• Member Since 6th Jul, 2020
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Soft Shake

I like the pretty ponies.

More Blog Posts6

  • 3 weeks
    Posting, yes, right, of course, that

    Yes hello hi, it's been like a YEAR since I've posted a fic on here. Long story short, I was worried nothing I came up with would be as good as some things I've already written, but I know I really need to start taking this a little less seriously and relax. Writing silly pony fics is meant to be a fun hobby. The thing is, I've still been writing. A LOT. But I don't commit to anything

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    2 comments · 59 views
  • 61 weeks
    About "Intermission"

    Well hello, hello, hello!

    I've been a bit quiet on here. Of all things, I certainly did not expect Intermission to be the fic that I posted next.

    It wasn't even in my list of projects previewed in my last post-- I don't think I had started it at the time. Well, rest assured, all those projects are still well on there way. None of them have been abandoned.

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    2 comments · 130 views
  • 86 weeks
    Updated Cover And Some Sneak Peeks (Also hi, I'm okay)

    So. Quick thing before anything else:

    Firstly, thank you to the few of you who saw my last post and lent me some caring words. I just wanted to quickly say you have all been seen and heard and very much appreciated, even if I didn't respond.

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    0 comments · 181 views
  • 90 weeks
    A vent

    This is the thousandth time I've tried to write a blog post about anything, I always write miles of words and give up and delete it. Every other time was going to be about fic related topics. This time I'm going to vent.

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    3 comments · 205 views
  • 107 weeks
    About "Touch"

    First of all: Trashie. Why isn't this a more popular pairing? I really don't know.

    Second: I wrote a strange one and now I'd like to talk about it into the void that perhaps no one will read! Here is the fic!

    [Adult story embed hidden]

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About "Intermission" · 7:52pm Apr 5th, 2023

Well hello, hello, hello!

I've been a bit quiet on here. Of all things, I certainly did not expect Intermission to be the fic that I posted next.

It wasn't even in my list of projects previewed in my last post-- I don't think I had started it at the time. Well, rest assured, all those projects are still well on there way. None of them have been abandoned.

But in the meantime, I think it would be cool to talk about how Intermission came about, the writing process, and even potential for a continuation of the story in some form or fashion, because there is a lot there to talk about.

So if you're interested in reading, I'm glad to have you!

And if you haven't read the fic, here's your opportunity! It's a pretty short one, and I'd be delighted if you gave it a try.

It happened a long time ago. Maybe it's been long enough now that things could start to change. Or maybe she won't be ready for a little while longer. Whatever the case, Twilight won't be going anywhere.

Spitfire is used to the dreams. Twilight is used to Spitfire's visits.
Soft Shake · 2.9k words  ·  47  2 · 818 views


It was nothing specific that brought it up, just a story that I pulled from all the the type of things I love to read and write about.

I love Twilight, and I certainly love the challenge of exploring Spitfire as a character. And I am absolutely obsessed with the idea of them pairing up. Warm, organized, self driven Twilight and fiery, disciplined, goal oriented Spitfire. It feels like they could balance each other out quite nicely with just enough in common and just enough difference. Intermission is one story of many in which I imagine them developing some form of relationship.

Another thing I love to read and write about is trauma. I'm not sure how to explain why, but I do know I'm not alone in that respect. In my case, for some reason I feel like it's something dear to my core values for me to be able to write about. The novel I've been on-and-off writing for a few years definitely hits that box. It's just something I enjoy exploring because I feel like it can be done in a way that's revealing, respectful and even sometimes comforting. Certainly one of my favorite kinds of stories is writing about the light in the darkness, some semblance of warmth in a reality that is primarily cold. And to do so without downplaying that darkness, without waving it away in the face of one nice thing that happens to that character. I guess maybe that's a form of self comfort for me, I don't know.


For anyone who hasn't read it-- The way I wrote it is a very straight-forward third-person omnipotent, present tense. I'll be honest, it is pretty blatant and clear-cut about the inner working of both characters detailing almost everything they feel as they feel it. The reason I was worried about writing it like this is because on the surface, as one commenter neatly managed to put into words that I found quite helpful, it can be read as quite "telly" when it comes to the whole "show don't tell" idea. And that's something I've been keenly aware of as a writer for quite a while now, to "show" through a character's actions and behaviors without deliberately telling. To put trust in the reader. In fact it's one of my favorite things about writing. So how did I end up taking this approach?

The somewhat funny story behind it is, the first hundred words or so was something I randomly jotted down on a notes app, unpolished and to the point just as a reminder to myself of what the idea was before I sat down and actually wrote it in proper story telling structure. It wasn't initially meant to be written this way and no one was meant to read it like this-- I was just jotting down all of my thoughts as an unofficial draft of a scene I wanted to go back and figure out in the future. But whenever I would go back to work on it, I would continue with that version of the scene just as a means to progress the story. Long story short, long before I ever got to the point of properly reworking it, I realized that what I was writing accidentally had a particular style to it, and it was one that I had never really read before and definitely never written.

I like how it just throws you into the scene without any context and pulls you into the core of the characters as if you've already been with them through the whole journey. It like that it feels intimate and almost invasive because the entire point of the narrative is to be completely transparent.

So I decided to throw caution to the wind and hone in on this method of story telling, figure out how to make it work.

In order to do this, one thing I did was intentionally try to restrict the "telliness" to the present moment, leaving the past and future as well as the broader picture of this moment in time to be primarily unspoken. This stemmed from my usage of present tense in the notes app that I originally expected to go back and change-- Instead I ended up figuring out why I liked it and tried to hone in on it.

