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Fanfiction masochist. :B She/they https://ko-fi.com/presentperfect

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  • 6 days
    Fic recs, June 2nd!

    Fic writer Mica is looking for someone who can speak English and Burmese!

    I get to go visit my friend in the hospital again today, yaaaay! :D

    Oh wait, I meant the other one. D: At least it's not a relapse into alcoholism, yaaaay! :'D

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  • 1 week
    State of the Writer: May 2024!

    Didn't write nothing! clapping emoji!

    My surgery was on the 22nd, and it went well, I'm still in recovery for technically the next week and a half or so, but as of this week I'm already feeling back to normal. Which I have to keep reminding myself I am not, lest I overdo something and hurt myself. <_< I am at least following the discharge instructions, so no worries about that.

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  • 1 week
    PP vs. What I've Become

    Knight Breeze's What I've Become might not be a name you've heard before, but given its stats, especially the over 60,000 views, I feel safe calling it a fandom classic. :) Major spoilers ahead for a ten-year-old story!

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  • 2 weeks
    Fic recs, May 20th: Project Get! #17!

    Hey! :D Welcome back to Project Get!, where I sort my RIL by views and grab the last 10 on the list that aren't sequels, unfinished, or by the same author twice! I've been trying to do this a lot more frequently, but 'frequent' has not exactly described these blogs out of me, has it? D: I dunno if that could change in the near future. I've got outpatient surgery on Wednesday this week, so I'm

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  • 5 weeks
    State of the Writer, April 2024!

    It's another boring one! I ain't wrote nothin'! :B

    It actually feels lately like I've been crawling out of a pit? So maybe there's a light ahead? But it's also blocked by Balatro lol somepony save me D:

    The only other thing relevant to this blog is that I've had notes for a vs. post sitting in my notes document for probably the entire month now, what is wrong with me? D:

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Fic recs, March 20th! · 10:18pm Mar 20th, 2023

Whoops, found a duplicate! Midnight29 also read Posh's What Dreams Are Made Of!

Oh my god, two review blogs in one month! That never happens! :O

I went out for my monthly bodily torture session (laser hair removal), and it went a bit better than last time, so that was good. :) Now I get to sit and dread this nose surgery, and more specifically, the recovery therefrom!

Anyway, here's a shitload of audiobooks. My list is down to under 170, and that's only because I made the effort to get through a dozen in the last two days. c_c;;; No amount of prayer can save me.

H: 3 R: 12 C: 9 V: 8 N: 3

Swooped by Odd_Sarge
Reading by VisualPony
Reading by Lotus Moon
Genre: Historical Thriller
I find it very fitting that the first entry in this blog is read by both of my current extremely active fic readers. This is also a really weird one, and I had to go back and read it myself to make sure I understood it. It really all comes down to a single line about listening to the mares of her tribe (as this, quite obviously, takes place pre-Equestria). With that firmly in mind, I had a completely new impression of the ending. I will say that the final line was maybe a mistake, as this sort of exists to define its own main topic, and intent is a really important part of it. But, well, it's ultimately kind of fun, so I can't complain too much.
Recommended If You Enjoy Historical World-Building

The Black Fog by ForgottenDreams
Reading by Lotus Moon
Mature: Gore
Genre: Dark
With Ponyville enshrouded in thick black fog, Fluttershy waits for her animal friends to return.
This reminds me a lot of the story I reviewed last time about deadly rain. Fog isn't exactly terrifying in and of itself. But this piece does at least do something different with it, using it entirely for backdrop. In fact, it has absolutely nothing to do with what happens, save for having had a deleterious effect on ponies stuck inside for a long period of time. (Gee, no idea what that's like!) Unfortunately, what happens is… not really worth the reading. The writing has a lot of issues, most notably strange word usage and hollow dialogue that sounds more like narration, and it takes a hard swing from atmospheric and tense to grim and gory right at the end. So the rain story might actually be the better of the pair.
Not Recommended

