• Member Since 1st Sep, 2021
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Hallo!!! :D


I, yesthefloorisfloor joined Fimfiction at September 1st, 2021. Im a new member to this community. Good day to all mah dudes :D
oh and ignore my profile pic. i have no idea why i put up their but its there. I'll change it in the future.
hello :>

Blog Posts

  • 86 weeks
    Revision of Adventure of a Lifetime will commence

    Alrighty, I'm back from my long hiatus, I noticed that my story is a bit fast-paced in my eyes and the plot might be confusing to all of you. So to fix this issue, Ill have to revise all the existing chapters and possibly add new ones if the situation calls for it.

    Hope you dudes understand and the revision will start actually now,

    Good day to you mah dudes, cya next time :D

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I, TheOneWhoEatsCheese joined Fimfiction at September 1st, 2021. Im a new brony to this community. Good day to all, mah dudes :D