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Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

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If you support Save MLP, unfollow me now. · 4:51am Nov 26th, 2022

Time to weed out some followers. A while ago, it came to my attention that Save MLP has a group here on FIMFiction.net. I checked it out and when I was going through the group's member list, I discovered that some of the members are also followers of mine. And I don't want to have anyone following me or reading my stories who supports this harassment campaign. To be blunt, if you support what Save MLP is doing, you don't deserve to read pony stories and you don't deserve to read my pony stories. So, if you are a member of the Save MLP group here on FIMFiction.net and support the campaign, unfollow me now.

To anyone who doesn't know about Save MLP and is confused why I'm doing that, I won't link the campaign here because I don't want to give it exposure, but basically, Save MLP is a campaign consisting of "fans" of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic who are so deeply unsatisfied with Season 9 that they have made it their goal to pressure Hasbro into rewriting the final season so that it will be to their liking. They also regularly attack Generation 5, because its canon builds on Season 9's canon. This comes with a lot of harassment of not only Hasbro, but of many show staffers from DHX, as well, as the leader of the campaign and his members believe they can get support from them by relentlessly pinging and contacting them on Twitter at every opportunity. Imagine the brony fandom's own, little pariah group of terrorists who try to force their will on everyone and you got it just right and know what Save MLP is.

Six followers of mine are supporting this campaign by being members of its group here on FIMFiction.net. I also know that some users only joined the Save MLP group to protest the campaign and to tell its members to stick it somewhere, after which they either left the group again or got banned from it, but these six members who happen to be my followers are not among those. They joined the group and stayed there and they are obviously keeping track of updates about the campaign.

I know exactly who you are. Unfollow me and if you haven't done so in a couple days, I will take initiative myself and block you. I will do the same if any of you comment on one of my stories or blog entries or on my userpage and if you ever refollow me, I will also block you. If I have already blocked you because you didn't leave yourself, I will momentarily unblock you and then block you again right after to remove your follow once more.
I've often been too patient with toxic members of the fandom when they attacked Generation 4, but you six have crossed a very fat, red line. I expect you to be gone by sunrise.

Stay not where it lurks, lock the door, turn off the light.

~ Flutterscare

Comments ( 40 )

I certainly don't. That guy is delusional.


Delusional and dangerous. Going through the Twitter account of his campaign feels like reading the memoirs of a psychopath.

I thought for sure he would be banned by now. Has he still been posting stuff?


Yeah, he keeps going, just as bad as ever. He especially loves to pick on Generation 5 now.

Also, just had someone unfollowing who isn't even a member of the group. There are some dark figures of Save MLP supporters here, too, it seems.

Some people just never learn.


They never do. You can only take a strong stand against them.

Rewrite the final season ?
We can get Hasbro to do that ?!
:rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:

Say, while we are at it, can we get the writers of Star Trek to rewrite the final season of Deep Space 9 ??
I mean... lots of poor Starfleet officers died in that final season.

Also, the whole drugs thing of Breaking Bad was a bit too angsty. So can we get that series rewritten too? I reckon sherbet instead of cocaine would be a good start.

Yes, I’m being sarcastic.
I can’t believe some people are still going on about season 9 of G4. I actually enjoyed the finale. The writers made an exceptional effort. More than would be expected for a Saturday morning kids show.

Yeah, it was good by my reckoning. Maybe not perfect. There were things I didn't like such as Grogar being fake, the terrible trio not being redeemed, and Twilight apparently being immortal. Well, I fixed those with a headcanon fanfic.


Say, while we are at it, can we get the writers of Star Trek to rewrite the final season of Deep Space 9 ??
I mean... lots of poor Starfleet officers died in that final season.

Also, the whole drugs thing of Breaking Bad was a bit too angsty. So can we get that series rewritten too? I reckon sherbet instead of cocaine would be a good start.

I just had to read this in Rainbow Dash's voice, after looking at her emotes and hearing her laugh. :rainbowlaugh: It works so well. :rainbowlaugh: I should seriously go and see if I can put that into fifteen.ai. :rainbowlaugh:

I can’t believe some people are still going on about season 9 of G4. I actually enjoyed the finale. The writers made an exceptional effort.

It was wonderful what they gave us. :heart: The entire show is a wonderful gift and not liking it is just being ungrateful. He doesn't understand what he got. And if he ever understands it, then it will be too late. There are going to be lots of tears then, but after what he did (and might still do in the future, even though I don't want to make any dark predictions), there will be no one to dry his tears. And the same goes for all of his supporters.

