• Member Since 25th Jun, 2014
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Dice Warwick

Dislexic tring to wright storys, makes gammer natzie eyes bleed.

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And all done and out, A Wastelander's Tale is completed!!!!!! · 3:51pm Feb 24th, 2023

Another story done, and another to wright, I'm amazed that I even got this far as writing gose. Dyslexia really made it hard to enjoy such things, but in the end the right story can change things. Well I hope you enjoyed this story, both the highs and lows of it. It started as a simple idea of a story where the main character had cardboards for plot armor, and they had to get back up from both horrible events and bad decisions. Then the story got away from me and became almost half a million words long. Still I worried, as it was the first story not just depicting rape, but graphic and brutal, with not just other characters dealing with it, but also the mane character herself. Then her abortion debate that went on and on. The fact that though her suffering was great, she was not the only one and most ponies in the wasteland would not care about her pain when they have their own problems to deal with. I was worried that the story went too far, or took too light on a subject, and still do, but I do think I did write the struggle to the best of my abilities, and didn't just make it porn.

well, there was porn in the story, I mean what else can ponies do out in the wasteland other then bang rocks together.

But ya, the idea was to show the Wasteland to be a traumatizing place to live. not all of it, but when you have ponies like raiders nearby, bad things happen, and you have no choice but to just live with it. Which was partly the point of Lottery working at the Red Light Showroom, where despite her trauma, she was forced to keep working, to keep livings. Something that most ponies in the wasteland would have to do. But what pulled her out of it was the help of a friend to get her to stand for herself again.

It's the power of friendship, but without the magical rainbow death beam, and more the friend lending you a place to stay so that you can get back onto your feet. It may not be much, but it may mean the world to your friend, and could save their life.

Now for my other project, and not the clopfic, which I should start going over soon. But next up is the return of Star Charter, with this story being fully from her PoV. I'm working on the first chapter right now, but after it's done I'll plan everything else out fully, so this one dose not get away from me. No, it's not going to be a long story, or waffle about like the last one. more strait forwarded of an adventure, all wile Star deals with her own burning rage and self hate. It sould be a fun story, well I hope it is, so keep an eye out.

Comments ( 2 )

Woot more star charter and the rest of the team from Desperados! I can't wait.

yep, almost done planning out the story, Just a few more tweaking and I'll be ready to get to the story.

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