Theoretically, might all of this have potential to be executed quite poorly? Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Is it possible that a lot of readers find that it doesn't work for them and that perhaps I didn't succeed in this strategy in the way I wanted to? Absolutely. Did I post it anyway once I got it to a point I was decently proud of just to see how it turned out? Indeed I did. I figured if I didn't give this idea a go now then I may never, so I might as well.

So far, I'm glad to report that it has gotten primarily positive reception! I really want to thank everyone who has given it a vote or a comment, as well as everyone who has even just given it a read. It feels so good to have another completed story on my page and to feel like I'm still actively making progress as a writer.

The broader picture (potential continuations)

I honestly don't want to say much about this-- Especially because I really like the way the fic is able to stand on its own as well as the fact that I wouldn't want to spoil anything if I do write a sequel or continuation.

What I can say is that more of this story definitely exists in my head and I am obsessed with it. I love to think about the developing relationship between Twilight and Spitfire, a deeper exploration of Spitfire's trauma, of the nature of trauma in general, and the way their lives continue together.

If I ever do decide to continue the story, it will probably be in the form of a sequel, another small project to simplify a much longer story in my head.

Cover (and art update)

Not much to say in terms of this particular drawing. I really enjoyed making this one, it was pretty relaxing. Although I admit I made it quite a while ago.

It's also just another two-character portrait with minimal interaction between them, because that is the extent of my art skills. Will I ever progress from this stage in my art journey? Uhhhh.... Idk. But I can say that I do have at least one other cover art that is actually an interaction between characters with faces to boot. And I'm actually quite proud of that one. The sad part is that I created it quite pre-emptively in regards to the progress of the fic attached, and that fic is quite the long one, and I may or may not ever finish it.

In even sadder art related news...

So, believe it or not, as of the moment I'm writing all of this, all of the cover art you see on my page (aside from She Knows) was created on a Chromebook. I don't write or do anything else on that that old thing because its pretty beat and very small compared to my current laptop, just draw. And while I did manage to snatch all of my current pony art and transfer it to a safe place, it is in pretty bad shape and may not turn on again for me to make new art. (Not to mention all of my non-pony art may be irrecoverable... )

So here's the issue. I really don't like uploading fics without any art because then I feel like no one will read it. I also just don't aesthetically like that idea. But I'm also too antisocial to reach out to other artists to ask if I can use theirs with credit and everything. (As some of you may be aware, I am quite a bit anxious.)

So what does this mean? It might mean I only upload fics with salvaged art from the Chromebook I've already made, it might mean I don't upload fics for a while, heck it might mean I get the courage and ask someone to use theirs, or it might even mean I end up uploading artless fics, idk. I'm just laying out the information so that we're on the same page. At the very least as I mentioned, I do have several premade covers. (This was one of them.)

Other stuff

As a little thank you for anyone whose read this far, and also as evidence that I have not abandoned those other projects, here is one small clip from the list of those in my last post. It's the fic that plays out the clearest in my mind and the one I've been the most focused on as of late. It really isn't much, and it is very subject to change, but it's something. Maybe I'll buckle down and finish it over the weakened. Maybe not.

One small note-- This fic does not have a salvaged cover art.

It does have a title, but I weirdly don't want to spoil it.

“Alright,” the orange pony began cautiously. “Explain what exactly?”

“Twilight’s being ridiculous,” shot Dash. “She’s obviously upset with me, but she won’t tell me why. I could barely even get her to admit she was upset at all! Why won’t she just tell me what I did wrong? Do you know what I did? You’d tell me, wouldn’t you?”

“Okay, alright, let’s back up first.” Applejack padded over to stand with Dash, eyes calm. “What makes you so sure this is about you?”

“She said I was incapable of thought and then recoiled from my hug.”

Oh,” Applejack’s eyes widened. “That’s… oh. Now I see.” She sat down in the grass, falling into deep thought. “So that’s what we’re dealin’ with.”

“You know what it is?” Rainbow fluttered over and sat with her. “Is it me?”

“No, Sugar Cube. It ain’t you,” Applejack swiftly assured her, almost as if she’d been prepared to have to say it for some time now.

Rainbow didn’t like that for some reason. She furrowed her brows and stared at Applejack. “Then…”

Anyway, I mainly just decided to write this blog to ensure people that I am alive and I'm doing all right. It's been a while, I missed this site. So... Hi! I'm still here, I'm queer, and I'm a-okay. Hopefully I can actually get some fic reading done soon too...

Thank you to anyone reading this. (It's cool to think someone might!) You're a real one. I hope you have a splendid day!

Report Soft Shake · 130 views · Story: Intermission · #Writing #update #art #Spitfire #Twilight
Comments ( 2 )

Thanks for these insights into the process. I always appreciate it when writers take the time to talk about how they write. We all get to grow a little by learning from each other.

Well, that's certainly an interesting way to go about writing a story, I must say! It definitely explains a lot about the narrative's style and feel to know it was penned in such a manner.

I will say, though, that you succeeded immensely and I'm very impressed with how it turned out. A happy accident, should we call it? How very serendipitous.

It's nice to see someone else who likes to read about trauma!

...Wait, that came out wrong. What I mean to say is that I, too, enjoy this... type of thing. I sympathize with you in the respect that it's not exactly easy to explain, so know that your point is understood by at least one individual. My story 'Libero' (or at least, the fundamental aspects) had hung around in my head for a few years before I finally started writing it, so I understand the feeling. My sole advice is just to start somewhere, bulldoze through, and do some severe editing later. That way you at least get something done, on the paper (screen?) and out of your head where it has the danger of being forgotten or changed somehow.

Know this: There's one individual (however weird he may be) that is very interested and invested in your future work!

(P.S., I was going to offer to ask artists permission to use their art as a cover for you, but then I remembered that I, too, suffer from crippling anxiety and excessive self-consciousness, so I'm not really going to be of much help there. To be frank, writing this message was hard enough...)

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