also already written a ton about them. :rainbowlaugh:

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Let's Talk: Misty Fly · 11:37pm Jun 29th, 2021

Hey y'all, and welcome to another of my brain dumps. As promised, I am doing another Let's Talk. Again, I am taking the liberty of building her physical characteristics to what I think suits her. With Misty however, I will give my opinion on the show version of her, as well as tailoring her personality to how I will portray it in my stories. So here we go:

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Another New Story! · 11:37pm Jun 27th, 2021

Hello again! I feel so active today, so sorry for the spam from me. But I have just published a story for the Pride and Positivity Event 2021 called We're Okay. Go check it out if you want!


Let's Talk: Lightning Streak · 10:33pm Jun 27th, 2021

Hey y'all, and welcome to another of Crystalline's brain dumps! From now on I'm going to use that title to refer to these types of blogs. There will be more of these "Let's Talk" blogs, as I think more about them. But there will be more brain dumps like the ones I did before.

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