Cookie Thieves by GalaxyNight
Reading by VisualPony
Genre: Cute
Shining Armor brings his little sister on an important mission.
Goddamn, is this cute. Stories about the main characters as foals, stealing cookies or getting into other childhood shenanigans, should be illegal, because they are cruise control for kudos. I will say, though, that for a thousand word story, the ending of this kind of drags. There were multiple spots where it felt like there was going to be a punchline, only for the plot to shift slightly and keep right on going. A minor complaint, ultimately, you know you wanna see Twiley snitch cookies. :)
Recommended If You Like Cute Shit

A Walk Through the Forest by TheExhaustedBrony and electreXcessive
Reading by Lotus Moon
Genre: Horror
Apple Bloom is lost in the Everfree Forest. And something's found her…
This was published in 2013, and I immediately love how early season it is. :) Focus on the Everfree and a few major characters, Apple Bloom trying to find her cutie mark, Twilight's doing some kind of magical science and is not an alicorn yet. Just simple fun. As a horror piece, it's, well, neither super tense nor super scary, but decent nevertheless. The last line is pretty good, too!
Recommended for Horror Fans

And What If Pip Fell Down a Well!? by overlord-flinx
Reading by VisualPony
Sequel to Luna Makes Toast
Genre: Random Comedy
Who is worthy to be Pipsqueak's friend?
It's been 9 years since I read the prequel story. <.< Don't worry about it if you haven't, I'm not sure anything could add context to this silliness. This is just a short list of show characters answering questions in more or less the way they would, and Luna being ridiculous in her answers. The punchline is definitely not one, though that may be because the character was obvious from the reading. It's okay?
Vaguely Recommended

Safety by Starlight Fan
Reading by VisualPony
Genre: Episode Retelling?
Starlight saves Spike from King Sombra's invasion.
It's weird, I have zero memory of what happens in this episode, and so I can't even compare the story to it. What I can say is that the writing in this is very methodical, to the point that it makes sure we know details that should be obvious via inference. And really, not much happens, so unless you know the episode well, this probably isn't worth your time.
Vaguely Recommended

Trickles 2 - Memory Sound by Glen Gorewood
Reading (part 1) by Lotus Moon, et. al.
Sequel to Trickles
Genre: Dark Mystery/Drama
Twilight and Zecora try to get to the bottom of what is behind the Nightmare Night disappearances.
So Trickles was a decent horror fic that introduced an original monster with some fairly unique details. Its sequel picks up, I believe, right where it left off, with Zecora dashing out of the Everfree to find Twilight and get help. Of course, the instant I bring up Zecora, dialogue must be immediately addressed. Again, the rhymes are decent enough, though this time the author goes to some lengths to avoid having to write them. For instance, Zecora's maybe second line in the story has a pretty off half-rhyme, which the narrative points out happened because she's under duress. Clever. And then she loses connection to her magic or something and stops rhyming for a while until she starts again. Though I swear Princess Luna actually does more rhymes, and I'm not even sure those were intentional. All that being said, the writing does leave something to be desired. Narration has a tendency to repeat itself as well as give us a summary of the dialogue we are about to hear. I was never not annoyed by that. There's also LUS and some segments of description that go on for way too long. But ultimately, the thing that gets me about this is that the story of the Trickles really is not improved via quantity. The less we know about them, the scarier they are. Though there is at least some very good and interesting world-building here. But unless you wanted the first story to have a happy ending (well, for Zecora, at least), I wouldn't suggest the sequel.
Vaguely Recommended

Passes, Please by TheDriderPony
Reading by VisualPony
Genre: Comedy
A new wing of the Royal Library has been named after Twilight Sparkle, and she's due to make the keynote speech at the dedication. If only she could get in.
This is a fun and absurd piece of bureaucratic irritation with a small but strong role for Spike as straightman and voice of reason. I like that it includes the joke mentioned in the description (read that comic afterward, of course), though I'm kind of of two minds about the final punchline. I mean, on the one hand, it wasn't really needed in order to tell the story. But on the other, it is funny. So, on the whole, a really fun and worthwhile comedy.