Edit: Aww, fifteen.ai is still down. But he says it will return soon and then Save MLP will get a nice surprise. :pinkiehappy:

Wow, I did not know it was this bad and that this was what was going on...:rainbowderp:,


You have never heard of them before? Then I'm glad you were reading this blog entry. They are going on for about three years now, since the show ended, they are a small minority, but still have created trouble by harassing the staff of the show and also the writers and artists of the official comics at IDW. One needs to be aware of them.

Moral of the Story: It's okay to not like something.

Being a flank-face to people over what you don't like, however, is not okay.


I love that you said "flank-face". :heart:

Well, I saw the Save MLP group a few times when it first popped up, but didn't give it much thought. Hell, I didn't remember that it even existed until I was given an invite by one of the administrators. I didn't accept mainly because I had no interest or plans to join. Plus some of the people there sounded like people I did not want to be associated with. But something about it felt kind of... off. I couldn't figure it out at the time, but something just didn't feel right about that group. After reading your blog though, I think I figured out why but still... not what I was expecting:fluttershyouch:.


Your instinct let you make the right choice. I've seen the leader's tweets and one thing he said in the group here, all of it gave me the bad feeling he will do something very drastic in the future. He is bitter and shows a psychopathic tendency.

Glad I trusted my instincts that time:twilightblush:.


It's okay to not like something.

Being a flank-face to people over what you don't like, however, is not okay.

As Big Macintosh says, Eeyup:eeyup:.

Hope you never considered me to be something like that. I mean I was accused of being obsessive with my mission. I don't know if you're aware but I was tackling the whole Twilight outlives her friends issue after the finale. Some people have accused me of being immoral or deathloving, I just believe immortality is a curse.

:ajsmug: I’d love to hear it too, Sugarcube !


Well, you didn't harass anyone and you only wrote a story, right? You should be good, then. Maybe they called you "obsessive" because you are describing the theme of your stories as your "mission", if you did that before, that can come across as obsessive. Maybe that's just your general style of talking, but describing things as a "mission" shows a special dedication to a goal and also implies, whether intentional or not, the attempt at convincing others of your own view (hence the terms "missionizing" and "missionary", it has christian-religious origins). Of course words can change meaning with time, so a "mission" is not necessarily an attempt to convince others of something anymore, it can also simply mean following a goal or providing something for others who have a demand for it. But the origins of the word and how it's still often used can cause some people to think that someone who speaks of a mission is "obsessive". So that might be a reason why some people called you that.

But your stance on immortality, you shouldn't worry about that. Immortality is a double-edged sword, it comes with advantages, but also with disadvantages. There is no clear answer on whether immortality is a good or a bad thing, people prefer one or the other. I, for example, had the thought how cool it would be to become a vampire a couple times (especially because I love the night and prefer it greatly over the day and roaming the night is basically the life of a vampire), but for reasons specific to me, I'm also on the fence about whether I would really want that. And if being offered the chance, would either decline it or only try it out until I'm at the age of a natural death to preserve my youth and fitness.
So, neither side is right or wrong about that, people who called you "immoral" or "deathloving" are just very convinced that their stance on immortality is the right one. Not to mention that there are still people who hate it that Twilight became an alicorn, who probably also feel betrayed by it that Meghan McCarthy said that Twilight won't outlive her friends now that it became clear she will outlive them. You shouldn't worry about any of this.

That said, I would appreciate it if you brought back the original versions of "Luster Dawn Friendship Successor" and "Passing On Together" and make them public again. I was seeing the former and wanted to read it and it's generally never a good approach to try and make a new story be read and popular by starving readers off the old story.

Hmm. Thanks. I wasn't trying to convince people my side was right, just give people an alternative. I preferred to avoid arguments. Sorry for taking down the stories. Sometimes I thought maybe that was a mistake. Ah well.

Well I do have some good news for you, somehow passing on together has a replica that I found which hasn't been deleted on fanfiction.net. And also friendship successor is on fimfetch.


I know about the archives on FIMFetch. And while it's good that they exist, it's never fully the same as reading the original uploads here. FIMFetch is for emergencies when nothing else goes anymore. Why don't you make the original stories public again?

I'll think about it. I guess I can add what I did afterwards. We'll see. Have you read New Days?

