• Member Since 26th Mar, 2021
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Avery Day

Hundreds of masks, not one disguise.

More Blog Posts51

  • 2 weeks
    TMC LOG I – Surprise!

    In case you missed it, last night I dropped the first chapter of TECHNOMAGICOMMUNION, a fic me and NudistSquid have had cooking for well over a year now. You can read it here!

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    I. Story Stuff

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  • 3 weeks
    Alive and well(?)

    It's been a little bit since I did one of these. Figured I'd drop a little update as to how I'm doing:

    Pretty bad đź‘Ť

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  • 15 weeks

    Hey y'all, it's been a bit. Figure I might as well send out an update.

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  • 20 weeks
    Post-Everything [Next Story Info Inside]

    It's been a while since I posted anything, so I figured I would drop in and give an update on some things. Don't worry, the info isn't that far down lol

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  • 26 weeks

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Extending the Break · 4:39pm May 10th, 2023

Hey everyone! This one's gonna be kind of brief, but I figured I should say something instead of just letting you all wonder for however long.

I'm going to be taking a break for an indeterminate amount of time. There's a few reasons for this, but I'll go ahead and say that it has nothing to do with a writer's block or anything. Progress is still being made on CA and the like, but it's very slow progress, and it's going to be a little bit before I can get something presentable out to y'all. I'm not going to give any time windows or anything, but I do plan to be back This Summer™

Why am I continuing my break? Simply put, time. Right now, I'm a little swamped. My health has kind of taken a turn for the worse due to my own negligence and I've had to start working towards getting that sorted and under control again. (EDIT: I do feel the need to mention that I'm not in any mortal danger because of this. I have a manageable chronic condition, but I have not been managing as I should be and it's really starting to show. As of writing this I'm healthy and not experiencing any dire adverse effects, but that could change if I don't work on myself, and that's time consuming lol). On top of that, I've got a whole host of other personal things I'm working on at the moment, and as such, my spare time is rare and precious when I have it.

As mentioned before, the pace of my writing has slowed down by a lot. In reality, I could be using more of that spare time to write, but it doesn't feel right doing that. I need to be in good health and a good state of mind to produce my best work—to really write from the heart—and I don't want to put something out there unless I put everything I've got into it. I hope you all understand. This break is as much for my own benefit as it is whatever I produce in the future.

With all that out of the way, I'd like to go over just a couple more things. The first is something that's very overdue. My girlfriend and editor Nudistsquid put out her first fic on fimfic very recently, and I think you should all go check it out! Her and I worked very closely on this for a couple months, and I really love how it turned out. Perhaps I'm biased, but I think it's cute, funny, and very charming, and I hope y'all will agree. Minor cw for slurs, but there's nothing Truly mean-spirited about this fic.

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I've also set up a small bookshelf of works I've been personally involved with—things I've pre-read, edited, and workshopped with others which you can find here.

Lastly, if you're looking for something to read in the downtime, there's no shortage of great fics in The Spring Fling Contest entries! I'd give you my personal recommendations, but as we're in the process of judging entries, I have to hold my tongue. That said, I've been over most of them now, and there's so much good stuff in there. Click around, you'll probably find something you like.

Anyway, I'll try to keep this blog updated in the meantime so you know I haven't disappeared. Until next time!

Thanks for reading! :heart: :twilightsmile:

Report Avery Day · 131 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

Take your time and rest well!

Completely understandable.

You need to get yourself in order before things as high on the hierarchy of needs as horsewords. Take as long as you need. Hopefully that isn't very much time, but I only say that your sake. There's no need to rush, and it's not like it would help.

Your health takes priority over horse words Avery. Rest well.

uhiioadoifhafoai thank u so much for the plug babe, I keep saying it but u were ESSENTIAL in helping me get that fic finished <3. And obviously take all the time u need :raritywink:

Take all the time you need! Health 100% comes first; RL priorities are just par for the course. Doesn't matter whether you come back This Summer™ or That Summer™ The Shimmer™ won't go anywhere; she'll always remain, as will your readers who'll welcome you back with open arms.

'Sides I still need to get around to reading CYSWIS before its rewritten! So don't rush back too quickly! :heart:

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