Deal With the Devil? by James Pwyll
Reading by Lotus Moon
Genre: Random Comedy
A demon shows up to offer Twilight her heart's desire.
This is pretty amusing, consisting mostly of Twilight's response to the titular deal. It kind of felt like the conversation was going on a bit long in the moment, but I can't say I've really seen this more philosophical take on this classic trope before.
Recommended for Laughs

First Bat's Problems by Samey90
Reading by VisualPony
Genre: OC Fic
Bat ponies may have a bad reputation, but there's something to be said for having other ponies fear you.
From the title, I had kind of been expecting a comedy, but while there are comedic elements to this, I actually appreciate it as slice of life. If nothing else, this is a decent exploration of living under societal prejudice, not deep, but definitely informative as well as creative. This makes it one of the few batpony-focused fics I'm actually glad to have read!
Recommended If You Like Batponies For Some Reason

The Princess's Speech by Greymane Shadow
Reading by Lotus Moon
Genre: Slice of Life
Luna has difficulty writing a speech for an upcoming event.
I'm not sure what I was supposed to get out of this, and I think that's because it feels like a side story for an ongoing series. Luna just so happens to be dating Twilight, for instance, a fact we're informed of only moments before it becomes relevant. In the same way, a friendship between Luna and another pony becomes a main plot point while also seeming to arise from nowhere. The writing is fine, and I rather liked the scene with Luna's secretary, but this either needed more in order to stand on its own or an explicit link to an established continuity.
Vaguely Recommended

Mirrored by JonathanDP81
Reading by VisualPony
Genre: Random Comedy
Sweetie Belle's latest magic lesson goes wrong.
Can't say I've ever seen "Sweetie Belle fucks up a spell" before! This is one of those stories that doesn't have much of a point (see the A/N for what it's based on, that probably explains a few things), ends very abruptly in an awkward place, and contains a spaghetti incident which is way funnier and more interesting than the body of the story itself. Like, seriously, this thing has the one coffee joke that works. I think a bit more focus and/or planning would benefit the author in the future, though at least I can't say there was nothing to enjoy here.
Vaguely Recommended

Celestia vs the SUN by Zemez
Reading by Lotus Moon
Reading by Midnight29
Genre: Random Comedy
How, exactly, does Celestia control the sun, anyway?
This is intensely silly, which is hardly a bad thing for a random comedy. We get Celestia's super-goofy cutie mark story alongside a demonstration of her power, and with that some sisterly bonding with Luna. It's kind of got everything? And doesn't overstay its welcome.
Recommended for Laughs

Oh, to Be Young Again by Pump It Up
Reading by VisualPony
Genre: Slice of Life
Twilight Velvet and Night Light reminisce.
This is a lovely little piece that perfectly encapsulates that liminal period when Daring Do was still fictional, and Twilight's mom was her creator. That isn't the focus, however. The meat here is just the depiction of Twilight Velvet and her husband's relationship, and it is excellent. Just a little bit of everything sprinkled in on top of solid character work is all you need to make a short story really pop.

Empty Words by Lumina Faith
Reading by Lotus Moon
Genre: Sad
I never should have opened that letter.
It seems very… counterproductive to review a story about an author getting bad feedback. >.> The urge, of course, is to tell someone to buck up and accept criticism, except — at least in this case — the feedback in question was, if not written expressly to hurt the main character, then at least without a consideration for the pony behind the words. The rest is a good depiction of how a little negativity can send someone into a depression spiral, even on a good day. Also, a writer doing her best to raise her own spirits with her own writing, which I think is neat. So not a bad story, and surely one we can all relate to.
Recommended If You Enjoy OC Fics

Professional Courtesy by Rainbooms Inc
Reading by VisualPony
Genre: Comedy/Mythological Crossover
At her sister's behest, Luna visits another moon goddess… and has a bad time.
Starting this story, I really wanted to know what it was a crossover with, and I was really, really hoping that not knowing the crossover wouldn't impact my enjoyment. Well, I needn't have worried: this is classical mythology that will doubtless be recognized by anyone, by the end of the story. And that's just fine, because the trip there is nothing but hilarious sisterly sniping between the princesses, and I always like that. :D This is a good'n!