Well I will probably do it though its against the rules to repost and I have to find a moderator to recover them. Would you recommend any?


Have you read New Days?

No, as I have set my sights onto "Luster Dawn Friendship Successor" already. I didn't know you removed the original story and I never like it when a story I wanted to read gets replaced with a different version. Not as bad as when Pen Stroke completely rewrote the original "Past Sins", one of the fandom classics, but it always leaves me wondering how the original story was and what I missed in that reading experience. I'm sure many other readers feel the same way.

its against the rules to repost and I have to find a moderator to recover them. Would you recommend any?

So you removed the stories completely? I was under the impression that you just set them to private. Eldorado might be the one to ask about recovering stories, because he says this in his userpage description:

"Ask me if you have any questions about the site. The more detailed you are describing the problem, the better the chances I'll be able to help."

Well I can't be certain. Sorry for the frustration. There were only some minor changes really. I was under a lot of stress back then with all the hate I got from pro-immortal people. I deleted the original stories and combined them. I'll see about getting the old ones reposted.

I only became a "part" of the group, or even worse - campaign - as you have been calling it, and follow it because I thought it had cool stories on it; I did not know what was going on, or that they were harassing people. I don't even keep up with the groups I AM a part of - I don't know anything about this campaign - I thought they just wrote stories on what they just wanted to be different about the show, which apparently is not the truth. I have left since I saw this blog, and I don't do anything on most groups anyway - and I am only on the list of supporters because I did not know they were harassers (I pressed "join" because I thought I was getting a group that theorized and made stories based on how they could improve the show, not tear into it and its fans, especially not how fiercely they have been doing it. Geez, no wonder there are so many downvotes on their comments/discussions. Good on you for knowing the truth. I did not mean to offend you, and I am sorry that the Save MLP group was so horrendous - they don't even deserve that name if they really have done what you claim. I have now left the group, and whew! Thank GOODNESS I just happened upon this blog, otherwise, I would have never have known and been banned or blocked from your stories because of something I did not know. I apologize for intruding. Anyway, I hope I can keep supporting you, and I'm sorry that I offended you unwittingly, and I hope that your wrath will calm down because I did not mean to seem like I "support" a horrible team. Sorry!

That's what this group should do as well, and take a chill pill. And maybe a bit of Jesus while they are at it.


I have yet to look into the things you said, but I have decided not to block you, for the time being. Although, honestly, how you could not know what this group is about, when it is explained front and center for everyone to see on its front page, is beyond me and makes me wary of your affirmations.

Thank you, and I apologize again. I really did not know, as I was invited and at the time, did not know about the information other than the main page saying that they don't like the MLP ending, and make content that ignores the finale. A group for story ideas - not harassment and harming/stalking the old MLP crew. I didn't even know it could be done to that scale because I'm sure most of the team has dispersed since the crew is very different for Gen 5. Anyway, I really did not know what is really going on in the group; it was an innocent accident. After your post, I researched the group more and confirmed your accusations were correct. Thank you for the forgiveness, and I continue to give my deepest apologies.

Now that Elon Musk owns Twitter, Mixmaster's tweets would likely be promoted.

What does this have to do with anything... at all... is it the no blocking thing? I mean, that's a two way street. And people can still block PMs.
Also, hi King.


I see no reason to believe that, specifically Mixmaster's harassing "campaign" tweets to be promoted, other than blind Elon Musk hatred. He gets blamed for everything that goes wrong on Twitter, even though he isn't the initial cause for any of it.


It is "good manners" on Twitter to hate Elon Musk and to blame him for everything for almost a year now. I'm glad that I don't have good manners. :trollestia:

I dont like everything the guy does, but I also don't hate him. I try to keep a level head on most things. See the whys and hows, understand.


That's the only right way to do it. This way of living seems to be rare in humanity these days.

It's basically saying that Elon Musk would promote sh!tty Twitter uses like Mixmaster. It's in response to asking why he hasn't been banned by now.

It's not that Elon is the cause of the problems on Twitter (as long as you don't count his desire to bring back Trump). But Elon Musk is not a good person, and he's been able to get away with a lot of things that would typically put people in jail.

Good manners is rare on Twitter, and it has nothing to do with Elon.

I hate Elon only because I know what he's like. He's actually not that different from Trump. He's a conman, he takes credit for the successes of other people, he's a narcissist, etc. I don't hate Elon for no reason. I hate him because I've done my research. When it comes to Twitter though, the only bad thing he's done so far is turn the verification into a subscription service. That and he labeled "cis" as a pejorative. But stuff like that isn't a big deal.

