• Member Since 9th Jun, 2020
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A sick mind further poisoned by the internet. Pay him no mind, lest you are wrapped into his dark fantasy.

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66 Days: A Thankful beginning · 4:39am Nov 25th, 2022

By John Joseco on his Twitter

Merry Turkey Day, for those of you that celebrate it. I'm not one of your brethren but I'm all for good vibes and good food nonetheless. Even without celebrating Thanksgiving in any formal manner, I celebrate it my own way, with the Thanksgiving Think. With no extended family to go around the circle and make me say what I'm thankful for, that job is left to my inner monologue, leading me to have a moment of introspection and realize every year that hey, life is pretty great, all things considered.

By PixelKitties
At the very least, I'm still alive. This year, though, my Thanksgiving Think had a bit of a darker tinge to it, probably due to this Thanksgiving featuring absolutely no family, extended or immediate, to celebrate it with. I started to wonder: Am I thankful for myself? After some thinking, I ended up at the conclusion that while yes, I'm pretty sure that I like myself generally enough, there are definitely some aspects I'd want to make better. One of those aspects has to do with this website, and my general lack of posting anything of significance. Despite spending a chunk of my time that Batman couldn't torture out of me on the website, my brief stint at adding to the endless library myself was questionable at best, awful if you're being honest. So, I have devised a plan to do better going forward in a way that I know I can sustain.

This one's by V0Jelly
I mean, how hard could it be to write at bare minimum 200 words a day? Heck, I bet I could even make a daily blog post along with it I'm so cool.
That's the kind of thinking that led to me making this post, the first of many, hopefully. By the end of this, I'm certainly not going to be some prolific author, but I'll at least be a bit more proud thankful of myself.

Sources say that it takes 66 days to create a habit. I'm not sure how accurate that is, considering in the same google search that gave me that information there was another article debating its validity, but hey, 66 is the amount of days I've allotted to this journey. So, just in case you're one of the people following me around on this website, you might want to take any measures you can to mute blog notifications, if this kind of thing isn't your jam. Posts will probably just be updates to stories that I"m working on, any contests I feel like entering, and general life stuff I feel like sharing.

Speaking of contests though, I am doing Jinglemas, and by the time I've posted this, you theoretically have 23 minutes left to enter. Probably should've posted this sooner, now that I think about it.

Another great piece of art by pixelkitties to close it off

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