Is It Too Much to Ask For by RebelNarrator45
Reading by Lotus Moon
Review #8100!
Genre: Coffee Fic
Twilight needs coffee.
Surprisingly, this is actually, like, the exact reverse of your standard coffee fic. Instead of "pony drinks coffee, becomes 'ecks dee rawr tacos' zany", that happens because Twilight apparently cannot function in the morning without coffee. Despite the fact that she does a ton of teleporting? Anyway, that's the entire joke, coffee isn't that important, you are an addict, please seek help.
Vaguely Recommended

Que? Sa Dilla! Cheesy Issues. by David Silver
Reading by VisualPony
Genre: Random Comedy
In which Starlight attempts to help Twilight.[/i[
If you were to task me with deciding which I hated more — Twilight being afraid of Celestia in Lesson Zero or Twilight being afraid of quesadillas — I would be very hard-pressed to make a true decision and might just vanish into a black hole made of my own spiralling thoughts. As stupid as the quesadilla thing is, using it for a ridiculous comedy somehow levels everything out into what I can only say was a fun and wacky story. No attempt to explain where this fear came from, which was doubtless an excellent idea. I dunno, I got nothing else to say!

The Twelve Nights of Hearth's Warming by Jade Ring
Reading by Lotus Moon
Genre: Epistolary Holiday Comedy
Sike goes overboard with Hearth's Warming gifts for Rarity.
You know what's brilliant about this? The fact that you already know what gift Rarity is getting next ruins absolutely nothing. If anything, you're waiting, breath bated, to see just how she's going to react. It's a hysterical romp, perfect epistolary fiction, and an abject lesson that maybe we shouldn't take old songs too literally.
Highly Recommended

The Sacred Fruit by Alaborn
Reading by VisualPony
Genre: Light Comedy
Much has changed since Luna's return. Even, it would seem, her ponies.
Boy, this one's strange. Okay, the good stuff first. Writing, pacing, especially considering the goal was to keep it to exactly 1000 words, and also someone finally used "night ponies" as a batpony name. :D Very pleased about that. Now, is there anything bad? Not really. Just the T-word. The rest is simply weird. Because this isn't tagged Comedy, and it's clear comedy isn't the point, and yet it's got a distinct punchline, plus batponies liking mangoes is basically a main joke? Like, that's the kind of meaningless twaddle I expect from your standard batpony fic by an author I've never heard of. Does it work here? I guess so, considering how it ends. And I do like the use of durian as well. I could see this actually wowing with a higher word count, but as it is, it's inoffensive.
Recommended for Batpony Fans

A Hearth's Warming Evening by NahB
Reading by Lotus Moon
Genre: Holiday Special/Shipping
Twilight spends Hearth's Warming Eve with her friends.
As holiday specials go, this is quite nice. Very comfy and cozy. I like it, even. But it does that thing which stories its age often did, where suddenly two characters are dating and very little is done about it. Like, it's mentioned a few times, but does it add to the narrative at all? I would say no, it only detracts. But then again, neither does it ruin the entirety of the effect. So… eh.
Vaguely Recommended

Teaching the Unteachable by WannaFlugelHorn
Reading by VisualPony
Genre: Random Comedy
Twilight signs Pinkie up for music lessons.
Not for the first time in the last week, I once again found myself hitting the end of an audiobook and going, "That's it?" This has a punchline, but it's so weak, it just feels like the story stops. And once it's stopped, you go back and think about where it might have been going and realize there's honestly no path here, no roadmap. I think this is a case of the author having an idea more than a story. It's at least short enough that it's not a huge waste of time, but it's still kind of a waste of time.
Not Recommended

Some Clever Title That Doesn't Make It Obvious This Is Just Another Stickbug Meme by TheDriderPony
Reading by Lotus Moon
Genre: Random Comedy
Queen Chrysalis comes to the Crystal Empire to seek her revenge.
This is marvelous :D I keep saying this, but it's the kind of goofy meme-centric story that I would write, and thus absolutely the kind I love to read. And the best part about it isn't even that there's more joke to it than simply the titular meme, it's that the way the meme is used in-story makes it so much better than I could have imagined. XD Also, the reading is great, because you get visuals and the music. :) Will you get this if you haven't seen the meme before? Probably not? But if you have, oh boy, fun times await!