If I'm being offensive in any way, I'll stop if you'd prefer.


as long as you don't count his desire to bring back Trump

If Trump ever uses Twitter again and if you hate what he does (you should), then respond to his tweets and make his arguments ineffective. That goes for any other bad thing you see being said on Twitter, by anyone. Have the better arguments if you hate it. I don't entertain the ideas of censorship and cancel culture.

But Elon Musk is not a good person, and he's been able to get away with a lot of things that would typically put people in jail.


I hate Elon only because I know what he's like. He's actually not that different from Trump. He's a conman, he takes credit for the successes of other people, he's a narcissist, etc. I don't hate Elon for no reason. I hate him because I've done my research. When it comes to Twitter though, the only bad thing he's done so far is turn the verification into a subscription service. That and he labeled "cis" as a pejorative.

Elon Musk has been the target of people who oppose free speech and are pro-censorship ever since he said, shortly before his purchase of Twitter, that he is going to turn Twitter into a free speech platform. A lot of marginalized groups on Twitter have gotten into a panicked frenzy about that because they don't understand the difference between "free speech" and "hate speech" anymore and would like to ban and censor everything that isn't praising them, even if they aren't being spoken to directly and someone just talks with others on their own account. The old Twitter gave them that, everything they didn't approve of was removed or you got shadowbanned for it, even if there was only a single word they don't like in your tweet. But Elon Musk did away with that and allowed people on Twitter to talk freely again.
Since then, he's a target of pro-censorship people and they have spread lies and rumors about him, ranging from calling him a transphobe without evidence (that's always very effective these days if you quickly want to rile up a lot of people against someone, it now works almost as well as saying someone's a pedophile) or claiming that he bans journalists from Twitter for news coverage he hates.
I have been monitoring the situation myself since the purchase last year and I can safely say that every bad thing that's said about Elon Musk are rumors that people who hate him have invented in the hopes that Twitter under his lead goes bankrupt and offline. Even a lot of journalists and newspapers tell lies about him or intentionally write down only half of the facts to make him look bad.
Elon Musk is just a rich guy and not better or worse than other humans. And he has actually done a lot of good things that most wouldn't bother to do and at least tries to make humanity a better species. If you believe any of the things that are going round about him, you fell for propaganda.

I apologize ahead of time for how lengthy this reply is. I didn't intend to go as deep as I have.

If Trump ever uses Twitter again and if you hate what he does (you should), then respond to his tweets and make his arguments ineffective.

There are a couple of problems with that. First, it doesn't matter how good your arguments are to Trump supporters. So, I'd be preaching to the choir to people who already agree with me. The best-case scenario is that what I say may sway the opinions of a minuscule few people who are on the fence. But some Trump supporters don't even care how bad Trump is. They acknowledge that he's guilty of everything he's been accused of, but they will still support him and vote for him in 2024 if Trump isn't disqualified from holding public office (the Constitution has already been violated by not disqualifying him back in 2021).

Secondly, it doesn't matter how good or bad my arguments are. If I reply to Trump, I give him exactly what he wants: attention. Trump is a narcissist. And one of the best ways to torture a narcissist is to ignore them.

I don't entertain the ideas of censorship and cancel culture.

Although there is a ven diagram that does intersect, censorship and cancel culture are not the same thing. But I do agree that I don't support the ideas, depending on the context and how it's defined.

I don't support censorship of any kind. But there are some that I'm indifferent towards and some that I will actively speak up against. For example, when the government demands that something be censored (except for situations like the classified documents that will be used in Trump's trial), I would speak up against that with a passion because it's a direct violation of the 1st Amendment. And when it comes to the government censoring social media, governments don't even have the authority to demand the censoring of social media. Despite social media being a public platform, every social media site is still a privately owned company. Therefore, the only ones who have the authority to censor social media are the owners of that site. They may comply with demands, but those "demands" functionally are just requests that hold no power of their own. When social media owners do the censoring, I have mixed feelings. I'm against it, but I support the owners' right to do it. Because it's privately owned, I'd equate it to a homeowner making rules for guests that, if not followed, would result in the guests being trespassed. So, I suppose my opinion in this sense wouldn't be about what's being censored but why it's censored.

