• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2019
  • offline last seen 59 minutes ago


"If you're going faster than the speed of sound, keep going faster." - DangerDean

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    Danger City Le Mans Hypercar Challenge

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    What are your thoughts on...

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Danger gaming moments and referencing my friends stories + Announcement · 12:42am May 8th, 2023

*racing in a Beltra LMP car three wide at Miami on Grid Legends*

"No we are not going four wide into turn 1"
""Then pay with your blood"
"Damn it, I was in a double-decked idiot sandwich"

*while making Dash City on Cities Skylines*
"I wonder if that like... Rainbow Dash coloured sports car is gonna come to my 45,000,000 popluation city.
"It says 45,000 in the game but I like to imagine it 45 million"
"Come on, I know you want to. We got skyscrapers, we got casinos, we got Uberschall 8s getting moosed by Rossolini Tempestas. Wait hold on, wrong city."

*racing through Mexico in a SF90 on Forza Horizon 5*
"Do you think the developers who put the SF90 in this game read my stories on Fimfiction?"
"It'd be cool if like I could like add all of the tracks from my favourite stations, XS from FH2, 4 and 5, Rocks from FH1, Vagrant from FH3 and Epitaph from FH3 and FH5 into my Horizon game. Maybe I should work for Playground Games and introduce my Excelsior X into the game and have like Dashie enjoy it and Oscura's ears bleeding

Also... it's the speedfreaks birthday today

Report DangerDean · 175 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

I'm a big fan of the game Fortnite. I was playing it with my friends, and we decided to play a game of "Danger Zone". We all stood at our respective positions and waited for the signal to start. Then I heard a gunshot and saw a bright flash of light come from behind me. Before I could even turn around, I heard another gunshot and then felt something hit me on the back of my head. I turned around and saw one of my friends lying on the ground with blood coming out of his head. I would also like to find the best NFL betting sites because I like watching NFL matches and betting on them could be life changing for me.

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