The Age of Iron by overlord-flinx
Reading by VisualPony
Genre: Historical
I find myself having a hard time categorizing this, but that's because the writing is very… abstract. In a good way, don't get me wrong! This is a seriously poetic piece about a pony very, very long ago, who basically invents the process and tools of forging, and from there, metals. I was reminded, in some small way, of A Drop of Sunshine. Though short, it feels like it's got a lot of world packed into it. Very economical there! Worth your time.

Wish You Were Here by Jhoira
Reading by Lotus Moon
Genre: Sad Romance
Applejack is losing what's left of her wife.
Oh boy, you all know I am here for some sad horses in love, and this one delivers. Rarijack, very good, great little snippets piecing together a relationship, and a solid look at Applejack in mourning. And then the ending hits like a truck.

The Old View by Posh
REading by VisualPony
Genre: Comedy
Twilight has some 'exciting' news.
The centerpiece of this story is the relationship between Twilight and Spike. Readers who appreciate them being depicted as siblings will doubtless appreciate the snappy dialogue, and that's not to mention Spike's entirely positive and competent portrayal. Then there's the way this transitions from funny to heartfelt, it's just very natural. I was quite pleased overall!

Ghost Stories and Rainy Days by Sara Jaye
Reading by Lotus Moon
Genre: Shipping/Tickle Fic
Applejack shows Twilight where she normally waits out storms.
So when I saw in the description that this was written for a kink challenge, I just had to wonder why it wasn't M-rated. Well, it's just tickling. But it's a lot of tickling. A rather uncomfortable amount, if you ask me. c.c;; But okay, shout-out in the comments if you've ever started a relationship by telling or being told ghost stories by someone? I just found that extremely weird, personally. Maybe it's the Equestrian equivalent of taking a date to a scary movie and putting your arm around them after a jump scare? I guess it could be. Anyway, though this has that lovely season one nostalgia to it, I also couldn't help but notice that Twilight is not exactly comfortable around AJ, or more specifically, her barn. Not gonna last, this relationship, even if there is one. Weird story, but the writing's good. The Comedy tag is an oversell.
Recommended Only If You Don't Mind Tickling in Your Shipping

Hosting Mr. ████████ by Rinnaul
Reading by VisualPony
Genre: Random Comedy
Sweetie Belle has tea with an ancient, unknowable horror.
As VisualPony himself said, oh my word. XD Rinnaul's crafted a perfectly ridiculous sendup of eldritch horrors, with each word or movement out of the unnamed entity's, uh, "mouth" ending or beginning continually more existential parts of reality. I can't even, and it was great. Reminded me in a very good way of that one where Scootaloo's dad is Cthulhu. :)
Highly Recommended

Zap Apple by AponyfromspaceDeciphered
Reading by Lotus Moon
Genre: Shipping
Rainbow Dash brings Applejack just what she needs.
Oh boy, here we go, another story about the canonest ship ever. :| Okay, but I can't be mad, this was quite good. Very good AJ voice as the narrator, and a surprising amount of self-doubt as she starts thinking about smooching on one of her oldest friends no idea what that's like nope And this really made me realize something: If you just want to write a short fic about two characters getting together with a kiss? Have it be from one of their POVs. That way, we can see at least half the reasoning behind the sudden relationship forming. This was quite effective, though I have no idea what all the 'saucy' business is about. :B

Gull Sentry by daOtterGuy
Reading by VisualPony
Genre: Random Comedy
Watch out for your sandwich! There's seagulls around!
Oh my god, what a story. XD This is absolutely hilarious. The pacing and timing are perfect, which only amplify the sheer absurdity on display. Everything fits together, minus a couple of odd turns of phrase that, if I'm being honest, did nothing to dull the overall effect. A good time for comedies right now, it seems!
Highly Recommended

Shadowed Path by Jhoira
Reading by Lotus Moon
Genre: Sad Shipping
Rarity takes one last trip to the Everfree Forest.
So I guess Lotus Moon got on a sad Rarijack kick last year, and it just so happens that Jhoira had been there, knocking them out of the park! This is basically the flip side of Wish You Were Here, with Rarity being the survivor, though this is also quite a bit into the future. And really, that's all I want to say about it, because I quite enjoyed the whole thing and don't want to spoil any of it. :) If you liked that previous story, you'll like this one, too!

