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Familiar Failings - Update! · 2:42am Jan 8th, 2023

Kobolds, in my story?!

Stanton Raveel-Sharptooth is the scion of two different—powerful—noble families. His future as both a wizard of unrivaled potency and a werewolf of cunning the likes of which has never been seen before is practically a given. Walking the tightrope of obligations and intrigue to two major houses seems to come naturally to him, and as such both are exceptionally happy with his growth.

As he starts his second year of magic academe, however, he runs into a situation that every young worker of the mystical arts must face: he has to form a bond with a familiar.

Familiars shape the mage almost as much as they shape a mage's magic. From their simplest spell to their greatest, a familiar will be a lens for their power to effect their desire. So, Stanton attempts to summon the most powerful and memorable familiar of all time. What he gets is a cute little wolf that would be the perfect accompaniment for any magical girl on her quest to fight evil.

There might also be a wand.

This is a gender-bending story full of frills and incitement, with the theme of "anime logic/themes invading a high fantasy setting". Read at your own risk.

Release schedule (after the initial week), due to the 4k+ word chapters, will be every 2 to 3 weeks. This is an ongoing, commissioned story.

Contains: Transformation, werewolves, magic, no ponies

(RoyalRoad link)
Familiar Failings

See This Blog for licensing.

Comments ( 2 )

Kobolds, in my story?!

I actually thought about tossing that in as a joke question last chapter. Something along the lines of
"Do kobolds in this city ever band together to create a labyrinth, perhaps a dungeon of sorts, to guard and protect?"
Seemed a bit to on the nose and I prefer the "honest" questions that make readers think and get us more world-building.

Ah, young love. It's nice to have something untainted by intrigue and devious plots... or so it may seem. Also, Stanton's really racking up those extra identities if he's planning what I think he is.

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