Sometimes, there's also a misunderstanding of what the 1st Amendment says. Freedom of Speech doesn't mean you can say whatever you want, wherever you want, whenever you want. For example, there are what's known as "fighting words" (yes, that's a real thing). Fighting words can be treated the same as a violent action taken. Even if it's just an empty threat, the government can take action against someone who says fighting words without violating the 1st Amendment. But the point is that Freedom of Speech is complicated.

As for cancel culture, it depends on whether it's Left or Right-wing cancel culture. Right-wing cancel culture has nothing about it that can be considered good. As for Left-wing cancel culture, it depends on whether it's actually cancel culture or what the Right accuses the Left of. If it's the latter, the Left is just holding people accountable. And deplatforming someone isn't canceling or censoring. Yes, the left is guilty of some cancel culture. But the Right is far more guilty of that than the left.

Elon Musk has been the target of people who oppose free speech and are pro-censorship ever since he said, shortly before his purchase of Twitter, that he is going to turn Twitter into a free speech platform.

And you say I fell for propaganda? People who were against Elon's acquisition of Twitter weren't against it because they're opposed to free speech or pro-censorship, it's because many of those people knew that he has a history of being a conman that extends well before he even considered buying Twitter.

Personally, I don't care about what he said he'd so. Aside from his history of lying, it doesn't matter what you say you'll do, it matters what you actually do.

A lot of marginalized groups on Twitter have gotten into a panicked frenzy about that because they don't understand the difference between "free speech" and "hate speech" anymore and would like to ban and censor everything that isn't praising them, even if they aren't being spoken to directly and someone just talks with others on their own account.

That alone sounds like hate speech. But if you're referring to marginalized groups on Twitter specifically, Twitter is a breeding ground for toxicity. That applies even to marginalized groups on Twitter. It always has been, and Elon had done nothing to change my opinion that it always will be.

The old Twitter gave them that, everything they didn't approve of was removed or you got shadowbanned for it, even if there was only a single word they don't like in your tweet. But Elon Musk did away with that and allowed people on Twitter to talk freely again.

He allows the Right to talk freely. The Right, who never had their ability to talk freely taken away, the people who always complained about Twitter censorship, and the side that Twitter has always supported. For the people who actually complained about this censorship, nothing changed.

It's also been demonstrated that this is another lie by Elon. Twitter complying with government censorship has been bad before. But it hasn't gone down since Elon took over. In fact, it's gone up.

Since then, he's a target of pro-censorship people and they have spread lies and rumors about him, ranging from calling him a transphobe without evidence (that's always very effective these days if you quickly want to rile up a lot of people against someone, it now works almost as well as saying someone's a pedophile) or claiming that he bans journalists from Twitter for news coverage he hates.

I think you're getting "pro-censorship people" and "anti-censorship people" mixed up. First of all, no, calling someone a transphobe isn't nearly as bad as calling someone a pedophile. People who have been accused of being a pedophile, even if wrongly accused, has had their lives ruined even if they were proven in court that they're not guilty. If you're called a transphobe, you have an entire political party, as well as many religions on your side.

Secondly, as for being transphobic, I don't know how bad it is. But he does consider the word "cis" to be a pejorative, That is at least a little transphobic. It's like saying neurotypical people shouldn't be called neurotypical because it's just what's normal. It implies that neurodivergent people are abnormal, just like saying trans people are abnormal. Cis just means that you present yourself and identify as the gender you were assigned at birth. And the word is a lot older than a lot of people realize.

And finally, his banning journalists isn't just a rumor. This is something that has been confirmed.

I have been monitoring the situation myself since the purchase last year and I can safely say that every bad thing that's said about Elon Musk are rumors that people who hate him have invented in the hopes that Twitter under his lead goes bankrupt and offline. Even a lot of journalists and newspapers tell lies about him or intentionally write down only half of the facts to make him look bad.

I've done my research. There are too many sources that say the same things, most of them are confirmed to be reliable, have been fact-checked, and political bias can't play a part considering that a few of the source I looked up are biased towards the Right, which I specifically was hoping I'd find so I can debunk any claims of political bias.

Before Elon, Twitter complied with about 50% of government censoring requests. After Elon, that percentage has risen to over 80%.

Elon Musk is just a rich guy and not better or worse than other humans. And he has actually done a lot of good things that most wouldn't bother to do and at least tries to make humanity a better species. If you believe any of the things that are going round about him, you fell for propaganda.