A High Price by Jhoira
Reading by Midnight29
Genre: Immortality Angst
Twilight comes to Discord's realm to talk about one specific thing.
Hey, so you know how I hate Fluttercord shipping? This is a great way to handle acknowledging that, yeah, there probably is some kind of tension there. Also, comes to a conclusion I haven't seen too much before, while implying a whole lot more!

Heart a Flutter by lunerpet
Reading by Lotus Moon
Genre: Shipping
It's Hearts and Hooves Day, and Twilight is feeling down because she doesn't have a special somepony.
Alternate title: Twilight Sparkle Is a Heteronormative Bitch Boy, this is about as basic as they come, even for 2014. I wasn't inclined to feel favorably about a story that spends this much word count describing major characters in detail. But the story itself is just your standard "Twilight feels bad because nopony loves her, until a secret message tells her somepony loves her!" crap. What's worse, she spends the first scene (post-descriptions) going to Rarity's, only to get the most banal advice ever and then leave immediately. Like the rest of this, it felt pointless and perfunctory.
Not Recommended

A Night of Her Own by Nightbreak
Reading by Midnight29
Genre: Episode Followup
After the Gala, Luna seeks out Twilight Sparkle and her friends.
Wow, so old it's under a thousand words! :O This, notably, is a detriment. I mean, it's interesting that the author specifically wrote 8 scenes of 100 words each, but there's not a whole lot you can fit into 100 words. Compare, say, Rarity's scene to the intro, which is almost devoid of content. But on the whole, it's not awful, and at least really short stories waste less of your time.
Vaguely Recommended

Hearts and Hooves Day: The Reckoning by Noir de Plume
Reading by Lotus Moon, et. al.
Genre: Comedy
Cadence is determined to enjoy Hearts and Hooves Day with her husband. If only she could find her husband…
There's something to be said about Cadence being very dependent on Shining in this story. But whoever's saying that can just shut the hell up, she was drunk and it was funny. :D Seriously, I enjoyed this quite a bit, it's got a surprise Derpy cameo that was super fun, and it's just really, really funny.

Report PresentPerfect · 420 views · #fic reviews
Comments ( 18 )

Wait, I didn't even read last ones! Ahh!

Just great actually, thanks 😁
Something very cozy there, I see!

Well, that's an even dozen stories added to my RiL.

Damn you, I'm trying to clear it out.

Author Interviewer

I am also trying to clear mine out >:B

Apparently I am enough of a dunce that I didn't connect the dots for your blog earlier today and realise that "monthly torture session" was referring to your transition. :facehoof: And nose surgery's another step of that I hadn't considered before either. Welp. :twilightsheepish: Still, least you're closer on the former – best of luck with the latter too!

At least you're keeping on top of the Fic Recs by 2020s PP standards! Hefty supply today. There's a few here I've read, but they're almost all exclusively short fics from 2021 I can't remember head nor tail of, and largely crackfics too. And the low percentage of HRs this week would support the takeaway that what we have here is largely frivolous, frothy fare.

Not that there's anything wrong with that. Just gives me precious little to say is all. Though I will vouch for Graymane Shadow's fic being solid, they're a quality writer.

Thanks for reviewing Cookie Theives!!!

I need to commission some more readings~

Not sure what to take from “an author I've never heard of”.

Finding a story idea that can be expressed in 1000 words is harder than I thought. This one was that the most popular art/stories/memes have batponies loving mangos, but the first one I remember reading here involved durian.

Man, Hearts and Hooves: the Reckoning has been in my favorites forever. Love me some slightly unhinged Cadence.

Glad you enjoyed Twelve Nights so much. There's a lot about it I think I could do better now, but I still have a soft spot for it. Plus it allowed me to use one of my favorite Aqua Teen Hunger Force quotes in an MLP story.

Precisely two of these I seem to have read myself. :P Gull Sentry I didn't like quite as much as you but did find a lot of fun, albeit very weird. Rinnaul's fic didn't click nearly as much for me as it clearly did for you, but as I read it five years ago and gave it a rather short review I can't think of the details of why. The other HR today can go on the RiL list, though, and may get read at Hearth's Warming. Which year, now that's a good question.

Also, what TCC56 said. :raritycry:

Wait, night ponies? Imma stealin' it, sounds way better and within naming convention.

Author Interviewer

well, it's just removing hair in (one of the) most painful way possible so far :B I'm sure the rest will be, if not more pleasant, at least more good than bad

the mango thing is just... so ubiquitous, it tends to show up as a main feature of people's first stories

also, I have heard of you! :)

wait, really? what was the quote? :O

I know, right? I can't claim to have coined the term myself, but I posited it once long, long ago, as a mirror of and companion to "earth ponies" (the other two tribes, of course, having single-word names and being named for mythological creatures). This is the first time I've ever seen it used!

Thank you for the review, always appreciated. It wasn't nearly as cheesy as the fic being reviewed.

Oh yes, the one where Cthulhu is Scootaloo's dad! Wasn't that co-written by Rainbow Bob? I remember liking that one.

Okay, I have to preface this. You remember that feghoot contest Super Trampoline hosted a few years back? I helped judge it. Lots of my fellow judges were very enamored with one where the punchline was a play on that very long word that's a title of a Mary Poppins song. I gave it the Billy Madison treatment (I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul) because it was straight-up plagiarism. It's a very old joke that the other judges had never heard before, and the author didn't even bother changing the slightest thing about it. Of course ST was surprised to see such an outlier score (there were a few by other judges on other stories as well), and he followed up on each to see what the problem was. When I explained it, he understood and agreed.

So... what that's prefacing... "The Twelve Nights of Hearth's Warming" does develop the jokes some more, like having Opalescence leering after all the birds, so at least the author did adapt it a bit, stopping short of directly plagiarizing it, but it's also a joke that's been done many times before, and this story hits all the same beats, even having the same twist ending. Apparently the original version was written in 1998. I became familiar with it through an a capella group from Britain (The King's Singers) popularizing it in their Christmas rotation. Here's a fairly recent recording of it:

Wait wait wait wait... I ripped off a book from the 90s that I've never heard of?! My life is a lie!

"You know that remote control car he wanted? Oh, he's gonna get it. Far up his ass."

Author Interviewer

Huh. I like the King's Singers you'd think I might know that. But it sounds like convergent creativity more than anything.

I wouldn't be suspicious if it was just a similar premise about the gifts annoying the recipient. Also doing it as an epistolary story is pushing it. Having it end with a lawyer intervening? Not buying it. Any one of the three is plausible, but all three together strains my belief, and the presentation is even extremely similar. I wasn't aware that it was originally a book, but in song form, it's been around for 20 years. It's well known enough that Sirius XM has it in the mix of things they play when the classical station switches to Christmas music.

It's not even that I mind an author adapting something into a pony version. That's nothing new either. But I'd hope an author would put something in the long description or an author's note acknowledging it. I have—as an example, I borrowed the mechanic of helping someone through emotional issues by coloring with a child version of them in their dreams from an anime series called Iroduku: The World in Colors, and I credited them for the idea in the author's note of the story where I used it.

You can imagine my utter confusion upon seeing that Empty Words was added to a reviewed shelf years after I stopped writing horsewords :yay: I didn’t think that story would get any attention, especially since it had just been a reaction to feedback I’d gotten back when I was a novice in posting content online. I was quite the pushover, but we all have to have that first experience that gets us to grow tougher skin :twilightsmile: Thanks for the review, and I hope you enjoyed at least a little bit of Empty Words!

Author Interviewer

I did, it was a nice change of pace. :) Hope whatever you're up to these days, it's going well!

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