You either have a horrible opinion of humans as a whole, or you're ignorant of the kind of person Elon Musk actually is. I'll choose to assume the latter. And we talked a lot about Elon's involvement with Twitter, so I won't continue with that specifically.

Let's start with SpaceX. Though as a company, it's not bad, and it's perhaps the one thing that Elon actually started himself. But the company didn't start with the development of space travel. And previous incarnation of the company, Mars Society, was still just a company that he bought into. I won't deny the good that SpaceX is doing even today. But there are still lies behind it all. And those lies functionally are the result of Mars Society. The lies involve his claims that they will be colonizing Mars soon, thanks to SpaceX. This lie is the result of his misunderstanding of what Mars is actually like and what it would take to colonize Mars, but it's also a lie that his followers believe in, despite the fact that it ain't happening any time soon (if ever). The negatives are hardly that bad. But then there's Starlink. It's a satellite system intended to create global cell phone and internet connectivity. Of course, this means absolutely nothing if services don't use those satellites. And because of how many satellites. Again, this could be the result of ignorance on Elon's part, but Starlink is little more than glorified clutter orbiting Earth.

Elon Musk was also a co-founder of PayPal (before it was named Paypal, it was X.com). And though PayPal is successful, that is NOT thanks to Elon. Perhaps this wasn't because he was a bad person, but because he was a bad businessman. But X.com was failing because of Elon. It wasn't until the other co-founders fired Elon and became PayPal that it became successful. Not the biggest thing against Elon other than debunking his claim that he's the smartest man in the world.

The Hyperloop, simply put, is just a vactrain, a concept that was proposed roughly 100 years ago and debunked roughly 100 years ago. But Elon keeps selling the Hyperloop despite knowing it's BS. And I know that he knows it's BS because of how many times he's redesigned it and claimed it as the same thing. The only functional Hyperloop is one that only shares the name. It's just a subway system, but for cars, and is so slow that you might as well just walk. There's no point in reinventing the tunnel. But assuming Elon does successfully reach the goal of colonizing Mars, that's a place where the Hyperloop could work because the lack of atmosphere would mean that you wouldn't have to artificially make a vacuum tube. But at that point, there's no reason to call it a Hyperloop other than maybe as a brand name. The only thing that would make a Marsian Hyperloop different from a regular Maglev Train is what planet it's on.

But let's move on to Musk's greatest achievement, Tesla. And when I say greatest achievement, I don't mean what he's done, I mean what he's stolen. Elon claims credit for Tesla, claiming that he's a founder and that it wouldn't exist without him and stuff like that. He was just an early investor. Perhaps you could make the argument that Tesla wouldn't have gotten off of the ground if it wasn't for Elon's investment. But he stole the company. Sure, you could claim that he bought the company by buying shares that raised him to CEO. But he then fired the original founders and more or less wiped their existence out of the company and took all the credit. And Elon does claim to be a co-founder, which he wasn't. So basically, Musk's greatest achievement was theft.

But it doesn't stop there. The only Tesla product that is still successful is the one thing in the company that predates his existence in the company: electric cars. Tesla (under Musk) has advertised scam products (I say advertised because one of the things making them scam products is that they never actually reach the market... AKA, they're never made (that's called vaporware)). Solar Shingles (solar panels designed to look like shingles, but aren't even solar panels), Tesla Semi (lies about how powerful it is, and likely will never be put into mass production because it's a scam), Cybertruck (demonstrated as barely functional as advertised), and self-driving cars (more people have died in from self-driving cars than from people-driven cars).

And I'm still not done with Tesla. The workers there are criminally overworked. The research and development team is often told to "make this by this time" by Elon. This results in the team spending days at a time, sometimes without sleep and forced to develop something that may or may not be possible within that timeframe, if at all.

And finally, though I don't agree with a claim I've heard that it's impossible to be moral and be a billionaire, I do get why this person has said it. When you have as much money as Elon does, you, by definition, have more money than you can spend in your lifetime. So why isn't Elon spending more money to charities? He's got more than enough money to help more than he does to people who need it. If I had Elon's power and wealth, this country would be a far better place than it is now. First on the agenda would be buying the NRA with the sole reason to eliminate it. That way, the NRA can't buy politicians and something might actually be done about school shootings. Second would be to buy Big Oil to get rid of that so that we would actually have a chance to fight Global Warming... there's a lot I could do with what Elon has to make this country and the world a better place. And it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what needs to be done.

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